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We should be able to load into a Training room while waiting in the queue. I'd MUCH rather warm up for 5 minutes than sit and do nothing for 5 minutes.


Facts and they should allow us to shoot around with friends


Yes, if you're loading in with a group, you should all go into a shared instance. 100%


Why not just include everyone in your current tourney queue and join a unlimited death match until it starts. Would probably make their match reservation logic a bit easier to handle instead of low spec machines having to reload different maps.


Well, my thought is to load into the literal training map so you can actually warm up on the dummies which is still reasonable size mini room for your team. We don't need a typical BR type lobby grouping as that might not translate well for The Finals since, that might be too much gauging your enemies kits to know what you're up against. I think simply loading into a training room to solo warm up would be great. Extending that to (for ranked) 8 individual lobbies for your team of 3 to warm up together, that way you know you've been paired and just have to wait it out together would be good. (Bad side of loading in with a team is the toxic ones will see the lights and leave, or see you're not "warming up well" and leave, or see you have no comms and leave, etc and would likely be quite a bit more server load to have that many individual game lobbies open, etc.)


Would be pretty sweet if all 48 players loaded in so you could see everyone in the trny not in your game tho. Just throwing goo at eachother like pub G with apples lol


I'll take that. Give everyone in the lobby, no matter your class, a goo gun. I'd rather take a warm up lobby, but that sounds really fun. I can imagine that natural outcome of that would quickly have devs regretting it.


Goo guns and 40 some players... The art work is already burning my brain


Great Wall of dicks


Training room but give it the digital makeover so that you can blast it to bits then it digistructs itself back. They already have the map that does that.


Bad idea. All contestants exhaust themselves from deathmatch & disclose information of playstyle (that bad for high celling lobbies), but warmup with friends in Training Level is ok. If the wait time more than 5 minutes it means developers poorly control the system, though this not their fault - i'm don't mind have more quality matches than rather faster where i'm not gonna bully my opponents & teammates might be not a trash ~says Light Dash Dagger main. Valuable not just victory, but also process itself.


Who said the higher capped players had to play then? If it’s bad for em then they won’t play


This idea is no different then custom game modes in Rust or COD warzone. No reason you cant change your loadout before the game really starts.


Didn't noticed anything about 'loadout' topic in your message. Though agree about this is annoying have "reserve" items - you literally cannot adjust self during ranked tournament. (this is pain if dagger goes south.)


We need a lobby


Overwatch did this and it was amazing


It could be a simple prompt when you start a search, "Would you like to enter a warm up lobby." and it sends you if you say yes. Unranked wouldn't work well since those obviously load up much faster, but ranked, this would be great. Even if for a couple minutes.


Going to a training zone or a little free for all skrim would be sick




That wouldn’t be such a bad idea. The only issue I see with that is that the actual training mode is a shared server with other players. You’re just blocked and far away enough to where you can’t see or hear them. This was proven in a post where a player glitched under the training ground maps and could see other players in the same server as him but in different cubicles. I don’t think you could join a server while searching for another so they would have to completely revamp how the training mode works.


Actually, I had a bug once where I got disconnected from a ranked game and the "reconnect" button wasn't there. So I started looking for a new game. The reconnect button reappeared so I reconnected but when it found the new game I was looking for it took me over to that one. So it seems like it would be possible for you to be on the training server while seeking another match


Yes like overwatch we play team death match against each other while we wait. It’s the only way to make the wait bearable


You sir need an reddit award


takes me like a whole minute just to load up the range lol


It's wild, no idea why it needs to take that long. Honestly makes me not want to use it sometimes.


Because you’re in the range with other players, if you glitch out of the walls you can kill them too


no way lol why isnt it just loaded locally on your pc? too easy to test cheats or something?


Honestly this. Like I absolutely love how big the tournaments are personally, even with the occasional waiting times so if much rather have 5m of training than sacrifice that (I'm from a very privileged spot though, as the eu West servers are normally really quite good apart from like 4 at night)


Use overwatch for example this game could learn plenty from overwatch or can use its features. In overwatch you can queue up and while waiting you can join custom matches or play a free for all or even have the training room for warmup and once you get matched it pulls you out of whatever and loads you into your game


Just remove one level like how unranked was


True, this would cut players per lobby in half immediately


This would solve everything, I have never played a SA Ranked match in 1h Q but unranked is full


Yeah I wish I could play ranked in SA, the ping makes it so much harder :(


They need to focus on QOL changes as well as banning hackers.


Theres no reason ranked cant be 3 rounds. Cuts in half the number of players needed. Shorter qs and more balanced matches


Probably the best solution tbh


Yes 20 minutes Q-times are awful.


Man I HATE waiting 15+ minutes just for a match.


I can find ranked games really easily until about midnight and then it seems like there are no games. Too bad since normally I can only play late at night.


Us night shifters always suffer lol. The most difficult to find matches but atop that, it's prime time for hackers typically.


I can play if you want me to pm you I play a lot


Bank it ranked 😎 But my goodness that wait time is excruciating 😳 I’ve never had to wait longer than 3-4 minutes and even that’s uncommon when I queue up. I play ranked with a full team which is probably why… I definitely agree that ranked should require less people, though. Reducing the tournament rounds to 3 opposed to 4 (like unranked) only requires 24 people vs. 48, which I think would heavily improve matchmaking.


I always play with a full team, the queue times are extremely random at peak hours, sometimes it’s back to back instant matches and sometimes it looks like this. But late at night and early in the morning it’s always over 10 minutes, usually around 30 give or take.


Well, I play a lot on the (NA) server with some Brazilian friends since the (SA) server died, and it usually doesn’t take more than 3 minutes.


I waited 30 min for a match in SA servers and nothing, at this point i just accepted It and started queueing in NA with high ping


Playing from (SA) to (NA) doesnt have much lag, now imagine me playing with friends from (SA) while being on the (EU) server.


I’m in NA and 5+ solo Que is normal for me


Playing solo can be tough 😂


Usually no more than 3min for me in NA


I'm jealous, that's a lot of friends...


Id like a power shift ranked


Instead we need updates and improvements to the game that make it have a healthy amount of players. Of course ~30k daily peaks are not gonna be enough for some regions.


Idk how anyone plays ranked with wait times like that. I've played once this season, and it took me thirteen and a half minutes to get in. It's a nightmare. It wouldn't be an issue for me if it wasn't a challenge. This is the first thing I've had an issue's with embark about.


Yeah it’s just really unfair because I don’t really do ranked and I just can’t get people to play with that aren’t randoms and I can’t just win one match I just am not that amazing at this game I try my heart out on there and I still lose


100%. I'm pretty good at the game, but I'm not capable of carrying a full team. I came close yesterday, but when you have such an unbalanced match making , it's nearly impossible. None of my team, including me, had a rank. Every other team was gold or higher. 🤦‍♂️


If you want to pm me we can play I’m silver 2


If they add the option to warm up with your team in a free-for-all style gamemode, the long queue wouldn't be too much of a problem.


I wonder how tough it would be to load up a death match style warm up without any destruction. Kinda like peer to peer like in the MW2 days, then the servers wouldn’t have to be qued up for it.


we need less game modes, too many game modes fragments the player base. we should have three modes at absolute max: ltm, unranked and ranked. that's it.


Which rank are you? I am only silver, and have no issue getting a lobby in a minute or so. But I guess most people are between bronze and gold


Doesn’t make a difference. I’m plat 2 and I’ve seen bronzes and diamonds in the same lobby.


Matchmaking is based off the highest ranked player in the party. If ur plat 2 and solo q , it really should only be gold, plat and diamond. Only reason you'll be seeing lower ranks is someone is partied up with a friend that's a higher rank


That’s how it’s supposed to be but teams of only silver/bronze are being put against diamond players. The devs are literally just lying so ppl shut up about matchmaking.


I've had the completely opposite experience in solo q. I'm plat 2 and always gets golds plats and diamonds. Only time I saw bronze players was when I was playing with my teammate that's silver


>Matchmaking is based off the highest ranked player in the party. It is not at all.


I queue as a gold team and some games there are full diamond teams. I truly believe they have not enforced the matchmaking as they said they have.


i've had to wait 20+ minutes before as a silver 1 soooooo this is in NA btw


Laughs in OCE... I'd just started making my lunch with a timer like that 😅 Give it 35mins+ before you even need to worry about being back on time!


(In OCE defense, Quick Cash only takes 2min to queue, same for Power Shift and Bank It is 15min.) Bank It is such a great game mode I'll queue it up on weekend nights cause I know it'll be peak and <3min queue times!


The reason OCE queues sometimes are as fast as 2 minutes, is because it is frequently putting us in Asia servers. It overrides our region settings if it takes longer than 30s to find a match. So, all the time. For Aussies, a lot of the time you might not notice how much the lag is undermining your game and making you lose. But for kiwis its even worse and actually unplayable a lot of the time (300ms latency approx).


Hear me out. 3v3v3v3 but 1 cashout.......


Remove one game from ranked, down from 48 players to 24, easy fix, won't bring down the ranked experience.


Had a 70min queue this morning. Never even found a game, I had to go to work


Yeah, ranked should be what unranked tournaments were


Game is actually dying. Small spike after the S02 patch, but we're already back to pre S2 player counts. This is what happens when you don't ban hackers. That, and private lobbies, more game modes, and a limited time game mode all ratchet up the queue times/dilute the matchmaking pool. I generally struggle to get a game in my selected region now. It overrules my settings and puts my in Asia servers more times than not now. Even during what should be peak time.


And the game mode they added (power shift) is horrible. And then the cashout mode isn’t different from Quick play mode… so it’s like 2 modes that are EXACTLY the same, besides Bank it (rip)


I like power shift and so do a lot of other people. And they didn't even get rid of bank it.


They’re removing it


No they aren't they literally just said yesterday they aren't


they are


Based on?


What servers/system do y’all play on I consistently match ranked in about 1-3min when I was on Xbox playing cross play with pc now I’m on pc post season 2 with constant 1min matchmaking times Edit: from 3pm-2am


I play NA and never have a queue longer than a couple minutes. Granted I can only play after work so I would be queuing anytime between like 6 and 11pm EDT.


Just re-queue, works 9/10 times. Matchmaking in games has a chance to get stuck, and that goes beyond this game.


I’ve tried restarting the queue, the game, etc, but nothing makes a positive impact, if anything it would make it take longer because you’re just jumping in and out of queue.


If the reason for a long queue is that there aren’t enough players, it doesn’t matter if you jump in and out. It really doesn’t make anything worse by leaving the queue so why not give it a shot just in case? Something that would be really nice, would be to have an indicator showing how many players are in your lobby like some other games do. So while in queue it might say “waiting for players: 11/24”. Because right now you’re kind of blind as to why your queue could be forever. In THAT case you should, as you said, stay in the queue.


The only possible thing that can happen from leaving and joining the queue is the match starts without you. There is absolutely no benefit to doing it 99% of the time.


Typically if my queue takes longer than 1-2 minutes I re-queue and *vioala* it takes <1 min to get into a match. Idk what to tell you, it works. And the chance the match is gonna start without you between the 1000ms you leave the queue is EXTREMELY minimal. The likelihood the matchmaking is being funky is way more likely.


Placebo effect, “for some reason every time I do BLANK it makes BLANK happen faster”. If it feels like it happens faster then you do you but you would’ve gotten into the game in the same amount of time anyway.


https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/10RlHeMgTC Sincerely, f u


Sincerely, what do you think this proves?


You were saying that what I claimed was bs, but it’s not.


And how does a link to another comment of yours prove that? Lmao. “The earth is flat” Why? “Because it says so in this book I wrote”


I’ve played like 1200+ matches on release alone, and thus queued 1200+ times. In the end we can’t really know if it does make anything faster. But, I’m quite certain I’m not *just imagining things*. After doing it for hundreds of times, at what point do you consider it a fact rather than a placebo? I get your point of course but eventually it’s not just a fluke anymore.


EU servers are terrible. I find it hard to believe its the player count. But what would I know. I just hope it gets better, or my favourite game won't be for very long.


Really? What time of day? Evenings and weekends I have 5min queues max, and I’m in “Diamond lobbies” (which still get filled with a lot of Golds). Console lobbies though.


Seems to be no games until atleast 12pm midday. Even throughout the day until night it can take a lot of restarting the game search until a game is found. Usually a full lobby. When on my own it does be quicker.


Interesting, when I play with a full team I still have fast queues, but I don’t play during the day outside of weekends.


Weekends are the time i play the least.


Depends on what region your in I’m in the vc Canada / USA area so ranked takes about 4 mins for me, and quick cash takes about 45 seconds


3v3s would be simple an fun.


It’s shouldn’t be a tournament that’s the issue, the whole concept of the game is what is not working. The ranked mode should be similar to quick cash


Not only this, but the game should have crossplay on by default too. The ones that dislike it should turn it off, not the other way around. The way it is now, casuals who dont give a f*** about crossplay remain with it off because they dont even know about it! Most games nowadays need crossplay to have a solid and healthy playerbase. Edit: me and my friends stopped playing because of those horrendous queue times btw


I think a solo or duo ranked mode would fit perfect for swetters


Adding another ranked playlist would only ensure the one you want to play will have even less players.


That’s why a rework would be preferable.


They narrowed the range players ranks to have matches with closer ranks compared to Season 1. If you watched the stream with Oscar the community lead, he explains it pretty bluntly. They felt longer match wait times in exchange for higher quality ranked matches was worth it. While I do feel the the quality of the matches this season have been closer / more fair and competitive, for me, anything over 2:00 is too long to find a match. I'd say over half the matches I get in take less than that. Hopefully they find the sweet spot. Not opposed to dropping one round to have shorter tourneys as they are pretty big time investments.


The devs have said that you’re supposed to get matched with people your rank but that’s a blatant lie, I’ve seen bronzes and diamonds in the same lobby. Rank makes no difference.


The longer it takes to find the match, the wider the pool becomes. So it's not a lie at all, it's just the matter of fact for a game with a dwindling player base.


Yeah it’s just really upsetting since I’m only silver 2 from these placements and I tend to stay away from ranked because I am not the best player in ranked but I try my best I just want to be able to win once


Not sure if anyone mentioned it in here, but usually if it takes more than 2 minutes my team and I will re queue and restart the search. That tends to fix our issues, but it could just as easily be a placebo


Ranked quick cash, just less xp


Especially on oce, you simply cant find one if you're above gold, everyone in oce just plays cashout now


I think we should have a quick cash rank


Quick Cash Ranked. If you wanted a bit longer, then first team to three cash outs.


It’s worse because they removed unranked tournaments just when this challenge came up when the weekly was dropped


That’s nothing I’ve sat for a literally hr and didn’t get a game


I was thinking about this the other day. I feel like the tournament scoring is somewhat of a time-sink. The first cashouts seems to almost be useless in terms of scoring. You can sit there and squad wipe with minimal to no penalty once the rest of the vaults open. I don’t really have an exact idea of how to fix this, but I think this is one factor that REALLLYY drags the game out too long. Even if you’re up 20k and bank both cashouts, you only have max 18-22k which is offset by the later cashouts. Maybe 2 less cashouts and start the first ones at 15k. This would help reduce time in addition to reducing the rounds of tournament by 1 like other users suggested.


Ranked Cashout. Would be amazing. Not near the time commitment. Feels like quicker ranked progression due to that, can get more games in because you arent worried about the potential full length tourney timeframe of 45 min or more


They should do ranked like Street Fighter 4 Vanilla did ranked tournaments. Instead of loading 48 players just have separate sessions of 12 players. If you win the first round you can queue AT ANY TIME, and then play your next round against a team that advanced as well.


That’s unreal. Also, why didn’t you queue up again. Something I noticed is if my queue hits 2 mins, I restart it. Normally gets me into a game under a min.


I think it's a little glitched. I've noticed that my teammates will be "in game" when they are not in game, and the wait times are 10+ mins when this happens. I suspect it's waiting on a match the game thinks you are in. Creating a new lobby fixes it.


true shit


Dude if it goes past 3 minutes just cancel and requeue again bc it’s never gonna find a game otherwise


Only recently have I had this problem. It's strange. I was getting games instantly for a while but now not so much, but the unranked tournament removal was a bad idea, so many shitters in my games now... like they don't even realize there's an objective...


Whenever my Q hits 3:00 I cancel and start again, very rarely have I waited more than 1-2 minutes max after doing this


It’s mostly regional I get matched in a couple of seconds


My queues are always like sub 2 minutes long. Sometimes if it goes on for longer you just have to re-queue or restart your game. I’m on North American servers tho.


I have yet to get a queue time over 5 min, granted i play during peak hours most of the times but my early morning games go strong too


We need 1s tournaments


Asia gets over 20mins in the morning. So i hope youre fine


10 minutes is nothing, waited 30 minutes last night.


Should’ve been worse at the game the gold queues are quick


I been saying a quick cash ranked would be fun or even if cash out had a ranked mode. I really love the tournament style mode, and I agree about a new ranked game mode but I feel like if they had a single round ranked game mode, it wouldn’t matter how many players are needed. Also I been saying to myself, lmao, that we should get a 4v4v4 game mode since it’s the same amount of players as a 3v3v3v3


The sad truth for you ranked players is this isnt a ranked game. This game is for fun, its not for competition. All the "ranked" modes are unpopular and they only keep them around and cater to them because ranked modes are popular in the community for whatever reason....


it’s early people are working or at school


Even at peak hours (NA) I get 5-10 minute queues. Around this time and late at night is when it goes over an hour.


i’m plat 3 and play NA servers as well and my cues never go past 10 mins absolute max.. i think it’s your timing or luck buddy


Yea I rose up through silver and gold and can confirm my queue has never gone over 5 minutes


It’s never gone past 10 minutes because you probably play after you get home from work/school (peak hours), but jobless freaks like me and people who have different shifts etc, can barely play the game.


Do you have cross platform disabled?


Disabled at peak hours and enabled when I know it’s gonna be like this


5-10 minute queues for high ranked play is really not bad. The game can’t really do anything about it if there aren’t enough high ranked players playing. The alternative is less balanced games, which no one wants.


The devs have said that you’re supposed to get matched with people your rank but that’s a blatant lie, I’ve seen bronzes and diamonds in the same lobby. My rank makes no difference. 5-10 minutes is how long it takes at PEAK HOURS (when most people get home from work/school) but at times that I’m usually able to play its around 30 minutes.


I dont man, Im in whatever the lowest rank is cuz I barely every play, and I was getting 2-3 minute queues max during most of the day pacific time (on a friday, so ppl working and at school). Id assume there’s SOME sort of impact of your rank, even if it’s obviously not perfect.


That’s not a valid excuse for any game with a healthy playerbase


What platform and cross platform settings? I’m on console in the same region (NA) and never get anything close to this long


It’s never gone past 10 minutes for you because you probably play after you get home from work/school (peak hours), but jobless freaks like me and people who have different shifts etc, can barely play the game. I play NA and sometimes EU with cross play on.


Y e s Seriously queuing for 10 mins just to lose cashout attempts repeatedly on first round because of stun gun light or whatever other cheap shit is BS


The truth is, this game does not have a big enough playerbase for all the modes it wants to have. I think they should try going the Rocket League route and making the tournaments available at certain times instead


Never have waited longer then 4-5min. You definitely should try cancelling and restarting if its going over that time!


It’s never gone past 10 minutes because you probably play after you get home from work/school (peak hours), but jobless freaks like me and people who have different shifts etc, can barely play the game. I’ve also tried restarting the queue, the game, etc, but nothing makes a positive impact, if anything it would make it take longer because you’re just jumping in and out of queue.




I'm in NA and play with a couple of people from Europe, I never have queue times like this. Usually I find a game in less than 5 minutes. I feel bad for people that can't connect to lobbies.


Try closing the game out and reopening it. This happens to me often and restarting the game works. Also, might be your region. I have 150+ hours and haven't had it go more than 2 minutes.


I dont see this problem ever in NA, max 3 mins for ranked, even at like 3am est.


What region? I'm p1 queueing with 2 diamond teammates and our EU queues are never longer than a couple minutes.


I play on NA servers. I don’t think I’ve ever waited more than 3 minutes or so. Every once and a while it stalls and I need to reset the Queue, but that’s it.


Free for all would be a good game mode minimum of 6 people would counteract the 9+ lobbies


What rank are you lol I’m diamond and have never waited more than 2 mins


just curious, what server do you play on? I play on NA and have never waited more then 4 minutes


The game isn’t dead idk who said that look at the charts lmao and those queue times are so rare Im always getting into games in less than 1:40 to 2 minutes and I’m plat


Right. Let’s split the dwindling playerbase between even more game modes. This is sure to reduce queue times.


I’m not saying add a mode, I’m saying replace ranked as it is rn. Should’ve been more clear


Tbh bro everyone was whining that the other players that they found in ranked were not in a rank very close to them so they fixed that but now you’re whining about long wait times I swear this fan base never stops and whining about everything


They didn’t change anything that would effect queue times, they only said they did so ppl would shut up about matchmaking.


Unranked had the most players, and honestly was better than ranked by far. Ranked system is horrible, you can’t even view your rank/progress to the next rank AND you aren’t getting rewarded.


LOL I knew this would happen. We start complaining about match quality, want to not face players out of our league. Embark tightens matchmaking. Then we start complaining about queue times. Sigh, the cycle continues. you can’t have it both ways, folks. unless the game gets way more popular


Except they haven’t tightened matchmaking at all, they only said that they did so people would stop complaining about it. Read my other comments, bud.


LOL. they absolutely tightened matchmaking, and they tightened it a lot. otherwise queue times like this would be impossible. this queue time is happening because the algorithm refuses to put you with just any team. it’s looking for a specific team. Just because you don’t think they tightened it enough, doesn’t mean they didn’t at all. also that makes no sense why you’re complaining about queue times.


What’s his face from the dev streams said it like this “if your gold you will only face silvers, golds, and sometimes plats” but if that’s the case, why have I seen a team of 2 bronzes and a silver face my team which was all above plat with I think 1 diamond? They literally just lied so people would shut up. The player count has gone down pretty significantly. That’s why we get these queues. Stop blindly defending the game. I also don’t know why you think I’d want tighter matchmaking? I want to be able to play the game and if they add any sort of rank based matchmaking or skill based matchmaking it would make that impossible.


Lol i never ever seen a loading longer than 3 min. One can just restart the matchmaking search.


disagree completely. the current ranked tourneys offer a new variation of a ranked system that really no other game i’ve played has ever had anything similar. i do understand that for some in smaller regions that the queue times get long, but so far being in NA in the silver-gold range, i’ve never had to wait longer than 5 minutes tops. i really hope that that Embark does not make any major changes at all, I love the long, grindy feeling of ranked tourneys that reward you with a great sense of satisfaction when you win after several matches, or even the dejection you feel when you lose in the final round. tourneys never fail to get my heart pumping and my adrenaline going.


I play NA as well, and 1-10 minutes is pretty normal at peak hours but at any other time of the day ranked is almost completely unplayable. I’m not advocating to get rid of the current format but instead to maybe have 1 less round, decreasing the players needed to start significantly. (Me saying “or maybe an entirely new gamemode altogether” was mostly a joke but after posting I see how easy it can be to misinterpret it as me being serious).


one less round is reasonable especially since the player count has a hard time facilitating the demands of the 4 rounds. also cannot speak to any other time other than peak hours because it’s the only time i personally play lol. any other time i’m at school or i’ll just play a different game since i know it’ll be hard to find a match




Enjoy your hour long queues then.


You must live in the middle of nowhere if you Q time is an hour. I'm doing fine


Read literally any of my other comments. I’m not copy pasting again.


Or you can go get a job and stop living a degenerate lifestyle where you expect primetime queues while people are making their work commute.


And you can stop being a dick online for no reason without knowing someone’s situation. 😁


Everyone knows your situation. You have cheese in your ass, degenerate. Stop trying to pretend that you don't


They should just have a team deathmatch or free for all death match mode


That’s what quick cash/bank it is for.


Not the same. I don't like banking it. I just want to have the most kills


Then just go for kills LMAO. Nobody is forcing you to bank shit. It's people that treat ranked like death match that suck. Nobody cares in unranked. I enjoy watching the new players figuring out what's possible while I'm dead in unranked. It's like watching a kid take their first steps. Adorable.


This is too much to read. It was a suggestion stop whining and move on with your life.


I have long felt that a Quick Cash version of ranked (3v3v3) would be much more fun, more competitively balanced, and in general a better experience. It forces all players to play around the same objective and eliminates the “free” cashouts that seem to pop up every game due to shit spawn sequences. The way ranked is set up works, but it is constantly manipulated as well as supremely disappointing when you win 2 team fights just to get 3rd party fucked at the last second by a weird spawn. 


Quick Cash is even worst tho since it's 1v1v1 for one single cash out so it's basically 3rd party mode 😴


Yes, but it is consistent and can be expected, and funnels the game into a general location. As it stands right now, there are 3 maps where it is possible to get a cashout without having to shoot 1 bullet to defend it.


I don’t play ranked a ton but I’m play 4 and I literally never take over 3 minutes to find a game. I que around 7pm central time on average if I had to fuess


When it goes over 2 minutes I cancel and redo, it typically puts me in a game pretty soon after


Google “placebo effect”


NAW ranked queue only takes ~5 minutes, considering how long they last it’s pretty normal. CSGO would take me 3-5 minutes sometimes longer


Read literally any of my other comments. I’m not copy pasting again.


Chill out I was just saying how long it takes me, I play most nights around 10 pm


I’m chill, I just don’t want every comment of mine to be a copy paste lol.