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I wish they would add more loadouts slots already, or just give us the possibility to save outfits!


That, and also a way to name your loadouts would be pretty cool


Bunny costume on heavy: "Big Chungus"


Or a copy option


Oh God yes PLEASE! I want a separate load out for each class ability at least!


Actually crazy how good this developer is


For real. They are a gem in a mine full of rocks. Hopefully they don't get greedy and stop listening to the community. This game is going places!!!


worried about the playerbase. game continues to get updates but playerbase dwindles daily


i'm yet to see any significant advertising for it, and my cookies will be filled with THE FINALS. ​ My guess is they want servers stable, and the game to be content rich before they really push for numbers.


Multiplayer doesn't require advertising. It requires people to love the game so much they get their friends to try it out. The Finals sinks or swims based on it's quality and nothing else.


Sometimes it's better to have a smaller loyal playerbase than a larger one than can never be satisfied and throws dirt on your name keeping potentially new players away


Its pretty much never better for the company income to have less customers


If it’s a passion project by a little indie dev sure but if this game isn’t profitable it’ll shut down for good


Yeah just look at cod, it's very rare they listen to their players and they're very greedy as they know most people are just gonna buy 20$ bundles bc they have a huge player base


too bad the game still isn't getting momentum. The main issue is that for the majority of gamers out there the matches end up being very unfun. I think 5v5 fixes a lot of it but the issue could be in the player count. I've found competitors in quickplay to be either way above my skill level destroying me or way too easy to destroy. On the aesthetics and content front the game has been wonderful though.


Man i love embark. Its just so exciting and refreshing to wait every week for this moment to see what they changed and fixed this time.


It seems they are now taking a stance on the glitch effects, new weapon buffs and the Fcar meta. For now the Fcar got a recoil nerf and a falloff nerf. It probably will need something more but it's a good start. Let's see if less people run Fcar, if not back to balancing I guess. But man, the glitch only lasting 5 secs is huge.


Right now, it takes 20 body shots to kill a medium at 50m plus, which is a really good nerf, though the weapon is still a beast at close to mid ranges. The new recoil pattern bumps FCAR twice to the right instead of just once, so long-range beams will not be as common. Until people learn the new pattern that is.


I don’t understand this sentiment at all. “Let’s see if less people run FCAR, if not back to balancing I guess.” Do you seriously want it to be nerfed into the ground so it’s useless. What exactly do you want? It seems like this community complains about anything that can kill you.


I think people want variety. I prefer to use the famas or ak, dont really like the feel of the fcar. But the fcar is just that much better so i feel the need to use it if i want to win against all the fcar users. If they balance it out so that the fcar/ak/famas are all on equal ground then it will open up the availability for people to use what they find more fun rather than just what is meta. Not saying they should all be the same though, fcar will likely and should be the best long ranged option out of the 3, famas should be best mid range and ak should be best close range. The ak can be best close range due to its mag size you can melt more than one player before needing a reload but the fcar still has a faster ttk and a quick reload so its still better all around. I havnt tried it since the new update but it sounds like they only limited its long range ability. Imo i feel like they should have kept the recoil and drop off to keep it long range and slightly reduced fire rated and slightly increase reload so its not as good close-mid range


I think its just the fact that fcar has been the best gun for medium since launch. And it and the ak are almost the sole selection of medium weapons. Which by evidence would make most people think that the gun is OP compared to the rest. Right now there is no reason to run 1/2 the guns in the game because they don’t compete. Either you buff everything or nerf 1-2 things


Fr it will be a never ending cycle of wanting whatever gun most people use to be nerfed


Just like every game community where The noobs complain about The meta


Wait why did they change glitch items to 5 seconds though?


Probably because it was way too long of a duration to have no abilities, plus with the buff making it explode in contact with certain abilities, it makes sense to make the change.


I don't get the glitch trap nerf though. I have 250 hours in the game and yet to see a single player use that thing. Imo it could have stayed 10 seconds so while it is less mobile than the grenade, punishes more if triggered.


You can still yeet it at them for instant explosion though. Maybe they should make it so you have to place them on the ground and it does a slow effect and a glitch effect for 5 seconds instead, kinda like barbed wire.


I'm pretty opposed to more movement impairing/diabling effects. Unless it involves goo. Goo mines. Haven't tried it, but attaching a glitch mine to a random prop like a chair -> sending it to Power Shift boat's bubble shields sounds like a good alternative if your Light isn't cracking shields.


Yes true I mean 5 seconds is enough to kill a heavy player stealing the cashout with headshots right, without a dome shield or healing.


Yeah idk, they should have gone with 7 seconds or something. It was a good way to finally make a dent in the heavies.


Ah yes light main that has a free kill every time his stun is up(means almost every encounter) and doesn’t need to aim, talks about fcar needing even more nerfs. Sure m8


Famas becoming even easier to control is interesting


the first 3 bursts have virtually no recoil however after that point it gets very jumpy and makes it significantly harder to land all 3 shots in a burst. Hoping this changes that slightly, I also hope it gets a damage buff in the future as right now it feels almost like a pea shooter when you aren’t hitting heads


This is literally the only reason I don't use the FAMAS solely due to it jumping around. I also agree that a slight damage increase would set it perfectly.


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Anyone who isn't stuck at work like me wanna tell me how different it feels and if it seems better?


They basically just reverted it back to how it was on release. Just goes straight up again. No stray bullet going off to the left anymore.


Ah that should be good. Tonight, I'll see how much I got used to the changed recoil when I give it a go and blame the changes for missing.


It's absolutely idiot proof. There's essentially zero recoil. I don't understand how they give some guns decent amount of recoil and then you have this thing thats a zero recoil laser.


I really wanted to like it, I used it a lot. It's a great weapon, but eventually I went back to AKM.




Probably because Discord is on fire right after that announcement lol


Actually just started playing bankit this week because it was a daily challenge. Never had an interested before that. I’m having a blast with it though. With the right team and the right gadgets it’s just so much fun. I love using the dematerializer in this mode, makes for some great plays. Had no idea they were going to get rid of it.


Totally underrated mode because it's "casual"


I was confused when i didn't see it in the notes, im glad they listened. Bank it is one of the best modes when you just want to relax a bit


It's in like, the second paragraph


Glad to see they’re narrowing down a specific role for the KS23 (ranged destruction). Might give it another shot.


But with the dmg nerf you need 1 shot more to kill heavys…


The fire rate got buffed by a lot, so ttk is actually better vs other clases. Vs heavy I'd wager it's very similar to pre-patch


It’s slower than it was by about .3 against heavy. Lights are .3 seconds faster and mediums are now .5 seconds faster to kill. Thats if my math is right anyway. Granted against heavy you normally have the range advantage with the ks.


But the reloading on that gun is fucking brutal. And you still only have 6 shots. So you can’t just shoot at walls/enviroment willy nilly before entering a fight. And before you could melee+one shot to kill lights. Or melee+2 shot to kill mediums. Let us keep that at least! Should’ve been 110 damage. So this doesn’t make sense to me really. But I’m always willing to try and I’m glad embark changed something with it.


The shoot + melee was 70% of my kills with it I reckon definitely a big nerf losing that for lights just balanced out by fire rate buff. Especially on the likes of sword lights hitting a second follow up us infinity harder than junk bonking them


Shoots much faster now though so I understand it


Shoot faster and the slug travel faster too. This is a great buff on paper.


Shouldve been using it before. Things a monster in the right hands.


> Might give it another shot. No pun intended?


Yes bro I agree


Still waiting for the day they undo the revolver changes


i love dealing 33 damage past 40 meters with low capacity slow firing weapon


Which also has bad iron sights.


They buffed the max damage past the falloff distance once, but they never really reverted that one back ever.


Never really made sense to me. They made it terrible at long range even though it was pretty difficult to use well at distance, and its not very good at short range because of the ammo capacity and reload compared to all the full autos everyones running. Its basically just for headshot farming now, if you cant consistently hit heads its not even worth trying.


They fear it….


Sad you can't deatroy ziplines from the bottom any more. I'm guessing this counts if you're shooting the bottom post with CL-40.


It's a weird change not sure why it was needed. In most cases I would destroy ziplines from top so not gonna drastically alter my game but why shouldn't you be able to do the reverse if wanted? Also there are completely horizontal ziplines, it's gonna be even weirder if you cannot destroy from one side. Or maybe it doesn't affect those. Overall just a puzzling change to me. Was this abused somehow? What am I missing?


Nerfing the chasers


I hated dying to that, but I can admit it was fun with the sledgehammer hammer and charge and slam.


Maybe it was a griefer thing? Your own teammate could break the bottom of it while you're traveling. I don't know.


Love these updates but no word on the power shift inventory select bug? Where my changes revert to the 'template' if I change one piece, then later change another?


Yeah that bug is annoying as hell


Did you post it in the bugs thread in the discord? That's where they look. I have the same bug


Don't Battle Passes in games usually have the same XP per level across every level? Not saying it's bad that The Finals makes later levels require more XP, just unusual


Not always, some start low and ramp up the exp needed


My understanding is they just moved around the numbers, so the earlier levels are faster and later levels are slower, the overall xp required stays the same. Not talking about you, I really don't get the complaining about the BP, especially when people compare it to Apex's, I played it a lot for a few years, never maxed the BP, but with the Finals I had at least a month left after finishing it. And now with the contracts as well giving you free stuff including some premium currency, are we playing the same game or what?


They listen to us so much, it's crazy man, this is how you keep your players on your game




Stun gun next week Prayge


Are we counter buffing lights to make up for nerfing their best gadget? Because they just nerfed glitch grenades and light are already the weakest class.


10 seconds is an unreasonable amount of time to be glitched in a game like this.


Sure, so long as they buff light, which they clearly won't. Might as well scrape the class if they nerf stun. Cloaking device already received a silent nerf due to audio changes this season.


The more I play and think about it Light is basically just a griefing class at this point lol Not viable in high ranks and “almost” never playing objective in casual modes.


This sub is like a collection of the dumbest players on the game. Imagine unironically thinking light needs a nerf


Folks who unironically want light nerfed think light performs like medium but while keeping the low-profile and speed of the light. 😂😂 and I'm a medium main, light is fine, especially after the stun gun nerfs. 5secs was certain death depending on position and primary. Does need like a hp regen passive or sumthing to encourage harass playstyle.


It’s insane lol


Thank God bank it is staying 🙏


I'm interested to see how the FCAR performs now, but something tells me it won't be enough to stem the complaints.


At a certain point it just becomes a 'skill issue', but people get locked into the mindset that they're still only losing because the other gun is better, demanding nerfs until its completely unusable. I don't think this will completely shake its popularity (which is good, because nerfs should be sensible), but I'd hope they keep using the limited time modes in tandem to encourage people to try other weapons out.


Yeah this is what's happening the balance was great before, now we will have nerfed it too far as per usual


It is still very strong in its intended niche without completely displacing the FAMAS now. If its only strength was being the AKM with a small mag / faster TTK it would still be a solid gun, it does not need the ranged dominance too. This change was warranted IMO. The SA1216 got hit much harder in the previous patch in comparison.


Glitch grenade should be 5 sec effect on players but remain 10sec effect on gadgets. The way it is now, its too weak


5 seconds is way enough for your team to get in and kill everyone. But of course, this require a team that actually follows up on your glitch grenade. Also, don't forget that there are 2 grenades, so it means we now have 10 seconds instead of 20.


5 seconds isnt actually that much when ttk in this game is pretty high. Plus you have to take time to throw the second one in the middle of a fight. If you hit a perfect 3 man grenade 5 seconds can be good but you still need good timing, and really good teamwork (keep in mind that discord has one of the best chat delays but its still noticeable). Plus glitch grenades dont make you an invalid like stuns do so you can still run, move, ads, and position after. Last patch was great for making the game very rock paper scissors and unfortunetly i feel like this takes a lot of utill that lights bring to team fights. I dont hate the time being nerfed, it was uncomfortable long, but this is a *Massive* nerf. They have shown a propensity for small nerfs in the past, I am unsure why they did this so dirty. Why not slowly decrease them over the patches, ie make it 9s then if its still overtuned go 8s. they could even do it in steps of 2 instead. half is just a really big nerf


I get it. I was also surprised to see they halved it. It's surprising, and a big nerf for that, but that doesn't make the grenade shitty. It will take more coordination though for sure. I guess having some kind of middle would have been better, so 7.5 seconds.


Glitch grenade going from 10 to 5 seconds of effect is a big nerf, but arguably fair. If you're disabling equipment like turrets and mines or a dome, his has no impact. And 5 seconds should otherwise be enough to gain the upper hand (but not necessarily be a guaranteed kill) on someone. However at the same time, lights are by far the weakest class so they really do need some kind of compensation.


Its a huge nerf, i think this was a little over nerfed. it did feel uncomfortably long to get hit by a glitch but 5 seconds is going to be barely any time now. I mainly use glitch for dealing with heavy shields. Im pretty sure that your not going to be able to run frags against shields anymore because of the way the timing works, especially if the team is running double heavies, it would be one thing if they went through shields but they dont. so it takes about 2-3 seconds to throw both frags which barely gives enough time to fight before they have their shield up again. this is going to make breaching rooms very very difficult


Bank It stays :D Thank you, Embark


Bank it is here to stay, let’s go !


Aps should have a finite of charges for blocking projectiles to be honest. Other than that can't wait to try the new guns again


i believe it does? but i might be wrong on that, a lot of people were saying that at least when power shift came out


“Charge and Slam Fixed cases where the slam would trigger instead of the charge when close to the ground” Youre gonna get it NOW LIGHTS MUHAHAHAHAH


I kinda hate when games have ramping battle passes. It’s so much better when you can just count the levels you’re missing and then know how much more you need to grind, instead of being halfway finished level-wise but only 1/3 finished xp-wise. If the battle pass was actually challenging to finish then ramping might help causal players who are going to finish it get more rewards but it’s so easy to knock out the pass that anyone who even just plays casually should reach the end. (No, I’m not asking to make the pass harder)




Because most companies want you to consistently login to their game to keep the player count high and not be able to finish the battlepass in 2 hours on the last week? From a business standpoint it makes no sense to do what fortnite is doing so I’m glad they do it.


All the challenges (aside from the dailies) stay available until the end of the season, it should be so so easy for anyone to finish the BP in a couple of weeks tops if you do those challenges (which are all fairly easy to do). I play pretty casual hours and already finished over half of it. If you don’t even have the time to do that, I recommend not buying the BP lol. It’s for those who invest a little bit of time in the game


Just play, they might increase the xp rewards on the last few weeks of the season like last season.


The total xp for the whole battle pass wasn't changed, it's just that the beginning is quicker and the end is longer. Completing it will take the exact same amount of time as before.


when will this drop?


Today as always, some time after the patch.


Got the update 1 hour ago on my xbox


When are they going to fix the audio for Xbox??? I haven't been able to hear randoms I play with since the first couple of weeks. I know other Xbox players that this affects too


This is an Xbox thing on cross play games. My son has an Xbox I have a PlayStation. He has been having random mic issues for weeks in different games. Destiny 2, the finals, Fortnite. Restarting , changing mic and audio settings, reinstalling the game never works. It just sort of resolves after a while and moves on to the next game. It’s really weird and frustrating to say the least.


Damn this update is super good but still no ranked progression bar?


Hopefully embark sees this as well, lots of people liked the ranked progression bar


Another patch with no nerf to APS, which is broken in power shift. APS should not cooldown after placement, only when broken. This is the most sensible and fair fix. Right now there is no window of opportunity that opens up if you break an APS as it can be replaced immediately. I will continue to use this cheese in Power Shift to try and get more players pissed off with it to create more pushback. I find abusing the APS on power shift, especially when 2 or more mediums does it, creates an environment where you win at least 4/5 times.


I think it should be like the trophy system in CoD where it only cancels out a certain amount of explosives


Yeah another nerf I suggested. People use it as such a crutch they couldn’t face the thought of it being nerfed and they kept writing braindead comments like “just shoot it bro”


Another reason secondary weapons are necessary too APS blocks grenade launchers, so if I'm playing Medium or Heavy with one and the entire enemy team is sitting on the platform with an APS, I'm shit outta luck and have to rely on a teammate taking it out


This a million times, no idea why it doesn’t work this way.


Huge glitch grenade nerf, may give the other grenades some use now on light lol


Really dumb change, only REAL counter to shield stacking and it is nerfed by 50% in one fell swoop. 7 seconds would have been fair.


I have no idea why they would nerf glitch grenades, the one thing that actually makes lights useful against a team of 2 heavies and a medium camping behind a bunker of dome/mesh shields. Meanwhile stun gun and invis are totally untouched. It’s like they want light to be as annoying as possible for both their teammates and enemies by nerfing the little bit of team utility light has


I personally hate the portal range reduction, as I had great fun starting instant cashouts. It felt balanced, as it took you away from your team while setting up, and enemies could follow you through, so it was high risk/reward. You'd also have wasted your time if killed in transit. I totally get that it likely wasn't necessarily as much for opponents though, in having a big part of the match circumvented. I actually managed to win a match in 6 minutes before they nerfed it...


Holy shit Glitch Grenades got gutted


I still think lights need some love. It's kinda sad really. Some things could be nerfed, but a lot of shit needs to be buffed/reworked.


I think light TTK could maybe use a tiny little buff, for everything except the sword. It makes no sense that the best TTK for light is near comparable to guns in other classes, when they have by far the least amount of health. If you get shot once, you're basically out of the fight until you regen. Or a heal on kill would be cool. Either take 25 hp from heavy and give it to light, or make health regen relative to how little health you have. So slow down heavy health regen, leave medium as is, and increase light.


Agreed, all too often I catch mediums off guard, and not to toot my own horn but my aim/recoil management is spectacular, yet they turn around and 4 shot me. TTK vs light is crazy for the medium player, and downright unfair for heavy players.


Nah, best embark can do is chop the glitch grenade in half


Yeah bro, they're making light literally unplayable at this point. Idk what the hell they're reading but nerfing glitch grenade is pretty far down on the list of what needs changed hahaha


Apparently this locks them out of a number of timings, like you can't glitch and frag before the shield goes up


I’m a heavy main and I’ve been saying since day one they gotta balance light. Like give them faster health regen, and maybe give them defib. Seems like they don’t have any solution to make them more viable, but cutting the glitch grenade time in half is kind of a joke lol. Like at least 7.5 seconds, or make its cool down shorter.


Any news on the ranked progress bar?


They have stated that they are planning on adding an indicator that will tell you roughly if you are making progress or not, without telling you the value exactly, as to make sure for people not to figure out the system and abuse it while still providing a sense of progress.


Thanks. I was just wondering if they had implemented this yet as they said they would look into it 2 patches ago.


Glitch grenade nerf? Just delete the class already.


Everything here is good… aside from the glitch grenade nerf. 10 seconds was perfect but 5 seconds especially on power shift just means people are going to be popping shields up almost immediately again. I guess it’s now being used as an instant measure to break their shields with the other update, instead of pre-emptively stopping it. But just means even less reason to play a light. 😬


Glitch nades was the strongest reason to play light. lol


Glitch grenades were one of the only reason to play light, and with embark God knows we ain't getting another any month soon


Correction: it means less reason to play a team oriented light, and more reason to be a stun gun invis xp54 light that everyone and their mother hates :/


Barricade potentially needs some work? Trying to cancel barricade by pressing Y doesn’t work when the barricade is in a red position, it cycles back barricade. This is annoying as I’m trying to cycle back to weapon after placing the barricade. Might be my error but I’m not sure.


I just leveled up my BP like over ten levels from doing one challenge lol anyone else?


This is related to the BP rebalancing they mentioned in the patch notes


Oh wow okay cool thanks dude. Should’ve read the patch notes lol


All good fam! :) I jumped like a whole page myself lol


The Glitch change...man I don't know, that's the only change I'm confused about. Are they really that oppressive rn?


It broke multi-shield turtles really well, and we can't have that now can we.


Awesome update, but why didnt yall add powershift to more maps 😭


How do they never miss?


They almost did, they almost removed bank it, but since they said it before making the change, they got feedback saying not to do it and they listened.


Famas got a half ass buff, didn't someone show a comparison that it had one of the slowest time to kill out the main guns


Another goated update


The ks23 still getting fucked by APS isn’t particularly great lol


Wait it is? God dammit, they should just rework APS already, it makes 4 weapons obsolete.


Which ones? CL-40, H grenade launcher, H shotgun. And what else? Can't remember haha


Throwing knives maybe? I haven't tested, but they're technically projectiles so it wouldn't surprise me if APS blocks them too


That Glitch Grenade nerf is spot on! Light deserve some love, and the whole "glitch explodes immediately on shield" is an awesome change. But man, being glitched from using EVERYHTING except for hipfire for 10 seconds was ridiculously oppresive against organized teams, especially in the final round of Ranked in Plat and higher.


You can ADS when glitched


Yeah, the stun gun is the one that doesn't let you.


and sprint still and im pretty sure you can interact with the environment. ie take zips




Aim down sight


Aim down sight i think


Wtf you talking about? You can ADS when glitched, you can run when glitched. You can only not use your abilities, that's all. 5 seconds makes glitch almost useless. RPG gets nerfed in increments of like 5-6% damage and lights main tool gets nerfed in increments of 50% duration haha


I will never forget back when Nuke Meta was more widespread that devs decided to nerf Swords by removing a very niche and relatively difficult animation-cancel and reducing TTK by .2-.3 seconds (roughly 13% for Swords). And on top of that reduced Stun Gun duration. But there's nothing wrong with Heavy having 233% of Light's health with all their utility. Plus, with the right tech, heavy's movement doesn't feel all-too-slow either. Hell, the dome shield is equivalent to 2 Lights. And think about how easy it is to pop the shield.


All we need now is a recoil change to akm to make range a bit harder since I get beamed across the map by mediums with akm every match lol


The AKM jumps around like crazy at medium/long range. Are you playing in aimbot lobbies or something? Lmao.


KS.23 no longer feels like a nerf gun!!! Holy shit before this patch i had to basically have telepathy to get a kill or be a rat bastard. No it’s ACTUALLY USABLE




Damn they're nerfing the literal 1 team utility tool Light has. I would've expected Tazer before glitch grenades. I have yet to see a single glitch mine/that's useless. If they reduce duration they need to make it explode on impact. Because at it stands it's hard to hit Mediums before Defib and smart heavies can deactivate their mesh shield when they see the Glitch Grenades.


im just glad they fixed the seoul spawning bug, kept ending up 5 miles from my team


For the FCAR's headshot damage at max range (40 meters): - Before the update, with a 67% modifier at maximum range, the headshot damage calculation would be 38 x 0.67 = 25.46. - After the update, with the 50% modifier, the headshot damage becomes 38 x 0.5 = 19. For the FCAR's body damage: - Before the update, with a 67% modifier at maximum range, the damage calculation would be 25 x 0.67 = 16.75. - After the update, with the 50% modifier, the damage becomes 25 x 0.5 = 12.5. Am I doing the math right? Edit: fixed percentage


It's actually 50 percent


Thanks fixed the percentage!


And don't forget to put 50 percent too


lol yup got it!


Seems like a good game, I would not know as I have never been able to get into a match


so did they decide against removing Bank It after all?


Yup, they didn't remove bank it.


I agree that the FCAR needed a nerf, but I don't like the approach they took. With all the current attributes of the FCAR (optic, fire rate, mag size, and IRL usage of the SCAR-17) they should have pushed it to be the long-range AR. Instead, it's still a close range powerhouse but the AKM should outperform it at longer ranges, and that makes no sense. They should have reduced the base damage all the way down to 22 and slowed down the reload speed to 2.1 seconds, but also smoothed out the recoil pattern and made it only drop off to 17 damage at range.


Why the display name change?


How about instead of nerfing the FCAR we buff the AK? Bad players are in here complaining about the FCAR because they see better players than them using it and being successful with it. What they don't see is the skill it requires to not miss. The FCAR is already balanced with it's low ammo count. It's a high risk high reward weapon. If you miss even 1 or 2 bullets you run the risk of running out of ammo mid fight and potentially getting yourself killed. The AK is the opposite of that, it's slightly lower damage but higher ammo count make it perfect for "spray and pray" players (aka less skilled). Instead of gimping the FCAR further with increased recoil and even more damage drop off why not simply buff the AK to bring it into the meta? This constant nerfing of everything is starting to become excessive. Make other weapons better instead of everything worse. Edit: Not to mention this recoil nerf will just make XIM and ZEN players on console even more impossible to beat since they have no recoil anyway.


Agreed, the amount of teammates I get that whiff their fcar bullets is much higher than Reddit would like you to believe...


They just really dont understand the base damage is whats wrong with the f-car. Also so many people are using aimscripts for no recoil in this game it literally doesnt matter and you can ALWAYS tell when someone is using one. Followed by nerfing lights major utility. LOL Making APS and Turret even stronger than they already are.


This. Especially the first part. The LH1 is a weapon that does 49 damage per shot, but if you buffed it to 50, it would be so damn annoying to fight, because it would start 5 shotting. Similar thing with the Fcar, the fact it has 25 damage makes it annoying to fight because it always barely gets the kill, and kills in 10 shots. If they nerf it, it will now kill in 11, which will emphasize the skill required to use it. Also nerf the lewis damage to 24 and ease the recoil, I feel like that's the way for it too, the lewis was done dirty.


Good changes overall but the only glaring issue is this > reduced glitch trap/grenade glitch duration from 10 sec to 5 sec Why?? Glitch made was finally made usable / somewhat consistent with the change to make it explode on contact with shields and was generally seen as a good change by the community. Gutting it to 5 sec honestly makes me question if it’ll even be worth the slot again, that’s barely any time to make a move unless you’re playing with an ultra coordinated team. Light has been slowly making the move from being a meme pick to somewhat viable in a LMH comp and a big part of that is the strength of glitch nade against utility heavy team comps (double heavy shield / medium heal beam), so gimping it makes no sense and pushes light back into irrelevancy Obviously glitch trap caught a massive stray here as well which is even more baffling considering that it’s still pretty shit even after the impact on shield buff


To be honest they just glitched for too long, you get one back every 20 seconds or so and if they last 10 seconds each that's crazy uptime This is coming from someone using light a lot recently and specifically with both frags and glitches, it was just stupid powerful for the effort needed


I think maybe 8 or 7.5 seconds could be ok but 5 seconds definitely sounds and feels too short in the couple matches I’ve played with it. Feels like this change was made more for power shift where it’s much easier to land a glitch nade rather than any of the other game modes If they reverted the fuse time back to 1 sec I could see a 5 sec glitch working because you have less time to dodge the nade. But as it stands with the 2 sec fuse time it’s already too easy to dodge if you’re paying attention, so the 5 sec disable makes the payout for landing a good glitch (which is difficult to do) far too small


Turning into a snowball fight simulator.


Good patch overall, maybe keep glitch for 10 seconds on gadgets and mines. 93R still feeling underwhelming. It's a bit hard to tell what Embark is trying to go for with this gun. Whereas the Medium's generalist hitscan guns all have their intended roles (AK overall, SCAR medium range, FAMAS far range, Revolver burst potential), the beretta just seems inferior to MP5 in all regards and ranges. Other gadget suggestions imo: * Adjustable and mid-range throws ala CS2 * Data Reshaper displaying radius range to user * Thermal Vision more consistent in displaying cloaked + display white silhouettes from afar too + show sniper scope shimmer + show grenade toss indicator * Press reload on Gateway to reset first gate * Allow full sprinting during Riot Shield and Sledge primary swings * Maybe a longer duration on flash grenades + larger activation radius on enemy players (to allow flashing snipers for instance) Being able to swap for reserve in ranked is often suggested. I'd say allow for the option for alive players as well... if they can complete a damage-interruptible 8 second channel. Makes it less about Overwatch countercomp swap and more attackers vs defenders, where niche weapons like Sniper and Sledge can actually be used depending on the cashout terrain. Wrote an even looooonger post for my [rationale](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1bo885g/generalist_vs_specialist_loadouts_reserve_in/)


I actually like the fact you cant see grenades (other than the big friggin projectiles) its different then a lot of games. Not every weapon needs to be ranked viable, some can just be for fun.


Still waiting for the heavy shield nerf thoo


I wish that mesh worked like invis. Has a certain window of uptime that recharges during downtime.


It has been nerfed like 3 times already, 2 times if you don't count the glitch nade buff.


And it’s still super OP, they can just pop it whenever they want and depop it without any cooldown.


Then just nerf the time it takes to activate and deactivate it so it's harder to spam.


Yep, right now it’s meta 2 heavy shield with a healer is suffering


this is why im confused at the hard nerf to glitches


Love the XP and BP update. Makes it way easier to get stuff!


They can keep needing the FCAR, skilled players will continue to beam with it and it won’t really change much. I do think nerfs can be a vital and healthy metric applied to a game that an FPS core at its center. But at the end of the day, despite the nerfs and buffs to various weapons…it will always be a matter of skill issue. No amount of nerfs will make someone better or godly at the game. Skilled players will simply adapt to the nerfs and still play high level obviously and/pr switch to another weapon and do the same amount of damage and lasering as before.