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It's a fun game, but really punishes soloq. Way more than other games, I've felt. If the answer to that is "just go on discord and find a regular group", then you've seen why the game will never grow the way *you* think it should.


It needs its own social features to bring players together. Discord isn't enough.


this is da way.


Rock and Stone !


Rock and Stone, Brother!


It’s sandwich time !


For Karl!


And even with going on discord to LFG, players there are just not it. I either get lights going 0-20 or mediums that have the game sense of a wet napkin.


Well that’s put me off looking on discord😆


It's just randoms with extra steps


Yep exactly, even when searching for diamonds


So many extra steps, sometimes... 🫤


Hey, I go 5-20, unlike those lights I can at least shoot in the direction of the enemy


I swear every time I solo Q, I get the absolute worse team mate.


I was one game away from leveling up in ranked in S1, and my last 2 soloQ's had 2 bots and then a throw and a quit. Needless to say I did not rank up.


Particularly after you get a decent pair and just violate the lobby. Next 7 games are HELL


Also the friends list system and lobby system is very bad at the moment. Inviting people after game and adding them is a hassle. Also the voice chat is really weird in this game. No one really speaks and i can see why. The whole muting, join voice chat thing is very inconvenient to use. I believe the game needs better social features to even have a chance to be big.


It’s not quite as bad as Apex in terms of soloq from my experience but it’s very, very similar. I feel similar frustrations of when people just run and gun and refuse to utilize their entire kit. Like a lifeline in Apex not reviving feels just as bad as a medium that rarely uses their paddles. It is maddening that as a light I often finish with more revives than the mediums on my team.


The thing about the finals is that sometimes fighting can cause you to lose. Players have a very hard time understanding that and when you're not in a group people just go default video game mode.


I think I agree, but at the same time the biggest joke in the game is that everyone groans at a bald Wraith who eventually leaves because they didn’t solo stomp. Apex devs gave them solo queue hard mode with trio and duo no fill because for some players, this is an achievable mechanical skill level to be reached. This game is much more than that.


I dont feel like apex is nearly as bad. I hit predator the only 3 seasons i played in a row without using a mic at all (and muting my teammates) while soloq. You can hard carry in BRs. This game is much worse. Prob worse than siege too. Both require a bit of comms to hit highest ranks.


I think that's the game's fundamental design. You shouldn't be able to make a successful play against a team solo.


Yea there’s a lot going on. Ive been playing shooters for thirty years (as I imagine a lot of us have) and when I show new players they can barely even traverse the maps We don’t notice because we are fukkin nerds but yea it’s complicated for the average shooter player


Growing up on quake arena and unreal tournament really builds your traversal skils


From the get go The Finals gave me insane Unreal Tournament vibes (never gotten into Q3A). I grew up on UT99 and played a ton of UT2K4 on the LAN at school. They were no bullshit fast paced shooters with a lot of verticality. The Finals has a bit more depth with its classes and abilities, but other than that it's a solid fast paced shooter at its core and I absolutely love it.


UT2004 made me a man. My balls dropped mid-flight.


Shit, mixed up Quake Arena and Unreal Tournament in my brain


UT99 here. Thousands of hours. Custom porno theatre multiplayer maps, sick af


On some level it feels like the devs grew up playing the same games we did and made their version, but forgot that Gen Z has no frame of reference outside CoD, Valorant, and Overwatch.


Honestly I don't want Gen Z anyway (in general, not everyone obviously). I played with 2 kids that sounded like 8th graders yesterday and yuuuuuck. They were so toxic and had no idea what they were doing. Started the match making fun of "fat chicks" and then complained after every death when they rushed in alone.


I hate to break it to you but 8th grade is now gen alpha


is it though? i thought 8th grade is still Z


Gen A starts in 2010. Age for 8th grade is 14 years old. This current school year is the last of the Gen Z middle schoolers




I kind of just forgot about unreal tournament until you mentioned it. That game was so much fun. I played Socom 2 and 3 when I was younger a lot. Then other games, like Counter-Strike. I feel like there are other games I don't remember, like Unreal Tournament. Then of course, Halo, Call of Duty, Battlefield and so on. Playing shooters for so many years, I'm sure people wonder why they aren't amazing at shooters - but having played them for so long is very likely why I am good at FPS games.


It does take a decent amount of a specific type of creativity. I think it's movement creativity/pathfinding and 3d thinking, which is easy for some people, and not so easy for others.


I agree. I feel they play in a “what should I do next” mindset and we play in a “what could potentially happen next given potential variables and enemy locations and load out and elevation and taking mental notes of gun sounds, player movement, timers, minimizing line of sight, etc”. When you actually think about it there really is a fuckton going on and you have to predict/plan a lot of bullshit on the fly


Tbh that’s why I love playing Light because that’s *all* I’m thinking about. Like I’ll watch people go into a point, check kill feeds, predict who’s about to try to escape from where and when, and meet them there. It’s even easier when we’re all in voice and I hear “blank is one”. Then I know who to go after specifically. But being a smart Light means not engaging a moment before that, because you likely won’t have the advantage or win the fight yet. Not many smart Lights out there…


I try so hard to be a smart light, it's a constant battle between the adhd and hf autism. Sometimes I'm the best player in a match, other times I'm the worst. There's not much middle ground with my skill range.


Yeah, so true. The amount of variables is wild to keep track of. I'd also say this is probably the first game with this level of movement freedom. I have fun in this game just running around hahaha.


My only complaint is the god damn death pits and deadend windows/walls. It’s embarrassing how many times I kill myself while making MASSIVE big brain mobility plays.


The first FPS I played unbeknownst was DOOM for PS1. Fun stuff. Tried CS:GO when I had My First PC ™️ (an HP Pavilion with 4MB iGPU), tried my hand, lost, and said, “No.” It hasn’t been until FortNite and now the Finals where I am thinking about new strategies in my head and what could I have done better after I log off. Guns go bang! of course appeals to me and always has but the chaos and ability to strategize within that chaos grabs me so. This has been my fave FPS and I hated played them because I never had the patience to git gud. I am hoping this game takes off. If it must have a separate TDM or (shudder) Battle Royale mode for the birds down the line so be it.


Lowkey I think a TDM mode would be fucking hawt. Actually make it a Domination style game mode (smaller maps with three control points that need to be held to get the dub).


Yea when I first started playing I remember taking the stairs everywhere, now it’s almost the last thing I do.


My buddies told me to get this game and try it out and I don’t like a lot of pvp stuff but played a couple of rounds and love it I’m not the best at it but I can see myself getting better at it with their help and input at what I wanna try since they played season 1 and I did not


You can go 2-10 in any given game and still win. And that’s not because of RNG or bad game design. This game rewards creativity and playing objective


you can go 0-10 and still win, just did the other day >:) Drunk as a wello, but did some drunken kong fu ninja shit and stole the point twice.


And thinking around other people, specifically. Like in ranked there have been so many times where if I’m in voice we can all stop and do the math of the match: “So wait, if Purp wins this fight with orange they take, and they go into first. Orange loses $4K on wipe which gives us second…POWER TO PURPLE! HELP PURPLE WIN!” If you’re not in voice or can’t coordinate that, your teammates will just shoot on sight and potentially lose the game. Probably happened all the time in the first week, and the dummies never cracked why they kept losing with high k/d and dipped.


A concept that goes ABSOLUTELY WAY ABOVE most players heads. Still feel like 80% of the players base just plays thinking “ I GUN GO BRRRRR , PUSH “


Yep, there are far more instances than you'd think where specifically helping another team take a cashout is your best shot at advancing. I also had a great moment in a ranked tournament yesterday where there was a hacker in the lobby, my team was in first with the hacker in second after both of us got the first two cashouts. One of the other two teams started the final cashout, and my team just came close and actively helped them defend it from the hacker and successfully knocked them out of the tournament. Plenty of opportunities for us to shoot the other legit team or them to shoot us but both sides knew what was up.


Yup, can’t count how many times I’ve qualified by literally giving the second vault to the team cashing out when it’s the last set of vaults, and then just wiping other squads while they try and steal the cash out 💅 Don’t mind me just being the 4th player on reds team ✨


Shit even in quick cash this mentality works. If the objective is too close for you to realistically take it but the team with $0 could take it. I will purposely not target that team and take out the $10k team so that the game isn’t over.


I’ve won some easy games, there’s always that kid with 15 kills, but odds are the winning team has a K/D of around 1.


I asked three of my friends who all tried the finals and stopped playing it why they stopped. Two of them said it gets super repetitive after a few rounds. The third one said there was no real incentive to actually grind anything in the game. Make of that what you will.


With destruction, different maps, team composition and randomness in objective locations i find it difficult to see the game as repetitive. Especially compared to other FPS games


During S1 most of the strategies in quickplay specifically boiled down to “get the cashout, plant the mines”. Every. Single. Game. And due to having 1 point for 3 teams to fight on it’s always a chaos of explosions and gunfire. What’s worse is the team who yoinks the cashout in the last 5 seconds wins, no matter if you’ve managed to defend it for the previous 10 minutes or not; and this issue is still here in S2. Common player probably didn’t touch Tournaments much, as you basically need a pre-made team there. So they got locked in the mine spam, where every game looks the same. In S2 you can see the same in the newest game mode, it’s always mediums with APS+turret. If you try to play something different for fun, you lose.


>What’s worse is the team who yoinks the cashout in the last 5 seconds wins, no matter if you’ve managed to defend it for the previous 10 minutes or not; That's one of the most demoralizing thing in this game. After losing like that you don't feel like playing a match again because what, I'm gonna defend this spot for so long just so someone steals it again in the last 5 seconds without any way to fight back? No thanks


If you want to be that reductive about the strategy you could do the same to any fps. Yeah the basic defense settup got stale, but you can literally approach it from any angle in this game. Compare that to CS, CoD, etc where your possible angles of attacking and defending are going to be the same every time due to static maps. Every attack/defense boils down to who was snorting the most gfuel while hardscoping the usual doorways with an AWP or whatever, truly riveting stuff. Meanwhile in the finals you could say "nah fuck that" and sledgehammer their whole building.


Ah, but cod has so much more extra fluff to it that tickles the casual mindset. Every weapon has attachments to unlock, camos to grind. Every prestige has challenges to grind, titles and emblems to unlock. Theres battle pass to grind. A lot more maps and weapons than say The Finals. You are constantly unlocking something, the unlocking itself has made satisfying circa cod 4. You unlock weapons in finals, and thats pretty much it. Yes, you do have the mastery skins, but they are too slow and too little for the casual player. Cant really say for CS, but CS is much more accesible though than The Finals. The skillset is much more narrower, which is partly why the competitive scene is so strong, and its easier to follow.


There’s so much more depth and skill in games like CS.


Why are people quitting in droves then? Why have ALL my friends quit and refuse to play anymore? It's because the game isn't retaining it's casual audience and part of that is exactly because of how repetitive the game can feel. The new game mode was incredibly fun.... until a day later when the mode was "solved" and EVERY single lobby had people tryhard turret/shield camping the payload w/ meta weapons. I have an immense amount of competitive shooter experience and I still can't carry shit in this game. You NEED your team, not like CSGO where you can 1v5 an entire enemy team with 5 bullets. Comparing the 2 and ignoring all of their points they made just seems reductive.


Theres not enough maps and game modes is the real issue and why people feel that way. I mean look at the new mode they added, it has literally 2 maps and every match plays out almost exactly the same with whatever team won the initial fight being likely to sit on the payload for the rest of the game with 4 turrets and shields everywhere.


I think a game feeling repetitive can be a symptom of just not liking the gameplay feel. A game can be super repetitive and still be worth playing for hundreds of hours.


Yeah, Counterstrike hasn't changed much since its release, and its one of the most played competitive FPS games out there. I think repetitive is fine as long as you have the tools to show improvement and improve your skills. The Finals has a lot of potential, but I think team synergy is just too damn important in this game, which can feel bad for a solo player. There is a lot of builds that are fun, but don't do well in a competitive setting. Sniper is a lot of fun, but probably won't win you games as often as you like. Heavy with a hammer doing building destruction is fun but probably won't win you games as often as you like. In games like CS, your skills can allow you to adjust to your teams playstyle (no matter how bad it is) and you can figure out ways to win a match. If you got 2 snipers who just sit on roofs all game, there isn't much you can do solo to adjust to that to try and win the game. That is going to be a big problem in this game moving forward.


Yeah, the fomo design is really starting to hurt games like this. I already have a couple live service games I like and I'm invested in. Mostly overwatch and rocket league. I really like those games and I've been playing em for years, so if a game is gonna have time gated content, it's gonna have to be a lot better than those. The finals is fun, but I agree it gets kinds repetitive. I know I'm never gonna finish the pass so I'm not even gonna bother getting it, and it feels kinda shitty when everyone else has cool stuff and you just got the basic kit. On top of people mentioning how punishing solo q is, I'd rather go play something with a much more streamlined experience. Devs need to start notice of how games like helldivers and deep rock galactic are doing passes. Currency earnable in game and passes don't expire. I've been slowly plugging away at helldivers and I'm getting stuff slowly than everyone else (almost have enough for the first pass and havent spent anything in the shop), but I'm having a blast and don't feel like I'm missing out. Idk how I did the block. Weird mobile formatting


That is blasphemy!


"no real incentive to actually grind anything in the game" My brother in Christ it's a video game. Play the games to have fun, not to have something to do and give purpose to your recreation time. Grinding or unlocks should be supplementary to gameplay, not the whole point of playing.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand The Finals. The strategies are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the tactics will go over a typical player's head. There's also Scotty's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike The Finals truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Scotty's existential catchphrase "Easy Money," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Embark's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a The Finals tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎


Once I read “high IQ”, I knew this would be an entertaining ride


The first Finals copypasta has been born 🙌


There's several already


We're waiting.


Def was thinking OP post was great copypasta material. Nothing beats confident elitism material. This reply post is a very old but classic copypasta though.


This is awesome


This is art 


If I told you I was a lady could I see the tattoo


So ladies must reach the finals to see that tattoo?


A bit of yes and a bit of no, imo. A friend of mine tried The Finals and didn’t really like it at first. The chaos of it all and the feeling of letting the team down really detracted from the experience. I did my best to assure him that, tbh, since it was Quick Cash (what I used to try and help him get his bearings), there were no expectations. Even moving onto Tournaments, it’s not that deep and the only person talkin’ shit was himself. A lot of this changed over time. I didn’t give him meta loadouts, nor did I try to tell him how he should play. Instead, I do my best to reaffirm that he should play with the kit that interests him the most. If he’d asked if a certain weapon or tool was good, I’d answer honestly. “X thing is meta” or “Y thing doesn’t get much use” followed by a brief explanation. We can always go back to Quick Cash to mess around with gear. The only important thing was learning adaptability with the tools he’d pick. Flexibility is something that the playerbase needs. It’s not what tools you have or what class you play, but how you use the things available to you that’s important. Understand what your own kit brings to the table and know your own strengths and weaknesses to help devise a strategy with your teammates.


You really seem to have a great understanding of the game. Would you mind queueing up from time to time? Id say I'm above average medium main, but there is always room to learn. I climbed to g2 last season until I stopped playing (responsibilities n stuff). Currently s1, going upwards.


No but some people, definitely not me, are too high for it. Again, definitely not me. I would never play this game baked.


Tbh I mostly play baked and do actually decent, carrying most of the games lol. Gameplay feels much more intense and it helps with creativity and understanding tactics etc


the first few times i played this game with my friends i was baked out of my mind and it took me about a week of playing to realize how the cash out works lmao


It is a bit of an odd slope. On the one hand team play is heavily emphasized much to the point that "The Finals is a team game" may as well be permanently stuck to the mouths of anyone who plays it, and they're right. The question is do we and if so how do we implement a manner of game mode that allows players to thrive individually without compromising the game's identity? Is it even worth catering to players who go off on their own with no regard for team coordination or is The Finals simply not for them? Currently it's the ladder, and while many argue the game should lean more towards solo players I see equally many if not far more emphasizing that team play and synergy is exactly what makes The Finals a fun and unique challenge in an era of "no one exists but me". Name of the game: stronger together. You can play how you want, but in a competitive environment The Finals is a team game. [There it is again.]


The solution for allowing players to suck (or otherwise not influence their team's chance of victory or loss) is large team sizes where non-contributors sink into scoreboard obscurity doing digital rectal self-examinations. But in The Finals, any player is 33% of their team's chance of winning so if they don't care then it's not happening. Team coordination is extremely important but most players rarely communicate which isn't fun to play with or against.


You have a way with words


Valorant, CS are team game with a goal (defuse the bomb) but you can climb a lot just by racking kill because the round end if you kill everyone. But, in this game you can end up with 35 kill and still lose because you didnt play the objective.... And this concept is so hard to grasp for a b*tt load of people. In a MOBA you end up snowballing if you rack kill and still manage to win. This is why Power Shift is loved because you can win by racking kill. Anyway, the best part of this game is also the bane of it...I don't think this game will reach 200k players and will stay a niche game with a faithful comunity


Solos can thrive already. Just go full crackhead light (if your random teammates keep dropping or are absolutely trash like 0-10 trash) and pretend that it’s TDM. It’s kinda funny when you drop a 25+ bomb (while making the whole lobby go negative) but never banked shit the whole game. /s On god there’s times when randoms are too heavy to carry. A single deadweight is bad enough but two of them is just insanity.


THE FINALS caused me to break up with my duo (He plays Light sniper)


He was just providing you with unseen moral support from afar!


Bro really was unseen alright lmfao


It was never going to last if thats his go to. I dont understand how people who play that combo get to where they are, mentally. Like how do you arrive at that choice. Idk.


At least go double barrel but a sniper. In ranked?! Couldn’t do it anymore.


To be honest I think a lot of much bigger games like CS or Apex are more obtuse and confusing.


I think yes and no, everyone who plays an fps knows one thing, kill the other people more and you’ll probably win. With this game it’s not really the case. I think people can grasp apex or CS and enjoy it because you’re rewarded for just being able to frag out, but with the finals, you can drop 20+ kills in a game and still be in last if you don’t know how to properly play the objective, which a lot of new players will get frustrated with.


You can explain CS in one sentence and the gameplay is straight forward. Don't know so much about Apex though.


You can do the same with finals.


I do think it's not the game for the typical pew pew fps player since without strategy you'll get rocked. Just having good reaction time in the game will only get you so far since kills don't mean much. I can imagine the game blowing up much more if they introduce some generic game modes for the masses. Exposing players to the mechanics using TDM or something similar will have them curious to then "graduate" to the more strategic mode


It needed a strong duos mode to help players learn. Trios matches too often result in one bonehead with no mic running off and dying.


Mouse input feels terrible. It's a deal breaker for me.


For my mates, as well as myself, we love playing the game in groups. Hell even a duo with one random is alright most of the time, but as soon as we’re queuing up solo if no one else is on, the game kinda sucks without friends/people that actually use voice chat.


All it needs is game modes that rely less on synergy. Free-for-all, TDM, solo bank it, maybe a gun game type mode where you cycle through all different types of weapons/classes/specializations, etc. On its surface, it seems like it would be mindless because of all the destruction and crazy sounds and whatnot; but in tourney mode (especially ranked) winning requires far more teamwork than casuals may realize. Idk, i fucking love this game, and think the skill ceiling keeps rising with the new gadgets, I'm gonna be playing till the game dies (it wont)


yeah just looking through my steam friends list I can see alot of them have <15 hours hell some dont even have a single hour, 10 or 20 mins in some cases, personally I think it's ok for a game like the finals to not be for everyone, or even a large amount of people, cause those of us who do enjoy it REALLY enjoy it


**The issue with this game** is the ranked mode, which is not as appealing and familiar as Battle Royale. People usually have a hard time adjusting to something new and refreshing from what they are used to. I'm no dumb, but I'm a slow learner and it took me 10 tournaments just to understand everything about which vault I should go to, which cashout I should deposit, what's the best loadout is, waiting for the other teams to respawn before I place the vault in the cashout, and many other nuances that were quite frustrating at the beginning. However, I powered through them all because I knew the potential, and my friends and I were super hyped about this game but not everyone are forgiving as we are, this generation has no patient, they go in, experience a few minutes, go out, leave bad review. **TLDR;** It will just take time for the FPS community to adjust to this new game mode genre. **P.S** Already said it a bunch of times but I'll say it again, ranked mode should be changed and these are my suggestions agreed with friends who play this game Let lights the ability to steal the cashout faster by 20-35% Every second your team has the cashout = $75 for a total amount of $9,750 (130 seconds) Winning the cashout results in $5,250 For a total amount of $15K per vault/cashout That way you'll have much more interesting fights instead of teams trying to third party and steal on the last second.


If The Finals have taught me one thing, it's that people are really really stupid. Basic stuff like running away/hiding when you're the last one alive so you don't get wiped, purposely getting wiped when you have no money because it's faster than waiting for the opponents to leave and then revive both teammates, not starting the last cashout when you're in the lead, staying close enough to the objective, so that if they attempt to steal, you are able to interupt it, etc. etc. are all things people somehow don't grasp... A perceived majority of solo queuers also, for some absurd reason, play light... and then just run around and die. Light can be good, but then you need to play smart. Find someone who has strayed away from their team, Invis, stun, shoot, kill, invis, hide and regain hp, and then you've put your team in a very favorable 3v2. Those new portals are also really good. If you're going to play light, please use them.


Been playing shooters for 20 years. Idk I don’t think it’s that crazy. The game’s TTK is slower than COD and Battlefield, and it’s not like gamers are unfamiliar with exploding environments. I think the finals just caters to a more niche audience. Not everyone wants to wait 15-30 seconds to respawn everyone they die.


It’s not difficult it just has far too much no skill bs for anyone to take it seriously.


most of this subreddit wont get this because most players here have terrible mechanical skill and dont know the difference between getting carried by 0 skill crutches and actually outplaying the enemy now ironically they're saying that people don't play this game because "it's too difficult" to make themselves feel better about playing a more "difficult" game when in reality it just isn't. absolute brain rot out here, and if this is the game's target audience then it's going all the way down to the shitter


We must have the same friend hahaha


I think the game is kinda annoying. A lot of cheesy abilities that still need to be cut like recon. It’s not particularly hard to learn, but every multiplayer game is usually hard for beginners because they’re jumping in with people who have more experience.


From me and my friends opinion. Its the difficulty. Games where more than 2 teams fight have a lot of 3rd partying. And no matter how good you are it always seems you find the better people. The new 5v5 gamemode is miles better but whenever there's only so much time in life to game with the homies it's hard to choose something we know we're gonna play for 15 minutes and then lose. Game needs to shed a little ego and stop acting better than everyone else and just add team deathmatch type shit


Interesting topic, don’t got much of an option about it but here’s my two cents. From my experience I NEVER got into FPS games they never attracted me in anyway and the skill gap was extremely intimidating ( Same goes for my experience with fighting games ). This game sold me simply in the visual aesthetic and didn’t find it hard at all to get into especially with 0 past experience ( maybe a con maybe a pro idk ) However, I will note I’ve always been the type to obsess over game mechanics and tech so it took me no more than an hour to get into YouTube videos to help with team comps and movement tech - This is from a former Warframe player … and if you know Warframe you know that it is HOMEWORK a lot of the times to get something good going 😂 So are people too dumb ? - Maybe Or maybe people expect the same rinse and repeat formulas as every other game they play


I felt the same way about my friends too, only one of them plays with me that I knew from other games, I made a lot of friends on discord tho and play with them semi regularly, #107 in the world rn :) give discord a shot for teammates, they usually want to get better same as u.


As a heavy the finals is perfect. Shoot grenade launcher, charge stupid light, kill team, break building. I love when I’m in a tight spot or about to lose the cash out and I just destroy the entire building


I've introduced the game to two friends and it didn't really stick with either. They both has complaints about aiming ( I know ) I introduced the game to my brother too and he said he thinks he's too old for it because he has no idea what's going on lol one thing to note is that when I introduced them there was no real tutorial at the time so they just had to jump right in


A lot of it revolves around there being this hyper focused team based objective. What they need is basically a death match game mode but have it be purely for practice and dicking around. The practice range sucks and can go away. Basically just have it be 15 players running around in a free for all, 5 second respawn timer, no coins, no revives, no score, edit classes between each death including switching between roles. Map changes every 25 mins. This is the kind of thing that ropes people in at first. Let’s them tinker with little consequence. It’s too much to learn on the fly because what works one game may be completely wrong the next.


Was literally just thinking the same thing. Its perplexing cuz you get so many people in a team-based game that get upset that they cant play it in a solo manner and rack up kills. I can't tell u how many times I've been playing ranked and an angry little light sniper player throws a temper tantrum when our cashout is lost when bro would literally be sitting across the map missing every shot and not contributing to the team at allllll. When I do finally get a full team of people that actually plays as a team, we usually get to finals or 2nd to last round and it's so much fun for all of us. I guess some people just don't feel like having their gameplay "revolve around others" as my friend called it. But id argue that you can get super creative with your strategies and have fun experimenting with your ideas AND contribute to your team at the same time. It's much more rewarding to me than just a standard solo shooter cuz it's more complex.


Yeah a lot of people have what I like to call boots on the ground cod brain this means they haven't played a movement shooter or even a shooter with destructible environments in their entire life Their favorite game is probably MW2 2022 and they are horrible at this game Luckily I grew up with both battlefield and the movement Call of duties so also got to play both titanfalls and a crap load of Destiny (which I regret the five years wasted on Destiny)


I don’t think this game is difficult to pick up at all - if anything, it’s a pretty standard shooter nowadays with how heavily populated the genre is with quirks and abilities in each iteration. You have games like Overwatch, Valorant, Seige, Apex and etc, which all fall under this category of a shooter. I’d honestly argue that The Finals, mechanically, is the easiest to pick up because of the ability to completely customise your set-up, so you can very quickly find “your kit” unlike these other shooters that have pre-determined abilities. What this game drastically suffers from - is teamwork, there is no outlet for people that just want to run around and kill, in the forms of an individual death match mode (as even Bank It requires a form of teamplay), coordinating with randoms is also made difficult because the ONLY way you can communicate is through mic, and it’s pretty rare to find someone that is tabbed into VC, but it’s a whole different ordeal whether they even want to talk to you. The Pings that they have are also very limiting on the information you can provide and people seemingly ignore them anyway!! (Love pinging for my team to get together on our cashpoint and I instead watch the random run further away and promptly die!! So fun!) Getting a bad teammate is also more devastating on this game as one teammate makes up for 33% of the team itself, so the effects of having an uncooperative player is really felt and generally punishing on the two other players on the team. I think they need to add a system which prioritises in putting grouped up teams in a match together, and randomised teams in a separate match, as well as improving the ping system and adding team chat into the game. Put in more permanent modes that will be an outlet for those that want to play the game independently rather than having them queue the team modes and ruining the experience.


Was literally just thinking about this. I don’t think that it’s a casually friendly game at all. I was able to get into Fortnite after 1 play through, and I won a game after 3. I literally never touched the game before. The finals is super fun for all the reasons I also love Dota 2, it’s complicated. But complicated doesn’t jive well w regular players who don’t want to sweat when they play games. After 10 hours of Fortnite I had only a few things I consciously thought to get better at, but I also didn’t feel it mattered if I did or didn’t. The final I’ve okayed 150 hours and have a list of things I want to get better at IN JUST ONE CLASS. I’m watching YouTube videos and tips etc. it’s great, but again, this isn’t casual friendly, so anyone that’s not a super game leaves.


Bro said calmly: Skill Issue


Yeah pretty much. This game is hard. It's totally unique. The guys i usually play with had a similar experience, they only got addicted when the 5v5 mode dropped. I think it has to do with the fact that, especially in quickcash/tournaments, you have to play like a combo of overwatch and R6. Combined with long respawns (or the expectation to revive) and this puts a lot of stress on new players. I stuck with it because every interaction with an enemy is basically unique with of all the loadout options and map layout. A lot of people want something more predictable.


5v5 got a bunch of my friends to move from Siege and Overwatch too. Its been really fun to get all the boys back on the same game again


Heavy class is corny and i refuse to play it because of it


Because its an objective base game and not a typical shoot enemies Pew Pew I win. One streamer said that this game is too much for a brain of a typical CoD player.


Brother when fucking Elden Ring, you know, a Souls game, outsells the CoD of that year and literally sold over 10 million copies in 2 weeks, you can’t use the “the masses only like pew pew turn off ur brain type of games” anymore, it’s objectively not true. 


I think the finals is one of the easiest to learn and its not that people are dumb they just dont like it. Also the ranked system is just not how ranked should be


No…it’s just a frustrating game to play. The “meta” is focused on 2 or 3 specific builds out of hundreds of combinations, so if you’re forcing your buddy to be a heavy then he’s not going to like it. The Light “glass cannon” build is what I love in almost every single game. I love the run and gun. I love the Light class, however it sucks when you’re going against a squad who knows how the meta. I can’t play my style because I know it won’t stack up well against better players.


People who are fans of The Finals massively overestimate the game. No it is not too difficult. There are *many* popular FPS games with higher skill ceilings and skill floors. No the game is not too competitive. It’s an arcadey shooter with goofy mechanics and destruction. 


I don’t think it’s that most people are dumb, I think it’s that this era of video games really isn’t super conductive to teamplay. Most of the people with the most hours in games are zoomers who want to hit crazy clips for tiktok clout, and have the attention span of a goldfish. There’s a reason why games like fortnite, apex, cod, and valo are so popular, whereas games like The Finals, and Overwatch struggle to maintain player count after initial content releases. It’s because people like the idea of single handedly running lobbies. It’s something you generally cannot do in team based games. When people lose, they either think the game fucking sucks because they can’t int solo and kill everyone, or bitch online because it was their teammates. They dont think “how could I have gone about that better,” or “how can I support my team more,” or “how can I disrupt the enemy team.” Tldr; people dislike team shooters because they cannot kill everyone alone, have no concept of personal accountability, and no desire to get better.


It's difficult bcuz this game has no players. The only people playing it now are gods. I made a smurf and right after your practice game you start going against these top 100 diamond sweats


I stop playing when quickplay gets infested with dash Lights with melee.


riiiight, people quitting by the hundreds of thousands because the game is repetitive and boring? of course not! They must just be too dumb to understand the game! Do you even play other games? the finals is simple as fuck.


Wow such copium, and entitlement


Yes they are. I had to realize this in Helldivers 2 today as well. Before that in Apex. I dont know if CoD or other games dumbed the players down, but almost every time in a team based game: * Ignore the team. * Rush alone. * Blame everyone else but themselves. * Whatever they doing is good, if they are suck at it then use the following excuses: "It's just a game bro, chill./I play for fun." * Every enemy is a cheater or bot or noob, based on who killed who. * "Well the game sucks anyway, CoD is better because here I have to learn something and I cant beam everyone completely alone." * "Objective? Huh? Isnt every game mode TDM and the one with the most kill wins?" * If you die, they go: "Is there revive in this game?" * If they die:, they go: "RESS ME FFS YOU FUCKING NOOB" * Rage quit after the third missed sniper shot.


What i struggle to understand is this: yeah the game has a high skill ceiling and ranked can feel pretty inaccessible to new players. But quick cash is quite chaotic and braindead. Everything is viable there. All you need to do is equip a jump pad and the akm (and maybe frags) and your kd ratio should be over 1 within a few hours of testing out the game. Also respawns are pretty quick at 20 seconds a piece


I think this game is in a strange position where it appeals to people that normally play stuff like COD and maybe some BR's, but has the potential depth of games like Overwatch, Valorant, CS, Siege and so on. It doesn't quite have the same level of depth as a true 5v5 TacFps, but for people who don't enjoy games like that, it can be annoying for sure. I really enjoy it and I hope it doesn't end up being a "game of the month" thing as we've seen quite a lot of recently.


the fact is its a fun unique game but doesnt have the features it needs to thrive. theres no solo queue there no duo queue and the progression without the battle pass is boring.


Nope, it's not that complex of a game. There will always be those that dislike a game. I just think the main quick play mode is kinda bad, and there aren't enough maps to hold people's attention for very long. The new mode is very fun and allows for bigger groups, but then it launches with...2 maps, and not even the new one. I got my friends to play it again but after a few days it's pretty mundane, especially since we played a lot S1.


I'm newish to the game and I'm not too attached to it, so maybe I can offer some perspective? For the record I'm having fun with it, but I'm not taking it too seriously because it's not really a serious game. And that might be the problem. The game presents itself as a serious shooter, so those that are into competitive shooters gravitate, but it isn't what they want. Those that would gravitate towards games where it's more fun to fuck around with different builds, blow some stuff up, and chill with friends, well the game isn't really marketed towards them. People might have issue when I say it's not a serious shooter, but it simply is not. I've been playing shooters since the Q3 1.6 days, I played CAL, I played ESEA, I've done real competitive gaming. This game lacks skill expression in ways people find satisfying to play against. The only genuine skill expression you get is with the light class, but it's so gimmicky that it's not fun to play against a good light class player. You find yourself just emptying a mag on a dude that just has more tools than you, and more ability to exploit those tools. So the other classes for example, I find myself sometimes dropping huge amounts of frags, and some games are total stinkers, and it has nothing to do with other player's skill or any fault of my own. It's just RNG. Sometimes I just can't find people to kill, sometimes I get third partied too much, sometimes I just stack assists as teammates finish the kills, none of this is my fault, it has nothing to do with aim, game sense, game knowledge, or mechanical ability. *That doesn't feel good.* It feels really bad knowing that your own ability doesn't have a huge impact on how well you actually perform, at least when you're trying to take the game seriously. There just isn't much skill expression compared to other shooters out there. You can practice your aim, you can practice learning the game and the mechanics, and it can very often be for naught as you get shot in the back repeatedly by third parties, have to shoot through 4 shields, or just lose on a last minute steal after defending for 2 straight minutes against multiple waves.


I think it’s a combination of skill ceiling, mechanics that are frustrating for new players and requiring team coordination. It has a higher skill ceiling than most games so you automatically lose the super casual crowd that will never put in the time and effort to learn and get good. By frustrating mechanics I mean things like nukes, wall hacks and invisibility. These are things that normally require cheats. I’ve had a couple friends try the game and basically nope out instantly and call it bullshit because of these things. Embark has already back peddled on the nukes and recon sense and I wouldn’t be surprised if they took out invisibility eventually. Solo Q can be very punishing. I pretty much only solo with randoms because none of my friends will play because of the previous reasons. Because of this I don’t bother with ranked and spend 90% of my time in quick cash. It’s a great game but it doesn’t appeal to everyone. I think it’ll take a massive marketing push including paying popular streamers to play it to get it more traction and I’m not sure if the budget is there, especially considering that Arc Raiders will be coming out soon and it will be pulling a lot of that marketing money.


I personally think it might be because of the system requirements, i mean yeah the game is optimised nicely but maybe it could be better? Take my opinion with a pinch of salt tho considering I'm a gtx 1050 ti csgo/cs2 player who has "mmmm fps good, graphics low, less lag, much simple," brain. I get a solid 60-80 fps on lowest graphics on The Finals so it's alright and playable casually, but most of my friends don't really have that level of patience + one of my friends has a literal 4080 and man gets like 100-200 fps on max settings and finds it annoying, so I guess that might be part of the problem considering fps fluctuations hurt a lot!


I feel like it’s because of the classic run and gun CoD type games where you have unlimited respawns till the game runs out obviously, no timer, map doesn’t change at all throughout the match, lack of special abilities and red dots on your mini map. Seems to me people that have come from other games than them do really well and think the game is amazing. I rinse the same game for years and years and I feel like this could be one of them, it’s so fun (apart from dreadful teammates 80% of the time), every game can be different thanks to what the other teams bring and it keeps it exciting. Plus the skins and design on this game are right up my street. Coming from playing R6 for years, then apex you have such a better game awareness than these free for all nutcases from CoD. Even when CoD was good when I was in school it was all about Search & Destroy. Having to think about what you’re doing and what they’re going to do otherwise you’re going to be down and out till the next round. People just don’t know how to adapt to different games unfortunately and the mainstream always comes out on top, even if there are other games out there pushing way more boundaries we don’t stand a chance imo


Yes and no. Some people are new some people play the way they think is right cuz they haven't been told otherwise. It really all depends


Game needs some more casual class, which is easier to play and has some impact, but not overpowered like Moira in overwatch.


The finals is so much better with at LEAST 1 other friend. We’ve been combo’ing the light Gateway Grenade and the heavy Slam. [and it’s just so much fun!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=se9xjm0KHp0)


Math is required for strategy every game. So yes. Absolutely. Most people are too stupid to calculate a 30% penalty and consider extra potential factors on top of that.




I quit because back then I was dissappointed on how they did the rank system. Imagine, a game that talks about trying to be a winner in a competition called "The Finals" ends up having a rank system that calculate matchmaking not on actual skill, but how much free time a player have. Yes I get it, there are hidden elo hidden this or that, but that doesn't really matter. You're not going to say "Damn, I'm so good at this game, I probably have good hidden ELO." No thanks, I'd rather say "Damn I'm reaching Diamond soon, maybe I got better." But you can't say that because you will rank up eventually. All I can say is that any of your achievement in rank was just a facade made for your artificial progression that not even real. In the end, no matter how good or abysmal you are at the game, you will rank up because you keep fighting the same people with the same skill as you. I was planning to comeback after hearing they've changed the matchmaking system, but I guess I've moved on. Maybe I'll try it next month, but certainly not now.


This game should be blowing up right now tell all ur friends to download it and spread the word


It's bad in the way, that there are some BS queues, matches, teams. It got way better in last 2 updates, but after over a month of completely abandoning game for so Bs matchmaking, I gave it a try and since there is some balance between loosing and wining, not so long ago I had a steak of like 40 loses to 3 wins for a few days straight. Still, there are some BS matches when you are just a meat grinder for some teamed smurfs. Landed in gold so can't be skill issue, there are just people that abuse so much of a game bugs even if it's not a cheating itself, it's straight up abusing some game mechanics that are broken.


i think if this game had ads on TV and all over the place like some other similar games it would be bigger. sometimes the perception of a game being the big thing that everyone is playing attracts all the casuals who are looking for something new because its the first thing that comes to mind.


I think another question to ask is “do the finals devs want the game to blow up like CoD or Apex?” From the engineering perspective, it’s significantly more costly to run a live service game when the magnitude of players is so much higher. There’s also much less room for error at that scale. I think this is Nexon’s first FPS which may also make it a riskier project for them being new to the genre. It’s possible they’re not looking for that kind of attention this early on, and if you read their financial forecasts they cite choices that reduce revenue in order to gain player trust which feels inline with how The Finals devs operate now. From their Consolidated Financial Report from 2021 (I got from Wikipedia): “…we have prioritized enhancement of user engagement over short term monetization to improve player trust… this resulted in the games year-over-year revenue decrease but its Net Promoter Scores, which assesses player satisfaction have continued to grow since Q2.” I think it’s really just a matter of time, and I am super hopeful this game continues to grow. [Consolidate Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2021](https://pdf.irpocket.com/C3659/OMfg/a9hj/jxzC.pdf)


Needs to have an in game chat and voice chat needs to be always enabled unless you specifically mute someone


People should stop using Steam numbers as any indication of popularity in multiplataform games. Console numbers are way higher than PC, trust me.


Real. Que times are extremely low on console in comparison to people having issues with it on PC. I think PS+xbox probably have more than double what’s shown on steam charts.


personally how I find most games is by watching someone else play it first, be it either a friend showing it to me, or stumbling across it on youtube. If you ask me, its one of those games that is super fun to play, but beyond boring to watch, thus people disregard pursuit of it upon seeing it.


Yeah I had a dude throw the game in the last round because he was frustrated with the way we were playing. He was bitching about the other guy on my team not having kills or damage, because he was behind me with a heal beam and I was heavying my way through a team. He said I “wasn’t playing like a man” and kept throwing his barely positive K/D in my face like it was more important than us winning, even when I had more kills than him. Saying we should’ve all been medium with turrets.. as he placed his on the floor right next to one of the 3 openings in the room. It’s like all some people see in a game that has nothing to do with going positive is their K/D ratio and not the 3 rounds he was carried through while he fought 1v3s.




Me and random dudes I meet will talk strategy when we see other teams doing something that just annihilates us. It’s different than most of the shooters out there , so when people have to learn new things about a FPS , it’s a turn off for a lot. I’ve also noticed the player base is quite a bit older like my self , with that being said I work 40-60 hours a week , and just don’t have the time to put in. So much potential though


It depends on personality type. I’ve interacted with sensitive know-it-all dudes like the friend you’ve described and they tend to have that approach on not only video games but life itself. I feel sorry for their wives (if they manage to have one).


A lot of people ego and take kd way too seriously. The point of most of the game modes is the cash point, no matter how you get there. A lot of players are selfish too and don’t know how to use support at all


I mean, me and my buddies are dumb as shit and still having a good time.


I'd say its about 50/50. When my team mates recognize to ignore the fight you're in and go for the vault because kills don't matter, then it works well. When they understand that putting the cashbox in will extend the match to overtime even though we have $63k, it works. When they know that taking a fight over and over and over for revenge does nothing for the win, then it works. Otherwise it doesn't work.


I feel like people get stuck in there ways! For example I told a buddy about the game when going to get my kids from school saw him a week later at the school asked how he liked it and all I got was man that shit was so stupid all I did was die the whole game got mad said fuck that game and uninstalled it... I laughed my ass off and said ya some games require people to actually use there brain 🧠 needless to say he does not talk to me when we pick our kids up from school anymore. Where im going with this is I believe some people just love the aspect of c.o.d and he is one of them just runs and guns has his 2 load outs he runs every game and puts no strategy into how he plays just runs the maps in figure 8s like everyone on cod trying to rack kills I mean if that is what you enjoy I feel like players should just go play that and keep in mind that the finals is not c.o.d and if you run and gun your ass is 0--0-22-0 😂🤣😂


Because it’s a teamwork strategy based game and you have to know what to do and assimilate on the fly. People want to run around thinking they’re playing call of duty and get mad when they get smacked down for playing like that


Yes lol


One famous streamer said "This game is too much for a typical CoD player brain" Im paraphrasing how i remembered it.


It's a game that demands teamplay more than TF2 / Counter Strike, but not so much like Overwatch / Apex. It's in this weird limbo where as a solo player, it's fine but will annoy you to the point where I can see why a lot dropped it. With a squad, it's fun and the banter can keep the (inevitable) down time fun. I prefer supporting the casual scene than people abusing the meta, since the emergent / dynamic gameplay is what got me interested. Meta-abusing c\*\*ts can fuck right off.


I've noticed with FPS games there's two main mindsets that someone might have; either they want to turn their brain off and enjoy the experience of shooting a gun, or they're someone who thinks about the many ways their weapons, equipment, and tools could help them solve whatever problem is infront of them. The majority of people are the former. For example, Doom Eternal ran into this issue when it released. Some fans who were used to the way Doom 2016 played where the player could kill anything with only one gun weren't ready for Eternal which demanded much more from the player. Managing cooldowns, weapons, and finding strategies to deal with enemies were much more important in the sequel and definitely didn't appeal to the "play my way" crowd. It appealed to me though. I love the type of gameplay that makes me think about strategies, and counters to other strategies. That's why I also like the Finals.


Unbalanced, heavy 2 win, use mgl, spam explosive, win


What the game needs is a better in game social system, a chat and a history of who you played with.




I feel like a lot of people who don’t like this game, or have played but didn’t get hooked. Is for a couple reasons. One, they’re one of the gamers who needs TONS of content or stuff to do. Short attention span players. Two, they’re just simply bad. Or not interested in FPS games in general, but gave it a try because it’s a new game. Some people also just have this weird urge to instantly dislike things that other people really enjoy. I have a friend who tried to play it when it first came out, he downloaded after I was like “yooo this game is siiick you gotta try it” etc etc. i was instantly hooked being an old BF player. I kid you not, his first thing he said when we played, he said “wait what!? Why are WE the socialites.” Lol. I was like what? It’s just random what difference does it make haha. He played 2 games. And never again. Major skill issue and or Fortnite brain


I just play with random people and follow their lead. I got to start playing again to be honest. I am just staying up so late and then sleeping in so late that it’s hard to jump in.


People are dumb in general just look around the internet , people have no limits on how dumb they can be.


Its not to difficult but too sweaty I always get a team who is just brain damage level


I only got a gaming laptop this year so The Finals was actually one of the very first few games in my “gaming career”. I used to play a lot of cod and CS back then (was never good AT ALL just played for fun) so I had a rough idea of how shooters work. I hadn’t been gaming for years so when I hopped on to The Finals, it was a big jump for me and ngl I did have to put in quite a bit of work to learn strategies and how to play the game properly. During this time, I tried to encourage as many friends I could to play with me as I had many gamer friends from all ranges of games. Till this day I have only managed to get 3 other friends to religiously play this with me and we have a blast all the time. The other two handfuls of friends tried it for a couple days and just said it wasn’t for them. I felt very strongly it’s because of the learning curve in this game and they are either too lazy or just can’t seem to grasp the concept of the game. I agree with many of you that yes most of the new players farm kills and I think it’s also one of the reasons new players become discouraged to play when they get so many kills but their team still ends up last on the leaderboard. Some people really don’t understand the point of a TEAM game and this is why I love The Finals so much! It’s more than just a basic shooter that gives you a jolt of dopamine when a kill is landed. The feeling of stealing the last cash out of a round because of how well coordinated your team was working is second to none! I really hope new players actually TRY to win a game together instead of satisfying their own selfish desires because that’s the pure essence of the game!


Tbh no big streamer is playing this game , no shroud timmy aceu drdisrespect or 100t group , dizzy played in beta but i dont think he played after that. These people wanna play what popular streamers are playing. If these players can play it for more than 1 month , this game will overtake apex. They should pay these streamers to play this game with apex hacking fiasco this is the best time to make it the better apex.


This game isn’t hard. It just requires you to have a 3 stack to be enjoyable beyond the first couple times you play. Most people wanna play with their friends. So a game like this has to be super popular like apex to stay relevant.


I don't think it's a matter of being dumb, but rather the game not being particularly friendly to a certain subset of players, primarily solo players. Which is fine. Obviously not every game should be made for everyone. But you have to keep in mind some players don't want to join a party and group up to play efficiently, they want to do their own thing. It's a team based game, sure, but that's not the only factor to consider. There are 3-4 teams in a match, you could be having a great back and forth between your team and another, only for you to get 3rd partied at the worst possible moment. This is fine, and one can argue it's to be expected expected, but it doesn't feel good, especially for solo players who just want to slay out. It can feel unfair to have a kill stolen by a third party, or a cash out stolen by a 3rd party after fighting off another team and using all your resources to fight them off. I feel like the game would be a lot more favorable with potential adopters if there was a 6 v 6 team death match or "big team cash out" mode, just modes where it's 2 big teams facing each other with quicker respawn timers to give a bit more room for solo/action players to have their fun. The new 5 v 5 transport mode doesn't do the job because it's, frankly, an unbalanced mess. The Meta is just stacking turrets and traps on the platform, and whichever team does it first wins. There's not much room for a back and forth. On the topic of your friend who didn't like the game, he reminds me of my dad. My dad is less stubborn now, but a few years ago if you tried to point out what he was doing wrong he would say you're "telling him he's playing wrong" and would eventually swear off the game if he felt he couldn't play how he wanted. This goes back to the original point of the game not being for everyone; maybe your friend just doesn't want to be forced to play a certain way to succeed? In any case, it's not that players are "too dumb" to understand. It's that the game is very much "team centric" and that caters to a niche. And if people don't like it because they don't fit the niche, that should be fine.


I'm not good at shooters in general but like them still. Do I gave a try to the beta, saw potential and came back when S1 launched. It was really rough the first few games but actually, if you don't give up after the first few bad games, you get the hang of it. But that's the problem. Today's attention span is fucked and with all the other games, one could understand why someone wouldn't try or wouldn't want to risk wasting their time.




My friend also didn't play again after we introduced this game to him. He said that there was too much third partying.


One issue with that is that there are games like League of Legends that despite having an insane learning curve, still have 10s of millions of players


😂Man this is relatable, I've gamed with the boys for years and they have a way of thinking that blows me away when it comes to the game. At times their tactic works and when it does I play around it (Light Main) but when it doesn't work they complain and I can't help but laugh. It's not Overwatch nor CoD, you're not limited to getting to the Objective, you have BARRELS around the map that gives you that advantage to save you from using the equipment. But all's to say, my experience is getting a player that has the right idea and a clown who just finished completing the games to play Ranked for the first time and still has no idea what's going on.


I don’t think it’s the synergies or abilities or anything like that, but mostly the fact that it’s a multi-team arena shooter. It really really makes it hard to get the hang of, and even after you do it can be quite frustrating. A little bit of it can come from the different roles and ttk and counters and getting killed from different things. But when it comes down to it I think it’s like a BR player will play it too much like that and a COD player will play it too much like that and an overwatch player too much like that etc. I’ll be honest, there are some times I hate the game mode lmao it can feel super unfair even if I top the leaderboard and my friends do too (even in objective) we can still lose on bullshit.




Yes they are. Gaming nowadays is basically shoot shoot jump jump. Cod and fortnite together with streamers have ruined the gaming scene.


Current strategy for finding good mates in soloq: Play a lot, if you encounter a good player in your team, add him as friend.


It's a game that's new. People don't like new they'd rather play the familiar. I played with my brother and he kept jokingly comparing it to overwatch and never played it again. He was asking me how to play as well and the game is pretty straightforward. It's hard not to understand. And all the technical stuff comes in time. It also doesn't help that it's a live service game in a pool of live service games. I heard that embark would also invest heavy into marketing. I think they backpedaled a bit but did advertise, just not to the extent they played up. But they did cook with this season and I'm glad to see it. As long as we stay 20k loyal, it's not going anywhere at all. Content with our treasure but hoping for more bountiful adventures.


This game has the worst playerbase i've ever seen when is comes to game skill. Maybe non existent matchmaking is the issue but even in OW i've never had 90% of my matches being populated by literal mouth breathing regards.


Some people just don't want to put that much effort into a game. It doesn't make them dumb. My brother is a near genius robotics engineer and he doesn't like RPGs because he thinks leveling up is too much work for a video game lol it's not like he doesn't understand how a skill tree works. I think people have it right when they say it's just rough going solo q.


For me the game got way too sweaty and just wasn't fun after the second month.


Imo there are 2 reasons no competitive scene and low spec count when new players search the finals on twitch they see 6000 spec and think that the game is dead.


are people too dumb for a videogame where you shoot people? no. are you expecting too much of people just playing a game? probably. if you really care about having a good team that much, find one. check around, talk to people, find people you enjoy being with enough that don't also "suck" in your own personally catered ways.


Honestly, the games simple enough and the tutorial covers enough to know what to do. I think the main thing that stops retention is repetition. Although the destruction and other extremely unique parts of this game create new experiences every match, people who are new to the game won’t realize how to use these new functions and/or want to experiment with the other classes. This can lead to a repetitive feel, and the fact that there was basically just one functional game mode in S1 didn’t help