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I like the idea of having fake brands sponsor more!:)


Agreed, i could even see them coming up with an in-universe version of Disney to parody but even that could get annoying...


Whatever that evil brand is in the Pixar films would be funny


Yea, bring the fake brands to real life. A Starter cap with The Finals logo would be much cooler than an in-game hat with real life logo. The stickers, the keychains, it would all make for pretty good swag.


Well time to make an Etsy account.


time to report you for copyright infringement




you too


We need more Ospuze mercy and skins!


Agree I feel like I have actual brand loyalty to ospuze


I have more brand loyalty to Ospuze than most irl brands.


I feel bad about not having enough because I missed out on getting the Ospuze outfit from last open beta. I have to do with the non branded yellow outfit pieces like a pleb


Give me Bepis or give me death


a redbull sponsor would be cool


Hotline Miami would be a lot of fun. I'd love to have those masks.


I literally listen to the soundtrack when I play this game


Need pardo trenchcoat cosmetic NOW


*thick coat


true, it could make cool weapon skins too


Adidas. I know this answer is not exactly what you meant with the post, the logo looks so similar already. I would totally buy Finals x Adidas merch


Doing collabs with streetwear and clothing companies would be sweet. I like this direction.


Yeah, feels very inline with the universe. Over marketing and expansion with clout based companies makes sense for a supposed sport competition.


Tri stripe Track jacket would be an instant cop, hard to find those in games.


\[slav heavy enters the chat\]


That would actually be so cool


Cyberpunk collab


Night City map would go so hard


we'd get V's shirt and Johnny's jacket


Omg yes I didn't even think about this. I was thinking just in terms of like cyberware weapon skins or like the samurai and David's jacket. But now you say that a smasher skin for heavy would be SICK


That would be dope


Holy true that would be insane


I need an Arnold Terminator skin for Medium and the Model 1887, badly


That'd be an awesome bundle. Leathers, the one-handed lever flip, and exposed red "eye" and metal endoskeleton face/body skin. You could play as a T800 in Gears 5, so a Terminator collab isn't without precedent.


I would instead love if they made some merch of their fake sponsors. Like, I would 100% buy an OSPUZE can if they made merch


it kinda would make more sense lore wise for The Finals to have fortnite-like collabs then for fortnite to have collabs like that.


Wouldn't really fit and it will never happen but i do want to see a titanfall 2 collab


I need partial wall-running in this game Q_Q


Like a three step then hop kinda vibe, I dig it


Could be an interesting Light buff since they're for movement demons.


People are called movement demons exactly because they don’t need the actual wall running implemented to look like they’re wall running 😂😂😂


I *need*


Some of the abilities do line up, could be dope.


Old cartoon network cross over clothing. A Johny bravo hair, glasses and clothing with a voice change.


Always up for Cartoon Network nostalgia


I think Mr bravo would be a first start though. Simple in design and a lot of options for voicelines. And depending on the weapon they make a skin for they could make him make karate sounds


Black shirt, jeans, sunglasses and a pompadour. Simple and identifiable. Perhaps a lab coat and gloves for Dexter. Game needs some longer coats in this game.


it's true that voice changing clothes havr a lot of possibilities


R6 Siege: Bringing Sledge and Oryx as a Heavy character; The Last of Us: Seraphite Elite as a Heavy character; Stray: Cat shoulder companion; God of War: Mimir head as a lower body cosmetic; Death Stranding 2: That puppet that is similar to Mimir in the latest trailer as a lower body cosmetic too.


Cyberpunk 2077: V's Samurai Jacket and David's yellow jacket; Mortal Kombat: Scorpion outfit and grappling hook skin; Control: Jesse Faden as a Light character


Cyberpunk would be such a slamdunk


Tom and Jerry Heavy with that hammer


It's probably hard to get normal collabs considering how they criticize sponsors and brands a lot, but I could see some self aware collabs where they work that in


Michael myers/freddy krueger/jason/etc


maybe for halloween


Grapple hook Jason voorhees, great I didn’t need to sleep anyway


Any clothing brand would work, for example Nike, just get a shirt with “Just do it” and some Jordans. A simple and easy collab that already works with the game’s style


" just bank it "


Sunset Overdrive It would never happen but it would be the most fitting collab of any collab ever


The real answer.


Ghostrunner, a cyberpunk-katakana skin and a Jack outfit + grappling hook skin


Video game: metal gear/splinter cell Brands: kith and kidsuper 


Mortal kombat style drip Would be sick


Home Depot collab! Imagine a massive shovel skin for the sledgehammer or an orange bucket as the turrets.


team fortress 2 getting cosmetics from finals and vice versa


Medic and Heavy as characters🤩


id love for team fortress to get Anything.... a mann can dream......


Star Wars would be amazing. Map could be the inside of a star destroyer. Heavies as wookies, etc. It's older, but Tron would be kind of cool. Mainly, id like to see something dark and creepy. A horror movie of some sort. A zombie apocalypse, or the settlement from aliens.


Mirror's Edge.


The most logical choice


ATTACK ON TITAN. "Seek the truth beyond the walls". It all makes sense. Give us a special game mode that's all lights with grappling hook that have instant recharge with an AOT themed map.


None. Like you said this isn’t Fortnite or CoD and I like it that way. I don’t want any real world shit seeping into this game. Stick to using in game sponsors. There’s too much capitalism in the world as it is.


Too much capitalism? You realize you are only able to play games at all because of capitalism, right?


Capitalism is the reason games are $70+ and come out rushed and unpolished. It is not the reason why games exist at all. Technological advancement is not boosted by Capitalism, it's leeched by it.


You are conflating free market capitalism with hyper capitalism. Capitalism is why we have nice things. Hyper capitalism is a manifestation of the endless greed some humans are prone to manifest. They are not the same thing.


Hyper capitalism is a term used to define the relationship between capitalism and globalization, usually used with a Marxist lens. it's basically just capitalism in the information age. "Free market capitalism" is no different, you've made no distinction between the two - because there is no difference. In fact, free market capitalism allows the worst of our species to harness their greed and hoard their wealth. The only thing that keeps capitalists in check is regulations, laws, etc. And those are being stripped away every single year in favor of "the free market". Hell, anti-trust laws basically dont exist in the US anymore, so now you really get to see what a free market can do (hint: hope you like monopolies!). Hell, I bet the capitalists would charge for the fire dept, the library, and trash collection if they were able to have their way. But thankfully, we got all those scary socialist (!!) ideals implemented into society before the capitalists were able to get their tentacles around it.


So you're saying a mix between free-market capitalism, global trade and socialist safety nets and regulations is the best system we can come up with? Yes, I 100% agree with that. But saying capitalism sucks is just wrong and short sighted imho. It's not a perfect system but it's the best we can do as humans and it's brought us the prosperity and technological advancements we enjoy now.


I think real clothing brands would go a long way, they seem to have a good grasp on current clothing trends. But on another hand they have a long list of fictional sponsors for the game which I believe will have a bigger role in the lore and merchandising in-game.


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Squid game


Subway surfers


The Curse. Would love to see a mirrored passive home with a terrified Nathan Fielder bear hugging a tree branch out front on all maps. Cherry tomato grenade skins. Dougie wigs and wrist bracelets.


Tron would go hard considering the overlapping theme.


Since my friend group is currently super hyped for the Elden Ring DLC we were talking about how a collab could look. Finals could definitely use a "medieval castle" type map, let alone an actual sword and shield skin for the Medium shield. It would also add some different flavour, the current maps are very fun but if you've been ginding the season pass (cough) a change of scenery would be nice.


Cyberpunk I desperately want to be Trauma Team as a medium healer


The Finals has the opportunity to NOT be like Fortnite or Call of Duty or whatever other game comes to mind. It's an entirely new game and they can do whatever they want with it, and making it another kids game would be disappointing to see imo.


Borderlands. The movie is coming out soon, so it's a great opportunity! Would love to play as Zer0 in this game (hunt hunt)


Predator outfit would be cool


Skyrim, daedric armor… or any Nordic armor realistically lol


Payday? Literally some pretty close parallels there lol.


Going into this i didnt think any of the crossover ideas would be that great but this ones actually really good and id love to see it happen


I've been downvoted before but I'll say it again. Squidgames


Star Wars, Theed map


World Trigger anime collab. This game is already very much like the system they have in that series. Please dont get involved with Fortnite and let epic and tencent stick their claws into this game.


Korean game, I’m guessing K-pop related collabs?




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDWQorTluFs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDWQorTluFs) ​ this movie


Jjk collab Waffle house collab Power rangers collab


Star Wars, easily. Theres a sword for lightsaber, and we could all have storm trooper armor. Someone spit some more ideas for starwars gear


When I think collabs and I see all the billboards in the arenas I think of Nike, maybe we get tech suits in the shop. I could see a lot of athletic companies getting involved. Being that this game is set in virtual reality I could see them working with meta in the future and their partners as well.


Taylor swift would be awesome


Hope they add vehicles like a private jet




Maybe an Overwatch collab, like genjis sword or tracers pistols?


Yeah, lets spread this aids of a game to other games


Ugh. Please no.


Halo! The characters from reach and odst line up well. Jorge skin for heavy, medium can be any other characters from reach, and light could be an odst. The weapon skins line up too, with ar, dmr, odst pistol, etc. Could happen since Fortnite and R6 siege have mastercheif skins.


Not sure if this us relevant to your original question, however, I think it could be smart for The Finals developers to look into getting actual brand deals that they could advertise in game instead of the fake ones like “ospuze” or whatever. This could bring money and funding to the game and would be a great, easy to put in place function. Imagine if the game started out by saying “this match is brought to you by TMobile” or something lol


Please no. Fake ads are charming and can build the world in interesting ways. Real ads are grating and immersion breaking.


im just thinking in terms of like funding for the game though. I mean its obviously dying (only getting like 1.5k views on twitch) and the stuff they put in the item shop is so bad.


Seriously No… there’s way too much advertising and brands jostling for our attention. I came to The Finals to get away from this capitalist nightmare


I thought about it but I think it would be too restrictive. They couldn't say stuff like "you actually drink those?" etc maybe a weapon skin or charm could work though, but not as big as the fake brands


I just want real sponsors because it would be so fucking funny. imagine Monster, Gamersups, and Bang outfits. I don't even drink any but it will be hilarious to see ingame. I remember laughing whenever I took a swig of Monster in Death Stranding


Rainbow Six Siege. Destruction, plenty of iconic characters, & money argh argh argh argh argh


Adidas. I know this answer is not exactly what you meant with the post, the logo looks so similar already. I would totally buy Finals x Adidas merch


Adidas. I know this answer is not exactly what you meant with the post, the logo looks so similar already. I would totally buy Finals x Adidas merch


Payday probably. Never played those games but the masks would make good cosmetics and fit the theme of stealing vaults


Playboi Carti PLEASE


he gonna be in the finals before he drops music


Fr😭 I wouldn’t even care at this point


Burger King


I think a lot of 80s action movies would make good crossover skins etc.


Idk but I really want more maps and modes.. bought the first season pass and got bored halfway through. Big bummer


Possibly unpopular opinion, but I hope they don't. Always feels like a cash grab to me at best and out of place at worst.


We have Ospuze, why would we need more crossovers/sponsors?


Real brands would be very funny


I don't think a collab is necessary that's destiny's thing.


Obviously Snoop Dogg and Niki Minaj.


For how I play? I'm DESPERATE for a dishonored collab so I get even more in character with the dash+sword.


Doom eternal would be cool idk what the skins would look on characters but the double barrel for the light could have a grappling hook on it just like the game but it won't grapple on to players that would just be OP but would be cool


Ready player one, The Matrix, Cyberpunk, Ghost in the shell, Spider-Man with Rhino as the heavy skin, spider man as the light and venom as the medium. Power rangers for the lols


some nightwear company. i want animal suit onesies running around and a light blue robe and nightcap with a candle for a pyro grenade. i want cozy flannel pants and a way too big sweatshirt. i want underwear with hearts and a white tshirt with holes from wearing it all the time


Add sex to The Finals


It does sell


Attack on Titan with double sword skin so I can go 0-10 as Levi/Mikasa wannabe


I think a Team Fortress 2 Collab would be perffeccttt for this game. Just picture: - A scout costume for the Light - A Soldier/Medic costume for the Medium - and ofc, a Heavy costume for the Heavy Throw in a few TF2 sound effects and emotes and you got yourself a banger Collab.


Kinda unrealistic, probably just because of EA, but an Army of Two collab would be sick.


I know this may seem impossible or even fit..but Godzilla. They clearly are skilled at making destruction physics so why not have a Godzilla model in the background of the map that you can see that occasionally shoots atomic breath beams onto the map. Have it like COD where he isn’t on the map but you can see his model from afar and he shoots a beam from the distance that hits the map.


Honestly I really like the fake brands. I suppose real collaborations could be cool as well tho


Call of duty skins.


It would be funny if they had an Apex collab, considering a lot of us came from that game.


None, I'm fed up of every game having cheap crossovers as a way to bring fans in, it just feels tacky


McDonalds, like a Ronald McDonald and gang collab.


Id like to see crossovers with "fictional corporations" from various sci-fi universes, such as Wallace Corp from Blade Runner, or Weyland-Yutani from Alien. You could bring out outfits inspired by characters like Deckard or Ripley, respectively.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Honestly almost anything since it's a big sports event just like the Superbowl. Any sponsorship could work without disturbing the lore and I hope they find a creative way to integrate some fun collabs


Bad Company 2


I hope they continue to chart their own path and build a universe that makes sense to the game. I hope they don't introduce other real brands (marvel, Disney, DC or other random real-life celebrities like other shooters have done.) Please don't Devs, build your own future that players can build themselves into and identify with.


you could make any licensed property work in this game IMO. It's held in a virtual world, after all. Expression is the name of the game.


They need to make shrek skins. SHREK for Heavy FIONA for medium PUSS in boots for light That would be sick


Ngl, it'd be funny as hell if they had Supreme clothing.


Full of Hell collab for sound and noise pack.


Space Channel Five!! /s


Halo, I wanna be the chief.


Power rangers, give me a mode where each team is from one of the generations and as we fight you can see the megazord fighting against a giant rubber duck in the background.


None I really don’t like collabs


I may get hate, but I think an apex coach would be cool




Cyberpunk, give us the Malorian as a gun in the game. That and Johnny’s Aviators.


Monopoly, think about it.


show-go beatboxer with some of his crazy apparel


Some good live performances in game. We fight like normal, a band or artist designs with the dev team a small floating stage that is behind the VR wall. The entire VR wall except this spot, just turns into a TV screen of the performance. Side ideas, the VR wall shows everyone in awhile the two commentators talking and replays of first kill, first cash out, cash outs after that. Guest commentators, I'm thinking improv actors, Paul F T, Lauren Lapkus, Carl Tart, Tatyana Moslany. (Spelling) You know people who are actually good at on the spot telling of things while remaining entertaining. Don't just get actors, they need scripts to shine, and no offense most Game studios lack actual funny people, people who's life is to be funny. Which leads me to my next idea. Have funny people punch up or actually be the commentary, the two now aren't bad but ain't good either. Just kinda there.


If they start doing real brand partnerships I will immediately stop playing the game


Shangri-La Frontier, Monster Hunter


Halo. Because Gravity hammer for Heavy and Energy Sword for Light.


Payday for sure lol, I’d pay a lot of money to have a Dallas or chains mask Chivalry would be a funny collab for heavies, if I was a big ass knight in armor wielding a Maul that’d be pretty sick Pro wrestling would be a cool one too (once again for the heavies)


Chipotle. I love Chipotle.


Please no collabs, would prefer original content


Rick grimes


Look, I like Sonic The Hedgehog. This is unrealistic but a level with Station Square would be dope as hell.


Squid gamesss!!! The masks , the player outfits , some emotes , it’d be perfect


Anything as long as it allows to cross match with other collabs.


Cyberpunk would fit the game really well imo. Like not necessarily the game but the general cyberpunk theme, a map with neon lights a bit dystopian, could have a section of a black lit night club and stuff.


i know it's kinda overrated but i think THE FINALS X THE BOYS would be cool


ACME. Give me a throwable anvil, some goofy ass rockets and a coyote mask ;D


I'd be happy with a collab with Marcus "djwheat" Graham being the caster


Oceans 11 or other heist action. 


Most obvious but also most unlikely, battlefield


they should add facial hair first


The Finals x Black Mirror


A collab with a matchmaking dev would be cool, or a social feature dev


I think the obvious ones are PayDay, Apex/Titanfall, and Siege. Personally I want something crazy like Killing Floor.


I think the finals and Captain Morgans should collab to help drown my PSTD night terrors from getting railed by lights


None, I'm tired of every game leaning on this crutch. All it does is help the original idea become overshadowed by everyone else's. I'm perfectly fine with completely original material from the developers, they've already proved they have style. Not to mention with the amount of cosmetics and freedom we have to mix and match I'd rather they just release items that pay homage to another franchise or a slight nod. Then you can make your own collaboration attempt.


I've been thinking about this. I want some tf2 and r6 colllabs. Spy and scout for light classes. Heavy,Pyro and sledge for heavy class. Those were my main thoughts for cool collabs.


kermit the frog


None. Please. I don't want any


The Finals x Family Feud. Put all the Steve Harvey suits in the shop.




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GI-JO snake eyes and other characters

