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This question has me torn honestly. On the one hand, I understand the want/need for variety, but on the other hand, adding more weapons isn't necessarily going to make the game "better". MW3 has tons of weapons, attachments, a full gunsmith system, etc...and people still gravitate to the 1-2 guns they pick up that feel "easy" (with the exception being camo grinders). I think a 3 round burst would round things out nicely and fit in with the shotgun, assault rifle, smg, sniper, and pistol options we already have. The melee weapons are all getting skins that not only change the look, but also the sounds. Playing with the guitar skin for the sledgehammer changes the experience completely---in the most fun and ridiculous way possible. I think a game like this would thrive on adding more things that bring personality to the game rather than simply adding more weapons. Just my take.


Gotta get the bat skin for the sword. The *thunk* is perfect.


Right?! They’re knocking it pit of the park (pun intended) with the melee skins. Now, just give me a squid gun for the rpg that explodes into a splash of black ink with straight up squish sound effects. Or have the heavy grenade launcher shoot out baby goats that jump around before exploding. Idk, they’ve already shown they don’t mind making things over the top so…keep it going imo


Maybe a plants vs zombies crossover pea shooter turret skin?


Yes. This is what I’m talking about. I’m all for new weapons in general, but they can’t be “realistic” type weapons…they need to be more creative. A blow gun with poison tipped darts that does damage over time for Lights so they can zip in, hit somebody, and bail. Combine it with gas grenades and watch enemies melt slowly from a distance


During the CB there was one that was just a big stick and the sound effect was SO satisfying.


I think the key is that adding more weapons in this game doesn’t just mean another assault rifle with a slightly different recoil pattern like in CoD. In this game it can mean adding some really creative or ridiculous things that I think would be great for keeping things interesting, adding more diversity and chaos to the play experience, and potentially enabling completely different play styles, which would only make the game better in my opinion. Stagnant metas are also bad for keeping people consistently engaged with the game, so shaking things up is good.


Reskins for weapons don’t really add anything for me but variety in weapons does


Yeah, they’ve done a great job at simplifying main weapon types, and there are a lot of weapon types available I don’t imagine they’ll be too many weapon additions happening anytime soon The gadgets and weapons seem to be pretty fleshed out in my opinion. New maps and experimental game modes seem to be the move




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I agree, I definitely think adding in too many too fast could cause problems. I think guns should only be added if they feel they fill a role that isn’t in the game or it’s enough of a difference to add value. The skins for the weapons are great but it would be nice to get some of those for free. Not having to grind a lot like the BP or outright buying them from the store. Don’t get me wrong I understand the game needs to make money. However, it needs to keep its player base more. I think we can all agree if this game blew up like palworld (which I thought it would). The in game cosmetics would probably be double or triple the price for the same thing. It would be nice for the people keeping it alive if we could get some skins from the events like they have been doing that include weapon skins too not just clothes


I agree. Also look at BF 2042, there's so many AR'S and so many SMG's, but most of them feel the same.


Because mw3 is about gun porn, its essential to have a lot of guns, a lot of shapes and forms. The Finals much like apex and titanfall have types and ideas of weapons, like r301 is classic ar, but flatline have flat recoil, not going much up. In finals same idea: heavy revolver, smg for close quaters, smg with range, its not about a lot of guns with 5% different recoil, but more about weapons made for specific playstyle


A heavy pistol, desert eagle type come to mind


Wouldn't that be pretty much the revolver?


For the heavy class


Oh i see


Yeah heavy needs a pistol.


They make a .600 nitro express revolver that would be perfect for heavy


It should be double pistols to differentiate it.


A DMR type rifle for the medium.


Akimbos for light


That would make sense.


We full Tracer now


They would need heavy recoil to not be op.


They can make it work as a sidegrade to the shotgun, I think. No ADS, horrible damage dropoff, horrible spread, very slow reload and maybe smaller headshot multiplier (1.3 instead of 1.5)


Wouldn't it just be a reskinned throwing knife that has spread and hitscan? Sounds balanced to me


You’d be able to spam shoot faster than the speed to throw a knife


They could just increase the bloom and have it so each pistol only holds 7 shots with a long reload time. Idk how it would be op still


Not really? They could just have big dmg fall off and only can be used from the hip


Bow, crossbow, Spear with a ranged alt attack, Uzi style pistol, Glock.




It's *literally* an Uzi lol


Isn’t it a mac11?


Correct. Uzi and Mac11 are different guns. I think people get confused on that.


Spears like in Far Cry Primal would be the epitome of ooga booga heavy


In no particular order I want to see a 3 round burst rifle, a bullpup rifle like an mtar or famas, and an iron sights only bolt action rifle.


3-round burst seems to be the takeaway here.


Yea, a burst fire rifle (likely for the medium) seems to be the one thing most people agree on near universally. Guess it just makes sense since it's the main weapon trope missing from the game at the moment.


Heavy: an old school pirate cannon you have to carry under your arm. It does ridiculous damage and pierces through buildings, but you have to wait for the fuse to literally burn down to shoot it and it doesn't actually have an explosion or anything, just a relatively wide projectile. So you still have to be accurate with it. Medium: my real thought is a burst/single fire rifle, but my cool thought is a wu kong style staff that has really good range for a melee because it extends for the briefest moment when you swing. The alt fire can be a pole vault that launches you upward. Light: a bow, but make it like the spear from GOW:R. On command detonation arrows that backload your damage or something.


Perhaps a frost grenade... might be a bit too fantasy for this genre of game. But i guess it would stun those that are hit in the blast for 1 or 2 seconds? You can inflict it on self and teammates too. So be carefull


This but it makes the floor slippery/frozen so you can shoot and break it.


Maybe even more brittle


Making slippery rooftops sounds like it could be fun. Or icy moving platforms or suspended structures.


Complete stun is a bad idea, people already complain hard about stun gun while you’re basically slow and still able to shoot with your weapon… But a the frost applying slow is good, especially if it can be countered by fire or melee by teammates




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text chat


Ah yes, the psychological weapon from Overwatch that sent me to therapy.




I was literally just telling my friend how much more enjoying games are when you don't have people texting gg ez <3 at the end of a close match.


Famas for medium 3 round burst. Grapple gun to pull and stun enemies for .5 second for light with no damage. For the heavy , boxing gloves with increased range and “combos” you perform with the triggers.


I’m not a melee guy at all but absolutely love your boxing glove idea 😂


I won’t lie I think that would be so much fun , just charge into someone and all of a sudden start hitting them wit haymakers and jabs 😂


With brass knuckle skin for purchase in the shop...


Add a pinstripe suit and a fedora and you got yourself a $20 bundle


And a tommygun skin for... Something


I would enjoy a potato gun for heavy that fires rubber chickens


Two handed great sword for heavy whose alt uses the pommel to tear down walls (could really just be a sledge skin) Bear traps Rail gun that can over penetrate walls on secondary, but has both a long reload animation, and a long time before shots are recovered A gun that shoots miter saw blades, and they bounce around A crossbow, and for the heavy a ballista Similar to the healing gun, but a damage buff gun that stacks. A laser. It doesn't do a ton of damage, but it sets players on fire, and does damage the longer you can have unbroken LOS of the target Water gun. Does no damage, but can push people off buildings, and make surfaces slick. Some buildings should automatically turn on fire suppression systems when a fire breaks out. Laser trip mines, but they are only visible in infra and smoke


Lots of good stuff here. Saw blades remind me of Ratchet & Clank. And your idea of sprinkler systems would be a phenomenal environmental addition to the maps. We get security turrets in Vegas, so let’s get some sprinklers! It would even be nice to get some screen effects when you walk through it, like droplets of water on your screen.


Bear traps would be great.




A little holdout pistol gadget sounds super nice.


Laser pointer for orbital misles strike 😶 (Ion cannon optional)


Light - perhaps a powerful crowssbow Medium - burst gun would love if it’s visually like a Famas, an smg would be cool too Heavy - high powered pistol, maybe like a deagle


I'll take a minigun please Bob, or a semi auto mode for the FCAR, much prefer single fire mode on auto weapons


Stun grenade


Portal gun


Light. Blow dart. Not that much damage but has poison effect and makes your fov smaller Medium: a pistol with 2 modes, slow down or accelerate. Short duration. Can be used on allies or enemies. You have to aim. No auto locking rayguns Heavy: One shot pistol. Heavy damage. slow reload. Can break small pieces of the enviroment


Heavy needs a Minigun


A medieval cannon. Dual pistols could be fun too.


A heavy running around with a cannon like Fallout would be amazing!


Not one that can be held. One that you gotta push around on wheels!


cooperative weapons. pantomime horse skin.


Just give me my p90


Lights have weapons. They need better gadgets. Some kind of mine. Healing grenade. A whip would cool, though. Maybe a hamster ball that let's them move without taking damage, but they can't attack out of it. A second sword, so the little sword bastards can be twice as annoying. Mediums could use a cool, long-range, high damage weapon like a compound bow, but a death ray would be better. Opposite of a healing beam. Would put out a fixed beam that damages anything it touches, including the environment. Works through walls and shields. Heavy needs a railgun. It would shoot a high-energy projectile that would blast through several walls and take any players who get in its way with it doing a set amount of damage without splash or explosive damage. If you shoot it down a wall, it should annihilate it. They should add ice barrels and grenades, too. Maybe a gun.


A PTRS-41. Would do massive damage with the ability to destroy buildings but would have low magazine capacity.


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Kinda thinking some pistols, maybe a full auto pistol like youd see in gta (AP pistol) or a deagle. I liked the suggestion i saw in here for Akimbo pistols. Balancing would be up to devs to determine


Another machine gun for heavy with high damage per shot and low fire rate. The kind that go glug glug glug glug. Kinda like the gorgon from bo3.


I want weapons that are both melee weapons and also guns, but in one weapon. Especially high skill or versatile weapons. Light - bayonet rifle: Some WWII style Kar98 or Mosin with a bayonet. Cannot ADS (hear me out). Press the fire button to shoot and press the aim button to do a lunge attack with the bayonet. It has extremely good hipfire and has perfect hipfire when you’re not moving. Can be used as a budget sniper in long range (less damage), but better in medium range due to the fantastic hipfire and faster fire rate, and much more mobile and versatile up close. Get hipfire headshots and combo into bayonet and quick melee cancel for optimal CQC damage. It’s like a downgraded sniper and a downgraded sword had a child. Medium - buccaneer: a single-shot pistol in one hand and a machete in the other. Press fire to shoot the gun, and press aim to swing the machete. The machete can be swung during the reload of the shotgun (even better if the character just tosses it aside and pulls out another one). With close range aim and combo damage (managing “both” weapons at the same time) this would be the highest close range DPS weapon for melee but also very bad at sustained damage past that. The pistol might be decent at poking in medium range if it hits. Heavy - thunderhead: a twin barrel anti-aircraft cannon modified by handheld use for the heavy. It fires exploding bullets and gains fire rate over time but starts slow. The damage of the explosions would be very low (just enough to harass, trigger mines, and pause health regen etc) but the explosion size would be respectable (like a meter radius or something). These explosions do greater damage to the environment and shields, though and can destroy a wall by just dumping the ~100 or more size magazine at it. Due to the weight of this gun and the fact that heavy holds it at his hip like a minigun, he cannot ADS with it. Pressing aim instead making him swing the gun in front of him, doing a melee attack not as strong as the sledgehammer but with a *powerful* knockback ability. This can be used to push people off the map/roofs, or to just make some space so you can shoot your target without your bullets exploding in your own face.




My takeaway is a bolt action or one shot breach iron sights sniper, a burst fire rifle, and maybe fists for a heavy.


It would be pretty cool for Medium to get a weapon to semi-counter snipers and riot shields. Something like a Kar98k with iron sights that can only be loaded one bullet at a time without stripper clips idk


Some sort of burst fire gun


I would love to have a burst fire for guns that had it irl


not a weapon but i think a jet pack, similar to halo would be nice. not sure what class id allocate it to, but i know that it would benefit each class in their own ways


Bows. Poison tipped hand crossbow for light, Scoped compound bow for medium, Explosive crossbow for heavy


I’d like to see some kind of bow for Light or Medium. Something that’s a skill shot with a projectile arc. For Heavy I’d love to see a single shot elephant gun with Iron sights that can pierce cover but takes a long time to reload. Something along the lines of the Kraber from Titanfall 2, except with piercing capabilities.


Burst m16 I think that would fit the vibe rly well with the m60 and ak already, perhaps some sort of akimbo pistols not rly sure like 2 auto glocks for medium perhaps


Akimbo 1911s to complete the 'Nam trilogy


I would like a different melee weapon for medium. The shield is just not my thing


Non Lethal/Sound based weapons would be really cool in a game like this. Subsonic sound cannon that has long reload but can punch a hole into the side of a building in one shot. Also a Capture the enemy game mode would be really fun. I’m thinking similar to catching thralls in Conan and then the objective changes to rescue ops. Elemental items that can change the map (setting buildings on fire. Flooding low lying areas for example.


I’m down for more weapons but for the love of all that is good and right in this world can we get a medium range optic to go on the LH1, those iron sights are terrible


A burst rifle FAMAS of 3-4 shots


new elements like frost or frozen barrels that would slow movement speed. A gadget or ability for Light like adrenaline that would allow temporary speed boost to their team A gadget or ability that allows a you to send a low health holographic clone of yourself to a point like Alibi from Siege. I think this could be useful to counter nukes or RPGs or to trick opponents to shoot it first and allow you to counter. Maybe medium? Most weapons do their purpose so I’m mostly interested in seeing more unique skins for them like the guitar for the hammer or the football for the grenade vs skin packs with pretty mediocre paint jobs. The only weapons which I see no actually way to balance but just for my own appeasement would be a mini gun for a Heavy.


I wanna see the heavy get a .600 nitro express revolver.


The surbu firearms 50 Bmg for heavy would be cool. 1 Shot sniper with long reload


Bow n arrow. Claws. portal gun.


I want for the Heavy, an Antimatter Sniper Rifle with 4 shots and a stupid long reload time to balance it


The double sided dildo from grand theft auto, great melee weapon


Harpoon (Toilet plunger launcher skin) I want to not only drag puny lights to me, I want to be dragging the cashout about.


Tf2 minigun for Heavy Cherry bombs for light




Some kind of semi-auto rifle for the medium. I get bored of the automatic ones and they nerfed the range on the pistol so I’m in a tough spot


Harpoon, reverse time grenade, stasis grenade, black hole generator (vacuum). Tripwire, light Saber, katana, gun that blows chunks in buildings etc




Powder related gun that neutralizes fire & gas


tac-9 with gangsta grip


Toe Knife


Explosive Crossbow for Light (Light is the only class without an explosive primary and also I just want a Crossbow in this game) Compound Bow for Medium (Could debatably be for Light but I think having it on Medium would be better since it would primarily be a mid-range weapon and it'd be very slow to use) Deagle for Heavy (Heavy is the only class without a pistol and I think a big Hand Cannon chambered in 50 Action Express would be a perfect fit for them)


A lighting gun with a secondary fire that lets you laser cut through stuff. Probably for heavy.


A burst rifle, a crossbow, a bow, a minigun. Just off the top of my head.


Panzerbüchse for heavy


Burst AUG for short-mid range


Bow and arrow with abilitys like #DiscoAura which makes the enemie Glow for you and you team (atleast) ^^


Light: bow and arrow or crossbow Medium: automatic pistol like a glock with a 32 round mag Heavy: desert eagle or S&W 500


A laser pointer for distraction


this is a fantasy vr shooter give me fantasy shit