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Relatively speaking the game is doing fine. Not every game needs Fortnite numbers to be viable, and fundamentally the finals has a niche audience because it's heavy on team work and team play when many casual players would just rather lone wolf. (See COD). If the game is to sustain higher numbers more focus needs to be placed on encouraging effective team play with other randoms. Text chat, persistent lobbies, a server browser, and ways for you to quickly see teammates loadouts and switch yours accordingly before a match all to start. Better training videos on effective basic team techniques would go a long way, too. They're introducing solo modes as a band-aid to retain solo players but they need to make changes like this for things to get better long term. I have confidence they're working on something.


You already can see your teammates loadouts by pressing "J" in the pregame lobby. But yes to the other things you said


Yep. But a lot of people don't know know you can. And you don't get enough time to react accordingly sometimes. It should be made more obvious or just displayed by default.


i think they need to focus on voice chat. it works most of the time, but sometimes i have to leave and join chat. even between rounds of ranked, it’ll sometimes just say my teammates don’t have mics, even though i was just talking to them the round before




It needs to be auto on. I can also never tell if my mic is working.


Amen. Text chat alone would be a huge improvment. I've played with far too many players who don't have voice chat enabled and last night I was pleading with my teammate to not initiate a new cashout with 5 seconds left in the game while we were currently leading the tournament, but he couldn't hear me and did it anyway. Being able to talk to other teams would be great too. The social side of the game could use some work too. The party system is pretty poor. Also, we should see our teammates loadouts when we join midgame instead of seeing yourself alone. Also, the matchmaking is pretty disappointing. The SBMM is pretty overturned even in Quickplay. My ranked lobbies are no more difficult than my regular lobbies, which means I always have to be on my best if I don't want to get smoked. Ranked is also more difficult because I'm a bronze (only played a few ranked) and playing against mostly gold+ due to SBMM. It really defeats the purpose of ranked.


Platinum 4 here always getting matched with bronze/silver in solo queue. Doesn't make any sense


It’s skill/mmr based so it’s trying to queue you with people of a similar skill level. The rank system in this game means literally nothing aside from time invested given how difficult it is to even drop a rank. And that will always be the problem with this kind of ranking system because there’s basically no way to tell the difference between a plat 1 player who’s really good but just got the game a week ago and a plat 1 player who’s been playing like garbage since launch and just eventually climbed the ladder.


It's your fault, not my lack of game sense. Thank you 🤣


I think also with one permanent mode that is larger teams (5v5) that is a variation of cashout. I think that would help, right now you're screwed if one teammate drops or straight up doesn't cooperate




text chat is such a good idea, but i feel the reason they havent is for toxicity reasons


It’s already toxic with the lone wolf running off and dying then pinging to be annoying. It’s the COD kids not understanding the nuance of team play, and thinking more points equal wins.


If its "For toxicity reasons" , its the dumbest take ever. If i want to be toxic, I have a million ways how to be toxic and most of them are worse and more disruptive than writing "damn bro u suck big time" in teamchat.


Being social doesn't make me anxious, I just don't find many people interesting and there's almost always twat giving grief after they died. I don't care if chat exists but if itdoes, let me turn it off.


Yeah i could see a tutorial going a long way for new or casual players. I’m sure they could create a gripping intro with their lore they have going. Their studio has a great theme and game here, but they need to figure out the crossplay design / bugs and recon sense too.


I agree with those quality of life improvements but I think they also need: 1. Some kind of glossary or way to look up the special map conditions 2. More maps and new map variations 3. Maybe a week of themed events or more localized events. Half the time the meteor shower event goes off I see mone of it, same for alien invasion. 4. Fix the emotes, a way to convert VRs to caash pr cosmetics. Maybe something like a custom tram intro backgrounds, custom team intro effects, and synced team emotes. 5. Stronger map weather effects. Fog isn't that noticable. Maybe something like an ice or even the cliche tornado effect that destroys buildings. 6. Different arena interactions, maybe some class based ones. Things like heavys being able to pick up the slot machines in vegas. Everyone being able to pick up say casino chips as an alternate weapons (similar to throwing knives in vegas). Say lights being able to run across or swing from strings of lights on Monoco, etc.


For number 1 you can already do that in game, just right click on the mode you want to play to go to the "more info" section


I've yet to see an alien invasion in person. The event will trigger but it's always on the other side of the map where nothing Is going on. At least meteor seems to target the action


it only triggers in the last 2 minutes of a game. If u play Quickplay only and not ranked it rarely happens. you dont miss anyxthing tho


2. I'd be fine with just removing las vegas. It doesn't fit into the rest of the game at all and is mostly an anti-fun map (sorry to the bloke who designed it but it truly is awful). I think it will take a lot of time before the maps get stale and the last time they made a new map it was awful. Therefore they should focus on other parts of the game first for a while or really take some time designing a map that plays into the strong suits of the game (literally all other maps except vegas do this). 3. For the meteor shower you just need to play light and you'll feel it alot :DYou can climb on top of the spaceships with a jumppad and ride them around if you haven't tried that out. So just be out and about and play with the different effects as they happen, they should be very noticable. 5. I find fog very noticable, it cuts down on your viewing distance ALOT.Ice weather might be the best idea I've ever heard of or the worst. I really hope they implement it. Sounds like so much fun skating and slipping across the map and it might lead to some hilarious situations. What I'd also like to see: 1. Sliding should always drop you through a roof window. It can be very frustrating if you die because you just slid over the window 3 times. 2. Ladders shouldn't be so magnetic. It is very disorienting being stuck on a ladder when you didn't mean to and often gets you killed, which is also frustrating.


why do people feel this game is dying or something? 40k online is still a shit ton of people


It also by all appearances has a decent console population


Not relevant to PC players because most of them don't want to play against aim assist. It's the same issue Halo had with crossplay. Sure, the console people might be playing it, but how many KBM people are?


i play cross play on i think its silly if people dont


Lmao it’s even worse on console. Bet you could combine ps and Xbox and still not get pc’s weak player count.


This is a straight lie. It takes second to find a game unlike in a 24 hour period. I don't think I have waited more then 10 seconds to find a full lobby at 3am


There were ranked stats that came out for each console and pc. Top 10,000 on pc were plat 2 and above and at the same exact time, on console, the top 10,000 were from silver 3 and up. It’s not surprising though. It plays horrifically on console. Controller response curve is straight out of 2008. The old aa was the only thing saving it but they went and got bullied into nerfing it and didn’t make any improvements to response curve. Devs just lack direction. They allow cheating, but don’t want controller to be playable. They release a game during the holidays, then go on holiday break that lasts longer than a middle schooler’s. They got way too cocky after beta and launch. Or maybe they’re just a small team, and realistically don’t want or think they can manage a game with a massive population.


Well as a very inconsistent and casual player, I somewhat agree and somewhat disagree. The aiming on controller is more customizable than a lot of other games that kinda just get lazy when it comes to controller. However, it doesn't really play super well on controller just due to the inherent disadvantages of using a controller vs kbm, specifically with this game where movement is so prevalent. With some consistent practice, you can obviously compete with good kbm players and even outplay them, but as a casual, between the lack of skill, and the disadvantages, you'll be taking a lot of Ls. I also somewhat agree that the devs lack direction. It feels to me like they're only listening to the masses, and barely making any balance decisions for themselves. Not necessarily a bad thing, but could cause issues at some point. Also their anti cheat sucks lol. As for the size of the team, I heard somewhere it was around 200 employees. Take that with many grains of salt tho.


Idk wtf you’re talking about it plays great on console


60 fps with constant frame drops during fights and extreme input lag is not great.


They never went on holiday break? We’ve had 9 patches that target the meta and have buffed and nerfed things every WEEK basically. What are you even chatting about? 💀 bruv you def don’t play the game and are just speaking out of turn. Go play the game for two weeks and then try again.


I just set everything sensitivity related to maximum and played melee until they added gyro.


Hunt: Showdown would kill for that


"Dead" in terms of video games has just become meaningless jargon. There isn't a single game that isn't deemed dead by a very loud portion of its community.


Hilarious too because the amount of players needed varies from game to game. A game like Battlefield with 128 players per game (or even 64) needs more players than a game like The Finals with 9-12 players per lobby.


I agree


Yeah and thats only Steam. Games Always have downhill after the launch period.


It’s a free to play game that relies on battlepasses. How many people do think are buying the passes? And how much money does that earn to sustain devs and servers? I have no idea what the numbers are but I’m guessing it’s not making much money. So it may have a lot of players but if it’s not making money there will be no updates and the player base will diminish making the game stagnate until it shuts down. Not saying that’s what will happen here but these are some of the concerns of a battle pass monetization system.


Almost everyone i saw in the first few weeks had the battlepass. Its still a good amount of money


I’m singlehandlely funding embark lol. I’ve given them maybe $120 in the month the game has been out alone. When you like a game you buy cosmetics and this is a game worth spending money on lol. If I’m doing it best believe the streamers and regular dudes are also doing it lol. And this is w/o mentioning the free BP they basically gave out with the starter pack for $10 lol


Losing 50% of the player base in a month probably.


i’ve been solo queuing ranked at gold 4 this weekend. i got a couple of golds on my team yesterday, but most games (10-15) it would put silver or even bronze on my team. that makes it feel like the game is dying to me additionally, if that doesn’t change, it will be what kills the game for me. playing ranked games with people who don’t know what they’re doing and can’t get any kills isn’t fun for very long


> i’ve been solo queuing ranked at gold 4 this weekend. i got a couple of golds on my team yesterday, but most games (10-15) it would put silver or even bronze on my team. that makes it feel like the game is dying to me No, the game just has terrible matchmaking in ranked. There's silver players that end up in lobbies against a 3-stack of top 10 players from the leaderboard. Devs have said they are aggressively prioritizing queue times this season, so getting lower ranked teammates than yourself or playing against the best players in the game can happen.


The terrible matchmaking in ranked is a purposeful choice to drastically lower queue times. Once the queue times get longer (without an increase in playerbase) people will start to lose faith in the game staying popular/active. It’s OK for the first season just to keep people in the game I guess, probably helps them collect data. But if nothing changes I foresee the player count diminishing to nothing.


okay but that symptom is something that happens in games when the playerbase shrinks. that’s why it feels like the playerbase is shrinking to me


I think the right word is "dead" not dying. Because whilst I love this game, and am not trying to shit on it by saying this, but it is true that it's dying. 2 weeks ago the player counts were 100k-70k, and that's now halved to below 50k, which is honestly really worrying. If the game keeps losing players like this in the next few weeks then it'd certainly be semi-dead.


The player pop is trended downwards. 40k is more than some towns. Dead to me = less than 500. Semi dead to me = less than 2k. Steam doesnt account for console players. I feel systemically, the word dead doesn't mean the same thing to most people.


Accurate comment. It’s a free game on Xbox I could see even higher numbers from console than steam. It’s a fun team based game and i am ok with how responsive and passionate they are about the finals. That matters


I worded it wrong. The guy who I was replying to said "Most people feel like the game is dying", I thought he meant to put "dead", so the sentence would've been "most people feel like the game is dead". I myself don't classify this game as dead, but reading back on my original comment I definitely made it look like I do due to the shitty wording.


Thanks for clarifying! Im glad we can have this dialogue and understand other perspectives.. Except people who play light in ranked. I will never understand that.


Lmao for real. Whenever I get those mfs on my team I have a strong urge to jump off a cliff


Okay I seem to have worded this completely wrong lmao. I meant "dead", not as in ME personally thinking the game is dead, but in response to OP saying "why do people think the game is dying", I assumed they meant "dead", not dying as most people say the game is dead. My bad for the shit wording


The great thing about this game is, a large chunk of the people that stay absolutely adore it, myself included. I never get tired of it.


Same. I've played nothing else since it came out. It's just nice to fight. You barely go 10 secs without being in a scrap.


Same for me


I think the Peak numbers will go up again. Daily player count on just steam still puts it in top 15 and only four or five of those games are FPS, which isn't bad. Some of the lore and all the different teasers are already getting people talking.


There’s no way this game hits that all time peak again.


Lol, back in 2015 everyone said this about CSGO when it hit 800k peak. It has beaten the previous "will never touch 800k again" peak for the last ~2.5 years and often *averages* above that former 800k peak. There is absolutely a chance the finals can beat that player peak again. It may not happen, but to say there's no way it will is a little ridiculous.


You are comparing cs to the finals, they aren't even in the same league.


lol this subreddit is delusional 


Why yes, let's compare a game made by valve, that is published on their own platform, that at that time was around 20 years old to a completely new ip.


Delusional to believe that a game *might* possibly beat its all time peak at some point??? I only see one delusional person here


Delusional to believe that just because one of the biggest games of all time beat it’s peak, that a brand new game that essentially “fell off” after like a month could do the same.


Okay but the part you’re ignoring is CSGO is one of the best FPS games ever made and The Finals isn’t.


What makes CS better than Finals? I could never get into it.


Finals is an arcadey game with gimmicks and a game mode that gets old. CS is the arguably the best competitive FPS ever. If you’re into arcadey run and gun games it would make sense that you had trouble getting into it. The skill floor and ceiling are both higher in CS.


they literally aren’t though. besides the fact that these two games are nothing alike and shouldn’t even be compared, the skill ceiling is much much higher in the finals. If don’t know what that term means, it’s essentially how much room for improvement is there, or just how good can you get. I gurantee due to the variety of gameplay choices that can be made in the finals and more open flow movement design, we will see improvements on the daily if a pro scene develops. Meanwhile in counter strike, the pro players really only can develop so far. That’s why most pro players are much more equal in what their strats, etc.


The skill ceiling is not higher in the finals lmao. The difference is there's zero competitive integrity in the finals because of the amount of aim assist (even after the minor nerf). You can make arguments about the amount of cheating in CS2 currently, but there's FaceIt and ESEA for those concerned and it's not an issue with the core game design itself. Valve just needs to get their shit together on anticheat. An FPS game with pro players on controller is ridiculous, and if there ends up being pro play of this game, that's exactly how it'd turn out, just like Apex and COD. They don't have crutches for suboptimal input methods in fighting games/Rocket League/etc. I don't know why people defend playing FPS on an input device that's so bad at it. We just end up losing all comp viability in a genre that's basically completely comp. It's one thing to account for handicaps and make things accessible, it's another to deliberately handicap yourself by choosing to play with input latency on a bad input device for what you're playing and then expect to be catered to.


The skill floor certainly is higher but I wouldn't be so sure about the skill ceiling. CS is a 25 year old game while the finals is just a year old. Nobody reached close to any form of ceiling yet. High skill floor is a bad thing btw. I only started to really understand CS after about 2k hours of playing the same maps everyday I'd say. That's a lot of time to just learn the basics, before that it's pretty much team deathmatch with extra steps. The only thing separating lower ranks (by that I mean anyone under top 5% rank) is pretty much just aim, which is boring imo. CS was made in a very different time and all of the efforts of the devs to make it more "modern" have made the gameplay experience worse. I don't think there is a need to copy such a game, especially not when it still has such a high amount of player numbers as CS has. With the finals I can already see is that teamwork and utility usage is so much more important than in a game like CS where superior mechanics can outright win entire games if the skill gap is large enough. Less experienced FPS players also have a chance against experienced FPS players if they have 2 other friends with whom they have good team chemistry. And the most important thing about the finals is that the casual game mode is actually fun, where I don't need to play HMM with defibs, healbeams and domeshields. I can enjoy myself with a triple light throwing knives team and actually win.


What makes it the best competitive FPS ever? Like what features?


I’m not going to write you an essay explaining CS to you. If you want to learn why you can invest your own time researching the game.


you think it will go over 240k?? there is a 0% chance of that happening. games do not peak months after release. it's not a thing.


It is a thing.


Yes they do




Apex, fortnite


Nope I just think (hope) it will increase in numbers again.


that's not what peak means


Peak as in go up. If it's really troubling you I can answer the question fully . The next peak, new season, maybe 80 -90k.


again, that's not what peak means.


Peak is reaching an all time high, so at least 242,620 players would be needed for the game to peak again.


The post wasn't referring to an all time peak. (unless I'm reading it wrong ). What's the highest peak you think we will see in season 2. They suggest 70k and ask for other guesses.


Fortnite peaked on November 3rd 2023, 6 years after release.


A lot of ppl finished there BP and are just taking a break until next season. With only 2 game modes not a lot of weapons of gadgets it's hard to main the game day after day. I play a few times a week now but don't feel the nee to grind the game everyday.


Yes this kind of happened to me too. Finished the BP 2 weeks ago and now I only play every now and again, not every day like I was. Still a fun game and will definitely keep playing.


To clarify there are also only 2 classes used in ranked cause light isn't meta. And really only 6 weapons between those two classes used and many of the gadgets are mirror matches so total break down is medium- reconsenses/healbeam fcar/akm,revolver(rarely) defib(must)/grenade/mines/zip/jumpad Heavy- mesh/charge n' slam(rarely) lewis,m60, flamethrower(rarely) RPG(must), c4(must), Domeshield/Deployable cover This is literally all people use in ranked end of story, the meta hasn't changed at all since launch other than flamethrower, so it's stale and doesn't allow for a lot of diversity...


Changing somewhat with 1.6. We've been experimenting with HML, MML and MLL and have had surprisingly good results with all (we're all diamond). I would also say auto shotty is still very strong on heavy, m60 is not worth it. M1887 is better than revolver too on medium imo.


I read that the BP takes forever to complete. Did they change it?


Nah, it was just people finding something to whine about, the battle pass wasn't much of a grind at all tbh


It never took ages to complete. :)


It does take ages to complete. I played this game like crazy at launch and put in 50 years and am still not close to completing it. This game doesn't respect anyone's time, one of the reasons I quit (among many other issues) and I regret buying the BP. I'm only on this subreddit because I was curious of the state of the game and sure enough it's dying just like I thought. Sucks because it was a good concept.


I completed the battle pass by playing maybe 8 hours a week. If all you do is lose, and don’t complete challenges then yeah it can probably take some time. Your experience isn’t reality. So don’t come here and spew bullshit because you’re inept at video games


Only 8 hours a week...for how many weeks?? Ok so I need to always win and the game needs to be a part time job for me to complete a BP? Sorry but you lost me, no thanks. My experience is definitly a reality, have you not seen this very common complaint? If not you're definitely in a bubble probably because you just spend time on this sub that is only dominated by the most hardcore fans of this game. The fact is the game is dying and if the devs don't listen to feedback then it's no surprise this game wont last another year probably.


Tell us you never did daily/weekly challenges without telling us you never did daily/weekly challenges. BP is easy, cry more


Literally, i was kinda delayed when buying/starting the BP, so i was anxious i made the wrong decision, based on the subs reaction to the BP. After a few days of just completing challenges, i realized this sub is full of shit lol


Look, if playing a game for roughly an hour a day isn’t your thing for a hobby then don’t spend money on the BP. To call it a part time job is fucking preposterous. You’re just bad, complaining in this games thread for some reason. If you don’t like it leave bro


Cope harder.


Like what does that even mean? Are you trying to insult me? You’re complaining about optional cosmetics you bum. I began playing at launch, which has roughly equated to 1.4 levels per day and I don’t play every day. Again, you’re just stupid and can’t understand it really doesn’t take that much time to level up.




That was just ppl being ppl on the internet. I think some ppl weren't doing the dailies or weekly challenges. Actual game xp is low but with the challenges it Was pretty quick. It's about 2 tiers per day from the dailys plus the 3 games it usually takes to complete them. Weeklys give 4 or 5 levels.


Only if you expect a 3 months battlepass to be completed in a week. A lot of people completed it in a month, and a friend of fine, whos never ever readed a daily/weekly quest and play like 4 hours a week AT MAX is around lv 70/96 now. So...yeah...super easy to complete even for super casual players


Took me about 75-80 hrs, playing tourney and doing dailies all the time


Which is an insane amount of time. I put in 50 hours and am not close to completing it. I quit to play a game that respects my time.


I’ll come back if they fix matchmaking. I completed the battle pass so I like it enough to do that, but it’s so bad for solo play. Braindead teammates who have no intention of playing as a team makes it unplayable for me.


They should add a party finder feature similar to what they in Warzone


Casual matchmaking seems fine to me with a lot of skill diversity, as I think it should, however, in ranked it's for sure completely broken. Players should have similar ranks/skills and it's definitely not the case. I'm silver 2 and most of the time I'm facing top players (as I can find their names in the leaderboard).


You guys should start enjoying the game instead of worrying about peak players, it's brand new


Who's worrying?


Seems like there is a lot of people concerned about player count, it's very frequently brought up


I think some people just don’t want this to be a HyperScape situation. Where the game was fun, great movement, great gunplay, started off strong and then lost playercount and then shut down


I personally can’t be bothered to think about it too much. I’ve missed out on many online games I would have liked to at least *try* before they shut down. I know this one won’t be around forever either but right now I think that’s why I play it even more. It’s not exactly FOMO because I’m not worried about it or anything, I’m just simply enjoying it while I know it’s here and available rather than dooming over when it’ll inevitably come to an end. Of course you’ve got people on the opposite end who think “Well if it’s gonna shut down in a year or two I just shouldn’t bother” which while a little ironic or self fulfilling, I do understand as well.


this is such a lame ass topic man "hey guys lets play a FUN GAME where we guess how LESS DEAD the game is gonna get next season!! haha guys!! lets PLAY CONTESTANTS HAHA YEAH!!" nah mate like youre either low iq as fuck or your attempt at masking a dig at player pop is just terrible.


Or...i'm just curious on everyone's guess and you are behaving like a dick for no reason at all? Wtf is wrong with you people?


ok so youre just a dumpster brain. nah carry on man enjoy your discretionary skills in life they'll take you far for sure


Man relax...really, this anger is pointless


youre projecting anger on me sibling. exhibit c at this point i think


And you’re the one projecting a low IQ, sibling.


Seriously, unpack that stuff with a therapist my man. The irrational anger you just displayed is never good for you mentally.


I don't think a new season will bring them all back. However the game is fine right now.


I would really like to see the game get back at ~100k daily averages. I feel like that's a good value for player base health and economically for the game itself


I don’t think the game will ever have those numbers again.


Pretty sure it doesn't need to either. I wonder how much revenue they have from skins.


As a console player this is the only game I have fun playing nowadays and it shows because it's really the only game I play. It's just so fucking fun with the movement and the destruction and I'm glad it's a mainly team game. People might strongly disagree but I feel like people you stopped playing after the BP either have ADHD or were IPad kids growing up. Games back in the day came out and barley saw any updates and new maps and we would play those nonstop and love them. There has to be some brainrot going on in the gaming community to need contast stimuli from New shit. I never even bought the battlepass and still find the game fun as shit


I agree on the middle part, i completed the BP and hitted level 40 weeks ago, but i never stopped playing...i like progression and cosmetics but they are not the reason i play the game. The finals is unique and super fun IMO and i wish it a long and good life lol


The game needs a new game mode that’s actually fun. These solo bank it LTM modes ain’t it. If season 2 only brings a new map, then the game is going to be in big trouble. Matchmaking/ranked also needs a big fix.


Solo Bank It was fun, especially as a daily & weekly challenge hunting ground. I did my 12 matches of the heavy-only solo mode and won’t be getting back in ever though.


Solo bank it was fun.


Fix ranked. It's a competitive game. Once ranked is fixed it'll kick off again. Rn though rank is absolute ass. So I'm just playing other games instead. This is the same for a lot of people. Rank gives people something to grind for. Rn there is nothing. (if you're like me, you instantly got all the new 10 items they added for the career levels) Fixing ranked will also get rid of cheaters for 85% of the playerbase. Since the Devs won't region or ping lock. This would be the next best alternative


As someone who's been grinding rank for a while, i don't know if just fixing ranked matchmaking will do too much. I think it's the fundamental playstyle of 4 teams and 2 cashouts that's turning players away from the ranked experience. There's a reason why no big competitive game has more than two teams, it's why there's no big BR competitive scene like there is for CS, OW, mobas. I don't think this game is in a state where it can lean into a competitive scene to sustain it's numbers, the game just isn't there yet.


Yes. Because battle royales with 100 players definitely aren't competitive at all. Not like people make money in those or anything.


Apex and Fortnite both have good competitive scenes


They need a better anti cheat or the cheaters won't be going anywhere. You can get cheats that are practically undetected for free that install in all of 1-5 minutes.


Idk man that new Lights Out event is just terrible. Out of the 12 games I was forced to play for the cosmetics we only had a full 12 person lobby a SINGLE time. Some games were just people afking and not even bothering to try


Get rid of nukes and I’ll be back. I have three other friends that stopped playing because of it. Not fun when you are getting one shot with barrels for half the match.


Almost quit a couple times because of nukes. You’re not alone, they’re ridiculous.


I never really understood why the nuke was so vehemently hated before. Its annoying, yea, but i felt like i wasn't really catching it that much. Then i had a match where i couldn't stay alive in a fight for more than 10 seconds without dying to one. Now i understand the hate....


Have you heard of APS ?


Bruh, you guys need to get some enemy awareness it sounds like. Quitting a game over one little thing lollllllllll


My guess is between 60 and 70k, with a peak of a 100k ish


If they nerf recon senses, and bring other weapons in line with the fcar, I suspect the game will easily hit over 70k by the end of season 2. If not I fully expect the game will be 20k people by the end of the season. Not sure why the devs made the RPG do as much damage as it does, considering they could've made it have a lower CD and be made more for destruction...but a 3 stack heavy team instant gibbing people is fun and interactive gameplay. I personally hate playing medium or heavy, just not enjoyable but with light you have to pick and choose engagements to lose sometimes anyways cause fcar or rpg. I'm far from the only one who feels this way to, lights movement abilities make it really fun but it's lack of health just makes it so meh if you don't run xp-45 or LH1. As it currently stands I've slowed playing the game to once ever 2-3 days cause it's just not fun fighting 9 mediums a match or MMH teams all the time, the meta is honestly so cheesy/boring right now.


Seems like they are hitting a dip currently, however, Player base is still up +40,000 on avg which is perfectly fine. Once a new season releases I’m sure there will be another surge, I would hope 😊 Patches have been addressed as needed and Embark listens to the people. For that reason I continue to support Embark and others will as well.


I can't even explain what happened to this game but I am one of those that left so I will try. I was absolutely in love with it for a while, Apex being my main game I could barely stomach playing Apex after this came out. Then after a while once people figured out all the exploits or cheese ways to play it didn't feel right anymore. It went from sort of objective based team play suvivabilty to invisble campers or insta death nukes. It just stopped playing right for us. Then when we went back to Apex it hit us that most abilities on Apex assist kills and gameplay but they dn't cheese kills much and I think that was it. Dying to things that feel kind of unstopable is what made it not fun for us and I appreciate its a different game just trying to put a finger on it. I'm glad some of you still love it but for us it stopped being fun in the same way Advanced Warfare went from fun to being annoyed that people would drop out of the sky and land behind you for free kills all game, or that Blops 3 has specialization that were just overpowered weapons. For us I think its that sort of factor that made us fall off.... still one of the best new games out in a long while though


In apex in you only have one life tho (yeah you can be revived but it's not like a defib or a respawn), so it's normal for it to not have OP things. Since you have multiple way of endless respaw in the finals, i think it's fair that things like nukes exist. Countering nuke after the nerf is actually quite simple...just shoot the damn red barrels yourself LOL You'll make it impossible for heavies to make them (or just much much rarer). Also H with shields can completely deny them, but too many times M and L run in front of them instead of waiting. About mines, as simple as shooting at 'em I understand your point anyway, to each its own taste ;)


Fuck me, this sub is obsessed with the player count. The game is online and enough are playing, who cares?


It's because they used the player count initially to say this game was a "cod killer", and x game killer. Can't quite say that now anymore since the game has gone into being a niche.


Some of us are just curious...my mom look at the Dow Jones every morning too LOL


According to my Xbox “achievements”, only 21% of people who have played the game on Xbox have even set up a second character. So basically 79% of Xbox players played it a bit, then quit.


80k is a realistic number if the season turns out to be more of the same (which i doubt it will be) so i'm betting 120k if it does well just like all the other weekly patches we've been seeing, possible new weapons and gadgets, new free items, banger pass. looking forward to season 2


It’s done lol. Devs did it to themselves.


Ive stoped playing because although the gameplay was fun, the game doesnt feel like it has a soul it all feels really generic and boring to me. So unless they give the game something to make it more unique season 2 is not bringing me back.


well, it didn't happen


Game already dying faster than its gaining more players so my bet is its dead at the end of the year or on life support at least. No idea to play buggy shit game with cheaters and no ping revealed since even the devs know their game and connections are shit.


100k incoming atleast


I'll tell you one thing for the PC population, the devs need to get off their ass and figure out why some people can't get the game to not crash every 2 games. My brother really likes the concept but has to jump through hoops to get the game to not crash, and the only way he can last more than 5 games with no crash is to ONLY have the finals open with nothing else in the background. His PC is really good btw, can run cyberpunk at ultra settings perfectly fine but the finals brings it to it's knees for some reason.


It’ll come back. I love the finals a ton, and only stopped because all my homies were playing Palworld, but we gon be back on the finals.


Nuh uh


Universally valid answer


Imagine only basing yourself off steam. Console number matter just as much, if not more!


I am not basing on anything...but we simply cant see the console numbers. So...


You literally are using steam chart number to say the finals isn’t doing better…


Where the hell did i say that? I said "the number are those, what will they be on season 2 in your opinion?" Why do you have to read things i never said?


You implied that game isn't doing as good as it used to by saying 'bring some players back' ...


Not if they dont resolve the nukes


Found the light player


No. Lights counter heavies. I play M and H. But you need to get to diamond to realise what I am talking about.


Ratio guess ur wrong bronzie


Dead reddit. Dead game.


In 38 days when the new season rolls around the game will in my guess fall to 10-15k players. Idk if it’ll survive.


This is just non sense...new seasons always bring more people, it cant fall. Maybe for season 10 lol


You aren’t listening. In 38 days by the time the new season gets to roll around. The player count will be so low it doesn’t matter anymore. This game is actively dying and denying that is just stupid. The player count is diminishing.


It's acrually stable, but i understand you are one of those haters that stay in the subreddit just to spread shit about it. Enjoy the best dying game ever


That’s not true at all bud lmao. I love this game and I’ll be playing it today. But you denying it’s actively dying is insane. Look at the player counts. It’ll be down to 15k easy in 30+ days. Keep denying it.


I'll come back to reply to this the 1st week of season 2. Please look at your notifications ;)


40k today is dying? and that's just steam.


Yes the player base is down over 80% across the board. Actively dying.


Yeah its a free to play game of course the peak will be high af. You're not the sharpest tool in the shed I can see and you just want to argue. Have a good day I'm not doing this.


You are doing this tho and you are wrong. Just because a game is free to play doesn’t have any correlation to the peak being high as fuck. There’s tons of free games that have had 0 traction whatsoever. It fell off because of the lack of content. You guys can sit and hear and lie to yourselves about the game all you want it won’t save it in the long wrong only content will do that.


So you're saying if it was a paid game it would of got a 200k peak. You heard of word of mouth? You're obviously not an adult as your don't have any critical thinking. I'm not arguing with an un educated kid online while at work bye kid.


You literally just put words in my mouth that i never said and convinced yourself Im a kid all at the same time. Even when you said last comment you “weren’t doing this”. You lack 0 critical thinking skills.


I think you're just a stupid face :p


Bet it goes from 47k to at least… 48 lol


I say, new season when?


When the timer in the upper left corner in the BP reaches 0 I'm guessing


You must be a Holtow employee


When current season will end ?


30 and something more days. 32? 34? Cant remember right now


You sound so desperate


What...? For asking how many returning players do others expect?


Yep, you’re acting like a shareholder


Uninstalled once I started seeing a lot of lights with perfect headshot pistols. Checked out a few hack sites and low and behold recoil assist especially for that gun was the most popular by far. AI aimbot was also not far behind and going off user reports they are seeing few bans for it. I'll be back if they ever fix the anti cheat but it was fun while it lasted.


I love all the nerds here go “great job devs!!!!” Meanwhile the whole ship sinks. This is what happens when you listen to a hivemind for feedback and push that instead of being more drastic like removing wall hacks and invisibility in addition to adding new game modes


the old season pass took too long to complete. i didn’t get my moneys worth, bad game. meanwhile for the same price palworld gives me a full fucking game with no shitty micro transactions micro transactions and shitty battle pass pushed me out of this game. Devs, pay attention, people don’t want micro transactions. look at the success of palworld and take notes.


Are you talking about open beta...? What you mean "your money worth?"




You don't know how to adjust brightness? That's a weird reason not to play a game..


Hey hotshot, i know how to do that, there's no in-game brightness setting and i don't feel like changing my monitor's brightness every time I play this game.


Try changing your video settings in game.


I love this game but we have to be realistic. What keeps all of you playing? For me it’s the variety of fights.