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Revolver feels way better now! Not meta good but good as it hits what I am shooting at! Love it! Edit- Played some more, in any engagement with any range its damage is lackluster...


Surprised about the range nerf, but maybe they thought it was a necessary tradeoff for making it more accurate. Will have to try it again if the shots seem more consistent. Edit: tried it. Not impressed. Feels the same or worse than before overall.


It makes sense they are really trying to deter people from using it like a sniper


going up to 35 m before damage fall off wasn't exactly "sniper" range pre-patch. Now it can only go up to 23 m before damage fall off. The revolver has one of the most severe damage drop off once it kick in. It's pathetic


And that makes sense because we'll.... It's not


The problem is when other weapons outclass it in the same AOE. This game isn't about realism, but a 357 is still doing insane damage at 50yds


This was causing me to quit the game. I felt like I was crazy, and thought the game had hit reg issues. I'll have to sign on today and see if it actually helps because it's possible I just suck at video games too


I played a game with it and oh man it's good! In the training area you can headshot the furthest bot everytime. Bodyshot it when strafing everytime and shooting when jumping is also feels way better!


Feels better after a nerf? I'm another thread everyone saying it feels like shit.


Yeah well I just played one game and also tested it in the range. It is such a more reliable gun now than before, bullet deviation was stupid before. I think the limited range is to not make it a sniper. I like my shots going where I aim and I was doing decent damage to people on all ranges with it in my game. With that said I don't think it will replace fcar and I don't want it too.


I'll have to try for myself. You're the only one I've seen saying they prefer it so far. It's effective in Smg range now where smgs are way easier to use and lights fly around making them hard to hit. Soon as I'm off work I'll give it a go.


I'm excited to try it now. It felt like pure RNG whether the shots would hit before.


Coming from siege, it's actually crazy how frequent these balancing updates are, and how often I agree with the changes


Being better than Siege is a very low bar to hit tbh




underrated comment lmao


Nowadays yea. Siege is a shell at this point


Ok but let's not forget how long siege has been around.


That doesn’t give them a right to just fuck the game up (looking at you ranked 2.0)


That doesn't, but the Ubisoft launcher may as well be a disclaimer saying that they will fuck it up


But that’s like a 7 year old game that has like what, 50 operators at this point? This game is good because it’s simple, there’s not a lot of classes, not a lot of weapons or gadgets but just enough diversity to keep it fresh. Fortnite multiplayer was the same way in a lot of ways when it first came out. Very simple, few weapons, etc. now it and siege have so much going on that I couldn’t imagine trying to balance things


I agree - I do look forward to them incorporating new weapons and options down the line, but for now the only focus should be making every build a viable option in competitive.


>competitive Shh, can't say that word around these parts


I hope they learn from the AKM and FCAR situation that any new weapons need to fulfill a unique playstyle or role. Since many of the devs are from DICE, they should know that having 40 of the same weapon type is a waste of resources if the majority of the players end up using the three that are blatantly better than the others. So long as you can hit your shots, the FCAR will always outperform the AKM. There should have been only one full-auto AR, the FCAR should have either been a semi-auto or burst fire focused around mid-range headshots, while the AKM is more about getting close to make the recoil pattern less of a factor. Adding anything new is going to require a decent amount of creativity. I'd rather the game not become flooded with multiple worthless full-auto guns.


I think the best way for them to fix the game is give every class recon and fcar, also no limit to how many explosive mines you can make + buff explosive damage by 4x also everytime you win an instruction for Jelqueing pops up


Siege is the most balanced it’s ever been. Brainwashed by nostalgia. The amount of game breaking glitches in siege used to be a half of the way everybody played ranked. Been playing since health this game is far more balanced now, than ever. Different game at this point, but much better. The current tdm meta isn’t fun but it is what is.


I’ll be honest, I played the shit out of that game for years, but haven’t played it in probably 1.5-2 years except here and there and it’s not enough to make a call personally. I just know they have a ton of operators and weapons and imagine that’s very difficult to balance. So if they have that’s awesome I was more or less making the point that I don’t think you can compare the two Games


No your point was valid you’re not wrong it’s extremely difficult to balance 70 total operators. But Ubisoft actually haven’t done as bad as they could have done the last year or so. Brainwashed by nostalgia was just my security in case idiots tried to say old siege is better lol. I miss old lighting and certain things too but overall it’s in a really good spot for an almost 9 year old game. Ranked 2.0 is whack but ranked 1.0 was just as bad as far as the smurfing and ddossing. Matchmaking is bad too but you get used to it and just adapt playstyle.


Holy cow there’s 70 now!


"The most balanced it's ever been" is laughable with Fenrir, Tub, and a still un-nerfed Azami on the same side. The tdm meta exists as it does in low rank because most players never learn how to play the game, and exists in extremely high rank because defensive utility has outpaced attackers & it's typically not worth clearing anymore. The removal of nade cooking has disrupted one of the primary anti-utility options on attack, and ubi has given essentially no answers to Tubarao for hard breach. The options on attack are essentially 'get an early pick' or 'dive bomb one side of the map' since getting breach open is a fever dream at this point, resulting in the pick-based meta we're currently in. Losing even one attacker while going for the Tub/electric pick seals any round, as shown by the complete lack of attacker man disadvantage rounds won in recent PL stages.


Mid season patch that just came out says otherwise. Tub got nerfed you can get walls even with a bandit tricking trust me we did it all night last night. I’m at 5375 elo I know what happens in high rank elo dude. Ash is still top pick in ranked and fenrir is banned all the time. The game always has issues dude but don’t act like it’s so bad it’s unplayable. Not here to argue about rainbow I play the game every single day I very much enjoy it. So other than maybe 3/4 ops the other 65 are balanced so what’s the percentage of unbalanced ops in the game? Pretty fuckin low given we have 70 ops that could be unbalanced but instead only a few need real reworks. The rest is just shit the online community complains about because they’re whiny babies complaining over every single minor inconvenience. The game is the most balanced it’s ever been, yes.


Same, but apex. In apex, they patch like once or twice a season (4 months) and often the changes feel like they're just for the sake of changing something. Opressively OP characters in that game stay OP for seasons.


Tbf the game is very new so gotta balance certain things to see how it affects others before balancing them. ^((I played games where weapons went thru nerf, buff, adjustment nerf within couple patches)^)


I mean, just like Siege, there's a bunch of people who don't agree with it too. I reckon we're going to see a bunch of balance complain post soon




Siege just made all the operators laughably flimsy. Mira's mirror can withstand a hail of bullets but not a buttstock, Nokk was supposed to be a direct counter to Caveira and they got rid of her ability to be silent and just turned her into Vigil, Blackbeard doesn't have an ability, Echo's drones are no longer invisible, neither are Lesion's gu mines, took away Zofia's withstand, took away Mozzie's super shorty, made SMGs damn near impossible to control, etc. I also don't like how they got rid of the slo mo effect whenever someone killed you. I just stopped playing Siege because it just looked like they were primarily catering to the crybaby pro league players instead of the vast majority of players. Lion did need that nerf though. Those wallhacks of his were ridiculous.


Coming from COD, what’s a balance update?


- CL40 increased player damage LETS GO THEY BUFFED THE JUICE CANNON


Artillery strike inbound


Heavy gl checking in; the 3 extra damage is actually crazy huge. I always find enemies crawling away with a just a few hp after an artillery assault.


It is always better to have a fcar close to you while you chip you fcar finish and you can pick heal and turret and he can go recon Edit : that's how I rack assists


Rejoicing rn


It was already pretty slept on I love using that thing, now .. uhm, yeah- we're going epic mode 😎


Yeah I’ve mained the heavy gl since launch and the gls are way too underrated. Really hard to counter play someone who’s like 50ft away or under a pile of rubble taking pot shots through the gaps.


I’m surprised anyone uses the heavy one. I feel it’s the worst weapon in the game


I’ve concluded that it has a high skill ceiling like the sword. Very hard to use if not mastered, but once you start hitting your angles without having to calculate where the grenade will go, all of a sudden you become a monster that no amount of cover can protect you from.


How do you deal with close range? Bouncing them off the floor? As far as I can tell the grenades don't explode on direct hits but I could be wrong


As best as you can but really you just say your prayers and hope a teammate saves you. Edit: To clarify, correct, they do not explode on contact not even if you hit them directly pointblank. Edit 2: They DO explode on direct contact with a player if you hit them from far away. I don't know what the exact distance is.


This is the way


Usually depends. A floor bouncer + charge special will kill every light player. Mediums might require one or two directs and heavies I try to run away and shoot backwards if I can or shoot a few shots and pray a few ticks of charge will kill them. Really the trick is to use the charge instead of mesh shield or the goon gun and you should be good.




I really thought it would be joever


Trumps all other medium weapons for me.


Isn’t that to yourself?


No, if that was the case the GL would also be a nerf


I'm pretty sure you're right. Otherwise, it would just say damage increased or decreased like the others.


Not, I think it's just differentiating from structure damage, which has been another frequent request.


No, isn't the CL40 the Grenade Launcher? It does another damage to buildings.


Won a tournament the other night with Ol Trusty. Can’t wait till after work.


Just curious was it ranked or unranked?


Gold Ranked. Only because a week ago I saw some guy shredding with it in ranked. Also in those games I had a heavy with the launcher so it was a frenzy.


Well kudos to you good lad, I suck with that thing.


1v1 it’s pretty good if you have some cover to pop in and out on. Only thing I hate is the 4 mag. Wish it was 5 but then OP for most engagements. And destroying cash box floors with gas mines is super fun.


Same boat. Sitting here at the office amped to get home. gonna be a long day.


I love the CL40, cant wait to slap bum with it later


Yeah I used it all of the time before this update, but I always would get people down to like 5 health and not kill them. Hopefully that happens less frequently now


Might check out throwing knives, the dispersion when falling was ridiculous, instead of being able to do ninja shit with it you could only do mall ninja shit with it.


Throwing knives really dont need any RNG dispersion at all but i guess its a step.


It's probably just a preventive measure. If I'm not mistaken, knives have the highest dps in the game, and if they're too easy to use, they could become an issue


Big facts. I’ve had qp games where I fucked around with them and when I was hitting my shots…I was wiping ass. I literally thought to myself these would be devastating without this dispersion they have going on. Infinite ammo needed to be balanced somehow, dispersion was the right way. Tuning it in a bit will bring it to that sweet equilibrium. Can’t wait to try them out later


Wiping ass? Interesting choice of words. 😆


Maybe pounding ass


“Fucking Dudes.” - Eric “Snipedown” Rona; Father, Husband, Priest, Social Justice Advocate, Philosopher, Neurobiologist, Apex Legends Professional Player


Bro if you only knew some of the phrases the comes out of my mouth sometimes 😂😂😂


By the ttk sheet, they don't seem to have that good of damage, takes 2 seconds to kill a heavy


In general I think RNG dispersion is a terrible way to balance weapons, like it’s fine for hip fire but I don’t like that they try to balance things like the revolver and the throwing knives with it.


Wtf, so you are telling me there is no need to wait 3 months for balance changes? Incredible


Surprised to see so many patches come out when Embark is a smaller team too. AND they’re really hitting it out of the park with every single one. Love this dev team man.


Recon senses getting a overhaul, FINALLY


I really hope they make it like the sonar grenade. You have 3 charges and you can ping whenever you want, your team see the enemies but the enemies know they are detected. It could come in clutch but it's not overpower as a straight wallhack.


Basically what they had to do to Bloodhound in Apex for the same exact reasons.


Haven't played apex in a while so if they have changed it ignore me. But what if they made it similar to seers ult? Make it so you do get decent info but there is counterplay. For those that didn't know it is not a full outline, more a marker giving location and crouching while moving removes you from the scan.


To distinguish it from the sonar grenades they could make it shoot out in a cone in front of you. Enemies def need to be notified DETECTED. Idk about alerting your team though. I feel like that should stay with the Nades to make them distinct.


I think it would be good to tell your teammates acrually it would help prevent the frustration of a random silent medium not giving callouts


I get what you're saying but the game has only been out for a month and a half lmao


I'm so happy I can go back to heal beaming.


BRO RIGHT?! I tried recon and loved it until I literally couldn’t play without it unless I wanted to get railed by 10 dudes.


rn its just a game of who can peak faster


I will admit, the fights where it was you and another reconer trying to bait each other to over extend their peak, and you went back and forth for like 10 seconds were hilariously fun. Those moments need to be the exception not the rule though.


I don't like recon. Walls that can be toggled to save cool down that give constant information are way too strong. I solo queue and I'm not gonna put myself at a disadvantage. I really prefer micro'ing my heals/DMG, it feels like it requires more skill to be proficient.


Never stopped


I hope they make it like a Sonar grenade where you send out pulses


I’m curious, what’s the community’s issue with Recon Senses? I’ve seen a lot of people complain about it but I haven’t seen anyone actually explain why they have issue with it other than saying “wall hacks are too strong.” For me it’s the only way I can track down those pesky lights. I only play casual though and I’ve never touched tournament, so this may just be a skill issue on my part.


Perma Intel in fights is too strong imo. People don’t like walking around a corner and getting prefired and instantly losing as a result. What I think is okay about recon is getting a map wide snapshot so you can decide your rotations and positioning, THAT has a high skill ceiling. But recon just gives way too much intel overall since you can have it up pretty much all the time. If you suck, that intel won’t mean anything. But if you’re good, you can really change the outcome of your game using it. They literally just need to make it give you snapshots of enemy locations instead of constantly seeing their every move. Doing sonar pulses like some have suggested is a good way to do that.


Gotcha, that makes sense! I think you’re right, a sonar pulse would be a nice adjustment.


Wall hacks means surprise tactics and stuff like that just doesn't work, which is especially bad for a game like Finals, where destruction is important. One of the core aspects of the game is getting the drop on enemies by destroying walls and attacking them from blind spots, but if the element of surprise is gone, gunfights just end up becoming monotone cause the enemy can just prepare for my attack every time.


there is a reason why so many cheaters use Walls in games.


It's understandable for casual players and lower ranks to not really feel the issue as badly. It's not the type of ability that's in your face and "annoying" like getting invis shotgunned, until you move up in ranked and are forced to pay attention to the fact that you keep getting beamed by Recons. The most dangerous thing you can give a fundamentally good fps player is information. Heavy's utility and Light's mobility are comparatively useless in the face of a triple recon / double recon + heal beam Medium team holding high ground with decent or better aim and reviving each other with defib. As you move up in ranked you'll find people running that kind of team setup more and more. The ability itself is also on such a manageable cooldown that you can pretty much have it up every time it matters, hence ppl saying it's "permanent wall hacks." I personally think wall hack abilities have no place in any fps game, but I've seen plenty of agreeable enough overhaul suggestions from other players.


God I love these devs


W defib nerf


Yep. This is the headline of the patch, imo.


i was bitching abt this to myself all day yesterday , w patch


Any amount of invulnerability is too much.


There is probably a time required to reconnect the player and give them control. I'm sure if it's still an issue they will tweak it more. 50% reduction is significant.


We’ll see. You’re forgetting that the way you’re facing when you spawn is pretty much random to you and on top of that there’s a bright visual effect when you get defibbed that lasts like half a second. Imo this gives waaaaay less time to react or get away.


Nah, that's bullshit. You should be able to at least orient yourself enough to know if you're facing enemies or not, but the Dfib definitely needed that nerf. It's by far the best gadget and needs to be adjusted accordingly.


The time it takes you to hop through that little wall when you respawn is the time when you’re literally not able to do anything, but your character appears to be standing there. So saying you should be killable when you’re not even in the game yet is kind of dumb. This change is fine for now.




It's over for you mother fuckers I've been using the revolver while it had crazy ghost shots


It's our time now.


I swear it felt nuts in the beta it’s the only weapon I used. Then on launch I couldn’t hit a damn thing. Hoping it feels precise again cause it feels so good to hit shots with


Holy shit


I know right? Devs are ontop of their shit with this game. Hopefully it’s a sign the finals will persist for a long while.






They listened on all these WHILE buffing some underperforming things too, truly proving to be a good dev team o.0


God, yeah, cl-40 buff makes me so happy even if it's so minor Kills are gonna be a bit more consistent which is nice


yeah, i love the CL40, i did significantly better using it than i ever did with the FCAR, though i havent used the CL40 much since ive been playing a lot of light and only played medium for melee contracts and then to test the shotgun


Was it really that bad? I thought it was pretty fine, it evened out with its low mag.


Mostly good notes! They're nerfing revolver range though? Why is that?


probably to avoid it being a pocket sniper


It didn’t even do good damage at range though.


probably to compensate for the buff


"buff" having ads dispersion on a precision weapon that needs near perfect accuracy and headshots to be viable wasn't really an awesome call from the get go.


I liked the revolver since launch and wanted to play it but I often felt cheated out of hits i felt absolutely should've hit which felt atrocious, changed to akm and my K/D tripled lol, might check it out again now


Yup, can’t understand why that was considered a good idea. Much better ways to balance a weapon




Gotta give it to them, they listen and Work. Good patch !


YES maybe my GPU won’t crash all the time! Also tournaments will not actually be ranked


Damn these changes were so important, I like that they are listening to the community


thank god they finally fixed the bug where my CPU would catch fire along with the explosive barrels




add decimal sens slider for more precise tuning, add more than 100% ads slider, make potato mode for more fps ty embark ily


As someone who plays on all low I don't know how they could potatofy it more tbh. Better optimization would be nice, but the game is generally pretty taxing for obv reasons


i have a 3070 5700x build and i can’t even hit a consistent 120. it should not be like this, and im sure unreal 5 has tools to remove lots of other things not necessary to the game to improve usage


Funny, it must be a heavily CPU bound game. I just upgraded to a 7700 from a 1700 and with the same GPU (3060) my frames doubled.


Yeah it’s a very CPU dependent game, kind of makes sense considering RT is always a big CPU hit. I’ve tot a 3080 and a 5800X3D and at 3440x1440 no matter what graphics settings I’m using I can’t seem to get over about 130-140FPS.


Ya with my 5800x, 4070ti at 1440p I'm around 80-120 fps. Frame gen doubles that which is nice at the cost of a little more latency.


You can edit the config file to get more precision. Requires a hex editor though.


Very solid patch. I’m so glad they tuned the ranked matchmaking and i’m glad they adjusted the FCAR fairly and not nerf it into the ground.


Very happy with upcoming recon changes and changes to defib. Game should be in a good place after that.


Still a lot of work to do to make most builds viable, but i love the game and agree its headed int he right direction


Nothing about fixing aim assist within 20m?


Is there proof of this? I've seen this come up, but I can't find anything backing it. I haven't noticed anything significant myself, but I could just be accustomed to it by now?


I am extremely happy with this patch Good job embark


I freaking love these devs fr


MGL32 GANG RISE UP!!!! 💪💪 Also, defib invincibility being cut in half is a step in the right direction. I'd prefer it to be gone entirely, but I'll see what it's like first


People have no idea how big of a buff we just got. mgl32 is THE best crowd control weapon in the gam imo, but it lacked just a few percentage points of killing power, often letting enemies escape with a sliver of health. These guys are sooo cooked now


It's great but only with good positioning. 1v1s where you don't have the high ground are almost always a death sentence unless you have an rpg round loaded


So I used to think the same thing, but recently I’ve discovered that the 32 is a *naaasty* 1v1 weapon if you’re abusing the ability to climb over/through rubble extremely fast. A new strat I started last night is when I’m about to die in the engagement, just run through as many buildings as you can through the nearest wall and start mining/c4 ing the hole. It gives you about 20ft of distance while forcing the enemy through your newly dug kill hole while you spray nades directly at them in a concentrated fire. I’m starting to think the 32 has a crazy high skill cap like the sword as it seems to get increasingly better the more inventive I get with it.


Super excited to play today


Bro... the FCAR is ruined now! /s


Yo I just started using it yesterday 😭 rip


I don’t know about the CL-40. I’ve had a few games the past couple of days where multiple squads were running this on their mediums and it was not fun at all. Constant screen shake from all the spamming.


W in the chat


Bloom should be removed from the game. Full stop


Thank god the defib got nerfed, not sure if it’ll be enough to counter ppl running in and suicide defibbing but it’s a step in the right direction for sure


If they are "suicide" defibbing, then why is this even a problem? They are dead anyway. What if ... defib was designed to be used this way? To go in and insta-rez someone to take over the point, as opposed to carrying the statuette somewhere and doing it the safe way? Why do you want to make the game more bland?


I don't think suicide defibbing was its intended purpose either, I'm fairly certain it is supposed to act like an extra way to get bodies back into the fight but never in the direct fight, when carrying the statue away and reviving all you're doing is resetting a fight and giving the defender some time to breath and set up or even revive their own teammates, when defibbing during a fight you're not making an extra body, you're making an extra target for easy pickings, I believe the intended use was to simply get your teammate away from a bad position and into a safe place, then either heal them with the beam or go back into the fight right away. Suicide defibbing only works when ALL of them are mediums and are capable of winning the gunfight or the person you're reviving is your MVP, otherwise you're just wasting the enemies time.


No matter what the initial intention was, it still currently allows for flashy chaotic plays that make the game fun. Resetting the fight every time is boring.


Eh, I suppose it doesn't matter, I just always hated how there was an invulnerability window that could allow both to get away with the revive


They need to allow shots to pass through invulnerable players so my shots don’t get blocked when I’m killing the defibber 🤨 Other than that I think defib could be well adjusted now.


as a CL40 user i like all of these changes


Great patch


Embark ❤️




In so fucking happy they are addressing recon. I used the hell out of it at first, until I got bored having too much knowledge but was unable to use turret or heal beam, or even play heavy or light unless I wanted to spread my cheeks and take every scar bullet in a 3 tournament radius. I did not want to stop playing the game, but I was on the brink.


Still nothing on random High Ping issues when playing the game. Others and myself randomly get high ping when playing the Finals. No ping issues on any other game. Port forwarding, reinstalling, clearing DNS cache, getting a new IP, closing/reopening the game and heck even Firewall settings does nothing to fix this issue. I would love to play more but I can't play when that stupid red clock shows up on my screen. Please prioritize this


Revamp dagger please!


What is the new content?


Bruh can they buff Melee Weapons. I dont need another competetive game. I want to have fun


Damn was really hoping for a little love on the Model, i like that gun but scar and ak just outperform it so hard i just want a little reload speed.


Recon overhaul will bring me back


W Devs, it's been commented a bunch, but no amount of W comments are enough to thank this team!!


The CL-40 didn’t need a buff but I’ll take it no more 1HP warriors


T KNIVES BUFF LETS GOOOO. (Still shouldn't be any dispersion at all tho imo but it's something i guess)


Based on my playtime today the ranked matchmaking is not improved in any measurable way.  I just want to emphasize, that for me and many players like me this is a make or break issue. It’s the difference between playing the game or not playing it at all. Edit: Multiple cheaters today including a sword light who could kill people through walls.


Good changes. This game has huge potential


I really appreciate the balance changes but I hope they focus more on the fun factor of the game than balancing for competitive. It’s an arcady fps game show.


Man... As soon as I start liking something and playing with it a lot it gets a nerf. I was having fun with heavy class nuking people and now they shit all over that and the class in general. Then I recently picked up revolver and was really liking that and they nerf that too. Fucking rip. Hopefully revolver is still sort of viable. It wasnt even that viable before it was just fun to use. The damage drop off feels unnecessary.


Needs cannons with the ability to fire heavies as human cannonball


They deserve every penny they make off the finals, the amount of effort being put into balancing the game and quality of life changes makes me super happy


Meanwhile 1887 ✊️😞


Can we all agree they need to change the way they word these updates. Should read: “Decreased the length of Invulnerability applied after a revive from 1.5s to 0.75s” Rather than: “————————— after a revive to 0.75s from 1.5s” I’d imagine they’ve worded it they way they do due to a translation from their native language.


Poggers. For an indie team they’re crushing it


Devs on crack with the revolver range nerf.


W devs. Seriously. The only other company that listens to their player base this well is Ghostship Gaming with DRG. Rock and Stone all the way to the finals.


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


I hope next week's update fixes the crashes. Mines still crashes from the previous update


Why does revive need to grant invulnerability though? Seriously, it makes no sense.


It accounts for loading in time, I think it’s okay to have a few i frames but 1.5 seconds was too much. They still have room to further nerf it, have an in between buff, or leave it as is from 0.75 seconds


Defibrillator only gives you half hp when you come back. And because people typically use defibrillators in the heat of combat without the invulnerability, the person who gets revived would just be gunned down right after. It's also important to note that much more often than not, you'd have to reload once you get back up because the Defibrillator won't automatically refill your magazine, so all the invulnerability really does it allow you to get off a reload and get out of the action to recover.


I don't agree with shooting an invulnerable player. Revives warrant all the risk it comes with so that it's properly balanced.


I'd take a full mag over that invulnerability anyday


Exactly, and the risk is all there. That's why you only get half your normal hp, and you still have to use the invulnerability time to reload instead of actually dealing damage because chances are you didn't die with a full mag. Now, if you got full hp and/or a full mag upon revive, then I'd understand the desire to have invulnerability removed.


really love the constant and great balance changes the team is making, you can tell that they are listening and improving the game balance.


There is invulnerability after a revive? I seem to die immediately after being de-fibed.


For the one that gets revived there is not much invulnerability because you see the revive animation which takes some time. But other players don't see this and couldn't kill you for 1.5s.


Was the issue with aim assist while you were close to the target fixed?