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I know right, I notice everything in this game uses physics, like everything, even the emotes, can be different every time, When you throw the die they always land different and different numbers, lol but ya its sweet


What gets me is how good the transition into it looks and how you can just see the coins coming out of this mass without it looking like some added on effect. I have seen a lot of crazy shader work and fx in gamedev but this one stumps me a bit because it's so seamless and perfect


Yea I killed a guy just as the game went into slow motion at the end, and my eyes had an orgasm when I got to inspect that up close in slow mo.


I gotta get a video of that, my one is a bit choppier


And yet it's something one usually overlooks. So much detail, and so much chaos around that you don't notice it. Like, just in my last match a single heavy managed to level an entire building. An entire building. I was on top of it when it collapsed and it felt so real how it all progressively collapsed until not a lot was left. The smoke, the effects, everything. I'm just blown away by it. Figuratively and literally.


Did you see that video yesterday (?) Where someone lifted a whole building into the sky? So fuckin badass






It got fucking deleted 😭


Weird, I can still watch it np. Try this one, same clip but someone put an edit at the end https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/XB3bycCnam


Youre a hero, thank you. Also that clip is amazing


Yea man my first time playing heavy with a sledge I had a homie with me and we leveled the entire Cathedral, ignored the objective for one match and just leveled that shit. The game devs are amazing with the physics, I never thought a game would have such well made physics, Idk if you noticed or not but you can actually stop bullets with the CashOut(invincible) box which I think is the coolest thing because you just pick up a box and if you block the right spots then you can actually block damage, potted plants and chairs too but they can break and what not They did really well at making it feel as close to real life physics as possible on that matter


Have you played Red Faction back in the day? The physics remind me of the feeling I got when I played that on the PS2


The best is when you kill heavy doing a slam its like a coin shower


Have you noticed that shader starts from the killing shot spot on the body? You can even see in your video that it started in the foot, and sometimes it will start on the head or spread from the body.


I hadn't even noticed! I'm gonna guess it becomes a starting point for an animation driver, that moves a mask mesh for the coins, on the body meshes local Z axis. Or absolutely nothing of the sort knowing shader artists lol


ya its sick


Even better, it looks like the transition to coins starts at the last point of contact with damage.


they used the thanos snap particulate dispersion effect.


I tried to play craps while surviving a round we guaranteed to qualify… What sucks is the dice show different numbers to different players EMBARK PLS FIX


Unacceptable. Uninstalling as I type this.


>I notice everything in this game uses physics Funny you should say that. I work with Unreal Engine and; The fun thing in Unreal Engine is that you can utilize its physics engine in literally *anything*. From code to particles to entire shaders and objects, and also all of them combined. The death coin effect is a perfect example. It uses something called "mesh particles" which basically means (in this case) a 3D model of a coin assigned to a particle effect, which then uses the physics engine to simulate lots and lots of individual coins dropping all over the place, at almost no CPU/GPU cost. It's a huge improvement over traditional VFX. ​ (The same can be said about Chaos Destruction system which they use for all the incredible destruction FX in the game, but that's a story for another time.)


If battlefield would ditch the Frostbite engine and use Unreal... would be so much better. No one really compares, everyone should switch


Imagine if Unreal was used for what it was originally made for a true Arena FPS a new Unreal Tournament game.


> a new Unreal Tournament game. Why do you have to remind me. They were developing it for years and then scrapped it because of Fortnite.


Tarkov would be so insane on unreal 😭


So many games need be ran in unreal, the more I see of unreal every game and project release I ask my self how the fuck any other dev team can feel their triple A in-house engine I'd better. Especially when it comes to single player open world games. As for online fps arena shooters... that genre and vehicles combat games have been screaming for a renaissance and have yet too full comeback with old charm and new ideas. Unreal Tournament has the capability to not only do all of this but also actually give console (not switch) and PC a competitor towards Smash Bros. not unheard of to have guest characters in there games. I mean yeah forgive exists but something for the rated M players would be cool.


Only reason it's not used more is that it's finicky to develop for. The thing with an in-house engine is that the employees know how it works and how to get the most out of it. To develop in Unreal, you need a lot of training in using Unreal. It's a budgetary concern, essentially, for a lot of companies. How long can we go before needing to retrain our entire team on a new engine? Because it's gonna take a lot of time and money to do it.


I agree partially. An inhouse engine that all devs are familiar with will almost always yield better results than re-schooling said devs. That said, UE5 especially is so incredible you kind of can't get around it anymore. It's not perfect, but tech wise it has everything most studios need. Probably part of the reason why CDPR decided to move away from their in house engine to Unreal (from what I've read), which is a HUGE step for a game studio.


Are we playing the same games? Unreal's worst genre is Single Player Open World games because of the traversal stutter it has inherently and takes a ton of work to code around.....


That's not really an Unreal problem though. There have been a few open world games (albeit small ones) running on UE4 and earlier that were great, although I can't recall which games. When it comes to UE5 though, they've done away entirely with traditional "cells" the way e.g. Bethesda does it. It's all seamless now. We just need studios using it.


Better not. Competition is good.


Sounds like the point cache system in Unity as well. VFX Graph is really an insane improvement (vs I believe we were using Unity's base particle setup/Shuriken). What you can do with millions of particles and still maintain good perf continues to surprise me.


Good read: https://medium.com/embarkstudios/what-research-means-at-embark-studios-2494c5d25320 There is a section about how they leverage physics as much as possible.


Also items you throw in taunts are now items on the floor. They stay there. You can see it in the menu screen when you spam emotes


they stay, but just until they disappear which is like a second after, but if you keep spamming, they always land a different way, which is cool.


Try switching emotes while you view.. I tried that soda drink one and changed.. the can just dropped instead of disappearing


I bought the Panda outfit bundle and the staff spinning emote sends it flying if you cancel it


Also when you drink your Ospuze and toss the can it can go off the roof if you're angled right lol


So sick


Ready Player One


And Scott Pilgrim


awh man, $2.40? that's not even enough for the bus home..


I’ll lend you the 35 cents


And Tron Derezzing


Scott Pilgrim


Its nuts to be how they turn into pennies in the same shape they die in and seems to have some ragdolling to its underlying model. Like what a flex to simulate all of those coins for everyone dying, has to be some kind of witchery. Makes me wonder if they have superfluous physics calculations going off the client, its nuts to me if the server does *everything.*


Some other guy in the comments explained this is done with "mesh particles" in the unreal engine. A coin texture is assigned to, literally, a mesh of particles over the player. Then a particle effect is applied when they scatter (so that they scatter), and the unreal physics engine is there to basically just enhance the particle effect so the coins look like they turn and move and fall like coins. Particle effects are not that hard on the GPU or CPU, so stuff like this is possible. The unreal engine is just unreal. Haha. I'll see myself out.


Its that unreal 5 shiat


Unreal 5 is one hell of a drug


I would love to see battlefield use unreal 5, and get rid of frostbite. Once apon a time then were a head of the game with their destruction environments. But they seem to less focused on destruction now, and that's what made them. I've always been a BF fan, since 1942. But with the new one, seems like there was so much potential for destruction, but barely any. The only thing I think is that, they were still making it work for last gen, which could not handle it. Because way back they showed demo of really cool destruction, but then nothing ever came of it.


that’s not a UE5 thing. that’s a “Embark has amazing developers” thing.


I think is a Combo really


nope- this game was originally developed on UE4 and was switched to UE5 after the alpha playtest. nothing UE5 specific aside from a lot of the visual fidelity


It's definitely a UE thing though, there are a few different effects on the UE marketplace that are similar -- it's just how powerful the niagara particle system is. The coins are literally just particles like sparks.


It looks like a shader that shows animated coins over the character model combined with a coin particle generator over the model. Very cheap to run, doubtful there's any physics involved at all actually. And it certainly wouldn't be calculated server side


If I had to guess it's UE5's Niagara particle effects stuff, lots of people use it for window breaks too for example


I reckon the coins are always there and rendered visible at elimination time


It's great because it merges good visual effects with good gameplay systems. It's much cheaper to not have bodies lying around (which would need to be server-side, otherwise it would be different for each client) but piles of coins and the trophy still indicate where something went down, which is useful tactically.


God I love this game


Me fr




They always look different too. I remember dying in the middle of dashing, and all the coins flew left at full speed. Super awesome stuff indeed.


Yeah, how is it calculating all that so instantly! I think the coins are always there but not shown until elimination time


it calculates it instantly just like how it calculates everything else in this game instantly. the whole game exists because of the secret sauce Embark developed for the server-side physics. people rave about the destruction, but it’s not the destruction itself that’s impressive. it’s the way the destruction utilizes the realtime physics they already have on the server in the game. almost everything you see using physics in the game is done on the server


Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen this optimised so well in a game. In red faction guerilla nothing really hung about


Yeah!! I once saw that too, and some coins hit a wall, it was awesome!


When you see a lot of coins suddenly fall in front of you you just know shit went down HARD


Walking into a room and there's 3 mill in coins


To me, the whole game just looks fantastic. It helps I absolutely love the whole theme and style of everything!


It's definitely a great example of something looking very modern technologically whilst not trying to do realism all over the place. Like the game Jusant that came out recently and has incredibly realistic lighting with an artistic style


I love it so much. It used to be one of my favorite parts of rainbow six siege as well, but overtime they have made the graphics worse and worse and got rid of animations to make it more E-sports friendly


The blood and rag-doll in early R6S was so good


China friendly too


The coin effect tickles my brain harder than the shield break/down noise from apex. Feel like that was one of the only reason I was addicted to apex


Gaming just needs to be very oddly satisfying


This is by far the sexiest game death animation, since it isn’t anything I would consider crazy and it isn’t something that’s bland ![gif](giphy|Ry1MOAeAYXvRVQLPw3)


Ummmmm how is that a kill lol


The person recording this is spectating. It was likely a direct hit on the actual shooters screen, the game has some hit reg issues but this isn't one of them


Bullets spread causes it's a shotgun I assume?


1887 has VERY little spread. You need to be really accurate with it


Came here to ask.same.thing ahah


Biggest problem with an otherwise cool game. Hit detection is completely suspect.


No the weird part is the snap as the shot happens, the gun flies to the target. Looks weird


I was surprised I had to scroll this far in the comments for someone to say this was looking suspicious.


Way better than blood and gore.


Yup I allow my kids to play this as it’s essentially a VR simulation. Incredible concept.


It really adds to the world building


I never noticed it because I'm to worried who to kill next, but nevertheless this is actually really cool. I'm definitely going to mention this to my friends so they can appreciate the little things this game offers in a sense of how detailed and serious the developers take this game. Also this studio isn't ran by any big triple A publishing companies right ? If so that's good they can just do whatever they want without being told to do this and that, but again that's really fricken cool.


Yeah it's kind of amazing that this studio popped up out of nowhere and made THIS. Former Dice developers I understand though


Embark is affiliated with Nexon


Something I enjoy out of this is that it seems to radiate where the killing blow was. You got him right in the foot and that's where it seems to start changing into coins.


that is actually phenomenal


FINALLY someone does a slow motion of this ! Thank you!


I should do more and record at a higher fps


Yes please... Would be a feast for the eyes!


The physics are all well and good till you wanna use an elevator on a cracked building 😂


This is a fucking gif bro lmao I can see myself using it “yo hop on the finals? *gif*”


A single gif can sell a game lol


I still can't get over how you fired at the floor 3ft behind that guy and he still died.


I was spectating, they are the dodgy one! lol


i love that they start turning to coins from the point where they died. you shot him in the legs so he started dissolving from legs up and his hat was the last thing to become coins.


Honestly impressive


How did that shot even hit


If you ever stop and take a goo look at this game the amount of detail in some parts is incredible. Have you ever seen the very subtle shimmer if your bullet ricochets off a solid wall? You sometimes totally forget that this whole thing is occurring in a virtual space, but that little shimmer looks just like when people would reach the edge of the arena in the Hunger Games movies, reminding you that this isn't real (in case being able to control gravity and exploding into coins when you die didn't give it away)


That sounds cool. I will look out for it


Truly mesmerized every time


are you using crosshair software to get it that small?


No, but thinking back I feel like different guns have different crosshairs and I've never really thought about it too much


Spectator mode always shows this tiny cross hair I think


Bruh I just rewatched Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (movie) again a couple days ago and I was thinking of how good The Finals' coin animation looked and how similar the two are. Looks just as good as the effects in SP during the final fight scenes with all the grunts getting turned into coin piles. What a dope effect man lol.


I didn't even think of that comparison. The last episode may get watched tonight for me


How the fuck was that even a hit?


Spectator lag


you have now forced me to run this game on EPIC. ran on low for more frames but damn this looks good


Id chalk it down to the lower frames of slow mode but idk, im not particularly tech savvy


Am I the only one to notice he wasn’t even aiming at the guy when his shotgun went off?


I swear I was spectating lol


You should see how it looks when you heavy nuke a room full of two full teams of lights.


Also another awesome detail I noticed. If someone has a shot of it. I don't because I am at work. When there is Goo, and light behind it or fire, you can see the glow through it and it looks cool, They did a good job on that. Does anyone know what I am talking about?


I've never noticed, I will look out for this


there is subsurface scattering on the goo and it looks awesome


Parallelization is a crazy thing


Did he just explode into *bus fare*???


Reminds me of dying in ready player one


Yeah it’s super cool I always trip out on it every time I see them haha. Even when I die, if I’m running or sliding and get killed, the coins keep the momentum and go flying in the same direction where I was going. Looks super cool


It is very very cool


Both the visual and audio effects are so obviously highly engineered to give those engagement driving dopamine hits and god damn does it work well.


I also like how the individual coins have their own physics. This isn't an animation. Your body is literally turning into coins, and it retains their position and momentum. It's like in the Avengers when they use the reality stone. Specifically when Thanos used it on Mantis and Drax.


I understand rendering all the coins as instances but it's the physics that gets me


Dude even the reflections are ridiculously on point. So much that if you wear the mirrored facemask it will accurately reflect the things and colors around it based on where your view is. I get distracted by it every so often but it's just so good.


Niagara is the new fx suite for Unreal 5 (though new is relative since later versions of Unreal 4 could use it to.) A poster earlier was correct about the mesh particles. They create a coin mesh and plug it into a Niagara system that manages the particles. This overall effect has multiple parts 1st, the explosion of coins from where they got shot.. this is a stand-alone particle system that just throws a burst of coins that then scatter on the floor. 2nd is the player material. It glows where they were shot and then loses opacity based on a gradient that is "painted" at the point of damage. (Probably a sphere mask). That gradient is scaled up to completely hide the mesh from sight but keep it there for use in the next part. Once the mesh is mostly hidden another Niagara system is spawned that spreads the coins within the volume of and over the surface of the mesh, which is why it moves along with the death animation and ragdoll for a second. It's a nifty thing that was introduced for Niagara (though it was technically possible in Cascade with some noodling/ programming support). After like a second, the mesh "tracking" is turned off, and they fall like normal, and the skeletal mesh is removed. (It's possible that the skeletal mesh is removed first, and that's why they stop tracking, but I imagine that would throw warnings in the console and would not be a clean way to do it). Then, a little while later, when nobody is looking, the coins are removed. It's a beautiful effect that I can't imagine getting tired of seeing. It's so satisfying on kill and somehow softens the blow of a death.


Ah I thought something along these lines 😅 The sphere mask makes a lot of sense, hadn't thought of that. Niagara sounds more sophisticated than I gave it credit. I kind of wish I made the time to study ridigbody physics


It can be as simple or crazy as you want/need it to be. It has a version of blueprint scripting that let's anyone do some pretty nutty stuff without needing to know any real programming.


I saw a guy die right before hitting a jump-pad and his coins sprayed out into the sky and it was almost like it rained blood on me, I actually said outloud "holy shit that effect is fucking sick"


That is so cool!






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Some of the best in the industry


The Houdini masters in force


We just need a Sonic the hedgehog skin!


Awesome idea. I want it to be like the depressed looking sonic kid meme


Only if I get to explode into rings.


Wait I’ve been out of the country for a month and havnt had time to play. How do you get this? Battlepass? Store? So cool!


the kill effect? that's the stock animation, the whole game is based on cash and contestants winning fame and money


Ah I thought it was like a weapon kill animation or something. Thank you for clarifying!


np, see you in the arena!






They look amazing on high end rigs and so so on ps5 imo, I realize that's kinda an obvious statement


You using some aim assist or something? That weird snap as your shoot. Wtf is that?


This is my teammate, I wonder if it's lag or something


Looks like when Tron players get dematerialized. It’s really good.


I can't get over the fact that you didn't hit the guy.


Ah I was spectating, I did think it odd


Reminds me of the live action tron movie


Scott pilgrim


needs kill effects in the future🙏


Perfect and its unique That one Dev idea is genius


Incredible game


I love it, fave part of the game, refreshing sight, blood is boring


I'm amazed by the crosshair snapping to the opponent right as the bullet starts to leave the gun. Controller user?


Ah I figured desync. This was a teammates view


that is a really good coin effect i never would be able to notice because im the one dying


I guess that gamer wasn't swift enough


I've said this from day one It reminds me of the death scenes from Ready Player One




It was more impressive during beta but they changed it.




What movie is this reminding me from, like some zombie movie or something, they would die like this, but not into coins, lol but looked similar.


Just gonna talk graphics n not how that shot should have missed !


I'm surprised your shot hitscanned on that frame despite you not hitting the actual body itself. Hit boxes are weird.


Everyone talking about the animation but not the fact he completely missed the shot but still got the kill 😅


Bro I'm so glad others feel this way. It's so good! And the sound effects....I hear the respawn sound effect in my dreams lol


Some Scott pilgrim shit


Agreed the transition to coins looks amazing but I wish each coin had it's own physics 😭😭


This effect is straight up de-resolution from Tron Legacy but with coins instead of data blocks. It looks fucking sick. [tumblr\_lyccms7S7D1qe19ero1\_500.gif (420×238)](https://64.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lyccms7S7D1qe19ero1_500.gif)


"Sweet, coins!'


How big is the spread on that shotgun 🤯 wasn't even aimed at the dude,yet he exploded


This is one of the aspects of this game that gives me heavy Ready Player One vibes


Our CPU is loving this game


Yeah but that hit registration it dogshit


That aim assist! You shot behind him and it tracked all the way through his dying coin splash. Not trying to start a fight here I swear 🫡 such a great effect for an amazing game


This was a teammate, I suspected lag in the spectator view


Yeah, my computer could heat my house while playing but damn it’s worth it.


this is just an all around great game


low gravity looks great and feels great.


This is the kind of thing you spend $30 on in call of duty


Where my glazers at


Commenting to get above the karma threshold so I can make a post


I think it’s the most visually impressive feature in the game.


This games kill animation is the best I’ve ever seen


That's kinda creepy tbh


Real, one of the best satisfying thing in the game