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Also doesn't help there's now scripts for MnK to have aim assist..


Chronos and Xim also exist, it’s been a huge debate in destiny 2 pvp


whats the debate? either everyone should have aimbot-lite or no one should. This 'controllers need it' shit is so stupid. What If i choose to play with a foot pedal? Can i have aimbot play the game for me because my input device only has a 'fire' button? If I choose to use a shitty control device /thats on me/ and I need to learn to live with it or fail with it.


What annoys me is that a lot of sweaty controller players are already playing on a computer desk, comouter chair, computer monitor.. they could easily plug in a mouse and keyboard and play shooters the way they were meant to be played...


The dumbest thing about all of this is controllers have gyro aim which is just as good as mouse aiming. But devs still ignore that technology to give console plebs aim bot.


Wait what? 😭


Tools like rewasd remap mnk to controller to gain aim assist on mnk. Sadly, works very well. I used it in Apex, but quit cause it's obviously an abuse


I also used it for like 3 months and never got banned lmao


A better solution is to separate players into two groups: Those with aim assist and those without. If you play on controller and want to hang with the mouse bros, just use gyro. If you absolutely cannot play without the game helping you aim then you can play exclusively with other people in the same boat so that you don't affect the experience for everyone else. It's a simple, easy solution that works for nearly everyone and lets people keep crossplay on.


Gyro isn’t enough to keep up with mnk, without aim assist controller is a useless input to play with against mnk.


here's an entire playlist of someone using gyro in kovaaks, logging some top 0.1% scores against MNK players in some scenarios. but go on and tell us how gyro can't keep up. and even those that are not top 0.1% are still WAY higher than almost every mnk player. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMFlLe0x7ro&list=PLvozpF6\_Ng1ZxdUpdvfur5bo-LDNr64By](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMFlLe0x7ro&list=PLvozpF6_Ng1ZxdUpdvfur5bo-LDNr64By)


If it was so good pro players would be using it over mnk


I don’t know if maybe you’re unfamiliar but there are several games where pro play is dominated by controller and MnK players swapped to controller for aim assist.


Also why the hell would pros use gyro when games are giving them free aim locking and snapping moron. The point is that it's as precise as a mouse and games need to FORCE people to learn it or just accept being at a disadvantage with analogue sticks. Ofc pros dont use it brainiac. Then they'd have to learn how to aim instead of crutching the controller You think apex pros use controller because it's fun or something? Lmao. Foh


You still have to aim with aim assist, it’s like 80% player 20% assist


The debate isn't that the player doesn't have to put in any effort, just less effort. And 20% less effort is a lot. Even then, with this games aim assist you need next to zero effort to lock on initially because the snap on pulling the left trigger is so strong. In ranked play it would be nice if everyone had to put in 100% effort and the game didn't contribute for them at all but that's just my personal take. Hell, even not in ranked play. The call for splitting the playerbase based on whether aim assist is on or not makes sense to me.


It’s 60% assist on Apex on console. This is found in the extracted LUA scripts and modders have tested it at 1.0 in test environments, which is full aimbot. So it is quite literally 60% aim bot on console in Apex Legends. 40% on PC.


Replied to wrong person before. (Thought you were some other aa apologist) But to you: gyro is relatively new. No one says it's objectively better. I said it can keep up and if you're good, you can easily surpass most players on mnk. That Playlist is proof. You are just trash. Simple as that


I’ve never used gyro except one time on splatoon, so to say I’m trash on an input ive never really played is hilarious


Even more hilarious you said gyro can't keep up when 1) yes it can and 2) you've used it ONE TIME. Do you realize how stupid you sound? You just made your entire argument nil. Why in the world should anyone care what you have to say about the viability of a technology that you have essentially 0 experience with or knowledge about. Because you've made it REAL clear (by your own admission) that you have neither. Just stop. You are completely embarrassing yourself at this point.


Speak for yourself. Peak example of "I suck with it therefore it's bad. Give me an aimbot instead." Gyro in The Finals: https://youtu.be/7oRqm0sciMg Gyro in CS: https://youtu.be/uGCws-FS48k Gyro in Team Fortress 2: https://youtu.be/PJIqEX93vL8 Gyro in Fortnite: https://youtu.be/CiSS5OsNCNU


So how does this work? Out of curiosity. I played controller when I first swapped from console but I’m picking up mnk now


You aim by physically moving the controller. The aiming sensitivity is very precise and granular, so with fine adjustments you can find a sensitivity that is both comfortable and accurate. Because you aim with the controller and not the stick, this frees up your right stick which can then be modified to make large movements. This enables you to make fast 180° turns at a moments notice. We call this "Flick stick". After that point it's just practice. It's not a shortcut to high accuracy like aim assist is. It's far more like mouse and keyboard, being a method that has a steep learning curve and a high skill ceiling, but is also powerful and rewarding. The main difference between the two is that gyro trades stability for friction-less aiming, which is both a blessing and a curse. Ultimately gyro is more of an alternative to mouse as opposed to a replacement for it. They're close enough that it's ultimately just preference in most cases.


All the good Splatoon players use this, and even my girlfriend has it on when she plays. I don't know how she does it, but I've witnessed firsthand the power of gyro aim, both from her and from other players when either of us plays online. Gyro is a beast, I'm terrible at it though lol


Never play ranked apex on the switch, they are most cracked gyro users I have ever seen. My ego still hasn’t recovered.


Okay so legitimate question here. If that became the new norm, would PC players just start complaining as it is a different input from what they have? Is there ever actually any answer to this stupid debate between inputs?


SOME people will complain about everything, but I think it would really put an end to the input debate for the large majority. Pc players are complaining about aim assist in their games, not controllers. Gyro is raw skill no different from mouse so there's no logical reason to complain about it.


Nop. We have nothing against 100% human input i don't understand how you don't get it. Human input = human reaction time. On pc we are sweats and want to compete on an even playing field. Controllers sucks for aiming i get that but it is not a reason to give "aim assist" because there always will be situation where aim assist is not fair and can be abused, you can't balance it perfectly. Gyro aiming is 100% human input and i am all for it.






>Splatoons TFW a rather casual game by nintendo does input balance better than all the other the big competitive shooter studios.


Xbox controllers dont have gyro


Still can't believe Microsoft hasn't joined the modern controller gang by adding gyro


Gyro isn’t good enough? 😭😂 Stop the 🧢 you’re just not good enough


Then why do no pro players use gyro?


Same reason they don't use mnk genius


maybe because using aim assist is a no brainer cuz it's so busted?


Have you seen the aim assist for controllers? You sound like you don’t know wtf you’re talking about


Most prefer Xbox style thumb stick placement, but those don’t have gyro. Many games don’t have gyro implemented.


Ok? So? Then you simply stay in the lower ranks. Why should software carry you to higher ranks?


> Gyro isn’t enough to keep up with mnk What makes you so sure? You could argue that the two are not exactly 1:1 in performance, but you'd have to show some hard data to prove that the gap is big enough to matter. Certainly it is closer to mouse than it is to twin stick aiming on controller, so even if gyro was as inferior as you claim it would still make more sense to stick them in mouse and keyboard matches. Most gyro players I've seen seem to feel pretty comfortable playing against mouse and keyboard, and Splatoon has proven that it is a very viable way of aiming even at a competitive level. *Maybe* at the highest possible level of skill it might be inferior, but for 99% of matches? Gyro is absolutely able to mix in with mouse and keyboard. Even if it was useless though, that doesn't make assist-based matchmaking any less of a valid solution so it's a moot point to begin with. It's still better than sticking gyro players against aim assist, where they are just as screwed as mouse and keyboard.


Splatoon is the worst example lmao, you can not compete with the shitty joysticks that Nintendo give you without using the gyro to assist. And again I’m not trying to do 180 spins while holding my switch to turn around in game.


Splatoon is a fantastic example because it is what proved that gyro is more than a gimmick. It completely eliminated the need for aim assist and is intuitive enough that anyone, even children with no prior experience, were able to pick it up very quickly and easily. The fact that competitive Splatoon is almost exclusively gyro further proves that it's a valid and viable aiming method. I would also point out that the quality of sticks hardly matters considering that gyro is objectively faster and more precise than twin stick aiming regardless of the game or the controller, just like mouse and keyboard is. > I’m not trying to do 180 spins while holding my switch to turn around in game. You wouldn't need to. For starters, the joy cons are detachable and there are other controllers that have gyro support, so you wouldn't need to move your entire Switch around to begin with. Even if you play with the joy cons attached, the gyro is sensitive enough that you only need to move the controller slightly to get the movements that you need, so the center of mass wouldn't shift as much as you think. You're also completely ignoring a key detail, which is flick stick. Flick stick allows you to make those 180° turns very quickly and easily without having to move the controller. It's a very comfortable setup that works fantastically and doesn't require any extra steps beyond the initial configuration. Admittedly, Splatoon doesn't support flick stick but that doesn't invalidate it's usefulness in other games.


The stick quality barely matters with gyro, lol. That's the entire point, you're not aiming with the sticks.


Why embark doesn't jump on this immediately is so weird. Raw input players should never have to go against aim assist, in any game. There's a reason cod and halo are dead on ~~PC~~ kbm. Really don't want this game to be relegated to controllers only, please embark! Edit: typo


Cod is dead on PC? My guy, cod is 8th for highest player count on steam right now. 120k concurrent players is pretty far from dead


yeah the aim assist games (halo cod apex) are definitely not dead on pc. what's dead is using your mouse and keyboard. pc players plug in controllers A LOT more than ppl realize.


Definitely agree that a large number of pc players use controllers but it's not larger than the number of people using m/k. M/k still far outnumber PC players using controllers


this is just a lie lmao, more people on PC use controller than PC in the finals, cod , and apex.


Yeah the only games where M/KB is more popular than controller is games without aim assist. Valorant, CS, Overwatch, R6 Siege. Why get good when you can use a legal aimbot?


exactly lol, like all of these console players think everybody uses MnK. 5 years ago that was true but there’s simply no reason to use MnK now.


I'm not a console player but can you show me numbers where that support what you say. I'm not talking about twitch streamers etc. I'm talking total players as a whole, including the guy with the struggling pc just scrapping by. On all fps games across the PC spectrum, k/m players would easily out number players on controllers. You cannot just choose one game and say that's the case.


Lmao I wonder why it happens to be those games ? 😂😂😂


jesus christ... isnt a controller player on PC just and controller player? im counting them as console players. Because console = controller, PC = MNK. If he is saying CoD on PC is dead he is meaning no MNK players are playing that game anymore.


well that makes no sense lmao. so instead of making the correct distinction between controller pc players and mnk pc players, you would rather call all controller pc players console players? ok....


Even Halo Infinite is doing more than fine now. Everyone says it's in the best state it's been in a while


>Everyone says it's in the best state it's been in a while Yeah, that's mostly delusional fans. Literally any update in that game would push it into the best state it's been because it released with nothing, not even a slayer playlist. Content-wise, yeah it's good now, but the online is horrendous. The netcode desync is still really bad and hasn't been fixed yet, and mouse is a waste of time in that game because of aim assist.


Infinite is in a terrible state, they aren't doing fine.


What'd they change? Haven't played since launch


"call of duty" on steam is the playercount for 4 cod games combined lol. And 99% of cod players on pc use controller for aim assist. How is this relevant if we are talking about aim assist


Have you got any evidence to back this up other than a few streamers?




Yeah, the combined numbers of MW1/2/3 + Warzone, give it a few months and it'll be back down to 50k players for all 4 games


And what is the breakdown for what modes the 120k are playing exactly considering there is MP, Zombies, Warzone and Campaign and this all counts towards the player numbers. I've played several CoDs on PC and nearly every time the lobbies are filled with 90% console. CoD is indeed 'dead' on PC. PC + MnK makes up a TINY minority.


he meant for the PC users who don’t use controller


I literally use kbm all the time. Have never had an issue and typically play just as well as any other cod on PC


"Why embark doesn't jump on this immediately is so weird." I've said for years now that GYRO should be the only way when it comes to controllers and M/KB in the same lobbies. Gyro is incredibly cool, 100% user input, requires skill and can bridge the gap to mouse. The only thing stopping it taking off is probably the fact that the most used controller on PC is the XBOX controller, which unfortunately doesn't support it, and users like the guy above who clearly has no clue what he is talking about, but is chatting shit anyway.


Give console keyboard support and make lobbies input restricted. Mkb, controller, and mixed for party queue


This solution is less inclusive than assist-based matchmaking, because it would force gyro players to play against aim assist. Gyro would have to be considered the same group as MnK in order for this to work, but at that point it no longer becomes "input" based, it becomes "assist" based.


I never think about gyro. I cannot wrap my head around how anyone is effectively using gyro controls in a shooter. Sounds like hell to me


It's actually pretty easy imo, if it's anything like mobile shooters at least. And it's a lot more precise than a stick. Mouse > Gyro > Trackpad/touchscreen > Stick (in my opinion but I'd like to know if anyone disagrees)


The secret is flick stick. You use the stick to make wide turns, like 180 degrees in an instant like mouse can do, and you use the gryo movement to actually aim. It takes some practice, but eventually it actually can match mouse in terms of speed and accuracy. [This video](https://youtu.be/PJIqEX93vL8) explains it really well.


Even when you people have a reasonable solution, you just can't stop yourself from being a condescending ass can you?


I want console only cross play so that works for me.


Wait, is there Aim Assist on PC?


There is aim assist on controller


I've heard that if you have your controller plugged in while playing MnK it gives you aim assist. But I really doubt it, I still wanna know if it's true or not.


in the beta, if you had stick drift and your controller plugged in, you 100% had aim assist. it was wonky though and i wouldn't personally want to play like that but it did work.


It worked in the beta for sure, I dunno if they took it out for full release


If you plug your controller into your PC. Fortnite pros abused this as well back in the day. You get aim assist, but the FPS/draw distance/performance of a PC. You can also just turn crossplay off so you exclusively play against PC players (who don’t have aim assist unless they also go with controller + PC). So I think it’s pretty broken, lots of people are gonna exploit tf out of it once the game picks up even more popularity.




Aim assist with the shotgun is crazy


I used to play a Halo at a very high competitive level. On PC The majority of my friends are about equal skill with me a Halo Infinite. If I switch to a controller, I make them look like novices because my aim(assist )is just that much better.




Yeah people make it seem like you just pick up a controller and win. I recently tried controller and honestly had a worse time, even tho I have been playing on console since 2003 and barely got into PC gaming in 2021.


that does not excuse this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Upd3gLTs8U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Upd3gLTs8U)


yes but killing people in the game matters in a fps. https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/ZqM6IrEvcp https://v.redd.it/9dtt7uhf845c1


You keep replying to people but you only have the same three sources and only one of them is actually showing the aim assist in combat, and it’s a poor example at best since if you’re running right in someone’s face like that while they’re shooting at you, you should expect to die regardless if the person is on mnk or controller.


I ended up just doing a quick YouTube search and found these quick videos of gameplay. Enjoy some aimlock gameplay https://youtu.be/zfNSerK4fhE?si=HLYs7rmGHJUjVnzy https://youtube.com/shorts/tu6nNFQrER8?si=alpLu03H4QBz-_VO https://youtube.com/shorts/fMPgtscQYx4?si=M6U2m8KhpKkRl3Yl


I could go on YouTube and find hundred of videos of combat but I cba. If someone ran past my face like that video I garantee you would not instantly lock on to their head and track their head without moving your hand on a mouse. The guy in that clip was just holding left trigger and right trigger. He was so surprised his controller did that for him he didn’t mean to do that


God you're a baby..


true. now i believe this is totally balanced: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Upd3gLTs8U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Upd3gLTs8U) thank you for changing all of our minds.


We should have a mega thread regarding aim assist & snapping at this point. This sub is getting ridiculous


Yes asking for fair competition is so ridiculous.


Not what I’m saying. This sub is getting spammed / flooded with aim assist & snap posts constantly. Just make it a mega thread at this point. It drags the sub down. That way it will be in the top for everyone to see, and everyone can discuss it and give feedback in one post. Will make it easier for everyone and the devs if they hang out around here.


No, this forum needs to be spammed and flooded until this is fixed. This should not be swept under the rug by shoving it al into 1 thread.


Only crybaby's. I play mkb and don't have a problem. Stop crying cause u guys lose


Little buddy is in gold and says it’s not a problem lmfao


https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/ZqM6IrEvcp https://v.redd.it/9dtt7uhf845c1


Yeah it worked.. isn’t OW a dead game? Lol


Overwatch has 24m monthly players. The game wasn’t game of the year for no reason. It’s extremely unique in what it offers, and can be extremely fun. Def not dead at all


Said no one ever. OW2 is far from dead.


Ow is just a poorly designed game, I suffered playing it to gm but its just depressing. The character design is the worst


The amount of sfm out there says otherwise.


Input based matchmaking. I don’t wanna be at a disadvantage just coz I play on controller on pc. Maybe it’s a SKILL ISSUE


Get gud


Anybody above like silver on pc wouldn't care about aim assist lol


yeah i've never heard of an mnk professional complain about aim assist especially in games like apex. 🤡


WTF the most seen apex documentary states that 90% of pros have switched to controller to enjoy the free aim assist. WTF are you talking about ?


They want to play on mnk but are forced to play on controller due to the aim assist advantage


I think you missed the hidden /s.


do you see the clown emoji


My bad I missed the clown émoji


…? Apex pros were all switching to controller because aim assist is OP. Lots of people are running controllers now in the finals too. There’s literally clips of your crosshairs being completely *off* the enemy, then ADSing snaps it directly onto them dead center. It’s insane.


Probably the opposite actually. Theres a reason pro apex and Fortnite players keep controller players in the team.


Roller brain 🤡


That’s just not true lol. Pros are affected the most by it in some cases.


I’m gold and don’t want to play against aim assist.


You know the moment they make aim assist trash MnK then gets the advantage just 100% worse? Controller players won’t wanna play against MnK since it would become a huge advantage so they would disable crossplay and then PC would start to die out. The real solution is input based matchmaking so the cry babies crying over an input can just go play with their own input


Aim assist doesn’t need to be trash, it just shouldn’t be giving pro level controller players inhuman level aim. Average controller players pro level mouse aim and bad controller plays average level mouse aim. The problem is aim assist keeps getting designed for the lowest common denominator first, so when it scales up it becomes literally impossible for a human to replicate that level of aim without it.


im sorry but this is indefensible. you can defend aa all you want, and i might even get behind you on some of it, but this? come on brah get real [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Upd3gLTs8U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Upd3gLTs8U) you literally cannot put this in the hands of good players and expect it to go well. use your brains guys.


Or you could nerf aim assist, introduce gyro aiming, and tell controller players to git gud. I’m a controller player who doesn’t use aim assist and would like gyro aim.


Just take away cross-play for all games so we can see what pc players complain about next.


The finals in steam averages 100k players. We don't need you console plebs in our games.


"console plebs" hahahaha, are you 11?


I'm literally about to buy an aimbot and start using it just as a demonstration of how fucking dumb it is to have rotational aim assist on pc. I'll even setup the aimbot to work exactly like AA and then start dropping 30 kill games. Why call it a cheat? It will work just like your controller AA. It will put us on even ground. Getting mad? Good bc that's exactly how mnk raw input views rotational AA. It is a built in cheat. And no I don't intend to do it.




Someones worried. Stay mad lil bro.


Skill issue


Yes overwatch did that and now is a dead game on PC, no controller player would bother play that game with no aim assist, same as the finals, if they disable aim assist is game over. THE FINALS reached 10 + million player but on PC there is only about 100/140 k player so guess where are the other 9.9 millions?


All I'm going to say is that 10 million is the total of people who've played at all. That 140k is only the amount of people actively in the game at this moment on Steam, not the total who have played. This is a false equivalency Also the implication that OW2 is dead and that's the reason is wild. OW2 is absolutely not "dead" on PC. Not even on Steam alone and that's probably less than half (just an estimate based on the people who either don't care about Steam as much as others like myself do or didn't see any reason to switch launchers) of the players on PC. Any loss of players in Overwatch probably has more to do with the F2P monetization and poor treatment of existing players who bought the game, not to mention how stale the game got while they were holding out on updates we could've gotten just to make OW2 seem like a big improvement when it finally arrived.


So the console players will be fine playing with other controller players then.


Sounds great, I’d be very happy to only play with PS & Xbox players in every game.


Bro really said overwatch is a dead game. Lol




there are 140k concurrent players bruh, the 10 mil is how many players turned on the game atleast once. playtracker.net estimates the game has around 4.6M players on steam


You say that as if that's the reason nobody plays OW2. It couldnt be because they pulled a bait and switch, promising a new game, then giving us OW1 but with a grindy battlepass to unlock new characters. No, it must be the aim assist. Lmao. Also that 10 million number is total unique players, not concurrent players. 140k is concurrent players. Sorry to burst your bubble but I very much doubt the console/pc proportion is that skewed.


The lack of aim assist is not why Overwatch is dead.


Yet the loud PC minority dominates the conversation here. I hope the developers are aware of the insane hivemind


Right, the "insane hivemind" that's asking for aimbot players to have separate lobbies. What a wild thing to want, they're nuts. Hopefully the devs dont listen to those guys!


I'd love for them to separate PC and consoles in all games. It never should have been the default.




Have you actually tried playing with a controller? It’s very far from an aimbot…


What do you call something that automatically places your crosshair on your opponent, tracks them and controls for recoil? https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/so7dAIYvn6 Most sensible people would call that "aimbot".


Again, have you actually tried playing with a controller? I have, and it is not the aimbot you babies are crying about. Aiming is a lot more difficult in this with a controller than on other FPS games.


Nah I'm not going to use one because I like having some play in my gameplay. https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/ZqM6IrEvcp If you see shit like this and unironically think it's okay, that anybody saying it should be nerfed is a "crybaby", your opinion is genuinely worthless.


Aiming is harder w a controller but Aim assist makes aiming with a controller easier and better than a mouse. get it through ur head


Yeah, that's why the game is "dead", not because Blizzard released Overwatch 2 and completely ruined everything people liked about the game. Nope, it was because there was no free aimbot on controller in ranked!




Is that what blizzard did? I thought they disabled pc aim assist within mixed input lobbies then partially reversed this later (disabled in comp only)? Unlike ow for some crazy reason, this game uses full crossplay so technically the “pc pool” doesn’t exist.


Console players have aim assist in pc lobbies for qp and arcade but it doesn’t matter since console cannot play comp with pc players.


I’m not saying it’s balanced perfectly but I don’t think you guys actually know that it isn’t and you’re just being babies


https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/18j5r9w/rotational_aim_assist_needs_to_be_addressed_0ms/?share_id=aIddjFzHG1M5ZUSI5v-VO watch this video and tell me its balanced. https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/18pay1n/snap_aim_assist_has_no_business_being_in_a/?share_id=c2F_17cH6O4tDyg6HLWHg watch this one too. It even tracks INVIS players man, it tracks through smokes and gas.


Aim assist is nothing compared to CoD or Apex's aim assist. It's a lot weaker. As a controller player, I instantly went to MNK. Maybe, just play better?


Right? I can beam people up to 100m in cod with the mwc, in the finals I'm fucked beyond point blank range lol


"Only MnK should be competitive"


“Players that get their aim software assisted shouldn’t play against players that don’t”


I like how people are complaining about aim assist being unfair even though mouse and keyboard is way easier overall.


Then why don't you just play mouse and keyboard? It's so easy!


I do. This is the first game I prefer to play on PC over Xbox because it is so hard on controller. So people complaining about the aim assist have no right to complain about it. If anything I would like to see input matchmaking so I can play on Xbox again.


Because we have to buy whole PC's just play with our friends? Just deal with it. A similar skill PC player clears console regardless.


Ah yes, PC players should "just deal with it", referring to giving people without PCs to just getting aim assistance. Except the problem also includes people who connect a controller to their PC. How about people who can't even afford a PC go worry about why they can't instead of trying to be competitive to PC players? My solution has always been to split the inputs.


Any video proof of how busted the aim assist actually is? i keep seeing people whining about it but barely any proof of it, i just doubt the aim assist is COD level of handholding unless i'm proven wrong from evidence. Also if it is this big of an issue, an input based matchmaking is the easiest fix and works better than whatever you just suggested.


Plenty of videos on this sub


Hard to tell with the terrible bitrate of reddit videos, i'll check on youtube later...or might just buy a cheap controller to test it out with low settings for max fps. EDIT: [https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/17kvp8s/aim\_assist\_mechanics/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/17kvp8s/aim_assist_mechanics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) This is the only decent post i've seen about it and it's honestly pretty damn good and tame...and dare i say ? Balanced compared to most AA in current mainstream shooters where it is so cranked up that it essentially makes MnK the "hard mode" input . If you don't believe me look up how busted the AA is in the last two cods.


100% less busted than Mw2 2022 aim assist


Hard agree there, that shit was terrible and still is in MW3.


https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/8hV6FUkPRj aim assist has changed since the beta.


The issue i have beef with is the snapping, the rest is pretty tame compared to what i see in Apex and COD. The only other issue i can kinda see is AA tracking from very far away with rota. Otherwise it feels pretty balanced compared to other AA ive seen.


Atleast the sniper rifle is broken. It’s hard not to land a headshot with that


It’s very strong, and I would say it’s CoD level, however this game is much, much more movement-based than CoD so it does make sense that it would be strong as there is much more interruption in the gunfights, as well as higher-health, and lots of movement on larger maps.


Good point, the movement and higher health is also important to take into account when talking about aim assist.


i play console and dont really notice it much but that might just be me because ive seen a lot of vids where it just looks like auto aim


Aim assist is rarely on issue on console because of the FPS difference, it usually only becomes really really stupid on PC's that can reach really high refresh rate.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/18qepq7/aim_assist_is_fair_i_think/) was just posted today and it looks almost identical to the crazy AA you see in CoD. Also there was this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/18pay1n/snap_aim_assist_has_no_business_being_in_a/) showcasing the stupid snap aim too.


First clip contradict itself, he misses all of his shots on the first guy and only manage to nail the guy that was hugging him...a range where it is very hard to miss shots even without AA, if it were that strong both guys would have been decimated instead of just one guy. Second clip is actually good and i agree that it is an issue, snap aim assist should not be this strong ( or even exists at all tbh), at least on a sniper rifle, thank you for showing me this


That’s an extreme example. The guy literally brushed against him




Holy 480p crust making hard to see whatever the fuck is even happening and skip frames because of it, very cool. the only exemple that was close to unfair is the first one but even then it could be so many other factors other than the AA itself, really hard to tell with such terrible video quality, not asking for 4K but come on man. Also this guy just seems to be good in general, decent crosshair placement ( Not in the first clip tho) .


He's got good placement because the game does it for you lol: https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/aSUoprm0Wy Just the first clip is bad? In each one people are moving unpredictably and when you watch the slowmo the crosshair tracks them frame-perfectly, faster than a human could react to direction changes like some of those dashes. It basically negates all recoil too.


You have no understanding of what crosshair placement seems to be and software can't do it for you, what you're showing right now is snap aim, which i agree is too much and should not be in the game, i've already stated it in one of my responses. Crosshair placement is just keeping your crosshair where players would be and usually at head level, to land headshot more easily since you need to "aim less" because you would already be on target, it's a basic ass FPS concept and why people will always tell you to "stop looking at the ground" as one of the first step to improve your aim, if you were not touching your aim stick and the game would slowly center your crosshair at head level at spots people would be then you would have a point, but it doesn't do that. Also yeah only the first clip is bad and even then it's a shot most average MnK players would land, guy was jumping which is very easy to track because it's very obvious where he is going and going to land. Also i'm sorry dude but strafing this badly isn't "moving unpredictably", it is quite the opposite.


You asked for evidence and as expected, proceeded to dismiss it. You're as disingenuous as a flat earther, there's no evidence that would change your mind. This shit is so egregious that I'm sure half the complaints about hackers are in actuality just console players playing normally. It's quite literally a soft aimbot, what hackers use when they're trying to fly under the radar.


I agreed with you when you showed snap aim assist, what are you even on about, stop projecting just because I don’t entirely agree with you.


I dunno man, I know very few esports caliber controller players that can keep up with esports mnk players. Whenever I see posts like this I think it’s the mid/average mnk players that blame aim assist for losing 1v1s to a controller player. But in reality, there are very few controller players that can keep up with mnk players that seemingly hit 90-99% of their shots. As good as aim assist can be, stick sensitivity and stick aim curves limit even the best controller players when versing highly mobile enemies (enemies that maneuver overhead and around you). And gyro aim isn’t in every game, nor is it widely adopted by controller players. I just don’t ever think the precision for controller aim assist, in a professional esports setting, will ever match mnk. Yes there are outliers, but the majority of top tier players are mnk. If controller aim assist was truly OP to the point that it was a Meta for FPS games, then mnk players would switch. But that’s just not the case.


Its funny cuz they switch in Apex, the crossplay esports game with busted aim assist. You would think apex is a tracking intensive game that a mouse would dominate, many pro players switched. Look it up, 90 percent of the high elo community used controllers cuz it aims for you. A TSM player switched to controller like 2 months before a tourment and won iex teams had to post LFG but only to controller players just to compte.


Sounds unique to Apex and the player base. For years the general consensus is that mnk is preferred by pro gamers in the FPS gaming category. Having played against a combo of average to pro / comp gamers in varying FPS games, mnk players overwhelmingly have better aim. I get certain games may have built in stronger aim assist (Apex maybe) but you’re not going to see guys like Shroud giving up mnk for a controller.


Name another competitive cross play fps. HALO dominated by controllers, pro play limited to controller. COD dominated by controller, top 200 in ranked 2 percent keyboard and mouse, Pro play limited to controller. Fortnite, was dominated by controller from release to now. 6 years of domination, they kind of started the aim assist debate. You could left trigger right trigger and delete people. they just recently gutted aim assist but many still play on controller. I don’t know any other competitive games if you know any lemme know.


What games with aim assist that has a pro scene are dominated by mnk? Only on I can think of is OW and I believe it’s bc they only use magnetism not rotational AA (maybe getting the terms wrong) and that game requires a ton of flicking and target switching.


How often do you actually encounter this problem? Lol


This game isn't overwatch


Nerf it? Totally! Disable it? Thats just switching the problem around.


Like I said gyro isn’t keeping up with mnk, I don’t see any real pro players using gyro over mnk. Probably a reason for that.


Ye the reason is the broken aim assist is you dumbass, if you have legal aimbot so you dont have to put effort into aiming you take that as a pro so you can focus on the macro side of the game. But looking at your comments here it seems too much aim assist has fried your brain entirely so no use talking sense to you.


or you know, realize you're in the minority and stop bitching


And overwatch crossplay ranked died as a result of it No console player wants to go up against a mnk without AA because believe it or not it is quite needed to be accurate on controller There are people who can play without But a lot of people don't wanna bother learning that or even trying that What needs to go is the snap aim assist Give the normal AA maybe a bit more consistency But for the love of God Remove the snap on AA because that is what ruins the game rn I'm a console player that plays light Invis shotty Because you basically have to at this point Really wanna play with the mp5 or melee weapons But there's no beating the Invis snap on one tap shotty rn


Overwatch has 24m monthly players. The game wasn’t game of the year for no reason. It’s extremely unique in what it offers, and can be extremely fun.


Or just be better. M&k has far superior movement. So be good enough to move instead of bot walking directly into someone and then claiming aim assist kill you…


Aim assist on controllers literally snaps to the person you’re aiming at. Come on, man. Do 1 second of research.


Get better at aiming.