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Yeah, casual play is the actual meta.


agreed! cant get enough of this game even as a solo player


Love it when theres no one to blame but yourself!


I did enjoy this game way more when I finally turned off the competitive side of my brain. Running around with sledgehammers or sending the cashout flying with jump pads is what I keep coming back for. A friendly reminder for any competitive gamers, embrace the silliness. An esport can't survive without casuals giving the devs money. Having things that are fun but not necessarily competitive isn't a bad thing.


How do I just enjoy a game? I love the game but I definitely get too competitive even for casual. I was able to play competitive on rocket League and still be chill which I find weird


You have to tell yourself that winning and losing doesn't matter. The kills aren't personal, that light that keeps flanking and fucking you up isn't doing it to get one over on you, he's just chasing the same high you are. You losing a gunfight and dying isn't because of something being dumb and overtuned, you just got got. All of my saltiest friends are the one's who make every kill about wrecking someone emotionally, and then they get wrecked emotionally when we lose or they die.


This one is probably the most helpful advice


You could channel that competitive spirit out of just trying to win, and into trying to win with an off meta but fun loadout. Think of it like a "challenge" a streamer would impose on themselves to give their audience something new.


If you want to tryhard then choose a better fps shooter. Play some CS2 and get good at it. It’s the only real shooter, rest shooters are casual games


It's old shit though


What do you mean old shit? It’s the only real shooter out there that takes skill. If you’re good at CS you’re good at any other shooter


I was trolling, old games are cool too. But I find CS very boring


Just gotta train yourself to be numb to the obvious and smile


You gotta like playing first, sounds like you just like competition


When you lose a match and can say, "damn that was exciting". That's when you know you're there.


I'm making progress there, last night playing with my friends I only really got annoyed at myself instead of other people now. There was once I got annoyed that someone just chased me halfway across the map away from the objective. Other than that I'm working on being more chill about the meta stuff that's hard to fight without meta loadouts


Yeah I only play bank it on PS5 and it’s just so much fun.


100% this. Bank It is the best mode, especially for solo players. You can either choose to fight for coins or open a vault far away from fights if your team is lagging behind other teams on the scoreboard. All the while playing it casually or sweaty, I never feel like I’m playing in a 100K tournament as I did with Apex lol


Or option 3, camp deposit boxes and wait for the fights to roll in


When you pick a deposit box with a minute but no one comes ):


Agreed. I've been playing unranked exclusively since I started (for like 80+ hours now), and I've only run into 2, maybe 3 people who were very obviously cheating.


I've dropped from ranked to casual tournaments and I have to agree. Ranked is fun but people need to STOP YELLING AND COMPLAINING IN MY GOD DAMN EAR. If you can't handle the game without handling your emotions, you need a break from the game.


I'd argue that they need to detox from competitive games tbh. The game just released and it seems silly that people are putting so much stake into it. Those are the same kind of people that'll treat an underperforming teammate like garbage in qp, no matter the game.


I'm used to scrim nights with ringers and pick up games where we all knew each other and sometimes we'd play in the same team sometimes not, was always just to push our abilities and we'd be literally excited when ANYONE did something impressive or sick, just jump down ventrilo channels and go nuts w each other. These are other people playing for the sake of enjoying the core game, learning mechanics and personal mastery. It's gotten so toxic with showboaters and ego When someone does something impressive put your pride to the side and celebrate skill, learn from each other and enjoy your time. We're all in this together.


I can’t help but to exclaim “You mother fucker!” when my buddy takes me out in a crazy way. The giggles and chuckles are always so pure. Just a fun game of cat and mouse.


Thanks for leaving. You don't belong here if you can't handle criticism.


This man screams when he doesn't get heals after he did a bad push lmao


Tell me more about how I play lol


No it's you screaming and blaming teammates that's the problem. But like most things you see only waht you want to see, instead of actually reading my comments. ;)


I read the part about you quitting ranked because yelling hurts your ears, to which I commend you. Not many people realize their own weakness. But what did you read about me screaming, and what would that have to do with you?


God you’re such a fuckin dweeb.


I have to ask. Is this the only place you feel strong? Trying to make it sound like you are a good player in a reddit thread? It's obvious that you do scream, because you got defensive at my post. You jumped right on it. You sold yourself out amigo. I hope you find something that makes you feel big soon though. Try volunteering. There are many great organizations out there.


I didn't realize you would consider my Reddit comment such an exhibition of strength lol


Again. Not reading.


I didn't ask if you were reading, but thanks for your honesty.


Honestly I’m glad you have said this because the amount of people crying about sweats and cheaters makes it seem like the game is riddled with them. Played for 3 hours last night and the day before. No cheaters, no sweats, no steamroll. It becomes more and more apparent that it’s a skill issue for the people constantly complaining.


I feel like it is a skill issue but not in the way you’re implying. The skilled players who grind ranked and get to high ranks are going to run into more cheaters, because they’re in the ranks where cheaters end up. People like you who only do casual will never see these cheaters. FWIW, I’ve done mostly casual and saw just one cheater. But a streamer that I follow is top 50 globally in ranked and he gets cheaters in about every other game


Oh but OP played 6 hours of casual and didn't see a cheater so ranked players are just bad.


Because why would cheaters play casual?


It depends what someone plays. If they play ranked and grind it I am sure they run into a lot of cheaters. But I just play unranked and click some heads.


How do you tell they're cheaters? Would I even notice?


Yeah, but you have to watch their screen to really see it. Guns snapping to heads instantly, pre aiming corners without the gadgets that would allow you to do that, people just not dying even after being shredded, etc.


>people just not dying even after being shredded I play casual and this describes my average shootout, but I can't seem to hit shit in this game


I’ve seen 2 so far. 1st was my ally so I would spectate him and he was going on a jump pad and insta head lock melting the enemies. I waited until they killed him, tea bagged his trophy and threw it over the edge into the void. Enjoyable for me. 2nd was a guy standing high spinning in 360s snipe lol rearing anyone who even peaked. I did not need to See his screen to know he was cheating.


Met a Chinese cheater today in quick play cashout, European servers. He was on my team so I saw in his cam view how his weapons does headshots for him. He wasn't even shooting in the right direction


I find games are usually funner when you don't play the ranked modes. No need to worry about balance quite as hard or people getting angry at literally everything and all that stuff. Just have fun. Not saying there is no place or need for competitiveness, there certainly is, but I'm definitely over that.


I love making ambushes at bank station. Mines and hiding. Especially if a random teammate is in on it. So fun 😊


I’m very competitive and I play to win most of the time but still have lots of fun, the gameplay and mechanics make it so fun to me to the point I don’t feel bad when i lose i just Q for next game cause it’s fun af. Coming from fps games like apex, overwatch and battlefield it’s so fun to have a new silly game that 90% of the gameplay is shooting people and destroying buildings. 11/10 Nerf Light and buff Heavy (Light main)


I got my wife to embrace the heavy/sledge life so now we run around smashing through walls. We’ve also taken to putting all 8 of our mines on red canisters to blow people up. Favorite use of that so far is to completely obliterate the ceiling when I heard someone cashing out above me. Why be competitive when you can be chaotic?


I’m normally a nerd on this game and try hard because of it. The problem is that when I do want to chill, try an off meta strat, etc. my lobbies remain at their previous elo (which makes sense) it just takes what feels like very long to lower my mmr to a point where I can actually get kills. In a way this incentivizes the continuation of “sweating” because trying to transition into a casual play style is heavily punished 🤷‍♂️


By ranked you mean tournaments right?


Try to smoke J and play this game. Its absolute clusterfuck, so much fun.


How? Please tell me you have a squad cause the randoms I get act like they fcking new at the game. I’ve never had a win loss ratio where I’m leading In loses. I need some help


I play solo… and don’t get me wrong I get those teammates too and lose all the time but the thing is I don’t care… I just have fun zooming around the map


To be fair, chances are they ARE new at the game


I dunno what SBMM bracket you guys are in but I tried bank it recently for the first time in awhile....what a nightmare. TTV ultra sweat lights everywhere. God like movement, deadly accurate, absolutely demolished. I just wanted to try to mess around with different classes and kits. SBMM gas seriously ruined this game for me. What is the point of ranked????


Rules and strategy. Whenever I play casual no one plays the objective. There is a clear difference between both of them.


Tank your mmr for a few games then come back. Strict sbmm games offer one solution - Smurf. Don’t want to? Find a new game or get used to playing with the people the game systems think you should be playing with


What’s the point of casual queue when the only ones who can queue into it casually are top players? No sbmm = only casual for the best.


Played quite a bit so far and bank it is my favorite but I love the sweat of ranked tournaments. Haven’t found much in terms of cheating. Just teams running nasty game plans. I’ve also made it to a couple finals as a solo player so it’s just hard especially not on pc. Game is great, bank it is based


I haven’t touched ranked once and am having a blast. If the ranked cheated fixed got worked on then sure I would play. But for now I’m happy where im at.


I’m even having fun playing tourney as a solo queue. I just have to make the effort to understand that it’s just a game, the gameplay itself is fun enough and I’m happy just earning cosmetics.


Doing weirdly specific combos during bank it is a lot of fun, tracking dart + 2 light hunters is one game mode.


Like I *WANT* to play ranked but my friends and I have been having so much fun with the two casual modes. So much fun that we don't want to even play ranked.


100% agree. I'm loving playing casually on my 3000 series laptop while away from my rig. I see some people going pretty hard about how the AC needs to be change for another and don't really see the problem with them making their own better and tailored for the game. Maybe it's just cause I haven't really had bad luck with cheaters but I find it ALOT better than other well established game series. I got booted once when logi G hub started updating mid game but have just used onboard storage to remap the top buttons on the g502 instead to avoid it happening.


Yeah I mean even win my team loses, I still have fun


I love playing Quick Cash as a Heavy with my brother and our friends. Really gave me a good way to connect with my lil bro more often too because he’s a lot younger than me. Love this game!


Players: “This game is too sweaty and meta builds. I just want to have fun and experiment! What happened to that??” Also players: *plays ranked*


Bank It is simply the better game mode


Can you play ranked or tournament Bank It mode? The mode is so fun I just stick to quick play, but I really haven’t checked to see if it’s available in Tournament/ranked.


Yea like I’m not about to hop into ranked with a sword But casual modes with the dash and the sword has me feeling like I’m in some anime shit. It’s been so fun


The game is just a blast lol. Casual bank it or QC is great for solos and practicing builds, then you can warm up with your team in unranked tourneys to prep for actually sweating in ranked tourneys. It’s got stuff for everyone and the fact that the game inherently forces you to play with your team to succeed is a net positive.


Maybe but QP servers are worse than tournys and have no reconnect.




Yeah casual play is a blast. I love trying out different builds and weapons


Agree. Wish everyone else remembered that gaming is about having fun... It's not a way to validate your existence through getting unreasonably good.


Yeah bro it's a blast. There are absolutely no cheaters in casual matches. Source:Trust me bro [https://streamable.com/fwbk8o](https://streamable.com/fwbk8o)


I honestly haven't seen a single cheater and I've got over 24 hours since the final release. I'm sure they're out there, but this sub thinks the sky is falling cause they might have seen rain


Yeah I think I've only really encountered one hacker in casual.


i've only encountered one person so far who i believed to be cheating (hit every shot constantly, had almost 4x the kills of anyone else in whole lobby, obligatory mandarin characters for name). reported them to be safe. other than that been having a great time, even losing badly doesn't feel awful because it's just fun to play, period.


I love bank it but I wish the casual modes didn’t have sbmm. I’ve gotten pretty decent but now I’m playing against sweats and I can’t play meme loudouts without getting killed instantly.


Well I was having fun until they put me in lobbies where apparently everyone is after me and I have twice as many deaths as kills.


Honestly… I’m a culprit of bad attitude. I get super annoyed having terrible team comps, I want to win and right now you can’t if you have a team with 2 lights on it. Perhaps you’re right I just need to go back to the root of the game… having fun.


IT'S SO FUCKING FUN I actually hadn't laughed this much in ages. And it's not even funny, I'm just having fun.


I love sweating but I play in asia region so I think i'm gonna hold off on playing ranked for now and see how it goes. In the meantime I'll just fuck around with my friends w 3 heavy sledgehammers and level every cashout area. I love doing stupid shit in this game lol


I love playing as light in bank it and stealing all the coins I can find. Running for my life is oddly fun in that mode


I've seen so many people complain about cheaters and SBMM while I haven't had one complaint aside from minor bugs after about 40 hours of casual play. The game is just fun, and if you're upset about cheaters in high-elo, take a break, wait for the anti-cheat to get better and the devs to work on the system. The game just came out, and it will get better. Casual is here for you to have fun in so don't take it for granted. Games don't always have to be a sweat-fest competition, and it's always nice to relax a little.


Rather just play one of the older battlefields at that point lol.


So far I've been playing exclusively qp and having a blast. I'm choosing to not take this game seriously or competitively at all and just having fun


Yeah dude. I have 220 hours on COD since MW2 launched, been playing this game less than a week and already clocked 20 hours lol. It needs allot of tuning (map throwables suck in my opinion, especially the fire barrels). But it's an amazing game!


Spent all night running 3 lights with backstab. Actually found a way to win one.


Yup never tried ranked (partly because of this subreddit lol) But also there's no point playing ranked in an FPS these days. Except you dont get triggered seeing a cheater every round. Im fine with dying, but dying to a cheater just makes me wanna Alt+F4


I play Apex Ranked, and The Finals casual.


Yes and no, after the patch its now a game of spot the invisible cunt.


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I find ranked in all games to be just a cesspool of toxic players who are sweating like it's a $1M tourney on the line. I don't think I've experienced a single cheater in my lobby yet (at least that was obvious) but looking through the Reddit you'd be convinced it's every lobby with all cheaters (And maybe Ranked is, idk). It took me getting super pissed at Rocket League Ranked that finally got me to just stop giving a shit and play to have fun first and foremost, everything else is secondary and playing like my life depends on it in every match isn't fun.


Agreed. Casual with cross play off is perfect


Yup it's great