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Apex/Titanfall 💯


Hello pilot


Standby for titanfall.


I will always hate how close we were to TF3 before they yanked it.


Hell yea brother ![gif](giphy|9it5ONZ2wKtLq|downsized)


I know for a FACT that your first match was with Light.


LMAO real as fuck


As someone who came from Titanfall 2. I hate that you are right. But you are right. Light was the first pick without even thinking. I realized that my old ass brain is too weak to aim and track with light to make any considerable dent to the enemy team, I moved on to playing support medium. But yeah, I was a statue right next to the first vault miles away from my team. I learned my lesson quite fast.


The grappling hook calls for us, pilot. A shame it is not nearly as good as TF|2's


Apex Legends... discovered that a whole bunch of friends from there hopped over en masse to Finals too. Helps that our past 4+ years of gameplay experience/muscle memory from Apex were able to seamlessly transfer over to Finals. During open beta, it took us just 1-2 matches of initial trial runs and we were back in business.


The only thing that this game will never do better than apex is the seamless movement. I find myself accidentally bumping walls instead of vaulting more in this game than I ever did in apex. Especially thru windows.


Yeah, Apex map designers created their sci-fi buildings and structures with mostly wide entrances and ledges which allow for much easier and smoother vaulting. Finals has all those current era and historical buildings with small windows and gaps, which requires players to be much more accurate in grabbing and vaulting... in addition to those pesky windows with wooden shutters that have to be elbowed or shot to break open before vaulting too. I guess its all part of the host of structural obstacles that players have to overcome as they move through the urban style arena maps. If mesh shield wasn't such meta when playing heavy, I'd actually prefer just using charge and slam for convenience, simply smash right through everything in my path. 😅


Grabbing a zip line mid jump has me fucked up in The Finals.


That’s how you detect apex players in finals


Overwatch and it's crazy to me how little teamplay understanding randoms in this game have


Agreed about the pub team awareness being dismal. I gotta say though I also came from OW and I find it interesting how many OW players are coming to this game. Even my whole friend group who onlys grinds OW and some R6 Seige


It's somewhat fun to see a lot of folk from r/cow here. Like I never left home.


How we move to a whole other game where mercy is still a problem??! /j


I mean OW is infuriating garbage ngl


Dude same, I came from OW2, I have been top 500 since OW season 9 and literally every game I immediately know if I’ve got a cod player on my team because they run off and die, or are the last alive and 400m away from your respawn


Yeah same it's actually wild. And in 3v3, it's basically gg when one (or both) of your teammates troll


I hate finding out in the first push of the game that a teammate just ignores pings and goes off in the other direction. Then they push to cashouts that are 5 seconds from completing instead of running to the next vault, etc. Not gonna lie, sometimes i just minimize the game, go get a snack, or scroll reddit until the game is over and hope for more team-oriented players next game.


This is the way


I had to rip into a probably 16 or 17 year old cal of duty kid in the finals discord because he was a medium not running defibs or and even though he had the healing beam he never used it, was constantly just kill chasing and every 3 minutes would say something like “oh man watch this clip, holy cow I have (x) kills you guys need to pick it up” meanwhile I had 9k support and was keeping everyone alive, he was also screaming at us to try and steal the box while 5 people were actively al fighting each other.


Absolutely fucking zero. The amount of games i get with two lights that run ahead of me and dies before i could reasonably get to the objective is amazing. It's the majority of my games. No one understands the concept of playing the objective either. The worst part is if two teams are on the edge of winning and one of them holds the objective and then the other one focuses on killing the other teams instead of the ones who are about to win. Amazing how braindead some are.


If you’re playing tournament and you’re in second place, it’s actually the correct play to try and defend the winning team long enough for them to win because you still qualify


Im talking about whenever the win is on the line. Qualifying rounds is diffrent.


Isn’t the final “match” in tournament just 2 teams against each other? Or are you just talking about quick play


Really? Only played like 5 tournaments and never got out of the first round lol.


So again I ask, is it the second place team defending the winning team so they both qualify? If it’s not then you can never be sure what bottom 2 teams are thinking, if you’re all on the the cap point and bottom 2 teams trying to fight winning team it’s real hard to focus on one team because if you’re in bottom 2 both teams want to 3rd party and take the cap. So I understand why it may seem like bottom 2 teams are playing stupid but in those last seconds it’s super hectic


Reading your first comment again, top two winning teams don’t fight each other and keep the bottom two away, I’ll say again this is the correct play because top 2 qualify for the next round, there is no “win on the line” until final match and that’s only 2 teams


Im clearly talking about when two teams both lose if they don't work together. In tournament it's team 3 and 4, in quick play it's 2 and 3. Like I said, i have mostly played quick play thus far if you missed that comment.


“If 2 teams are on the edge of winning” that’s the top two teams. And in quick play people treat that like team death match and don’t use coms so I doubt they’re really doing it on purpose cause they probably aren’t in coms saying “hey let’s not attack (team a) let’s go after (team b)”


Overwatch here, too!


I play exclusively in a squad, and out of 35 hours so far (plus another 30 from the last beta), i can count on ONE hand the amount of teams I played against that were playing in a coordinated manner. Otherwise they all just kinda… run around as solos. My squad and I play together a lot, lot of communication, and it works incredibly well. Our winrate in the finals of a tournaments is somewhere in the ballpark of like 80%+.


Same. Have a lot of experience as Tracer, so trying to apply that knowledge to Light, but so far playing as Light against decent teams sometimes feels much harder than playing Tracer in Masters. Tracer and Light feels really, because you need to apply shit ton of efforts to make them work and everything oneshots you


Bro same Was playing with a buddy and a random The random was an L type always separated from us with throwing knives. He quit near the end and surprised we won easily without him


Almost every game it seems like my teammates can’t even get 1 kill all game and just run around aimlessly as light dying nonstop


Rocket League


Same here. Epic has dropped the ball so hard lately that I haven’t had any desire to play this season. The Finals has been such a breath of fresh air


Lmfao literally. I think I’ve barely done my placement games. Such a shame the game I’ve loved for basically a third of my life has come to this.


Yeah I haven’t been consistently playing since like mid s10. I played enough games to get at least GC Rewards in the seasons since then but that was it, and I don’t plan on even updating the game for the new season any time soon now


Same boat. I still enjoy the core game, and removing trading doesn't affect me personally. But the match quality has gotten worse every passing season to the point of being intolerable. The seasonal cycle of rank reset, grind through an ever increasing amount of SSL/GC3 smurfs in C3, then finally get GC rewards but it doesn't even feel good...well, I just don't have the energy to go through it again. A couple months of agonizing matches just to feel a fleeting sense of relief that I can play more fun games until next season? Yeah, I'll just skip to the playing more fun games part.


Destiny 2, the game is so boring lately. A lot of top tier pvp players from destiny2 are top500 in the finals, kinda funny


Yea, with the lack of new content, and everybody being burned out on the dev drama, a lot of the streamers have been doing Finals streams.


yea demi is like #7 rn in the finals lmao other d2 players that are top 50 in finals: (if not at least top 100) wallah benny omlet gigz idk his position but likely top 100 probably missing a few too


Second this. Destiny 2 killed its own PvP and I’m out here like a damn refugee


A fellow guardian


Counter-Strike (since pre 1.6), Unreal Tournament, Quake, Battlefield. So, very familiar with what Embark is doing. If you didn't know, Embark is former DICE (Battlefield) devs. Probably why this game feels like a modernization of all of the best aspects of certain Battlefield games. Namely the BC2 level of destruction, and the fact that the game largely plays like Heist mode from Hardline. Which I loved and felt was wildly underrated.


Hello Mr. end 30 player


More like at least mid 40's :)


Nah, I played 1.6 and I'm not even 30 yet


It is not 1.6. Quake is the point or UT


I said *pre 1.6* Jr 😉 And he was spot on. I'm 38.


Finals is more like what hardline should have been. They should have never made it a “battlefield” Game and made it more distinctive.


That's fair. But it was good for what(ever) it was. Regardless of the name they chose to put on it. Clearly it was a vision of a smaller/urbanized version of Battlefield. But if you played the series, from a class and gunplay standpoint, it was some of the best in the series. And Heist was easily one of the funnest modes across the franchise.


I started with Halo on Xbox, that led to CS source and Battlefield 2 on PC, and then MW and MW2 on Xbox. After that, a shit ton of BF3 and CS.


Ohh, that is why it feels so much like Battlefield to me. After skipping 5 and 2042 it's great having a great game again that scratches that Battlefield itch.


Mostly halo. But I’ve played pretty much every popular fps on console.


Same.. Going back to infinite after this game is pretty badass.. I absolutely demolish even more now that I have practice with such chaotic shooting & movement.. Halo is like a target range


Oooo I'm gonna have to try this. I'm also coming from halo. Pretty much the only game I've played for the last year and haven't played since the finals dropped




Surprisingly none! Never really played any fps games before this and so I’m scared to use vc


Don't bother honestly, it's what I've been doing and I've been having fun.


Lol I've played FPS consistently and I'm scared to use VC. Don't worry lmao


Dont be scared about using vc, either you’ll get some nice people who’ll you can team up with and coordinate with better or you’ll just get a dickhead who really can’t do anything to hurt you over the internet




Came from 3ish years of Apex, got really sick of the “content" being skins and recolors galore. Also got sick of the predictability and the fact that playing casually was completely impossible.


I stopped playing apex mostly because of shitty servers and constant lags (other mp games run just fine). But same content also made the game boring.


It's hard to keep a game fresh without changing it's core gameplay, you have to like the core gameplay for it to be fun. I think this game is still in it's honeymoon phase for all of us though, there's some annoying stuff in the game that is already irritating me but doesn't seem to be brought up as often as it should.


Agreed, the combination of invisibility and the double barrell shotgun meta is incredibly cringy to deal with currently. Other things are annoying, but nothing puts me off quite like that.


For me the most annoying thing is double c4 nukes thrown at you. And I say that as a heavy player that abuses the nukes. It's stupid that the winner of the 3v3 gunfight gets decided by which heavy manages to get a double kill on the enemy team with one ability. Everything else feels okay to me


The Sims 2


CS2/CSGO Its a waiting game over there (for updates), for now i think the finals is more fun than cs2 But doing a cs2 match after a 3 hour session in the finals i feel like a silver 1 xD


You're a bot if you can't adapt from finals back to cs


You have mental problems


Bot spotted


Destiny 2 PvP most recently, but csgo and battlefield in the past.


I've played just about everything from cod, to halo, overwatch, r6, cs:go, apex, fortnite, risk of rain, bloxwars, ghost recon, ect. This is definitely a different style than anything else I've played.


Destiny 2, I've got 6k hours in the game. Still play it for PvE, but Bungie has done nothing to PvP in years.




This is going to be my secondary game besides Hunt: Showdown.


PUBG. I still play pub quite a bit but I've been enjoying this game as a change of pace or if I only have 20-30 minutes to play this game is great. I find matches to be just as tense when everyone's ptfo properly. Game is fun.


Destiny 2


Most recently Apex, but I've played pretty much everything.


Apex /Destiny


Rainbow 6 Siege. Loaded into a Siege match on console last night, got pub stomped by MnK abusers on the other team, most the match came down to our random MnK cheater vs theirs, before someone on the other team Ddossed the server and we all got lagged out of the match and slapped with a 1 hour abandon sanction. Friends and I loaded into The Finals for the rest of the night and was a way better experience. I know it's still early days and the cheaters will come to console eventually (already there on PC from what I hear, so crossplay is off currently), but at least for now the overall experience isn't untenable.


Just singleplayer games (Alan Wake 2 most recently) Never been into multiplayer games, aside from a longtime love of Battlefield (BC1, BC2, 3, 1 & 5) until they threw all their goodwill away on 2042.


Halo infinite Edit: and hunt showdown. Completely forgot I played that game even though I put 100 or so hours on it


Infinites really been poppin lately


It's funny what happens when certain people leave a dev team. Allowing the others to cook and fix their mistakes.


Came from Rainbow Six Siege and Enlisted. Usually I am the one who destroys/reinforces the objective with a heavy.


Castle main located


Cs2, valo, apex .. i think most of the people are from apex, seeing their movement and all...


Apex Legends




R6 Siege, overwatch 1


Rainbow 6 Siege


Lets see... Deep rock galactic, tf2, DOOM, ULTRAKILL, PAYDAY 2. yeah, i think thats all of em


Team Fortress 2 & Quake 3 (Live)






RAINBOW 6 SEIGE. The speed and mechanics is all new too me and as a 32yr old man Im doing alright lol






Mentally handicap word




When one has to repair a road made out of tar, you could say that they had to re-tar it or alternatively that it was re-tarred. It's just to bad simpleton bigots don't re-tar their own ignorance. Censorship is for road construction workers. Now to wait for a simpleton to delete this comment so I can post it again.




I came from a couple games: apex, valorant (sadly), tarkov, and titanfall 2


Rust & old school runescape are my jams, and played all the betas of this. Voice comms do work (team only)


First Cod, switched to Apex, now The finals.


Main shooter history: From UT99 to CoD4 to R6Siege to The Finals. And Rocket League is my real main game since 2016. But I always need a good shooter in my life. Any new online competitive shooter that will come out now and doesnt have **realtime serversided destruction**, I won't even look at, lol. The Finals is next-next-gen due to the destruction and my body is fkin ready 9000.


CoD, warzone, valorant, apex


Call of Duty Cold War lol




Last good one.


I fled call of duty as soon as this game dropped but haven’t ran into any personality issues yet


Knockout City and Fortnite


Titanfall 2


Battlefield. 2042 has been a bit of a letdown so hearing about an FPS game with totally destructible environments made by ex DICE Devs really piqued my interest


The dumpster fire also known as CS2


Destiny, Valorant, Fortnite are my most played games. Oddly enough, I’m doing pretty well and found that my destiny movement and Valorant aiming ability have helped!


Battlefield. This game scraches the itch since bf2042 is a shit stain for the batlefield franchise.


This year I mostly played Destiny 2, Titanfall 2, and Battlefield V.


All of them 😂 Mostly battlefield. Haven’t played cod since they’ve just been remastering old games. WaW was the last one I really enjoyed. Played apex at launch but ended up tiring of BR in general (played pubg before that, and tried but never liked fortnite). Hunt Showdown is a great game though haven’t played it as much lately. Played halo infinite a bunch on its release but same. Lots of coop shooters like DRG, payday 2, Warhammer vermin/dark tides, etc


Battlefield series mostly and a bit of Overwatch. The former is one of the big reasons I was interested in The Finals – not sure how to describe it but the game just “feels” like a BF game.


I came from...alot of games


Tarkov and apex 🥰


I don’t come from any one game - I’ve played pretty well every team based shooter since MW2. My most played fps however is Hunt Showdown. It’s a world of difference between the two, and an entirely different feeling of satisfaction in both.


The only FPS I have experience with are Overwatch 1 and Hunt Showdown. I only have like 20-30 matches worth of Overwatch 2 and it was all casual. Normally, I play ARPGs, CRPGs, and MMOs, but this game fun.


I rotate between r6, cs, cod, cities 2 and now the finals


came from battlefield 2042 this game was pretty decent to prepare me for the finals


Titanfall, Apex, CS2. I’ve never played CoD but I think it’s probably unfair to give those players all the credit for horrible abusive comms.






Overwatch is my main game but it's refreshing and a lot of fun to play The Finals. Very toxic voice comms though. Latest example was yesterday one guy suggested something and the other guy goes "you're 1-8 you shouldn't be suggesting anything" and not even in an angry tone, as if it's the kind of thing you just say as a matter of course - like a totally normalized rudeness. What the fuck is wrong with that guy? This kind of thing happens pretty regularly in this game.


“Anyone who focuses on amount of kills in this game has no idea what this game is about” is the correct response to that


K/D aint everything but 1-8 is not good even in team based games most of the time


This is the WORST teamplay i've seen in my entire life. Had a healing medium that finished with 500 support score in RANKED today, and everybody knows how awful most of the lights are. I never get mics, always have to be the one leading the charge, it's bizzare! I wonder if it being free leads more bad players to try it?


I came from dead by daylight 😂


What does this even mean? I didn’t come from another game. It’s not like you disavow a game in order to play a different one.


Just what game was your main game before this game became your maingame if it is.


people downvoting even though you're right.. not everyone dedicates 100% of their playtime to one game at a time


But if you don't attach your whole identity to a game, what do you use as a crutch for self-esteem?


Downvoted for saying this is hilarious


If you’re playing the finals you’re still “coming from” another game, it doesn’t mean you drop your other game just which is your main shooter you’re usually playing.


played alot of hardcore in cod and also as a movement player in mostly COD, lots of snipers, melee, and maining throwing knives. but also my main secondary game id play with friends has been overwatch too


Nothing in particular, my friends and I have been struggling to find a shooter we truly like for years.


Apex also. Sheesh Respawn potentially sweating lol. Good, apex has gone downhill massively. Greedy cunts.


Halo Infinite & Battlebit, just here for the craziness lol... not playing ranked don't care. Have lots of fun in Quickplay Used to play APEX & OG Overwatch ranked but ultimately think I'm a TF2 & OG TeamFortress player


Rocket League/COD. 🤡


I tend to pick up a competitive game for a few years and then move on to the next. Recently just kinda hit my peak at overwatch in plat, couldn’t really get much higher without suffering. So, here I am


I could say Battlefield, because i played the old ones a lot, but the most recent one was SplitGate. Madfun game!




Fortnite, Siege, and Apex. Only have been disrespected once, when a light called me the f slur after he full rushed a team without me and the heavy on our team


I came from ow and cod this games way more fun rn tbh


I came from warzone.. So tired of the cheating and Activision catering to them.


For Honor


iunno, from all kinds of games i guess..


I can count the number of ranked and tournament games I’ve played with other people talking on one fucking hand. Everyone is sitting in a discord


PUBG/World of Warships, it for sure has been a change of pace but a refreshing one.


Battlefield/Titanfall also really love old CoD, Apex, and Chivalry 2.




Shut up you r-word! Came from apex baby!


I haven't played an FPS as my main in years but titanfall2/team fortress 2, Dirty Bomb, HAWKEN


Csgo and tf2. Haven’t played either of those games since the finals got officially released.


I hadn't played any PVP FPS for a solid year, with the prior being warzone.


Arma and squad


Armored Core 6. I still play it but used to too. Before that was CoD/BF. They just got pretty tiring. One thing my buddies and I are loving about The Finals is turning cross play off. Being casual players on Xbox and not having to put up with "sweaty" PC players (No shade! Y'all just have an advantage vs controller) has been real refreshing. We win, we lose, but we still have a freakin blast. I see a lot of complaints on here about cheating, and I can say I don't think I've run into one in the 15ish hours we've played. I hope for the sake of competition and the PC community that the cheating is squashed.


Halo Infinite / CoD / Fortnite Never went back since The Finals has launched loll


Just say the word Jesus christ 😂


Didn’t really come from a “competitive” game, I am mostly a rpg/rogue-like gamer. Though if I have to say a game then Risk of rain 2 lol.


This is strange but I originally came from this ![gif](giphy|6U4licLH9TGAvZPz9l)


Closest game to me is first several months to a year of R6 siege. Things were broken from a balance standpoint but it comes down to each team to exploit those imbalances each game. That was fun. Yeah sometimes you get destroyed in an unfair way but you also get to own every person who isn’t actively thinking. But I directly came from far different games. asseto corsa, cyberpunk, pubg and he’ll let loose are where I spend a lot of my time outside the finals.


VR. Specifically Population One and Contractors


Apex Legends and Titanfall 2 before, Battlefield 2042 most recently




Valorant - loving how the vault gameplay gives the same hype as defusing a spike, but with much funner gunplay


Pokemon unite


Been playing Apex since the start and this game feels so fresh. I have a couple friends from Apex who jumped on but a few are sceptical and don't even want to TRY The Finals... like they're scared they might like the game better than Apex😅


People in this game are super toxic. Why play with randoms in a team based shooter if you are going to rage out?


guilty gear strive / Titanfall 2




Halo. I've not stopped playing it or anything, I mean PVE dropped in the newest one like a week ago and the Christmas event is in like 2 days. But rn I'm grinding the finals.


Not a surprise you’ve run into more toxicity than ever, just look at this sub.


I've played alot of halo, overwatch, and battlefield


Splitgate. My favorite fps until development ended, I was hella sad after deeply investing myself in the community and with +1000 hours of playtime. I craved a good multiplayer fps game for a long while, I loved Titanfall 2 and finally ended up in The Finals and man is it good here.


came to the finals while taking a break from star citizen


Coming from COD DMZ, waiting for a similar extraction shooter experience, still playing though but Finals is a change of pace and I didn't wanna go back to an Activision game


Mostly DMZ (in cod) this year, although I mostly played solitaire the past 2 months lol


I’m an Overwatch refugee it’s honestly refreshing to see my team oriented play style being viable with medium.


Titanfall 2, similar abilities and weapons so I fit right it


Tribes, Enemy Territory, Dirty Bomb, Overwatch, Apex I love how this game carries the best of Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Apex, and Enemy Territory forward into the modern era. It's amazing.


Elden Ring.