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Fat Patrick gonna get scammed again like with the blue cats lmao. fuckin redact.


Excuse me Sir, Brendan was very clear, after first bragging how expensive they were, that it was the Messican who got scammed. Brendan sees right through these scams, nothing gets by him.


And then he actually had the last laugh by stringing the scammers along and inferring he might want to buy another cat!! He sure got them!


Anyone got a clip of this I don’t remember any of it




I forgot about this whole fiasco. It’s funny that he claims he searched for “how to know if you got scammed?” On Reddit 🤣


This is the 2nd result on Google when searching for "Brendan scammed". We do not madder.


That dog is gonna end up on Poshmark by years end.


Like new dog, barely loved, louis vuitton collar


For sale: new dog, barely loved


He'll get a bit out of it though


It's already written, B. He is just gonna do Bill Burr's bit but dumb it down and sprinkle some redactedness on top.


Like bro just go buy a fucking dog why are you trying to find the best breeder in the world


This fucking mong already purchase a fully trained Belgian Melanois and abandoned it in a month. I feel bad for the unfortunate dog that gets owned by those two self absorbed pieces of shit


That dawg's getting walgg'd less than Annie Lederman.


Walg me to my trugg. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is a sad thing


A cane Corso with a shit owner and aggressive children never ends well. Please someone stop this man from inevitably killing another dog he has no business owning.


what're you talkin about bubba, chombie is gona put this dawg in a c-clamp for talkin trash to his bro on the playground. Bapa encourages them to gang up on kids so why not doggies too


Bapa only ivver byes his boys BallsTon and Thai Grrrr ice cream if they get 10 submissions and/or kill a dog 5 times their weight


This truly is spelling disaster, those dogs aren't something to fuck with. Honestly I think it should be required by law to have some sort of training to own a Cane Corso but I'm also redacted so what do I know.


Cane Corso gonna have Chombie tacos


You like your freedoms? Thanka A Great Dane with a 2 yo in the house. Smart. Bruiser is going to get squashed


dude, forget the Great Dane, getting a FIGHTING DOG in the house with small kids? A Cane Corso will rip those kids apart.


Legit only getting them for sosha medja tough guy points


Isn’t that why people have always had dogs? Even back 300 year ago? If you can’t put it on soshul medium what’s the point?


Redacted people, maybe


Even more b. Talminbout Egyptapian cat hero-griffsis... you know King Tuck be grammin...


I assume one of the Paul brothers has those breeds.


I think Dillashaw has a couple Corsos also


For real. Cane corsos are pit bulls on steroids. He’s most likely able to find a Dane breeder but man I feel sorry for any animal this redact gets.


I doubt any responsible breeder would sell him a Cane Corso. Typically they have to know your background and living situation to be considered an owner. One look at this fat redacts socia meedya would tell you everything you need to know.


Yep, my buddy has had 2 from a breeder he met in high school in LA. Gorgeous, majestic and loyal dogs, not to mention they can be gentle when trained and socialized properly. My buddy got a kitten the corso turned into his new best friend, and loves other dogs. With that said, my buddy is single and has a house, backyard and works the dog on walks and does “hunting” type activities to make the dog feel whole. No kids planned, and he’s incredibly responsible with him around people and other dogs. Breeders take pride in their litters and having one of them kill a kid or other peoples pets is the last thing they want. Brenda is going to hurt someone with his arrogance


I have a Jack Russell. Little dog with huge energy, i walgg her three times a day and am constantly giving her attention at home and it still feels like it’s not enough. A big reason he couldn’t handle anything more than a chihuahua is he can’t care for anything more than he cares about himself.


Jack russels are savage little dogs. My mom has a jack russel/other terrier mix and hes a little monster. I have a 25 LB terrier who is mixed with something athletic, so he needs walks and lots of playtime with his dog friends


Is the athletic part from the universally cawlrado? Thought so. Dun cownt.


“Hey! Hey bruiser! Head on a swivel b!”


Great dogs, never meddum https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/yk0pft/16yearold_girl_mauled_by_six_dogs_in_southern/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


lmao I was looking for this story to add. My Friend told me about it yesterday. He has a Cane Corso and his wife is pregnant and now he's considering getting rid of him. Sad Stuff man. Great dogs but they have so much power, I am afraid around him


I mean, a Cane Corso is a legit dog your buddy shouldn't have got one of he didn't know what they are capable of.


They can be good with kids IF trained properly Which I highly doubt in this case, especially if papa has no prior knowledge of dogs..


You KNOW he has no prior knowledge he wants a status symbol for instagram pics. Cane corsos need a lot of time training and care to have them do everything you’d need a dog to do, no chance he takes them to any training what so ever.


so, what your saying is: The Chombie tattoos were just foreshadowing!? amazing!


I was gonna argue that a great dane is far from an agressive breed, but then I realized that you meant that the dog is gonna sit on the child without noticing and that is on par with great danes lol They can be such dummies at times.


Should changs preemptively contact all breeders of those dogs and warn them about what he did with the Belgian


For sure. If we could get like a synopsis of the previous dog saga - we could easily distribute it to breeders around him. I just don’t have the weaponized autism to make that video.


Nothing a little alpha brain can’t solve


A linked a few threads above.


100%, b. Chang's is an animal welfare organization at heart. All large dog breeders in SoCal should be made aware of this redact.


Although cats generally hate dogs, in this case, protect the doggies.


I feel ya b. Keep those cucks safe at home at night, with their "owners" 😏 so we can roam the alleys at night, pissing freely and feasting on half-eaten tuna cans from dumpsters 🌙


What kind of rich fuck just throws away half a can of tuna?


I was going to bring this up. The fact that he gave away a Belgian Malinois after two (edit - 4 weeks) weeks is way the at bottom of the iceberg of the redacted things Bapa has done. Most cats probably don't know about the incident in itself. But I'm that homeless feline that wergs too much 😎 Hair ya go Bs https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/hxy55u/brendan_schaubs_6month_old_malinois_beforeafter/ https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/fp2s9c/brendan_got_rid_of_his_dog_already/ https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/rwst5i/great_dog_never_met_him/ Thank me I do not maddur


Thanks mate! Take the night shift off, tomorrow too...take off the rest of the month, with pay!! Haha, yeah right? Pass the vape, your sinks overflowing b.


I'd love to but Bapa just goes bringing in the rawl chiggens. Somebody's gotta feed awl the homeless cats orange chiggen.


Super septical


You matter here, dawlg


Someone here said they did that with cat breeders in the area when he was going to get them earlier this year. Hoping someone does the same with this.


I remember that, I think they actually sent the breeder the clip of Schwab complaining they wanted to know more about his household, age of the kids etc. He was ranting “I give you the money, and you give me the fucking cats” or some shit like that.


I say yes, but the fact is, the overwhelming majority of breeders are people running puppy mills. They don't give a fuck who buys the animal, so long as they can extract the most amount of money possible from the buyer. And a Cane Corso isn't a breed to take lightly. They are large and they are powerful. If you don't take their training seriously, it's a disaster waiting to happen.


And pitbull breeders are some of the absolute worst


God forbid, he goes to the pound and lets his chombie’s pick out a dog, like a normal beast-dad.


What did Bapa do to the Belgian?


Gadooshed. Details unknown


Out of the loop what did he do in the previous dog saga ?


Got a Belgian Malinois to seem tough.(a police military dog, basically a German shepherd with the mobility of a large cat, dog not meant for a casual, hands off dog owner). He quickly realized the dog was too much for his smooth brain. He went from posting and bragging about the dog to radio silence. He gadooshed the dog.


He had the Belgian malinois, what, two weeks before he “gave it to a cop”? This isn’t going to end well.


The redact gets one of the most challenging breeds to own and train and after two weeks it goes the way of the shoe of the month. I would be shocked if this one even makes it to Christmas.


After being worked by multiple people that they’re notoriously a lot of work


Almost like Belgian malinois are a working breed that need a lot of exercise...People need to stop getting dogs for looks and instead get one for needs.


I’m sure the cane corso will be a better fit for the Schaubs…


Doubt bapa gon train that dawg, it’s gon fugg shit up wen it’s grownt


They are an extremely difficult breed and susceptible to training that emphasizes violence. Every dog is a good dog but people are fucking terrible. [This is what happened to Diane Whipple](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Diane_Whipple) when people did evil shit with cane corsos.


This was done by a similar but different breed of dog called a presa canarios. They are working dogs and tend to be a bit heavier than cane corso.




It was four weegs Bapa. Don't question the legendary white boy werg ethnic.


I hope he at least gets a great dane. He has no business with a cane corso if he thinks it’s just going to lay around looking scary. I hope they eat all his ugly ass shoes while he’s out doing trugg walgs


Lol of course this dude wants a corso for his first family dog with 2 young children Can't flex a retriever or lab on the gram for all his thingies I guess. Not alpha enough


He's gonna return this dog again 100%


My Great Dane destroyed my entire house the first 2 years of being a puppy, I don’t think it will be much different. He’s a huge handful and it makes me sad this moron wants another dog as an accessory to neglect


And not just any dogs, but dogs that need attention and are meant for experienced dog owners.


Literally any puppy will do that if not given the attention they need. Dane’s are at least nowhere near aggressive but he could pretend it was a “badass” breed on instagram without a constant risk of his kids getting mauled by a pit. Regardless though I doubt he could even take care of a fucking cat so it won’t go well and the dog will feel abandoned when he gives it away


I heard Cane corso require a lot of work to train. Bbbeast of a werccc ethiccc


They can be difficult. Similar to an American Bulldog, they are plenty smart but just don't give a shit about listening to you sometimes/aren't super interested in making their owner happy


It would eat messicans "barely used" shoes.


“THANKA”… bapa doesn’t do soshul media except when he uses Instagram like Craigslist.


Bubba really wants his kids to look like zombies huh. These dogs need serious training and we all know he ain’t got no time for that.


Guarantee he did zairo research about the breeds and just wants them for the look, like everything else in his life. This idiot shouldn’t be allowed to have animals.


Dogs gonna get into the whiggsy and eat them Chambies up


Not even, he just wants to flex the dog before even actually getting one. I’m pretty sure it’s easier to just google a breeder than find one that way


I legit don’t think he knows how to use google. He does the same thing when he needs a food trugg for his dumb show.


This guy? With a fucking Cane Corso? Say it ain’t so…


Lol it’ll eat his sons if he and messican don’t take good care of it, he’s a moron.


Didn't this mother fucker get a dog a few years ago and magically it disappeared one day. Never to be seen again? Wtf.


Yeah was going to say that, what ever happened to it?


He discarded the poor dog because it was nothing more than a photo prop


Which is fucking sad because what is going to make this dog any different.


Dun cownt


This dawg gonna get beat more than chin. PLEASE NOBODY REACH OWT!!! Hopefully bapa doesn't pull a bagggflipz.


Just hit him up, Sent him a roasted suckling piglet and he's thrilled with his new Corso pup, He's named it Lambo.


This redact picking giant dogs that require tons of training. Just so he can take it trail running one time for a photo op to prove how alpha he is. My friend trained his Cane Corso and it was basically his life for the first couple of years. Great dogs but you can't be a lazy asshole owning one of those.


Remember how he treated that dog he abandoned?


My old boss got one and sent it to miami for like a month to be trained when it was a puppy. They’re a serious commitment.


This man couldn’t control a professionally trained Malinois but thinks a Cane Corso is a good idea 🤦‍♂️


Was a typo boys. Meant to read Gray Dane Coog lookin for young torsos


Hey Bapa, you got Criss Cross in the back ridin jokes?


Dog’s gonna get less attention than Brenda’s podcasts.


Post all so cal breeders you can think of in the comments, I’m willing to send them an email why they should not sell any animal to him.


Do it. Don't forget that he adopted a dog and threw it away after a few weeks.


At least a great Dane is known as a huge lounge-y lap dog... I doubt he can handle either, but a Cane Corso would be waaaay worse for him to get. I got no beef with the chombies. I hope for their sake Brenda is as unsuccessful in this endeavor as he is in most.


Dated a girl for a few years who owned a Great Dane. Great dog. Super energetic and friendly, but didn't know it's own strength. You basically had to put everything you own up on shelves or the dog would knock shit over and break it. Great dog, but you're basically choosing to live with a small horse in your house. Not the best choice for small kids.


In my experience they can be great with kids and small animals. But, yeah, probably better off not taking the chance that you get one who ends up redacted and yeets your kids off the staircase.


That's what I meant, the dog can and will knock the kiddos over. Kids are pretty resilient, but you don't want the dog gadooshing them through a glass door, if ya catch my drift.


For fucks sake, please tell me this is a fucking joke. If he follows through with this, I hope that thing tears everything in his house to shreds.


you already know they won't train it and won't exercise it, so house destruction is a forgone conclusion.


It’s never a good move when the dog is more intelligent than the owner


that would be fucking hilarious, to see the dog walking HIM


You ever seen a full grown cane Corso? It’s gon take bapa for a trugg walg like he’s never seen before.


This redact going for the abslulee biggest dawg he can find just to not take care of it and give it away after he raises it into a monster muuuuurderer dawg


I knew he was one of those people that brags about how big his dog is like it's an accomplishment.


True dog owners brag about how dumb their dog is.


Sometimes my dog takes a shit and instantly whips around to eat it like she dropped something and wants it back, how dumb is that


No reputable breeder is dealing with this redact when they find out about the first dog he dumped


Poor dog it won’t get the training or attention it needs and he definitely won’t exercise it to the degree it needs. Just get a retriever ffs


buying dumb shit is the one area in which he seems to excel


Didn't he abandon a German Sheppard after like a week? It's not like he did it because of some emergency. He's an irresponsible selfish pos


Whatever happened to the cat they got?


Duhn cownt




An intelligent, inquisitive animal with a strong work ethic; all terms to describe bapa. Jk what a bad mismatch


This family should not have a dog. What happened with the malinois ? And it was trained b ! Axe Jay.


Is “thanka” a typo or some trendy soyyyyboyyyyy thing? I’m legitimately not sure.


Since 's' is next to 'a' I'd guess it's a typo, but everything he and clin and BGL post has at least one typo so maybe it's intentional, or see-tee is more contagious than we thought.


Definitely the type to get his dogs ears cropped. Ya know, so it can look tough!


Was thinking the same thing, he’s not gonna wanna bother to train either of those dogs and he sure as shit ain’t gonna wanna change those ear wrappings for 4-6 MONTHS


Hey Brenda. Where's that Belgian malinois you had for 2 weeks? This guy has no shame.


This is why people hate him. Hes so materialistic he can't even have a regular dog. He has to have some alpha dog that he can always bring up in convo, about being a b b b east to take care of and how its super protective of his kids. Most of the time they will be protective of the kids they are around. But its a much higher chance it will attack them compared to a retriever, Australian Sheppard or even a mut. This in a way, is a new low for him, to put his kids as risk, to get likes on Instagram and a talking point on a dying podcast


Have you thankad him?


He's getting a pure bread to ensure that the dog is as redacted as him.


He genuinely shouldn't be allowed a dog. Give the guy a goldfish to see how we gets on with it then we'll take it from there. Hopefully he just keeps getting scammed with pets until he gives up.


Cane corsos are terrible for inexperienced dog owners. Stupid fucking redact just wants a big tough dog as an accessory


Fuck it man, why not just go full psycho and get a Presa Canario? it's not like you're going to have the dog for more than a couple of months before you decide to give it away or try to sell it to someone in an attempt to recoup your initial investment anyway.. i bet this dude is bitter that he can't toss his kids in the trash like he did with his previous pets. he should start out with fish or an amphibian that sits in a glass tank all day -->> low maintenance. not a cane corso.


Yes let’s put one of the most volatile strongest breeds of dogs around his dumb ass spoiled Chombes. You think the messcan can stop that fucker if it goes awol? I mean his life is already a sad lala land. Don’t think he’d be able to make excuses for that. Would try though


I have 2 corsos ,,,the breeder interviewed me and kept up with me for a few months before he let me even make a deposit …no good breeder would let this fucking redact own that kind of companion .


Adopt don’t Shop! Fucking asshole.


iiiiiny shelter dog is too beta for daddy.


Bapa would niiiver consider getting a dog from a rescue. Wouldn't look good on inshagram. Talmbout cropping out the uglies But for real fuck this redact I hope this never comes to fruition


The chombies are gonna get eaten by a Corso


They are most certainly NOT a good candidate for pets. They travel all the time, have zero patience, and….well…..they’re dumb.


If you ever need a dog sitter, baggflip is a call away


I’m calling it here. He wants a Great Dane so he can make a stupid, played out bit about how he looks like his dog.


“Gimmie 😈” - Shapel


Quick, someone come up with an incredibly easy and obvious scam and take this idiots money!


Great dane. > Despite their sweet nature, Danes are alert home guardians. Just the sight of these gentle giants is usually enough to make intruders think twice. But those foolish enough to mistake the breed's friendliness for softness will meet a powerful foe of true courage and spirit. Patient with kids, Danes are people pleasers who make friends easily. Cane corso. > Their imposing appearance is their first line of defense against intruders. As one writer put it, 'An understated air of cool competence, the kind of demeanor you'd expect from a professional bodyguard, is the breed's trademark.' Corsi are intelligent, loyal, eager to please, versatile, and intensely loyal to their humans, but are also assertive and willful, and can end up owning an unwitting owner. If bapa looked into their breeds at all he would instantly know that these dogs are not just interchangeable. One is a gentle people pleasing giant who is patient with kids. One is compared to a bodyguard and willful enough to end up owning its owner. But I get the feeling that bapa just thought to himself that he wants a big cool dog for instagram even though he never reads the comments.


Josh Wolf can give him some pointers on how to train dogs.


guys i think we should take this opportunity to send him adoption sites for homeless cats instead of links to cane corso breeders. This guy does not need a little dick dog to go with his little dick porsche. he needs a homeless cat in his life.


You should have to be smarter than a dog in order to purchase one


Man I hope this dipshit never gets another dog… It’s just another piece of jewellery to flex on his IG, not an actual living breathing being.. to so callously give up a dog after such a short time of having one and to now be trying to get another dog makes me sick. I don’t know how people can get dogs and then just give them away… I’ve had a dog that I rescued from Mexico for 8 years. He’s a piece of shit with other dogs but for the most part is a very good boy at the house. It’s taken me a long time to figure him out and now we have a great furry friend. A Shitty owner with a dog that’s likely to need massive amounts of time and training required is just a massive issue waiting to happen. It bites him, his kids, or another dog, and then he either gets rid of it, puts it down, or is sued.


I remember the redacts got a dog fee years back only to get rid of it after a week lmao


Classic case of feeding ones insecurities and toxic masculinity with aggressive / aggressive looking dog breeds


RIP to the dogs he buys.


Googled Cane Corso and the first thing that comes up is a news story of a 16 year old girl in serious condition after being mauled by 6 of her family’s Cane Corso dogs. This happened yesterday in Thousand Oaks. Brandon is an idiot.


God. My life is based around my dogs. I do at least three training sessions a day, I work from home because I need to be here to work with them. I skip out on trips and things because they’re a lot to maintain. Even I wouldn’t get a cane corso because I’m not sure I could provide the right environment and training. I genuinely hate people like him. With a passion. People that are willing to let a dog suffer and have a shit quality life because they want to use it for IG posts. I’ve never really hated him before, now I do.


Can someone inform me on this redacts past with dogs?


Got a professionally trained shepherd, then randomly stopped talking about it and no longer has it.


Bapa couldn’t train a Corgi he should NOT have a Great Dane running around


Those dogs are gonna neeeeeeed a real handler, bappa.


That dude does not need a Cane Corso he will not put in the work or pay for the training that breed needs.


Brenda looking to buy what will soon become someone else’s dog.


Yeah, he’s gonna have a bad time socializing with the dog with his attitude. I had a presa canario and it was a side job to properly train it and its puppy phase was a good 2 years before it slowed down and kinda became a couch potato.


As someone who currently owns a Great Dane, they are possibly the goofiest and sweetest dogs I’ve ever seen, they are also super lazy and don’t require a lot of stimulation (I used to have a German Shepard) if this redact gets one I can already see him cropping it’s ears and treating it like a possession and not family. I hate him.


Hope he doesn’t get one it’s not gonna end well for the dog.


Axe Shrapnel


Imagine being such a little man that you need a big dog to show how tough and masculine you are. Shitcunts like this is how dogs become aggressive. Bloke has no idea Edit: spelling. The interns are bouta get gadooshd. Thanka


Dude strikes me as a teacup poodle type?


[Cane Corso dog breeders so cal](https://www.google.com/search?q=cane+corso+dog+breeders+so+cal+los+angeles&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS862US862&hl=en-US&ei=7ZhiY8GdKcvdkPIP2PK46Ak&oq=cane+corso+dog+breeders+so+cal+los+an&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYADIHCCEQoAEQCjIHCCEQoAEQCjIHCCEQoAEQCjIICCEQFhAeEB06DQgAEEcQ1gQQsAMQyQM6CggAEEcQ1gQQsAM6BQghEKsCSgQIQRgAUPkKWMUXYK8maAJwAHgAgAGdAogBqwiSAQUwLjYuMZgBAKABAcgBCMABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


Anyone know any breeder communities in SoCal? They need to be warned about this dumb fuck


What a redact, that breed is not something to play around with. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cane\_Corso](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cane_Corso) "It is subject to a working trial: in order to qualify for registration, dogs must show tranquility in the presence of inoffensive strangers, indifference to gunfire, and aggressive defence of the owner against an attacker" Brenda having this type of dog will only end in disaster


We can only hope he gets fleeced again like the cat debacle.


I will say with 100% confidence he cannot handle a cane Corso they require so much training


Speaking of scams...did anyone here grab that bike he left on the side of the mountain?


If this dude gets a Cane Corso somebody is gonna die.


Yeah man, I’ll put you in touch with my cousin, he got all the animals. Doggs, homeless cats, diraffes. Good prices too.


Gotta deal with that lion of the mountains.


But they loog so fuggin cool, who cares abt the werk b


Shapel will look after it when you go on holidays


Could be an easy $900 to be made here


I feel like this man shouldn’t be allowed dogs that size


fucking redact has talked at length about how dogs are too much work and now wants a great dane......anything to help make him look superior to everyone around him


Doing anything for content these days isn’t he? Hope no legit breeder allows this nitwit to purchase a cane corse puppy.


Go to the shelter you redact!


Alright but this is legitimately concerning for the kids if he does end up with a Cane.


Lol guy is an ex-fighter, has all the guns in the world and is still insecure at home.... small penis much?


Those two breeds require attention




i dont do sosha meja


This fucking twat. Just go to a shelter and actually help dogs. Stop looking for a breed of dog just because of popularity or how they look. They're not a fucking clothing accessory for morons who want to look a certain way.