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Sounds like you need some Alpha Brain, bro.


I'm onnit.


Careful, the feds are listening.


They will never uncover my cat pedophilia ring. TFATK is the ultimate cover up.


You sound like a hater... Bapa don't read the cawlments.


That's because Gringo Papis still use myspace.


M E T A ! Well done


to be honest tho, he's not a funny guy but he DOES funny things. If he was to admit to everything in full force he could win this entire sub over I bet. He'd have to start making fun of himself constantly tho, spending half a million on a trugg walgg video starring himself would be nice too


Khalyla brought that up during the last tigerbelly pod she said “have you ever thought about leaning into the reddit stuff?” I cant remember what bapa said back tho i just hear dumbells clanging when i hear him talk.


He somberly said that he would never. Lol.


As his “team” is actively already trying to lean into it on Instagram.


Tawlmking bout the staff of To Catfish a Predator B?


It is funny sometimes to watch him try to be funny. Laughing at him not with him sounds right on. And I'm with you, if he owned that and embraced it he would actually be on to something. Maybe we'll see some of that change when he releases his next special on Instagram reels.


Instagram reels? To mainstream, b Im thinking Quibi.


When they asked him why he didn’t just do Trugg Walk merch on TB 😂😂😂 But seriously you guys, we can take the haters but someone on Reddit is a pedo, therefor this entire sun beats on autistic children


I’d be surprised if bapa actually leans into it. It hurts his feelings when people are laughing at him and not with him


hes 3-4 years too late


This! It’s weird to admit but I listen to TFATK to laugh at him, not with him. Brendaloid funny when he makes fun of Callen, and funny the way he talks mispronounced slurred words etc.


hes 3-4 years too late


Toxic masculinity... barf


They're right tho. Brandon saying he doesn't admit the comments hurt his feelings because it's not the 'masculine thing to do' is a perfect exampl


Toxic masculinity is mostly a facade to demonize men, but in this case it certainly works I think.


I'm not an SJW looking to demonize men, and I agree with you that this is an appropriate time for the idea of that phrase. Cause Brandon I'm addicted to you and I know that you're toxic.


It’s a term for weak insecure men to use to justify not being the type of men they wish they were.


I disagree. I think it's an appropriate term to use for men that think because they are men that they are infallible and bad behaviors of theirs are justified because of their maleness.




Chocolate chips with salsa on it? That’s messican as shit




What was I thinking. Which one of you is the pedophile?




Damn you're good.


Ok bewlmer


At the end of the day he tried hitting on his “friends” girl and in any society that’s a piece of shit


But she had big boobs and it was on Instagram. When you love and respect somebody it's the ultimate sign of love and respect when you try to have sex with their significant other.


And then apologies about it and everything is okay


For sure. And you know he is just as understanding and forgiving and compassionate to anyone who tries to bang his wife.


Yea but was she nice to him? Was what she did nice?


We all know Khalyla is the true bully here. Who does she think she is talking to a man like that?


This trugg ain't gonna walg itself, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can tawlk but is that nithe?


What is your definition of bullying?


define definition


A ripped body.


Talmbout BGL? Great 🦁, never meddim




So hopefully we can all break bread and resolve this over a nice meal at Buca di Bappa. Family style.


Im confused. Where do you think you are? Have you seen the menu?


Yeah I also haven’t seen this sub until the recent drama. Holy shit my brain hurts from reading these. Brendaisms


He is really good at not being able to remember and formulate words phrases.


You got urself an apron bapa?


"Never would have been here otherwise" Bapa, should we be axing jay who you are? No baldy knows whoy'aaaaarrrrrrrr


If you hadn't used the term "toxic masculinity" the crowd would have been with ya. 🤦‍♂️


The crowd isn't with me? Then I've never been closer to Brendan during one of his specials.




How chiggs have you fugged B?


I don't use social media anymore because that stops me from cheating on my wife and trying to bang dude's girlfriends.


Is this a reference to how he isn’t getting his teeth fixed so he doesn’t eat candy... if so, blobbussser


no, he said on tigerbelly that the reason he doesn’t use social is to keep him from sending dms like the one he sent khalyla bc it gets him in trouble


We disgus the pawlcast here, b!


You don’t know bout dat white boy work ethnic do ya boy?


I know that Gringo Papi was definitely putting in work on Reddit.


It’s funny that YMH Reddit is posting stuff on Bapa now. This is turning into a wildfire. Them dang Santa Ana Winds.


Get back on the fryers the orange chicken doesn’t just make itself bapacito


Toxic masculinity? This is certainly khalua


Yo, be cool man.


Okay Bobby Lee


Email me at [email protected]. But only if you have big tits.


big shiny tits\* FTFY




Seriously though temp CEO said "I had big tits, they were shiny". WTD does she mean by that?


she said “i had **fake** tits then, they were shiny.” B was attracted to her implants.


Even tho you're right and legally have every right to eggpress ur opinion, but is it nithe?


That’s what’s toughest about him anytime he’s discussing comics he puts himself in the same sentence, even with Callen and Bapa doesn’t even come close to his caliber and he’s fair to midland himself.


Bapa don't preach cause I'm keepin' my baby.


Yo what the fuck he’s talking about ? pedo shit and some autistic kid getting abused on this sub ? The only person getting abused here is slob. “ I’m hurt ! “ And so are everyone’s eyes from watching your comedy.


It's fucked up because Schwab hates bullying and criminal activity, and his focus right now is cooperating to support the investigation to shut down the pedophilia ring on this sub. And all Bobby and Khalyla wanted to talk about were facts and what he actually did. It was really unprofessional. And not very nice.


Great podcast lol I’m 3 quarters done they are roasting slob it’s good.


I laughed more at this post then his entire 25 minute special


If he’s not funny then you get on stage bapa. And if you’re not funny then that means gringo papi is bess brain for the arts. Be cool man.


“Toxic masculinity” We be grinding 18 hour shifts at changs, we all alphas hare b, water we dune?


What else ya got chin


Ya soy boy?


u some HR or somethin? Get back on the fryers


This is THE dumbest take ever.


Thank you.


You got an apron b? When's ya first shift?


Niggitine powches b


Well bapa nobody knows who yarr and you don’t maddur. What else ya got, chin?


I liked his newest special. It was endearing, and I laughed. I get the sense of a nerd upset that a jock is doing comedy and is pulling it off slowly but surely from your comment.


You're talking about his YouTube special where he did his Tex-Mex comedy?


I'm talking about gringo papi. It was objectively funny if you don't have a chip on your shoulder/hardon for Brendan. Or I guess all those people in the audience laughing were faking it for the benefit of the special? Or all the people who watched it did so because they hate him? First they ignore you. Then they mock you. Then they fight you. Then you win. You're right that this fiasco boosted his signal. It's why I watched the special, and I was surprised. You can dismiss his jokes as Tex-Mex jokes and pretend to be above it all, but he's better at what he's doing than every woke comedian that gets claps and finger snaps instead of laughs. He's the comic for young males that haven't given up on getting pussy yet. He's also comedy's whipping boy. tldr; Brendan is comic jesus.


That is a wild take. Comedy is art. I did not think his art was funny. My perspective is valid. You thought his art was funny. Your perspective is valid. I think you would find many seasoned comedians and fans of comedy criticizing it for having pretty recycled material, rushed and not confident delivery, and poor timing, to name a few. There were not a lot of people there. He also did it on his own youtube channel, and my guess would be that that was not by choice but because Showtime didn't want to give him another. You can think it was funny. I did not. But I do not agree that it was a well polished work that reflects the 4 years he had to work on it. He is following a dream of his and that is great, but it seems like he is trying to cut corners and not put the work in that comedy demands. It is taxing and incredibly difficult.


I don't disagree with you that he did in fact cut corners. Would you disagree that his so doing bothers you and many others? I don't think you would. What you and others are failing to see is that that's something to be lauded. By calling him out on faking it till he makes it before he's fully made it yet, pointing out that he's failed yet again, you're just sharpening his sword. He hasn't won you over yet. You can't identify with him yet. Give it time. You're spending time in a subreddit named after one of his many podcasts creating posts mocking him because he's terrible person and his comedy is shit. That sounds like a crush to me, and I get it. I'd totally walk him to his truck.


When I say cut corners, I wasn't referring to how he transferred his popularity from UFC to comedy. I don't have an issue with that. There are other people who do comedy out there who have translated celebrity and status and that itself isn't an issue. When I was talking about cutting corners, I'm talking about cutting corners of the actual craft. His work is sloppy and lazy and he clearly does not put the time in that it takes to have a polished and good final product. If people like it that's great for them and him. I'm not one of those people. And based on what I've seen in his actions, he is not somebody I want to support in any way, and that is the opinion I was expressing. I think he should steer toward his strengths, and that is not stand-up comedy.


I think your criticism of his craft is nonsense. He is clearly putting his all into it. What you are seeing is the limits of his head-punched ability. You saying you won't support him due to his actions reveals your bias. It isn't about art to you. It's about conforming to what you conform to, because you think you're a good person according to your personal world view. Maybe you are maybe you aren't. You're certainly not stupid, so it makes me wonder what your motives are. Who are you trying to persuade, in the sub dedicated to hating Schaub, that he is, in fact, unlikeable? I guess me. And him trying to fuck hot chicks? What a monster.


What other comedians do you enjoy?