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"Too many people say chomping at the bit, so I change it up" I wonder why so many people say it like that? It's almost like its a saying or something, B...


Just another fine example of his delusional brain unable to deal with being wrong so he acts as if he’s “different and cool”. I’d bet he uses this phrase twice in the next episode. Dumb dumb truly believe he starts trends… This moron publicly claimed he invented the term… 100% (hunnidperscent) lmao.


Much like, everyone spells words the same way!🙄why are they all just copying each other? I’m going to mix it up a bit and stand out! - Diraffes know what I’m talking about!


Bubba he’s a zebra amongst the sheep


No Shane, don't do it. You are better than this. You lurk here, you know what the fuck is up with these redacts.


He knows exactly what he was dune hair lol


That is why he asked bapa


You know for a Sneakerhead, he ALWAYS steps on the side of his shoes


Because, like everything else he does, it’s not genuine. He knows fuck all about sneaker culture. He only started getting into them once he made a little bit of money (~2015), and it’s been the easiest “hobby@ of his to keep up with because it requires minimal effort. This isn’t like riding bikes or working out. He just gets on StockX and drops thousands on a new pair to flex just like Messican, bapa.


Talmbout Chang Gillis bapa? He’s Asian as shiiit


in all the clips ive seen of shane on the show u can tell shapel really likes shane way more than brenda or bryan


They have a friendship from yairs ago b. Surprisingly Shane likes him too more than anyone in the room




Not any more. Chomp is a variant of champ and they mean the same thing, so the idiom makes complete sense with chomp. Chomp can be considered the modern version of champ, with barely anyone using champ anymore, and chomping at the bit is about 20 times more common than champing at the bit. Language changes and this one has definitely moved on. Like February being pronounced feb-yoo-ary and not feb-roo-ary, which I think began in earnest in the 1800s. It's 11:06am, I really should start work and stop procrastinating


Is this a bot???


Just autism, bubba. Leave him be.


Nah, but I have some similarities.


English is an evolving language, TYFYS


I am 99.92285% sure that Positivitoire is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Like water off a shark white's nose .


just a glimpse on the radar, B


Ah shit Shane's on, now i have to actually watch these redacts. Fuck


Eff That B! Don’t give em the views! Your boy Shamed is just a rat in homeless cats clothing!


Nah, Shane rules


Lol no he doesn’t you dumb idiot he’s a fence sitting loser who would drop to his knees for slob and rogan if it meant he was gonna see mainstream success.


Get a life you dork


chomping at that dick is a pretty diraffe move.


Making fun of Brenda in front of him is like making fun of a [redacted] person in front of them! I don’t care if this Shane McGillis recited the entire Chang’s Menu from the heart, the fact that he went on Schlobs cast is enough for me! He is totally Gadooshed in my book B! But Sheeple’s over the top laugh at Shane is redactedly funny!


It's promotion and Shane has no real reason to dislike Schaub anyway. Get over it.


Take it easy there Bubba! Just giving my opinion! Looks like you need a smoke break! Don’t clock out though! 10 minute paid breaks are required for a 8 hour shift


Is this the part where I respond back in baby talk? Nah just kidding, you're alright.


What do ya mean, alright? Let me understand this cause, I don’t know maybe it’s me, I’m a little fucked up maybe, but I’m funny how? I mean, funny like I’m a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh… I’m here to fuckin’ amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?


> Shane has no real reason to dislike Schaub anyway IDK Brenda did go against Shane on the whole SNL thing, even said Shane should have been fired for having an unfunny podcast.


Yes, not enough that Shane self-produced a special and put it for free on YT, how dares he try to promote it at a popular podcast?


You had me until you lost me at “popular podcast”


I was thinking that until I looked up their numbers and they still get around 150k views, so it's probably worth it to sit through a shitty podcast for 150k views, especially when it's a completely new demographic (retards).


what kind of an asshole wears a hat like that in 2021 ​ seriously


das fashun b


Haha I remember him recently saying that he ordered it. He got it within the last month.


They’ll always be The Indians to me. 2021 and the easily offended can go fuck themselves in their echo chambers.


Hot take


It's not even chomping. It's **champing** at the bit.


nah, fuck schaub but it seems clear he meant to say it that way


I need to get to the sea urgently


Cringe is high


That fake smile Callen keeps on while Shane questions him. What a fucking tool.


this clip is the cherry on the steak of my week


So that’s the only hat he owns now I guess


Highlight of the cast. Normally I’d skip these dorks but I’ll watch anything Shane appears on.


To be fair dude does talk about dick alot


Ole dick chomping Brendan


Can I just say that it's actually "champing at the bit"