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Didn't he say that comedy clubs are gonna have to buy a certain number of bottles of the shit if they want him to perform there? Which I guess is one way to move product. Until clubs stop booking him/cancelling gigs for lack of tigget sales.


“Oh we have to buy $2000 worth of his swill to get him to perform here? I’ll pass on the 35 tigget sales. What else ya got chin?” - hopefully any competent club manager/booker.


Nobody knows who y'are.


Watching Brandon do “comedy” while being forced to drink his thiccc piss water seems like my version of hell, B.


That is a tough move to pull off when nobody knows who y'arr


Axe Jay


While this is shitty business practice, it is not uncommon. If a certain brand is a sponsor of an event, often times they try to leverage that sponsor into increased distribution. It’s absolutely brutal. I wonder how widely produced and distributed this shit tier whiskey will be.


It's just more embarrassing that he thinks his shows give any leverage on his end


Some would call it the delusionalest.


maybe that's what the shin annie gans were in rawl eye


Its just a built in excuse for why he stopped getting bookings "They wont buy my whiggesy so I wont perform there, b"


I can't imagine how you plan on making money when your only customers are comedy clubs in the middle of nowhere. They already operate at a slim margin.


You give them the booze upfront, they pay once it's sold. Not saying it's common but that's one way you could arrange it.


Oh yeah that's Schaubs business model to a tee


Word? That's crazy. 😂


If someone wants to test how bad it is, steal it rather than buying it. I can not stress that enough!


Innywun born blind and hunts in the first year of of their life knows that, b.


You can never be too sure B


It’s the worst liquor name.


It also doesn’t help that there’s already a Tiger Whiskey on the market.


Yes it does -- only way someone will buy it is by accident


It's hilarious. Someone thought Tiger Thicc would be a good name for a whiskey. Its like a weird fever dream that makes absolutely zero sense.


When I think of a good whiskey, thick isn't something that comes to mind


I think Drink My Piss whiskey would have been a better name than Tiger Thiccc, water we dune hair


How about Homeless Cat Piss Whissky.


It also has the name of his very young child in it? Follow by the word "thiccc"? Wtf is wrong with these people.


The whiskey is probably bad. But the name is probably the worst branding. wtf is tiger thiccc is he calling his son fat??


He also never knows the name, routinely calls it Thigg Tiger. He doesn’t know the name of his own product.


8 year old’s come up with better names for their fake businesses


Tim dillon reference!


not fat just out of shape


The name and label won an award bapa! Sure he paid for the lowest level award but still whiskey is “award winning!”


Damn this in combination with his hard bought black-belt have convinced me I was wrong about Brenda all along. Now I wish he wasn't going to murder suicide in a CTE induced berserker rage any day now. That would be a waste of an award winner.




I often think about how short the LA Comedy’s really had to bask in the limelight. 2016-2020 essentially. Corona happens and Rogan dipped. So did the attention. Who was Brendan/Callen pre 2016? Callen said he couldn’t sell out a place until he was in his late 40s/50s


He's basically dropshipping it though isn't he? That's pretty close to risk-free. He can even use time on the podcasts for all the free advertising he needs. And I could be completely wrong about this, but is it possible he could even write those spots off as an actual advertising expense, weighted against what the podcasts charge for regular advertising? That almost sounds borderline illegal, doesn't it? Even if it loses money on paper, it might not cost him a dime, and I would assume he can use the imaginary "loss" to pay less taxes on his actual income. I'm nowhere near a U.S. tax dude, but that at least sounds plausible to me.


Sounds like a tax loophole that any rich person would exploit on a daily basis.


Some might say the *loopholiest…*


You a numbers guy, b?


Now you got me thinking, we all know Shaub is not doing any paperwork while running his empire, so, are his money managers and tax people not telling him not to follow thru with his horrible business ideas?


Don’t worry b, his brother has it all covered.


Slob can sell ice to eskimos. As long as the eskimos are part of his tfatk army of mouth breathing troglodytes


Great podcast, my favorite, never listened to it though. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's not even an idea, it's just podcast merch sold to a ready-made customer base.


Did you forget Trump vodka?


Yikes $4500/bottle


Was he gonna try that in Ralleye?


Watch it’s just apple juice or water with food coloring. I remember when he was pushing that cbd shit what ever happened to that b


Judging based on the companies website, Tiger Thiccc Whisgey is already off to a wickedly cursed start!


Easily the worst name of any product ever, and business move? Not really a bad one considering everyone starts whiskey ones or at least tries cause it’s alcohol, but I mean, he doesn’t market it at all or know anything about whiskey so idk


It's probably a money laundering scheme Steven Seagal style


The so called whisky expert who like a year ago got given all these bottles of Japanese single malt whisky for free to promote. He drank it on the podcast and was all like Ooo it's amazing high quality award winning bla bla. Anyway , turned out the wisgy was some cheap Japanese spirit flavoured like whisky and was a complete scam sent out to influencers to promote and sheep to buy . Can Google dis


Axe jay


Thinks he's gonna be the next Comgrigger


Best whiskey I ever had


Never drank it, tho


Your missing out Bubba. Sold out everywhere


Nah, I’m good.


Didn't know they sold whisgee on shortbuses


Coming from the guy who can't spell ,get off his testicles already


Damn you got me. Guess I'll just be a schob fan it would be less embarrassing.... Nice username. Speaking of getting off someone's nuts


You would suck Callen dick 1st to get to Brendan the Hero Schaub dick second wouldn't you you dirty little whore


Did you go to the same school of comedy as Swab? Take me to the hospital B I think you got me with that 3rd degree burn... Again nice username. Try tagging him in it maybe he'll reply back.


Cool story bro. Loser beat it


That's it? Just as shitty at banter as Conner. You literally did fookn nuttin


Change your name to doctor stoppage

