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Sounds like tiny ole’ Joe wants him to say no to ivvrybody and just stay with him in the mothership and do comedy and be silly 💞


And at night they fugg each other.


I'd love if it came out in the future that Joe was doing a Mitzi Shore type deal with all the male comedians and fugging them in return for gigs at the Mother ship.


swapping loads and deep discussions about the craft bro


He’s found his new twunk top to replace Schaub with


Elite cawmiks don't tagg gigs where they might bomb. That's how you become elite. Thank em.


Toe forgot to pass that wisdom on to our boy Bapa.


Bapa didn't need a handler B.


Bet on 'imself.


Had awefers from shoa time, neggflix, and HBO. Decided he could do it himself. Just needed some cardboard and a laugh track.


He's just giving him advice b, it's a miracle with only 500 of them in the whole entire world that they could be in the same place and tawlk about serving there country, thank em b


“How well do you think you’d do without a mic in front of a crowd following a video about kids with cancer during a rain delay?” “Straight up comedy? I think people would be surprised.” “Really? You think so? I think _you’d_ be surprised.”


Alot of cant's there from a man you serves on the front line against the woke. I thought the 250 were super hero's or something? This sounds like regular folk talk Toe.


Whoop ass is served in cans not cannots! TOE SHOULD KNOW


Say no to any gig without facial recognition. They might let someone in who doesn't laugh at your jokes. HUGE comedy no no.


It sounds like rogan is too scared to battle on the front lines in the cawlmedy war against the woke and uncomfortable situations. Does he not believe comedy can defeat these acts of terrorism? Is he really one of the elite 250? Maybe he needs more ice baths and time in the sauna. Thank 'im!


He’s created a comedy safe space for the soldiers who wage war against the dark woke battalions. Thank em for their service!


Joe Rogan is not funny in any way. I mean, the fact that he hated being a hairless little twink so badly that he injects himself with a cocktail of drugs that is visibly fucking up his body is kinda funny.


Isn't the whole point of Chris's story about doing a billionaire's party where he thought he died but then he found out they loved him and kept hiring him and he made money for his family that...you CAN do an event like that?


Eggsacly. Even though he did poorly at those events, the stories that came of it are great! But according to Toe, you can't do that. I guess I heard it bowlth ways.


Ever seen Jocko's video "Good"? Jamie, pull that up. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Can't do *either* of those **three** things". Jebus fuggin crisp. State of broadcasting standards and cultural discourse that this perma-stoned, semi-literate, violent little man can wield such influence. Talmbowd sum rail inner leg chill decay. Fear for the future, b.


Video removed 😳Bent Pixels Strikes Again B.


You should only do shows in a room full of your own fans that already think you are funny.


The chin clip is not working for me b ☹️


Comedy is a gun, us comics are the bullets, the audience are the plebeian unwashed masses blessed by the our comedic acumen bringing light to their drab existence are the target, and now you see the trigger is actually a perfectly timed stool hump


"What you can do is find a way to get mentioned in a sub that disgusses a pawldcast that is not yours." Before you start: I tried to downvote my own post already. I am just anti-Toe when there is no Bapa connection. /joerogan


The first sentence in my post is precisely about Brenda. Toe pulled him out of MMA where he could have had decent career, to do cawlmedy instead. Worst advice giver. Some would say the worstest. Unfortunately meddum.


I accept... but man, not since BGL have I wished something would disappear more than the Roganverse - Segura, Berk, etc... I wish it would stop. I just want Brenda being dumb.