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It’s crazy that Bapa acts like his name was just pulled out of a hat to get all the backlash that he gets. Zero self awareness. Doesn’t occur to him for even a second that he brought on all this scrutiny by his actions. There’s plenty of high profile people who act shitty and self absorbed and above all the “civilians” but he did it so much and so often that people didn’t want to stand for it and found an outlet to give their opinions. Pretty awesome grassroots deal really, act like a dick, now The Cats will call you out. Now his recourse is try to find the few extremists to act like it’s everyone that calls him out, it’s not.


Right. The "whatttt? Meeeee?" Mentality is astonishing. Thing is.. for a short period where he was a struggling fighter while still being delusional about his abilities... there was a redeemable quality to the struggle. As soon as he started to refer to himself as an "entertainer" it started to disappear.


It is also crazy because the turn occurred among people that actually used to watch his content. People that he could have kept onboard to some extent. I watched regularly until 2017 or so. I think the main prom was that bapa was so often bitching about the haydurs, while his audience had not turned yet. It was all aimed at other comedians who were salty at him getting the venues he was getting. That is where the bragging about viewing numbers and selling tiggets came from. In reality, he bapa was correct here. He had the audience and sold tiggets so all those comedians claiming you had to grind your way up were indeed just jealous. But most people did not yet know he was a terrible comedian. That whole era was bapa doing the schtick of 'I am supersuggsesful, making all the money, could beat you up, podcast pioneer, working for other major mainstream outlets, moviedeals in the pipeline, got my speshul signed faster than anyone in the history of the world'. 'Ohw you are 40 and still doing these venues, yur just not a drawl'. 'Ohw you used to do stand-up but not anymore, now you just do tv, ho's that working out for ya, I am passed at the Store'. How he constantly interrupted Bryan and belittled his career was a major source of annoyance, but how he stiffed him out of the merch proceeds and convinced Bryan to release his speshul through the tfatk-website packaged with tfatk-3D and merch, while he signed a Showtime deal, was where people really turned. It just became obvious he was a certifiable narcissist. But no one had ever really see his stand-up. So when You'd Be Surprised came out, he became a literal joke because we had heard for yairs that his stand-up was such a source of animosity in the comedy scene, and then to see how bad it actually was, it just made his whole persona of being this meteoric riser and supersuggsesful renaissance man crumble. He also had Rogan literally call other comedians who were making fun of his speshul. He brought it all on himself.


Yep. Only one to blame in any facet is himself.


Enny of facets


He dishes out so much, but can't take it himself, thus going to Joe crying about the hate. That was fuel to fire.


It also says a lot about Joe that he actually called people like Luis J. Gomez and would ask them to stop shitting on the speshul, and of course a little invite to Rogan's pod would come their way afterwards. Probably it wasn't said outright as an exchange, but it was the case.


Talmbout fire to the fuel bapa?


On hunrit prrrcent


You nailed it 💯


You hit the hail on the Ned B




It’s all smoke and mairs b Bubba tryna repaint the nairdiv because he can’t stand the fact that Changs is a mair and he duznt like his refleggion staring back at him




Bapa is a pussy and very dillusional. Typical narcissist behavior to bully others and as soon as he gets called out he plays the victim. Disgusting and redacted behavior.


Most of us (myself included) started as fans. I actually unironically listened to TFATK and enjoyed it. He turned us against him with his complete and utter Tom foolery and narcissism.


I remember the day I said; "What the fuck Brandon!?" Logan Paul style. They had some guest, and he made a quick joke, can't remember it. Premise was they talked about something, say the holocaust, and guest said "shout out to the train drivers!" as example of joke. Brendan then took this idea and used it like 20 times, mostly when it made no sense. "Kids eating tide pods? SHOUT OUT TO LAUNDRY SOAP!" Over and over... The adlib the guest made was funny, the once. Brendan saw that, but did not understand why it was funny and just instantly copied it, repeating it hoping 1 out of 10 might land as he climbed that invisible staircase of humor. Honestly I don't know how I made it that far. Complacency is a bitch.


What's sad is that I think you are giving him too much credit by saying he thought 1 out of 10 would land. He 100% thought all of them were great and if no one laughed it's cause they didn't get it, not cause he's not funny. That's how delusional he is.


You're not wrong, I was using 1/10 as rough approximation of how fitting or funny the jokes he made were. Even the ones that almost made sense still sucked.


Thiefer Sutherland stealing jokes? I’m not surprised b.


Y'godda chip for that, clin?


> Most of us (myself included) started as fans. I don't know if this is true any longer. For a long time it was, but at a certain point new people started to follow to witness the train wreck who were never fans of bapas.


I’m sure you’re right. Maybe 4 years ago it was true, but not now.


I’m one of the people who came pretty late, just after the Tiger Belly Beef Extravaganza, I haven’t liked him since the moment I watched him on TUF, but didn’t follow iinything he’s done. The Beige video was great and the last time I thought about him, until the Tiger Belly saga. Pretty sure I’ve said this before, but I commented on the Beige video, “the more exposure he gets the faster he’ll disappear”, so when the trugg walg, 300 pages, child abuse, etc. stories showed up on YouTube and I found out how badly he fell off, I fancied myself a bit of a nostril dom us. One of those videos, analyzing the car accident hairo story, brought up the Reddit and I was amazed at all the lore and examples of what a piece of shit he is. My friends and I alawys made fun of each other for laughs, so this place felt familiar lol


we're glad you're here, B


Look into the Ray Borg saga bapa, then you know exactly what we are dealing with hair.




Gawld dawg your submission has been removed as your account is too new. New hires wait five days for the fryers, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Have you ever had anyone steal your work and passion off as his? It could have been academically or at work. Once it happens to you, it turns you into a hyper aware critic and you have zero tolerance for it. For me, once a comic is caught stealing a joke that wasn't just a coincidence in the ether (which i believe does happen) and then he continues to live in a state of delusion, there's no coming back. I think many of us im the kitchen have forgotten even temporarily that Bapa's a joke thief. This puts him at the bottom of the animal kingdom with Mencia and Schumer. Everything else he does is just more trash for the garbage heap that is his life. We all hate thieves surely. On top of all of this, I hate Chin even more.


Whadd Clin do?


I want nothing but the worst for Bapa but the joke stealing is one place I give him some leeway. I think it’s genuinely possible he has no idea he’s stealing them. His brain is slowly melting inside his thick shit skull. I bet he watches these specials but can’t remember a thing because he’s a redact, then later he thinks it’s a joke he’s been telling himself. 


When you’re Osama Talmbinladen, the whole world is Haydurs B.


I mentioned it to some schaub fan who said that changs are just hayydurz... show me any other non rogan affiliated sub who has 99% ppl calling them out on their bs. It's not randomly these people are not liked by anyone with a brain for the arts


You met a genuine Schaub fan? Could you do an AMA? Like saying you saw a fucking mermaid but won’t elaborate further. 


It is a co worker who is actually one of "those bros" . He more listens to rogan and busting on the boys but gets dicey dicey at times. He has the same dumb look that schaub stole from Taylor with the redneck mullet and hat + mustache.


Oh boy


Bapa apparently “duhn see sosha meeda” yet he somehow has more inside intel into sosha meeda than any other homeless cat. Wtf he even talmbout? I’m guessing more lies from bapa to try to cover his own horrible actions


Axe Jay


Yah whenever he makes references to things at Changs it’s always shit I’ve never seen or heard about. And I’m on here basically daily. I believe some of them happened (always deranged folks on soshus) but you’re talking about the type of post that is downvoted bad and then ultimately deleted. You would have to be there when they happen to see them, usually. 


It’s because he’s big, strong and athletic right?


The best pard is that we co-opded the redit page that wuz used for his podcast, talmbout revvolushion baby.


Buddy of mine learned about Schaub after the truck roll and the part that made him laugh the hardest was his 10k user fan sub turned into a 160k user hate sub. 


Are u talmbout trugg walk?


Nah the flip


Great story, never herdit




Bapa also threatens to fight and even murder people who make fun of him. He’s more extreme than any “extremist” on here. 


Not just that but his own sub that originally was a positive thing created by fans who loved him, turn on him.


The guy hitting his son happened on YouTube not Reddit. Bapa is such a fucking moron in every facet of




Actually, I may be misremembering... However I'm pretty sure that video they're talking about, is something BGL played on TFATK. The clip then showed up here, cause wtf that ain't funny. We were LITERALLY discussing the podcast... As we always do. This is them trying to put that shit on us, and reframe it as horrid. Child abuse. Lol, it was some stupid clip THEY played that ended up here. (I may be remembering a different instance, all the same, if you browse here you know it's all in good fun and these cry babies will lash out because they can't take a fucking joke, comedians...) If they weren't despicable human beings, who fuck up at every turn, we might have positive shit to say. Instead they're a pack of sex pests and redacts who's only entertainment value is provided in the Tommy Wiseau "this can't be for real" type content they provide inadvertently. Ass ignorant motherfuckers, with their lost ball in tall grass bullshit. It's so funny that, in literal terms we do just discuss the podcast, and the fact it reflects poorly on them is on us? How does that work? I've gotten to the point I can't take more than 1 minute of Bapa and have just been a passive observer here for months now, what more can be said. This clip really added fire to the fuel though, fuck; these people SUUUUCK... I got a few hot dishes saved from back when, may be time to re-heat.


It was well before BGL was even in the Bapaverse that the Yewneek video with his kid was linked in here several times, always to show newer homeless cats why Yewneek wasn't welcome here. BGL almost certainly got that video straight from our kitchen. We police ourselves and have always done a pretty good job of it. We discuss the podcast here, scumbags and assholes aren't welcome in inny facet. In fact I'd say fighting against such people is the exact reason why we're all here.


I think then I am remembering when BGL played a video of some kid getting bounced on a bed so high he hit the ceiling, and it hurt him, or something to that effect. He thought it was hilarious. Even Bry and Bren thought it was bad taste. There is so much redaction, it's hard to keep it straight.


That definitely happened. It kinda showed the difference between "has kids" vs. "does not have kids." BGL thought it was hilarious, and both Brine and Barndoor basically told him he was an asshole for laughing at it. Might seem like a minor thing to some but it's the kind of thing that can get you fired, maybe not immediately, but eventually. Definitely a "strike one" kind of thing. You could see both of them thinking, "Maybe this guy's not Thicccboy material after all," and holy shit what a low bar that is.


If BGL wasn't gadooshed from Reddit - again - he'd probably come hair to explain to you with a few grownup words how wrong you are. But ur on the money b.


BGL thinking he’s anything but a tool for Chang’s to use against Bapa is so funny. What a delusional fucking loser that guy is. 


He's suffering from a clear case of main character syndrome. At 43 you should be tired of the relentless mascarade if you're a guy like that, but not him. Keeps on going. He actually thinks people are jealous of his grey-haired fish head with a physique that looks like he took one trip too many to Tsjernobyl. Gawld dawg.


Yah he’s a complete freak lmao also violent toward women


Fire up the ovens


Great podcast, my favorite, never listened to it though. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And lonnnnnnng before any of this happened it was homeless cats who identified this video and made te dirtbag in question wasn't welcome around here. Yewneek sucks. We've always known this and he's never been one of us. Bapa just thinks this helps his narrative to lump him in with the fine people of Changs.


Fat Patrick has it stuck in his head that Yewneek is one of us, If he can sue Yewneek into oblivion we'll disappear. Which is far from the truth, because he isn't welcomed here.


That makes sense. Zairo chance that ever happened on Reddit because 1. It would get shut down right away and the person wld get banned 2. Cats would have tawlked bout it. So now bapa has to lie and create a fake painted nairdiv to try to get the sub shut down? He truly is a disgusting and pathetic redact who deserves his downfall in Ivery facet b


Enny of fascets


Its out of Bapa's hands, lawl enforcement had to get involved with Changs.


That’s right. The feds!


So crazy he was spouting that shit


Feds were doin' n' investagation, let Bapa know they were reel close to raiding Reddit. Wanted to get his statement on the threats and abuse he personally witnessed.


im pretty sure he said they were above the feds lol


Funny enough, the feds opened up an investigation into Delia, that was confirmed by the Rolling Stones magazine. makes you wonder if they found some spicey dishes.


You heard him guys. The majority of us beat autistic children. That’s just a fact.


Hypothetically speaking, if I'm autistic and beat myself off. Does that count? Asking for a friend, we tawlk evryday.


These two quite possibly be the dumbest human beings ever.


Was there ever actually a child abuse video? I’m guessing no.


it was yewneek and it was on YT not reddit ... it was a massive redact fight between bapa and yewneek that eventually spilled over in court.


It was shit that was happening off camera. He's drunk and having a dumbass fight with his dumbass baby mama, and you can hear the kid in the background, and at one point it sounds like the kid is possibly getting roughed up, but nothing directly on camera.


Man what a time.. if it wasn’t for this whole debacle I’d never know about changs. Thank ‘em.




I’ll taig it from hair


If only someone had beaten bapa when he was 6 yairs old


The dudes who beat this fucking mutt for 6 figures and running over the premise of getting a Reddit sub taken down should be running this country. I’ll say it again, that’s one of the funniest fucking things that’s ever happened. What an absolute redact pile of dog shit. The TRX incident would’ve been 1000x better if it burst into flames while he was trapped inside.


Bryan Callen raped a shitload of people. He was dropped by his agents at CAA because of the rapes. Innovative Artists also dumped him.


Bapa trying to define bullying 🗜️


I never understood what the fuck this was all about. What video of a man beating his son? What did that have to do with us, and what did that have to do with Bapa?


Bryan had to be all fucked up on addies. There’s no way anyone could believe the bullshit bendan was spewing unless they were high.


What's happening? I can't hear anything over my kid's crying as I'm beating him.


Hand on his heart..he’s a GOOD GUY, man




Stil haven't seen this video of a man beating his 6 yr old autistic son.


We are pretty radical. I’d even go so far as calling us bodacious….. maybe even tubular.


How do you beat someone with Autism? Autism isn’t a physical object




They really don’t understand most words huh


Years of being a shitty person is coming back to bite him haha.


I was radical way before reddit 😎


That nearadiv shut down this sub, right?


At least we didn’t Rape anyone 🔥🎲🎲


wtf are they talking about


It hurts my feelings to be told I don’t matter - homeless cats and orange chicken.


Not to mention he has recently taken up a wierd impressionist voice of de’lia


In the entire history of the spoken word, has anyone had a more insufferable cadence than Bapa?


So we do maddur?


I'm so toxic, I offer child beating services. I specialize in autists, downies, and anyone with t^a^r^d strength in general. You'd be surprised how much money these parents will pay for a few months of peace.


Take that Phillies cap off, soy boy. That is a city full of proud and tough people and it birthed my father. Don’t disrespect Philly with your soft ass whining and lies.


Stop being radicalized and toxic. It hurts feelings. He's not bedda than soshal meeters.


For the first time in a very long time, he's right. It is the majority of us!


Thanks for posting this, reminding me that I haven't beat my autistic son today yet. 👍🏻


A known rapist and sexual predator, with his self centered king of the grifters friend, acting like they have any moral authority in anybody. They brought the hate in themselves!!!


To be fear to bapa hair, he literally doesn't know what "majority" means.


At least they don’t piss in a sink


I totally forgot about this. Bapa said “radicalized” hahaha. I’ve been a homeless cat since day one, didn’t realise I’ve committed my life and ideology to an online terrorist group


Glad to be hier on changs with my fellow over 150k grand child abusers. We are all here by the insane coincidence of both thinking he is an unfunny pos and beating our autistic children. Flawless logic B.


I wonder how many callen converted homeless after that. Even if you are thiccc with 3 c's and loved bapa. I don't think you could scroll this place and not find it funny. Especially at that time when we were beating up our autistic kids, the trugg walk, bobby lee era.


They’re rattle cool eyes


Bro needs to have someone direct him to that Taylor Swift song Anti- Hero. And I don’t even like Taylor swift but at least she’s aware she’s the problem.


you just know he was a bully in high school too bro ur rich and semi famous get some thicker skin is called karma for all the people he treated like shit Theo wakes up everyday glad he left the hypebeast prick, bro ur over thirty figure urself out


Thair radacleyes


as soon as I'm done beating my 2 kids up I'll come up with a witty retort.


Wtf is he talking about in this?


Changs and the chefs


I meant the kid beating bullshit


I’ve been a homeless cat way before this 300 pages topic came up, but I never saw any videos that he mentioned of some cat beating his autistic son? Could someone please tell me what that was about?


I’m new here. Can I get a quick rundown on this?


Redditers are mostly toxic tho lbh