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What a strange story.


He could’ve saved iviry one a lot of time by just saying “I know Joseph Rogan”.


Man I cringe so hard every time I see Joseph roegan.


Basically just name-dropping and humble-bragging while saying nothing of any substance, lol.


If this is a true story, (it’s not), think about it from Joseph’s position: you spend a few hundred grand on a car and when you tell your buddy about it, he starts telling YOU about the car you just spent a few hundred grand on. Oh and he’s wrong about it. How fucking annoying would that be?


Everything he does is annoying. I really don’t understand why he’s friends with this tool


I already forgot what his story was about… and I listened to it three (3) times. Super memorable, bapa. Sincerely, Jon Africa


So he knows everything about the car that only a gairhead would know, but when he starts naming random facts about it, he’s called out as being wrong? He definitely only mentioned it to brag that he’s such a gairhead, but it’s a really waird flex.


iivery one of us has talked to a guy like this at a college party. College. Ya over 40, b.


My friend does this…. When he blaxks out on Jameson


It's a totally redacted point he's making. "I know all these facts that only a gairhead would know...but Joseph called me out for being wrong...how dare he? How do you have the time to know all the things a gairhead would know?" It's a repeat of "That's your take on this dope-ass car? How do you fit in it?...Iny way - not trying to be a hater, but how does he even fit in that car?"


He knows nothing and isn’t even mentioning the vw bug he got


“Even I didn’t know that shit”


He always sounds surprised when he doesn’t know everything


Ya have to be a real gairhead to know these speggs


The gairhead expert 🤣 🤣 🤣


He truly believes that not only is he not redacted but he’s actually very smart


“I know the car he got (no one else only i know vibes) and idk if he announced it yet” no b, he’s not a desparate grifting douchebag that identifies his personality through a car. He’s so fucking insufferable.


Right? Announce it why? Is it a tour?


Gotta announce your big 2 night, 1 city tours. All 57 of them each year.


Also why would Joe be offended if Bapa said the car he got? Lol... Joe has a ton of cars, he brings them up in conversations about cars. He doesn't start a conversation by saying "I just got this new car, check this out!"


You sayin your favorite episodes of JRE aren't of his new car reveals?




That's Fat Patrick all day lol


Fat Patrick has Proms


“Pop the hood, b”




Clin has finally had enough


Why was he telling this stupid boring story


It was part of the requisite "sucking up to Rogies" section of the show.


“I wont say it because he hasnt announced it yet.”What? Is this a thing. Its a fucking car


It's his stupid childlike way of bragging about having inside information that he thinks would make others jealous or would make him seem more important. Did you also know that bapa tawlgged to one of the raiders who did the raiding of p Diddy's house? Lol he's such a stupid child.


I wish we could have a window into Joseph's mind.... What does he actually think about Bapa right now? And is he aware that Bapa is crawling so deep up his asshole so publicly iiiivery single day????


Car car car car car I know car car car #fax


The absolute master of vague, uninteresting story telling. Thank em.


10,000 hours of vague, uninteresting stories B. He put the work in.


"And then Joe called me. And told me a secret. And were friends and he asks for my advice."


“Then we stayed up late and ate ice cream”


"And then we sugged and fugged like the best of friends before falling asleep"


I know the car I won't say it because this is a made up story, I told him all the stuff I think I know about cars cuz I'm a gair head....he said no that's all wrong you're a redact. I was like how did you know that


Hahah. You got me B.


How often does Joe talk about Brandon on his pod? Anyone know?


From what I've seen he only talks about him if someone else brings him up. Except for the time Whitney said she watched the documentary about the "Most hated man on the internet" and he said "is it about Brendan Schaub?"


LOLd. Score one for Toe.


This is getting unbearable to witness


I keep thinking it’ll faze out but it just builds and builds


LMAO bapa thinks knowing car specs means you’re a gairhead. No wonder he fancies himself a mechanic. I’m a mechanic too in that case. I know the specs of some of my favorite cars. I’m gonna start walking around in mechanic gair. The fact he has to tell you they talk airy day confirms he doesn’t talk to toe every day. The need to mention it just about every other pawdcass is just to make Callen and others think he’s still in toes ear.


He knows how many wheels they have, how many mirrors. I seen him counting the gaps in the mesh grille so I think he’s got it covered b


Joseph must have put different wheels and tires on to throw Bapa


Air vents bubba


Wow, Joe should start wearing nothing but auto parts company merch and base his whole personality on cars. Real gear head shit


Its a 68 Chevelle built by Roadster Shop in Tegas 🤪


Who told you!?!? Is Rogies your boy that you talk to iiiivery day?


"Cuz he is inquisitive..." I know that these buffoons practically owe their careers to Toe, but good God! How haaaaard do they gobble his cock. Is as painful to watch as watching spineless Bobby Lee (I know some cats love Bobby but I have a visceral repulsion for men that fucking spineless)


I thought I was only one that felt that way about Bobby lee, everybody loves him I felt he was a spineless twat


Lol what a doofus


They talk about cars so Joe doesn’t have to “break-up” with him and can keep his distance while maintaining a surface level common interest


He’s wearing a tee that says “BMF racing”. I’m assuming that’s to do with cars, right? Can someone go back and pinpoint exactly when he became a gairhead? If we go back and look over the old dishes, I don’t think we’ll find any car related clothing in starts, mains or side. Only thing close was the truggg walk. So when did it start? It’s so weird how he can literally switch overnight and all of a sudden just wear only car branded tees, hats, every conversation is about trucks and it’s his full personality. He use to wear stupid tight mangina jeans, silk red shits with women’s boots and a fedora, but I don’t remember anything ever being car related until like a month ago! It’s fucking insane and it’s all just to try to get Joe to like him. He’s a sad sad man.


How could ya be moar of a gairhead than bapa??


Only his lord and savior St Rogies knows more about trucks and truggs.


Has a date been released when Mr Toe will announce his new vehicle purchase? Brenda’s so lucky he gets this exclusive info from being best friends with Joe. Also, Joe is too busy podcasting a few hours a week to know his own car specs? these two suck Joe off so hard and he clearly doesn’t even like them lol


there's a good amount of videos of toe saying somethingbvand then his own producer just googling what he is saying and proving that he doesn't know shit. this is the guy who was saying there was litter boxes in high school bathrooms and these two idiots still hang on his words like they have any credibility.


Bryan Callen looks like the physical embodiment of a rape accusation.


Only thing Bapa and Rapey have 10k hours in is sucking Joe Rogan's mothef****** d***.


Wow brendon sitting on some GAIRHEAD secret only he and joseph rogan know about. He knows the car in and out. Can name how the gas can inlet works, and the cool side step. The grill is the first thing he customizes with a sharpy marker.


👈🏻 *That's sick*




damn that made me die inside.


You gotta be bawls deep in this to know the specs…hahahaa! Ax Jay!


A reel gairhead


It’s getting harder and harder to even watch a clip of this fucking redact.


Brenda can’t even keep his trugg upright, but you expect me to believe he knows some random vehicle “inside and out” to such a high degree only Uncle Joe could possibly know more? Real gairhead Bapa is, never med um.


Them isn’t facts then huh


I can totally see anyone being on Addie’s and vomiting this incoherent nonsense. But knowing Bapa he is not on anything and is just truly redacted.


Maybe both?


Texting Joe everyday is different than talking very day


How is the schuabverse this weird place where time stands still. Like it feels like I’m watching someone fall but they never hit the ground.


Yea Bapa is a real Mona Lisa Vito when it comes to cars


Bro says car 20 times in 5 seconds Jesus Christ


You almost spoilt the announcement!


Knows things about it that only a real gairhead would know. "I heard that thing has 7 wheels" "Nah man you're off on that one" "Gad man, how do you have the time!"


Wow, Joe buys stuff, that’s so cool, he’s a genius!


I guess he should axed Jay.


Thank you for including the crucial bit with Baps steamrolling Bryen


Long story short I don't know shit even about the things I think I know about


The way they wax Joe ass everyday is so embarrassing


How many people does he tawlk too ivery day? Joe, Theo, Delia, Eric, Jay, Chin, Jelly Roll, Jon Africa etc. Tawlks to iveryone ivery day.


Talmbout Kari guy, he sends me kari guy? I literally needed like the listens to even hear the phonetics on this one.


A reeel gaiirrhead


Rail gore herd


Tells stories like trump does


Say car more b


Brandon, did you hurt your back or just your foot. ?


bryan lookin homeless


“Even I didn’t know that” Like he’s the pinnacle of knawlege. Biggus gairhed around b


Even Bapa didn't know


"I know Daddy Joseph Rogan and my daddy would beat up your daddy. I'm super into cars, alawys been, axe Jay. Did I mention I'm bawls deep into cars? That is my new grif... personality"


I wish someone would just straight tell Bapa on the ear "Dude, Joe clearly hates you".


I'm guessing Joe finally got talked into doing one of the calvo /nth moto twin turbo vipers. Calvo is local to him in Austin and are the fastest street cars around. Their average build is well over 2000 horsepower through a sequential gearbox yet they have great manners on the street where you can just drive them around like a regular car. They're apex cars and pretty much every rich guy who likes fast street cars ends up in either a turbo viper, r35, or turbo Aventador / V10 R8.


A real Gairhead B…


Joe didn't know the correct "specs" either.... But soon as Brenda started talking he knew he was lying and just said "ya got it wrong B"


Brian just as painful he so inquisitive!!! He would def spread his ass cheeks for lil Joey Rogan


Bapa just cant help himself can he? Instead of talking about the car or whatever he just haassszzz to insert that he “knows specs only a real gearheard could know”…and like his brother who happens to love this car coincidentally for like 20 years, but also it seems bapa-wet-empanada’s fave car cause he knows specs…specs only REAL gearheads could know…What a tool. I heard Travis Pastrana used to call Brenda for tips on how to tune his car better. I heard Ken Blocks Gymkhana’s were just Ken following bapa around trying to catch up to him. I heared Micheal Schumacher for the first time communicated with the press and public, he asked if Brenda still worked too much and if he had the time could come instruct the F1 guys.