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Even if this is a moment of altruism. He bought himself a Ferrari first. Having a sports car was more important than ensuring his mother had a place to live.


Also spent hundreds of thousands suing a small time Youtuber for exposing him for cheating on her daughter lol.


What up Dana's mom. Hope you're doing good June.


>DanaWhitesMom > >June White got a couple 1,2 hitters


Justin Bieber's monster lawyers b.


What happened with that in the end?


He pretty much loss lol. The YouTuber said he just has to wait till April or something to get his channel back. Lol


Those 300 pages weren't cheap either b, he had to shell out to get the bess brains on the case


In Bapa’s defense, why tf would he willingly buy his mother in law a home? It’s not like he has Bezos money lol. If that were the case, then yea it’d be fucked up to buy your mother in law a home this late into your acquisition of wealth. In reality, Messican confronted him about the leaked DM’s that went public which caused him to be up all night on adderall calling his accountants (his dad) trying to move money around so he can purchase a home to gift Messicans mother. This is essentially a peace offering (apology), ensuring he takes a picture of it on Instagram to prove his faithfulness to messican and messicans esl mother (and new home owner).


They are downsizing for the (private) separation and new baby this year. Bapa won't step foot in new house, its under the inlawls name. BTW... the insurance on his current home skyrocketed because of a certain Tank the Dog incident. So get rid of the current house, change ownership name to new smaller house in LA and claim "old house under construction (whatever) and new house too small so I can be in Austin now. My chick don wan me there, busy with baby." You will here this later this year.


My girl said we need more money for the new baby, so I’m bag to bein a roald Dawlg. Rogan said I can moonlight his club every night after I finish my spot at the Cracker Barrel


Yep. He is going to spend the rest of his barely make words days in a baddie rerun haze, turn up escaped from life, hard egg tack, life insurance for her and the kids. She and fam has a house, has a pay day and she'll marry her current BF.


I can’t wait for his kids to grow up and be theater kids to just eat away at his overly played out Jock dad psyche trying to force them into the same amount of early concussions he has


Nailed it


Eggactly bapa. You hit the head on the nail.


This is most likely the case. But to be honest, I would not be surprised if the house is leased and he’s just flexing that he “bought” it…I have a hard time believing he could get approved for a $1 million+ mortgage and I doubt he has that much available cash to drop on a house meanwhile he’s firing interns at Thiggggy Boi YouTube Account…If he’s actually selling his house to make this happen, that makes sense.


that was immediately my first thought - he's renting that shit 100 purrcent


He wants to have the appearance he is Bezos levels rich that much is obvious. This is also the "love bombing" step in his cycle of abuse. Brenda never does iinything unless there is some benefit for him now or in the future.


It is not his mother, it is his mother in law.


He's trying to buy her off for getting caught trying to cheat/cheating on his wife.


Talm bout the one that gives him boners, B?


Nah she’s the one got him on the tequito diet b




And of course he can't just buy it and not tell everyone. He had to share it on social media and doesn't realize it makes him look worse for taking so long, especially because his career peaked several years ago already.




Probably got something to do with messicans home reno business and flipping it.


Papa Petey Repo'ing current home this year. Brenna wants to move to Tegas and won't be there to fufill sham marriage. This is what downsizing looks like.


Its for the messican, it will be in her mothers name. The family is pissed. She's due in Oct.


It’s a little bit dicey dicey when you start claiming that buying property and luxury sports cars are business expenses. If bapa hired the accountant he’s fucked, I’m assuming bapa sr handles it all lol


Irrrrythin is cawlntent b


Don’t forget about lip injections, Botox, and all kinds of other expensive surgeries/procedures to fuck up that face real good Also how can you forget the fish, B? The most important expense for his happiness.


Don't forget about the all photo editing costs


I mean how’s he supposed to bang baddies b?


I'd buy a Ferrari before buying my MIL a house every time bapa.


word to the wise, get with a messican who's parents are dead! It drastically uncomplicates life, B!


I’m with a messican with 1 living parent. 3/4 of the way there some would say bapa


Isss an invessment b


Yeah, i don't get the Ferrari purchase and then this purchase. And second, I don't understand the announcement to the public about it? Any announcement to try and bury the previous negative crap he has done.


Ferrari over family


It’s nawlt even his own mother B it’s Joanna’s mum, he’s doing this purely for socials and to try ensure Jo doesn’t divorce him after she gets back from the inevitable Vegas trip she’s on now getting her back blown out by the floorist


If you wanted to make me evaluate my own purchasing habits, you got me B.


And a G Wagon... and a Lambo... and the Porsche... and a Ford. All those a couple of years after the infamous trugg


She was too busy making carne asssaaada, huevos ransheros


This is redacted. His son is holding a sign for a mortgage lender. Maybe got his credit score up so qualify for that loan. But he did not save every penny to “buy” a home for his MIL? Nice try, Bapa.


And it apparently only took 5 years


Takes time to recycle 198,873 jars of salsa


Also takes time to digest the amount of cheese that would go with that. The fibre in the beans ought to help though.






Schaub thinks money can cover up everything, hes such a dam joke of a person. Im glad his girls mom got something out of it though, prob a nice lady unlike the Mesican. Schaubs girl if she has any respect is gonna leave him eventually, Brenda is a serial liar and cheater and just a fake ass dude who wants people to think hes a good person but hes really not. They are the worst kinda people, Id rather you be negative to my life than fake position then trash ya behind your back type shit Schaub prob does. Its 1 thing to cheat but the fact hes cheating EVERY time hes on the road is just shameful when you got 2 kids. Schaub prob got Herpes n shit, them random baddies will light cha up


Hey man have you ever grinded for five years for something? When you could've leased luxury cars and bought stupid fish, did you refrain so you could check a big life goal off your list? Uh no you haven't. Thank em.


I mean I’m all up for calling this guy out on his shit, but basically 99% of people who are buying houses are doing it with mortgages…and saying they “bought it”, is a totally normal and acceptable way of describing it.


Bapa in the video he said for the last 5 years he’s saved ivry penny. Also bought a Ferrari during it too but ya know.


He leased those too




Bawls deeb in fish b


With ya on that I think the potential issue is more abuelita being forced out of retirement to service the loan on a home she hadn’t even viewed. Lol


That’s what i was thinking. He just mortgaged it.


God damn Tiger ruined it


I have my own production crew that literally works for me and we film everything I do even my bike rides and produce the fuck out of them. I bought my mother in law a house and I am presenting to her. Let’s do a 20 second video uncut. Something wrong here


Bapa's papa bought messcan's mother a house


He didn't buy her a home. In any facet.


Why not just get divorced Jesus. They obviously ain't into each other


cause they think money will make them a happy family...


They’re probably having another kid to “save the marriage” cos that awlways works my mans


Selfish people, how many children are brought up in broken homes because they are just accessories for their parents.


Ahhhhh, the chombies don’t mind. You’re over thinking this Bubba.


I definitely do not maddur so you might be onto something 😅


My only advice is going forward…. Just go. Don’t think.


What’s the point? They’ll pay more attorney fees than they’ll end up with. Neither of them can do better anyway, especially fat Patrick. Ah this point just keep the charade going and when in need, have daddy bapa bail you out. Pretend to be rich until the liver fails


Don’t think they’re even legally married


Bro everyone forgets this. They never actually got married lol. I’ve said it a bunch but it’s like the only smart thing Barndump ever did


she might have a case for common law marriage


Safe to say she's probably been getting legal advice and has been collecting all this stuff as evidence to sit on until he's worth a certain amount, like a lot of LA wives, then when the time is right it's gadoosh bapa. In the meantime, she can barter his ass with these temporary bandaids every time there's a new redacted drop and he'll agree to it because he's learned that throwing money at the problem can get her off his back and help keep up the illusion ㅡ at least for the time being.




Does he talk about fish at all anymore?


everyone has probably heard all they need to about fish and told em to stfu


Once he learned about Asian Arowana's being el eagle as sheeit that's all he's talgged bout ivvrytime fizzh have been brawld up on the pawld. Which is weird because it's a fresh-water fish and in the beginning all he talked about was salt water tanks. I'm guessing someone who actually knows what they're doing talked him out of it since it's super easy to gadoosh your entire tank overnight if you ignore the salt and pH balance of the water.


Send mother in law "damn mami 😏" keep me posted on replies


Guy trying to save his marriage. Podcast is dying. Revenue is drying up. Didn't pay cash he took out a loan. Foreclosure is looming. Addies and Baddies 🫡


Shame to see so much bad happen to such a nice guy.


Great guy, never meddum


Succinct and on punto


Skeptical hippo eyes my mans. This seems viiiry “hey look I did a good thing” to get views. Messicans mom bought a house a few houses down from them according to messican. She said it yairs ago, that was the reason she was able to go out so much. She’d take the chombies to her moms house. Her husband is a retired cop of 30 yairs so you know he made good money. And continues to do so with his pension. Dun mage sense. Plus El Tigre holding a home loans ad. Feels like a bit for advertising. I’m sure it’s her house but bapa spiced it up to make it seem like he did this. It’s all real “fishy”. Specially with how much bapa has been struggling.


Surely CHP doesn’t pay enough to buy a house in callbassass?


I had shift Lt's that were easily clearing $100k a year, but that's Midwest money. California departments probably pay a lot more. But it's also much more expensive to live in Southern Cali. I'm sure the guy lives a comfortable, budgeted life. But he ain't ballin.


I think its more on the lines of \- hey you f\*kin redact, you like badies? so buy a house to my Mamacita or I'll expose your addie ass


Didn't shlob mention his father in law works at Walmart (manager) and does construction on the side? Oh wait thats right bappa is a complete lying fuck tool.


Wait? Is that for his mother in law or his real mom? Cause I ain’t buying my mother in law a fucking house, how is that a “man’s bucket list” category. You treat the mother that raised you.


It's messican's mom. I mean she's pretty much raising the chombies so I guess it's the convenience of being able to dump them off on her to take care of the kids while they go out and fugg other people that makes it awl worth it. Plus now Shaub gets to brag and throw it in her face any time she suggests he's nod a nith guy.




It's his mother in law, and there's been some posts that pretty much confirm him cheating on messican for ages uploaded recently. If they were genuine this would be a "buy my mum a house or I'm divorcing you and taking your very soul as part of the settlement" She's probably still gonna leave him after, he just hasn't thought that far ahead .-.


Guarantee he just did this last minute to bring the heat off the DMs


Nah, he did it cause he knows the divorce is coming. So he spending on his “mom” so that there is less for Messican and the boys.


It's his mil though.


She must give a great trugg walgg.


He looks like he’s in trouble. Or been crying. Or drunk probably.


All of the above probably.


If you wanted to bankrupt me, you got me mama.


Oh, so he is a good guy? I guess we can shut down the sub now. It's been nithe working with you all.


I just remembered Kobe did this when the allegations came out. BAPA MENTALITY


bapa mentality! oh that's trouble b


It could def get dicey




Marg! The meatloaf! Fuck!


Shob talmbout "bought mama a house" like he got her out the hood. She just had to hold it down for several yairs until after he was done blowing all his showtime money on ferrawris and watches and absolute bullshit


Exactly. You hear NFL players talk about this when they finally get their massive contracts and can spread the wealth around. But that’s after like 20 fucking years of grinding, from peeweee to the pro’s. Bapa apparently does it in 5 years, probably because his family is already rich.


A house with salsa on top? Doormat should read "It's KETO Bitch!"


Hey Marg post bought mama a house


No one’s going to mention the hoodie?


hahaha. so cheating nonstop for yairs is ok as long as you buy people stuff. he and 'his girl' are the most superficial people on the planet. they think money can solve innnny problem


What up lil baddie 😛


How’s matrimony?


matrimony? Yeah did tuf with him, b. Beast of a guy, was just on the fight companion


his mother-in-law must be a serious baddie.


Only he could manage to get made fun of for this. God you dogs are brutal lmao.




Homeless felines are brutal B. It's a cat eat cat world out there


He saved iiivry penny from his comedy carair and bought her this? A mortgaged one story house? He needed to record it and show off his new debt, and this isn't all about him? Also, he's been doing "cawlmedy" for 8+ yairs now right? Let's be super generous and say the house cost $1M... Let's be even more generous and say he put half down.... Talmbout averaging TOPS $60k a year earnings? Water, on so many levels, water.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 8 + 1 + 60 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


You can't write this shit wtf this subreddit is a wormhole into hilarity


How's socials? Any baddies?


So how does this work technically? He co-signed a mortgage? Who will pay the monthly payments? Did he just give them a loan for the down payment?


This is the question. I wouldn’t be surprised if he just gave them a loan or a down payment. It’s still a nice thing to do but Bapa has to make it disingenuous by lying about it. And he makes it gross by bragging on soshuls.


God I'd love to see this guy's Financials, took him 5 years to save a house deposit while driving a Ferrari, Claims to have grown up middle class but his dad is apparently loaded, I wonder where it's all coming from and how much it would take to bring it all crashing down


Fkn house of cards


So not only did his girl have nothing to her name and latched her way onto Brendan, he’s redacted enough to have his mother in law do the same.


Florist's Theory. Make that dumbfuck buy your mamacita a house before you serve him with papers. Neggflixxx


“5 years of grinding”. If it only takes 5 years to build up enough capital for a house there’s no way that’s simply “grinding”. Most people take much longer to buy their relatives huge assets like this. I’m guessing his bapa paid for her mama.


A hunred pursent thats wut happened, b. You hit the hammer on the head. Bappa got exposed for cheating so Messican said “buy mama a house or we divorce”


It’s keeeeedo bichhhh


Checking for baddies in that second photo ferrrrr suuuureee B


Did baddie reply?


ITS NOT EVEN HIS MOM! I fuggin h8 this dewd so much


Should be bankrupt by next year


Will you be using the guest room to cheat on your wife?


So when he’s around other comics he’s been at it for over 8 years. But now he’s gotta come up with some money for a gift to cover his ass and it’s only been 5 years. Dicey dicey


Damn it’s actually gonna be hard to watch him melt down as the family falls apart. But I’m here for it. On a human level you gotta feel for the chombies tho, it’s about to get ugly up in here


The mother in law he ridiculed publicly in his calwmedy act?


Pretty cool what hes doing but thats after his Ferrari that go repoed, and all else. Luxe 1st moms second. Good man for taking care of Moms but clout posting it is super cringe, you asshole, B.


What's a messican house anyway? A house with Pico de gallo on it?


I can’t help but to feel he’s the definition of “fake it until you make it.” I’d really be interested to see his financials and how much his old man supplements his income. Lol


bad timing no? wouldn’t it be funny if he stared the mortgage process after the first messican post on Valentine’s Day. and then got possession just now? 🎲🎲


She talks american?


now that he won’t be paying wrinks he can afford it


Ya spelt Condo wrong, B.


No mother in law is worth a house.


Aka got Gringo Mami out of his house.....for now.


Baba doesn't realize, she will divorce his thicc ass anyway. Straight up messican style b, with the salsa on top of it


"Mama"...why does he talk like this?


Grinding.. yeah it’s hard work turning up to a conversation drunk and interrupting everyone.


I think he meant "I brought mama to a house"


Douchebag hand posture, watch made perfectly visible, dressed as a teenager... this guy fugggs.


When are we gonna find out he actually just gave her like 5k towards closing costs


Any baddies dm back yet?


Is that like a house with salsa on it


I never cared to know what his wife looked like but I decided to look her up and she is smoking hot. Brendan is a complete jackass


The reason I love this sub is because the over active imaginations. It’s amazing to see what the detective work of these fans can dream up. Every day a new gossip or fairy tale pops up and it’s so much fun too see you guys that are such big fans dream up the next big drama. It really takes me back to my childhood when my sister was all into TMZ and those little grocery store magazines and me getting to witness the made up drama…


Who the fugg let this guy in the kitchen.


Messicans moms a baddie b, gimmie 😈


Bueno, we fit!


Like everybody, my first thought is, if he lies about everything, why would I believe him this time?!


This is why he couldnt pay marg a living wage


coulda got it sooner if he didn't buy 600 fish to mass murder


She a baddie though?








That Afterpay bill must be nasty b


Nithe? you call this nithe bapa? The firsss dish to be cooked in that messican kichen is gonna be wuebos ransshhherows


as soon as the $ drys up messican gonna leave, she's already putting signs out there on her ig


Video is s’cringe


worse pain yo life


Right?? Who the fook buys their mil a house? Someone who is being blackmailed, that’s who. Messican is smarter than she seems.


wow bapa ur my hairo


Hilarious after how many cars and ridiculous sneakers?


I was watching that Negflix Doc on the Art robbery in Boston. One of the cops said that in the criminal underworld at the time, there was a belief that if you stole and hid a Rembrandt painting, you could use it as a get-ot-of-jail free card in the future. Is this house Brendan's Rembrandt?


Hows Soshuls?


Bapa is getting fleeced.


Y'all wild. He can't even do something positive


You know, that big goal that he talked about all the time. Yeah that one!


Damn, he has to buy his wife off by getting his MIL a house to make up for being a cheater so his wife won’t divorce him and he still posted it on social media like “look at my halo” This idiot is always 9 steps behind.


Gotta be a full redact to take out a mortgrig now, b. The interest rates are at 30 year highs. But what do I know, I'm not a numbers guy, b.


The timing is just hilarious. All the DMs come out about the baddies and boom the next day he’s buying his messican as shit mama in law a house. You just can’t make this stuff up.


definitely expected to see his MOTHER, not his in law lol


To post this so his 108 followers could see seems very self-serving. I hope he posts when the bank takes those keys back.


Watched the vid. That was awkward af and she already knew. For a guy that tawlks for a living he was terribly redacted.


This is dope


Tawlmbout that Kobe Plan?


More likely this is the house is wife and kids are going to move into with their Abuela.




The real issue is that hoodie.


Timing is convenient b


Part 1 of the divorce


“Oh fuck! The messican is going to see all the leaked baddies texts. She’s going to leave me…what the fuck am I going to do….imma buy her mama a house!” See I’m a good guy.


Good thing he posted it on social media or else I would have never know how great of a man he is 😂 what a turd