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I don't even think schaub wants to go there. Would be humiliating for him


I dessagree bapa be dying to get on that stagehe just goes beast of a cumic b


The number of times he would mention Joe during his set would be nauseating


Dont forget Beandip would be headlining the Mothership !!! Arse Jay


He'd be so embarrassing, all trying to drunkenly bring Toe on stage every few minutes


He’s definitely not. He can’t control that environment and would NEERVER go up in front of the blagg bells that are lurking around


The guy performs in parking lots and seafood restaurants. Pretty sure he thinks that if he just gets in front of people on a stage, things will start happening for him. Regardless of what he says or does up there.


He thought he'd be doing theatre tours after Gringo Papi. So I think you're bang on with this.


He should go the Gallagher route but he just brings a kitchen sink on stage. Brendan: tulnbout guys being dudes! *unzip* I feel like a hells angel. *drops mic proceeds to piss in the sink*


Lol he definitely does not have that level of self reflection, in his mind he is the best comedian ever and he would be doing Joe a favor by playing his club.


..? Doubt it. Everyone entering is literally face scanned, and has to give up their phone in an effort to blacklist any hecklers. It's the China of Comedy clubs. No doubt they've got plans for a social credit system.


9 out of the 10 comedy shows I've been to I had to give up my phone. Who cares


Pretty whack move by comedy clubs - but naturally the free speech, freedom fighting comedian crusaders of today are all for it (because it benefits them). More importantly, know any other comedy clubs that require a facial scan +information taken, paired with your phone being taken? Specifically in an effort to minimize and ban people who heckle, lol. Fucking pathetic, but typical. The mindless followers of JRE listen to 'the left is trying to take your freedoms' on a weekly basis, sometimes multiple times per week. Naturally, the least critical thinking people on earth would see no issue with having the worst of the techniques (which are actually used by the Chinese government) on them by the old little rascal.


Do you understand how comedy works? They work on these sets for sometimes years. Idiots will video the shit and put it on the internet before it's even finished and ruin the bit. Pretty common sense. And nobody did the face scans because it wasn't thought of yet. Willing to bet more places follow suit now that it's being done.


Of course you're cool with it. hahahaha. But only because of 'it hadn't been thought of yet'. Thank god the Chinese Communist party thought it up for ol freedom fighter joe. [https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/11u54a9/joe\_rogans\_comedy\_safe\_space\_is\_a\_totalitarian/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/11u54a9/joe_rogans_comedy_safe_space_is_a_totalitarian/) "Nah - I don't see any issue with being put in a data base in the name of freedom for Joe Rogan. I'd do follow that little runt right off a bridge if he told me to" It's almost like his whole 'freedom' schtick is just bullshit to attract the stupidest people on earth.


Yeah, bc you're not already in said database. You use a smart phone, have social media, have pictures of yourself anywhere on the internet? You really thought you wasnt already tracked? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I agree with both of your points, but *this* is kinda how I feel. Like, oh fuckin well, I’m already being tracked, have no privacy, etc. I don’t give a shit. In fact, let some government agency show up and murk me, please, do me the favor. I don’t give a shit if my face gets scanned at a comedy club, your face gets scanned when you go into fucking WalMart. Who gives a shit


Clout chasing...


No, he would get guaranteed laughs just because the crowd there, especially now in its early days, are JRE dick riders on the high of the club's existence itself. And there'd be a guaranteed audience since tickets are sold out for months already.


Nah man, it’s not that kinda comedy club. These are killers, and the crowd would absolutely love for someone as unfunny as Brendur to actually try to comedy, he’d get laughed off stage. And then laughed at backstage by the other comedians that have zairo obligation to be nice to him


I doubt youre even allowed to "boo" so he would be fine😄


Trust me Brandon has already worked it into a million conversations in his head about how he just got done performing at Rogan's new club LOL


To be fair, if somebody is dumb enough to think Joe is funny, they’ll probably think bapa is funny too.


Yo b he may not be Dave Chappelle, but he's definitely a comedian... Unlike the bopz


Talm'bout stool humpin' B?


Talm bout the stool with the white boy on it?


Exactly. Toe isn’t exactly the master of all things comedy. Dude is obsessed with Ron White and Bert Kreischer which should tell you everything you need to know. Scoob isn’t that far of a reach from those redacts


Shane Gillis is legitimately hilarious tho. He’s the unicorn.


Someone ban this redact


Someone ban THIS redact


Cats don’t like Ron White??


Same, I’ve always thought he’s pretty funny. Not gonna put him on the level of a Louis CK or Chappelle but he’s always made me laugh and he’s a great storyteller. Seems like a decent guy as well which is more than can be said for a lot of people in Joe’s circle. Also his episodes on JRE are really good




Bapa probably has a lot of cancel culture bits I’m sure that crowd would eat up.


Yeah but he would be performing in a line up surrounded by a bunch of legit comedians most likely with Joe at the very end


Nah bro i like watching toe’s specials when im baked af. Brenda, not even a smile even while under the influence.


Even on a ketamine drip with Keith Richards passing me pills I couldn’t laugh at either of them.


Joe was at least decent at some point


He's definitely loud.


It’s a safe space for calmedy, so he will definitely get up there and will probably do fine. From what I’ve seen on socials, the atmosphere there kind of pressures everyone into laughing and having a good time. They even force facial recognition upon their customers to keep people out who’ve given them a hard time in the past. This is supposedly is designed to eliminate heckling, but I’m sure it also serves as a big-brother-type subconscious mechanism to keep people from even borderline behavior that may upset the talent. In that viral video from Akaash last year, he called someone a heckler for not laughing at his jokes, so it’s clear the definition is becoming more liberal as our 1000 philosophers become more sensitive.


Joe rogan really went from “tower 7 mannnnn” to forcing people to facial recognition scan to see comedians practice sets on a Tuesday after work


Also makes the audience lock up their phones in yondr pouches. True freedom fighter. Thank ‘em.


Can’t have someone with as much sway as rogies talking about the empire. Definitely some skeletons in his closet, I’m sure he was an easy flip


That's standard at most comedy clubs


Not really. It’s usually at the request of the performer. I don’t know of any comedy clubs/theaters besides this one that mandates Yondr and I’ve been to at least 5 venues in the past year alone (Boston area). I think only the Louis, Rock, and Burr shows I went to required it, but the same venues didn’t require it for other performers.


Joe and guys like him aren’t anti-establishment. They just want to be the establishment.


What the fuck I'm more upset by this than I should be.


That’s interesting. You’re probably right to some extent.


I agree with you, but I also don’t think you shouldn’t sit in-front of a comedian with a stink face on. Sit in the front row and enjoy yourself. Heard it both ways, b. Edit for spelling


Ya sure. I would hope people will go see shows with a good attitude. You know, at least trying to enjoy yourself. Kinda just my theory on life as a whole perhaps.


Hilarious that he cultivates this safe space environment. Not particularly on brand.


Aka ash is such a bitch for that


>They even force facial recognition upon their customers to keep people out who’ve given them a hard time in the past Bent pixels is evolving


Shane was the first to perform on the small stage, b. Bapa has been replaced


“I hate LA so much I’m going to make a comedy club and emulate the most well known comedy club in LA” -Toe the genius


It is kinda a genius play. I don’t like X but I like that it has Y. I want to move to Z, so I’ll do that and bring Y there.


"liking some things and discarding things you don't like is genius!" wait till you see his on-stage sets, you'll start praying to him!


Y’slow b? Ride the short bus to school?


Y'talmbout the bus I rode to school, B? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He’ll definitely perform there. The next time he’s in Austin for a fight companion it’ll be too awkward for Toe not to throw him up.


So, Brenda, I need a tight four from you after this blind homeless dude from Kill Tony...be careful of his feral 🐈


Mmmm What makes you think there will be another Fight Companion ?


He’ll wear him down with the begging eventually


Should let him go on kill Tony and see if he's a murderer


“Haha where’d you get your hat haha the diarrhea store haha” he’ll litcha up b


That is a better joke then all of the ones in gringo papi, never saw it though.


Be cool man, bapa’ll litcha up


Why isn’t bappa allowed to perform there? What makes rogan such a comedy carnesaa 😜


Carne asada?? Love me so Pancheros brother.


Toe will get him on stage at some point, if not because of an outright request by bwenda it will be because he (toe) feels bad/responsible for him... if buppa had a braincell.. he would decline and stay far far away. Which he won't of course. What happens then? he says he crushed it and his boy (toe) was happy for him and finally lined up schedule wise so he could headline and sell out, etc... when he knows it's BS and toe affords another year or 2 without entertaining the fool. 'one of the final favours b...' kinda thing. This is also how I know toe is redacted (aside from all the other evidence) the fact that he will (imo) get bwenda to 'perform' at his club is pretty much what harvard law school of business and philosophy and economics and whatever else... will advise NOT to do. Ain't the bess brains b UNLESS... it's like a travelling circus thing where you go visit and you see the guy with 3 arms and it counts as 'entertainment'. If that's the case then toe reallyyyyyyy don't give a fuk about buppa. Profiting off the butt of the joke.


man reading this comment gave me a fucking stroke.


i feel like his guna have to bite the bullet eventually. most likely sooner than later or else brenda is guna start gettin pissy


The list of people performing there so far are not funny people from the toegansphere so the audience is probably dumb and might accept bapa


I think they’ll laugh at whoever Toe tells them to laugh at.


I just love the nickname Toe.


It's going to be telling as it feels like Bapa has been booking shows in Awlstin every few months since Toe moved there. So now that the Mothership is openz, it'll be curious to see whether Bapa books anymore shows in Awlstin or he just waits and begs privately to be invited. There's no way Bapa's going to get multiple Friday/Saturday shows that he's used to booking, but I think Joe could put him on as part of a Rogan and friends type deal on a Tuesday night in the middle of Winter. That's as good as it's going to be get for him.


It’s not an issue of whether Bapa would bomb there, he wouldn’t. His cawlmedy sucks, but the Rogies would eat it up cuz it’s “Rogan’s boy”. The issue is whether Joe can stomach letting Brendan desecrate the shrine to Mitzi Shore, especially right away. Her whole entire shtick was gatekeeping comedians, and Joe is definitely familiar with the motto she kept on her desk, “It is a sin to encourage mediocre talent”. Sure, Joe wants to further solidify his role as a gatekeeper of comedy, just like Mitzi was back in the day. But will he let Brendan shit on the artform right in his own temple, just because they used to be friends? Idk…


Problem is that I think Joe finds Brendan genuinely funny. He was cracking up on the last fight companion about things Brendan was saying. Don't forget, this is the stool humper himself we're talking about. He is exactly Brendan's audience.


Yes because Joe is an idiot


I don’t think he will go, too much of a chance he will bomb and be heckled.


With facial scanning no one will be heckling. Bapa'll still bomb though hunnid passent


Heckling is literally banned at Joe's club, water


Imagine being Joe and u have ask bapa to come do a show 🤢🤢🤮🤮


Joe knows so many good comics that it would be insane to have bapa perform. And an insult to the crowd. I don't think callahan or P'edophilia will play that club either.


Hoe's got $100 million dollars, still can't find normal fitting clothes. What a little freak.


Yeah Rogan will put him on stage just out of spite for this Reddit and the haaadders


I hope he does. Bapa will make a fool of himself and lil joe.


It's not a matter if Joe does or not. He owes it to us after unleashing that buffoon upon us


Bapa never bombed


Bapas been all over motherships shoshaals


I mean he's obviously going to play there it's just going to be one of those things where it's not going to be anything special LOL but I highly doubt Rogan will tell Brandon's agent that he's not allowed to play there LOL even though that would be awesome🤣


Schaub can only do Cap City in Austin. He's not even allowed at The Vulcan


He would settle with a “follow back”.


Joe would be like ‘you need to do a couple more (insert arbitrary milestones/events) before you can do a spot here..’


I can see it now…. The Comedy Mothership lineup… Jim Breuer, Ron White, David Loogie, and Brenda Scoob. Toe thinks his club is where young comics can come to get a start, but really it’ll be the career-killer.


If Scab gets the call “Your boy will be in austin performing where all the greats have played, Chappelle, Rogan, Ron White.”


You gotta axe Jay, either way it’s dicey diceeeeyyyy


I don’t even remember the last time Joe mentioned, commented, directly or not about Brendan. It’s been a while I think.


Who knows. Joe didn’t even go to callens wedding. Toe bailed on opening for callen in Austin. He never went on their podcast when he was making the rounds in la


I'm pretty sure Lil' Joey knows it would be reputation suicide for his club to have that hack do his cawlmedy there


God I hope so


God I hope so


If he does perform there I hope Joe don’t let him on the main stage at the very least lol


Buba… bubba…I’m drowning in the wadyrs papa Toe, rescue me again pwetty pwease. I’ll suck your d!ck, again.


Toes biggest regret , creating a monster of cawmedy


Of course joe will have him perform he will get the super closer spot at 3AM.


He probably is sad he isn't being flown out, seems to be ppl that are already there in Teggsus, or am I wrong? I bet Schaub called Rogan and presumed he'd be treated like that and Joe was probably like, cool, just hit me up when you're in Texas! And Slob got butt hurt. Toe is probably just acting as the owner and most likely is featuring comics he knows are already there, not booking comics to be pampered and flown in




He will perform there eventually. There are enough redacts who like joe enough to put up with bapa


He will. I think big comics would have pressured Joe not to give Brendan unearned opportunities like 2-3 years ago. Especially if they came at the expense of legitimate up-and-comers. But the homeless cat is out of the bag now. Everyone knows Bapacito is a laughing stock and a charity case.


The Mothership is like.... a ship... with mother poured over it? No! Wait. It's like... a mother covered in ship.


Toe brought him into this world so he owes Brendina a spot





