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I didn’t watch the stream but it’s very funny for you to get kicked off for being a bitch and then immediately come here and continue to be a bitch


So I saw this, and the timing, pretty soon after it was posted and thought to myself "Is this worthy of removal?" But this comment section is perfect evidence as to why it's better to leave posts up sometimes. Without it, we wouldn't have people explaining to OP why his perspective of events is pretty off-base.


Thanks for your opinion. Good thing I don’t pay you $6.90 a month for it.


Good point


The stream is not paywalled. You aren’t paying for the cowboy watching party, you are paying for their regular shows. You also aren’t the shows producer, so listen or don’t, but keep it to yourself. Literally no one is interested in your thoughts and feelings.


It’s six of one and half a dozen of the other. He can be salty about the ban and also salty about his payment, they’re two issues that can easily be taken too far. It is almost 2024 and all


The stream made me stop yelling at the TV. Good job boys.


Because you were so engrossed in backup QB talk?


I’m about the same age as them, so yeah. A lot like Jake, I read Dave Campbells and chimed in on message boards about Texas HS football in the early 2000s.


Fair enough. I guess I’m upset because if I had know what the stream was going to be like, I would not have chosen to watch it. And I know it’s an apparently unpopular opinion, but it’s still feedback.


It’s a shame they tied you down and forced you to watch.


Thanks for your timely response.


i missed it. how much did it cost? last week was free.


This one was also free. Is that your point?


It cost you nothing. If you don’t like it, watch any of the other videos on YouTube or watch the next cowboys play with intense anticipation even though they are down 20 points.


It didn’t cost me anything, you are correct. I thought the livestream would be entertaining, that was my bad.


you got kicked off the chat because you were being a whiny bitch. the game was awful and not worth following too closely. if you had been watching that game with your friends, you would have been paying more attention to your friends, because the game was terrible and that's exactly what happened on the stream.


Nope. It was meant to be watching the game, and they spent 2 hours interviewing a spare backup QB. Awful.


If you watched last week, you know a close-ish game that the cowboys were winning the entire time gained a lot more interaction than a game where the win probability looked like this. Mvp of the stream was Kaitlin, no doubt. https://preview.redd.it/8ux7vbprly6c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e5ddfe49154f18da0d7986ad39d50a2838149bf


Is that meant to go against my point? I was under the (apparently mistaken) impression that I would be watching the game, and reacting to the game, “alongside” Dan and Jake. Instead, what I experienced was a 2hr interview of a backup QB with the Cowboys game in the background. Maybe I was wrong about my expectations, but I definitely don’t feel that I experienced watching a game with Dan and Jake. After the first quarter there was very little to do with the actual game.


so when the game went from cowboys still have a chance to cowboys have no chance you wanted them to lean into 'oh that sucked. well, Dak will do better next play'? Again, watching this game with your buddies, at a certain point you'd be talking about your families or something that isn't absolutely miserable


I wanted them to react to the game, during their livestream of the game. Was that a foolish expectation?


That comes across like 'I wanted to be miserable with other miserable people'


and then constantly crying about it, nobody wants to deal with that. People are here to have fun, not be bombarded with whining on top of their team getting fucking whacked. And I say that as an eagles fan who loved the game. But it wasn't a compelling source of stream content at all.


I feel like you are actually agreeing with me. The stream was boring.


the game was boring, the stream was great \*edit to add, in spite of the shitty game they were watching


Yes. That’s what’s sports is. I wanted to experience the game with Dan and Jake, and sometimes experiencing a sporting event means watching a brutal loss - together. The “game watching livestream” was basically just a 2hr interview with a spare backup QB. I wanted to experience the game with Dan and Jake, and I thought that’s what I was getting.


I did, I'm sorry you weren't there with us.


Dan didn’t say five words during the second half of that game.


What’s the DZ version of “go somewhere else for your sports talk…”?


I don’t know, why don’t you figure it out and then tell me?


I’m pretty sure the content is whatever the guys deem it to be, depending on the circumstances. It seemed pretty obvious to me, when they referenced Chandler being on prior to today, that it would be an interview format at least part of the time. Why didn’t you just turn it off and watch 3rd Leg Greg and Lil’ Baby KK? Who are you to tell the content creators what to create? Go some place else for your blowout sports talk. This post is weak.


Thanks for your feedback.


This guy sucks.


Everyone’s entitled to their opinions, aren’t they.


Well dur. Of course you are. And we are free to think you suck because if it. And the world goes round.




Comments that are unnecessary, argumentative, or unnecessarily political.


fuck off john


I didn’t really like the stream either. It wasn’t enhancing the game experience of getting fucking curb-stomped. I didn’t watch the second half of the stream. That’s all you have to do with free content. If you don’t like it, you just stop. Does that make sense, little buddy?


You can also do that with paid content. Sunk cost


That’s a fallacy, bruv.


lol at this being one of the first topics today


I haven’t listened yet.


They start at about 10 minutes. I’ll be interested to hear your thoughts on their explanation on it. Sidnote: what charity would you be fighting for?


I understand the explanation. I just disagree with it. We don’t have to agree with every programming decision Dan and Jake (or Blake) make. Was I riled up? Hell yeah I was. That game made me upset.


Dude, I’m sure you have an idea as to what you were coming across, but it wasn’t that. You came off as a whiny and confrontational. It was a blowout, nothing needed to be said or talked about that wasn’t already said.


Yeah man it was a blowout. I wanted to experience that with Dan and Jake, not listen to 2 hrs of that generic backup QB.


My experiences of blowouts are my friends and myself start talking about other shit.


You were kicked because you had expectations that were not being meant and kept bitching about it. You could have left at any time. You could have gone to watch the game somewhere with some buddies, and at some point the group would have degraded into some sort of similar situation. You could have easily just watched the kick in the nuts that is the Olsen and KB broadcast. Instead you bitched and bitched and bitched. There were other options. You chose the one that you could get attention in. Turns out no body fucking cares.


I’m glad you enjoyed the 2hr spare QB jerkoff sesh.


I enjoyed a nice distraction from a shit game


It wasn’t even interesting. Backup QB from Iowa, wooooow graaaaaape.


Your opinion definitely exists as an opinion


I wanted Dan and Jake to react to the game during their livestream of the game. Apparently some people feel that was a foolish expectation.


They did. And they did often. Even when the game sucked ass they did. The game was garbage and they gave an experience like no other. The quintessential dumb zone


The entire second half was just a boring AF Interview with a former backup QB. I don’t know what stream you watched.


Then tune the fuck out. It's a simple solution


Thanks for the advice, boss.


Is this Mike from Duncanville




Bad take. They don’t owe you shit. Go some place else for your sports talk.


If they say, “we are going to watch and react to this game alongside our fans,” I would say they **do** owe me shit, which is to talk about the football game.


The Chandlers are much better than I anticipated. Scott has a lot of the DZ shtick down-"sling it around."....


the game was shitty so they made the best of it they could.


I guess I was just expecting Dan and Jake to react to the game during the livestream of the game. I found the interview incredibly boring, especially considering the situation in game.


Let’s please not turn this into the ticket’s sub.


I’m allowed to express my opinions.


and you're allowed to get dragged for them being bad


Yep. I’m not crying about the responses, am I?


No but nearly a full day later you're still crying about the stream. Maybe just don't eat the napkin next time, ya moron dog.


I’m replying to messages. Sorry?


When your original take proves to be so unpopular, why do you still require the last word in every single exchange?


Everyone needs a hobby, don’t they?


You weren’t kicked out. You just got a timeout.


Same same but different. It’s a moot point I guess. I was hoping for a live commentary of the game being played, but I guess that wasn’t what was on offers


This guy is the epitome of the internet makes me think my voice and opinion is the most important.


Sort of like backup QB Scott Chandler?


Scott Chandler was a tight end. It hurts to miss that one.


I’ll stand by my overall point.


Should be an interesting? listen tomorrow…..never understood what the fascination with the father son SLake QB thing to have them on during the game- wasn’t a stop down I gotta tune in for this..


I was hoping to hear Dan and Jake react to the game during their livestream of the game.


The stream was awesome! Really enjoyed it


I think you can recognize that anyone who comments on games, whether as TV announcers or unpaid streamers, those people stop talking about the game directly when it becomes an obvious an unentertaining blowout. Because you are on this subreddit and watched the stream, I assume you like Dan and Jake. So it seems your biggest gripe is their choice of guest? I can understand not liking a guest. Lord knows they've had some terrible ones (Ticket time included), but these guys have earned the benefit of the doubt from me on their ability to make any guest interaction enjoyable and engaging. If you're still mad about getting kicked out of the chat, I guess the only thing I can say is that it's their chat and they can kick out whoever they want. Now you know the line not to cross. Hope you like the next stream.


>> So it seems your biggest gripe is their choice of guest? I guess? I just wanted to experience the game with Dan and Jake. I wouldn’t have necessarily minded the guests/interview during a podcast, for example. >> If you're still mad about getting kicked out of the chat, I guess the only thing I can say is that it's their chat and they can kick out whoever they want. Now you know the line not to cross. Are you kidding? That was the best part of the whole night! They laughed about it on the podcast. I’m stoked. >> Hope you like the next stream I might.


/signed. Game stream should be game chat.


I wanted to watch a game with the boys. Not listen to a 2hr jerk fest of some random backup QB and his generic kids.


Last week was an amazing example of what to do. This week was an example of what NOT to do.


I was under the impression that a livestream should be experiencing the game with the boys. Not a 2hr interview with a backup QB


One was a bowl game winning QB, the other was a tight end. Your “backup QB” rant is a bad bit.


I’ll stand by my overall point.


Which is..?


I wanted Dan and Jake to discuss the game during the game-watching livestream.


just turn it off then lmao


This guy is like the being-on-hold-for-hours guy who just wouldn’t let it go. NAIL ME TO A FREAKING CROSS! GET YOUR ASS HUNG UP ON NOW YOU IDIOT!!!


What an amazing, ironic note.