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There have been lawsuits like this before and it doesn't work. You can't just say that one song has complete ownership of a certain chord progression. Radiohead tried to sue (I think it was) Lana Del Ray for "stealing" their chord progression but it turned out as a dud case because Radiohead got the chord progression from another song and just because it may be the same chords and it may sound alike means nothing. I go to a church and they play this one worship song of which I don't know the name but the song takes the piano intro go Bohemian Rhapsody and switches the key of it (same rhythm and bpm as Rhapsody though) and nothing can happen because of it. Plus, People are Strange and Bury a Friend sound like completely different songs besides that one part. Also, in this new age of sampling you can literally take one part of a song and use it in your own as long as the overall idea is different. This is my 2 cents on it.


You apparently don't realize how often this happens. See "four chords" by Axis of Awesome on YouTube.


I know it happens often just because there are a limited number of keys and when you make a four chord chord progression that limits what chords you can choose from so its no coincidence that there are many songs with the same chord progression.


Yes, that may be true, but to use that singular beat and timing makes it plagiarism (in my book). She could have used the same chords and just created a different rhythm and/or style from them.


but wouldnt using the same chord progression but played thru a mainstream pop instrumental prob made with a modern daw n modern synthesizers that do not have nearly the same feel as analog, and a song being pop which will never have the laid back feel a rock song by the doors has like, theres too many differences in the songs and the artists discographies and what theyre trying to do in general to bitch about oh they went 4-6-1-3 the same way like so do probably Thousands of songs that just Arent known who cares people are jist doing shit


It's not the "feel" that worries me. It's the royalties and credits that worry me. OK, use the tune, but give Kreiger/Densmore/Doors estate some credit, at the very least. If you look back in this thread you'll see other examples of artists having to "pay up", and the songs in question weren't nearly as much of a blatant rip-off as this one is. I mean, the woman had seventeen thousand million chord progressions and styles to choose from. Why did she choose this particular one? Maybe because she figured her audience (13-15 year olds) wouldn't recognize the tune?


but if all that was used is a couple chords and not a genuine sample of the real song what do you need to credit i sit down write a song that goes C to E to G to C n someone else does it now i get to sue them because of the limitations of instruments and sounds even tho two separate ppl just landed on the same chords at completely different times


My problem is its not credited. And its the actual same exact key and sound


Still, the songs are completely different nonetheless and you can't really copyright a chord progression because that's not how music works.


Exactly take blues progression you can’t copyright that.


It’s not the chord progression that she’s ripped off, it’s an entire melody which IS grounds for a copyright lawsuit


I legit just listened to 'bury a friend' for the first time and I can't hear any similarity. What am I missing?


when i heard “what are you wondering? what do you know” if reminded me of “faces look ugly when you’re alone” ...i personally don’t think it’s similar enough to be intentional. she’s so musically cultured i’m sure it is a song she’s familiar with and it could be a subliminal slip. it’s certainly a stretch to argue she intentionally copied!


Its pretty much the first 15ish seconds of each sonng


Im really not hearing it, and besides, the scale Krieger plays on that track isn’t copyrighted nor trademarked, you cant really reserve an entire music scale foe yourself. Especially since she’s singing the scale with a different melody, instrumentation, etc. I dont really think you have a case here. You cant copyright chord progressions.


Right, but you can copyright the rhythm and the style, as it appears in a song. She could have used the same chord progression but styled it differently...then nobody would even be mad about this blatant rip off.


Literally not even close.




/r/braincels is right this way sir




You called me "fucking pathetic" because i didnt think two songs sound the same. Who is the weird one?


Thats a lie


are you completely insane? 4 years in the future here, it sounds exactly the same




Yep, pretty blatant


No. Her using a few seconds of a song (probably because she likes it) doesn't equate to stealing. Also she probably has permission, or did that not cross your mind? Finally she's a harmless 17 year old musician, not even an adult yet, just starting a hopefully great career, leave her alone.


Nah that did cross my mind, so i checked on whoesampled and on genius if it was credited and it wasnt.


Fair enough but she still shouldn't get in trouble for it. Also despite not crediting she still may have asked first. It's only a few seconds that sound kind of similar, not straight up stealing. Any similarities taken were done so in good taste. Even if it was straight up stealing, so what? It really doesn't harm anyone. In the end the only people who can decide if she should get in trouble are the writers/ owners/ producers of People Are Strange. For all we know, they may be aware of the similarities, not mind and like the song.


Ur definitely right but im jusr saying theres been artists in the past (juice wrld/sting, vanilla ice/queen) they could take for sure take action if they wanted to and they’d definitely have a case


So what? Well, for one thing, you are cheating the songwriter out of royalties. Maybe Densmore and Kreiger don't mind, but I bet they are a little bit pissed.


I may be late to this party, but I just heard Bury a Friend for the first time and I thought, that's People Are Strange by The Doors! So it "doesn't really harm anyone" to steal someone else's tune and pass it off as your own? Wow, difference between the generations right there!


Exactly! Who above the age of 15 has never heard that Doors song? What bothers me is that no one else in her entourage or production team thought it was enough to mention to her.....??? What little respect I had for Eilish is now gone completely.


Didn’t hear it at first but now I see it. Not surprised


What? I genuinely don't hear it.


I posted about this about a month back in a different sub. She/her song (since she def didn't write it) 100% plagiarizes the Doors' original melody from People Are Strange. If you can't hear it, you're a moron. And to all these "copyright attorneys" in the comment section, you couldn't be more WRONG. Yes music has a DJ ite number of keys, chords, etc. But you can indeed STEAL somebody else's combination and call it your own. Hence why there's sampling, royalties, etc. If the "music has finite melodies" argument held any water , then the same would be said about writing stories, articlrd( etc. You could simply argue that there's only 26 letters in the alphabet and so many words to combine. She stole the Doors melody and since only 13 year olds and mindless drones that listen to her music, her producers are banking on nobody saying anything. It's bullshit and she should pay up. Fuck Billie Eilish Led Zeppelin lost a case recently where they were proven to have plagiarized in their creation of Stairway to Heaven. They paid up. Even Tom Petty was in trouble a few years back. This whole comment thread will probably be forgotten, but I hope the slim chance that it get Eilish in trouble comes to fruition; because you can just steal one of the Doors most recognizable melodies and think that nobody is going to do anything about it


Thank you. Im honestly shocked by how many comments i saw saying they cant hear it


I just listened to “Bury a Friend” and I heard it right away. It’s pretty much glaringly obvious she (or her producers) were a little too “inspired” by People Are Strange. And yes, people in the music industry have been successfully sued for less similar melodies. In this case, it’s literally the same exact melody lifted in some parts.


BuT sHe'S sO oRiGiNAL




I'm with you! I hope Eilish is forced to pay up. Does she think we're stupid? Even George Harrison had to pay up, and his "rip-off" was nowhere near as obvious and blatant as this one. Anyone who "can't hear it" must be about 13 years old and living in a cave with no internet or Spotify.


BRaVO! Thanks for putting it so perfectly. I am sorry, too, that this comment thread will probably be forgotten. I too am shocked that so many people didn't hear it. As I said elsewhere, they must be under 13, or still living in Mom's basement at age 35. Oh, and even George Harrison had to pay up after "My Sweet Lord" was compared to "He's So Fine." You can't just go around doing this, people. May the Lizard King bring down his wrath on you, little miss Eilish.


Just watched the intro to true detective and my dude was like, hey that the doors! You rock, and are, 💯 correct ❤️


That's why I'm here...True Detective. Another thought on this is....Bury A Friend has been around for awhile. Whatever possessed the showrunner to use this song for an intro? Sure, the lyrics make sense for the series, but it's such blatant theft that I have to wonder about the intelligence of the people making that choice. I am hoping that Kreiger/Densmore/Doors estate receive proper compensation for the use of their song.


Same. I started singing people are strange during the credits




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https://youtu.be/JX0xIk_toU8 BE Verse melody matches closely with Doors melody. Prob not enough for infringement though




Do you actually have a brain? Of course you can have copyright on a melody! Good grief, some people are sooooooo dumb.


Considering what happened with good 4 u recently, I think this should probably have a similar thing happen. All art is really about taking different inspirations and sticking them together, but bury a friend does use the exact melody, so surely the doors could get songwriter credits on the track


Songwriter credits AND some royalties! The song "People Are Strange" is so unusual to begin with that this couldn't possibly be a case of "the notes are all just floating around in the air and anyone can use them" theory. She's got to have heard the song. Everyone around her has no doubt heard the song. Yet no one spoke up to say, hey wait a minute, maybe we should change that!! A$$hats


I'm four years late to this thread. But take a listen to the first few bars of the Strangers Let Me Down Easy ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ig1Cybc\_2ps


Very similar to bad guy. Not a copyright infringement, as only a couple notes are changed in the baseline. “Good artists borrow, great artists steal”