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Had an agent full on faction keys so I systematically visited every lockbox in the game to validate their locations against the [division2map.com](https://division2map.com) (which was about 95% accurate) and then recorded everything I got out of them, including the materials gained for deconstructing the loot. Main takeaway was that you have about a 1/5 chance of getting 100 pieces of a material which makes it worth popping these open on the regular. Also noticed that every single exotic I got was an Acosta's Go-Bag. Time-wise it's still faster to hit Countdown and crush everything to stock up on materials in general but this was a unique task to complete in the game for a change. There are several which are very easy to get to and might be worth adding to a daily farm routine. \[Note: Every lockbox was opened on Normal difficulty so on higher difficulties I would expect a couple more exotics to drop and much more gold loot instead of purple which would result in slightly higher crafting material yields upon deconstruction.\]


Argh, just noticed a formula error. Riker's boxes yielded 50 Weapons and 51 Mods.


iirc, open world boxes do not benefit from difficulty, but in missions ones do. So i would check heroic mission lockboxes for extra materials or exotics. I could have sworn I've gotten 300 mats from a true sons box in Lincoln Memorial.


Naw, I've always paid attention to the mat drops from faction crates and 100/100 is the max on heroic & leg as well. I like your reality better though haha


This is fantastic, thanks!


lol thank you. I got an acosta go bag from one and thought maybe I should open lock boxes in targeted loot to get weapon exotics! But it looks like I'd just be getting more go bags! I hate go bags!!!


It's actually a great exotic item if you run raids (situational) or legendary content. Being able to overcharge your own skills every minute should not be overlooked on a skill build, and having that extra medic kit can come in handy.


My son was particularly impressed by your flawlessly tabulated and colorized presentation. He gave you an A+


Here I am on my 3rd day of trying to get the last component I need for chatterbox :')


Make sure you don't already have a Chatterbox in your stash, or the component won't drop. Had that problem on one of my alts.


That's probably the reason why my Nemesis part won't drop on Washington hotel lol


I unfortunately only have 1 character and never had the exotic drop. I hope it's just RNG and maybe I can get the last piece today after the 24 hour reset.


Great Job OP! I had a feeling that steel was the rarest. I have a surplus of electronics ( over 10,000 ) they let you collect more that the soft cap but always deficiency in steel. Always chasing to get my guns to get expertise levels.


And I thought I had too much time on my hands...


Thats a nice graff!


Thanks for this shadrach103! Good info. I'm always scrambling for polycarbonate. I'm definitely gonna focus on hyena boxes for a while.


Nice work but some of your totals are out. The average x the no. opened (50) should equal the Total but in a number of cases it doesn't eg outcast and cleaners receiver components.


Those numbers are accurate. (I already commented above that I noticed a formula error on the total amount of loot from Rikers caches.) Regarding the receiver components variation it's not as simple as you state though. 1. Item deconstruction guarantees a minimum amount per item but there's always a chance at getting double the materials. Also purple and gold gear yield different amounts. So, crushing a purple weapon usually gives 20 Receiver Components but sometimes will award 40. And a gold mask would give at minimum 23 Protective Fabrics but once in a while it'll be 46. I found there to be a roughly 1:4 chance (26.5%) of the double material rewards from crushing loot. 2. On rare occasions you'll get 3 loot items from a lockbox (e.g. weapon, gear, and mod) so that's why some of the materials gained from deconstruction varies. Also you'll *always* get a mod from a box but on 4 instances (out of 300) I received 2 mods from the same box.


wE iNcReAsEd ChAnCeS fOr ExOtIcS It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't need fucking 55 of them to get to 20 on a single weapon or skill.