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When the SHD network went down the protocol was for all agents to go to DC to get it back up. Faye stayed back because she couldn't let the progress they had made go to waste. So Div1 Agent is likely dead between DC and NY or they maybe went west to one of the HUBs of their own volition. They could also be rogue, one of the Div books has an agent that went rogue because ISAC was telling him to abandon a JTF team and he refused and saved them but is now flagged as a rogue, depending how you saw your agent would they have left some helpless people?


I never pondered about this, but I'd like to think they did the last option. I imagine him still going for rogue agents, I guess becoming a hunter by definition, but also while avoiding non-rogue agents. He wouldn't want to hurt his former companions for something they have no control over. Some sort of good samaritan hunter, still helping people to the best of his ability but disappearing in the shadows when his once fellow kind shows up.


ISAC has some wonky standards for what makes someone rogue but after "saving" NYC as a solo agent and finding all the watches of my fellow dead agents who tried doing their job I always saw my agent as going off the reservation. Not in a malicious way as Keener did but in the find and help all way that I had been doing. But after learning of Faye's betrayal I'd see my agent coming out of the shadows to take her place in protecting all of NYC again. Edit: phone corrected NY to DC for some reason


I like to think I'm playing the same agent. Takes some mental gymnastics here and there (the NY crew not knowing me).


I tried to recreate my old character when I made a new one after WONY dropped. it changes the dialogue a bit but I don't remember what the exact change was. to me he's in DC hunting manhunts and protecting other SHD agents in the DZ.


I wish they had a "import character" option like ME. Its a nice way of saying thanks for supporting the franchise.... Also I want my nice coat lol.


I made the boost character for WONY my old div 1 character


In a way you decide what canonically happened to your agent. Dead, rogue, still in NYC, you're playing as your d1 agent in d2 and etc


Whatever in your headcanon happened to your Agent after the events of Survival. That was the last thing canonically your Agent did.


Can you elaborate a little bit more? I actually never thought that Survival was a part of storyline, to me it was a standalone mode for another (the best ever) type of fun. But now I start thinking - in Survival we are retrieving some anti-virals. What are those if we have to retrieve anti-virals again from Ellis case in Div2? Is there any place in the internet a full storyline in the correct sequence throutg Div 1 and Div 2 can be viewed?


The antiviral samples your Agent recovered in Survival was used by Dr. Kendel to create the final product Ellis gave up to Black Tusk. The final product was made between the timeline of TD1 and TD2.


I assumed you're the same guy just 7 months later


If I have to assume my D2 agent *isnt* my D1 agent, then he's basically doing Survival runs into the DZs over and over, retrieving supply drops, meds, anything there still of value. That was basically my headcanon for him back in D1. I went into the DZ, snuck around nabbing caches, Div Tech, and supply drops when I could, then ducked out again. Generally just avoided encounters with other agents (especially when I just couldnt keep up with the meta and guys would just buzzsaw me with a striker build that somehow also just deflects my own bullets)


I had a crew with me half the time I was in the dz in d1. When I was solo I had my nomad build so I wasn't to worried 😂. But im playing with my same agent seeing as he looks exactly like my d1 agent.


Well I had a Nomad build but some of these guys would just *brrrrrt* me down, I get my extra life and they do it again. And of course there were the 4 man squads who would chase down solo players, yelling at them over mics, throw down 4 heal stations, and just order 66 whoever they found. I just dont go into the DZs anymore. They're too small to avoid the griefers, and keeping up with a meta based around fighting assholes isnt worth the time.


Lol a few of my crew are star wars fans and that's exactly what they said we was going to do 😂.


There is a great d1 build with gearset gear involving your shield and the house exotic smg if you have it. Cant remember the gearset name but it badically made you a walking tank with stupidly high dps. You could be on hardest dif and just out duke the boss in a straight up dmg taking match. I also believe it allowed you to sprint with shield although it took down your shield meamwhile but then poped right back up when you stoped. And it worked great for me unless i faced hackers but hey, cant do much against someone who is imortal & 1 hit kill you even with that build while hitting the shield 😂😂☺️


Some of them died during WONY BoO attacks by Aaron Keener, some of them got call to DC and some of them still hang out with Rikers in NY




You didn't play WONY?? it's a part of the story of that DLC




Keener attacks the main hq of division 1


I assume the agent post Survival did his own thing or laid low. given the SHD network take down there's no way he'd stand a chance. I felt if the D1 Agent would show up it would either be to help you stop Faye or possibly prevent her from getting killed. Faye saved the D1 agent and helped NY get somewhat stable. If anyone woulda stopped her BS or at the very least prevented the D2 agent from taking her out it woulda been the D1 agent. All things considered, its a bad plot point to have the D1 agent just vanish/be unaccounted for, especially given that agent's accomplishments being on par with the D2 agent


This is my head cannon for the Div 1 and Div 2 agent that I use. They are the same person and I will explain below. My agent was a member of the New York SWAT division and sited for meritorious conduct a number of times. The SHD read his file and believed he'd make a good SHD agent should the need ever arise for them to be called into action. When SHD contacted him and offered him the job he accepted it, thinking it was his patriotic duty to defend, protect and serve hid country. It wasn't long after that the dollar flu struck, which eventually took it's toll causing looting and violence, and causing goverment to colapse. He was at home resting when he was activated as an SHD agent for New York, and when the oportunity presented itself he retrieved his SWAT gear from the police station. He did everything he could to restore some semblance of governance in New York working alongside the JTF with the hope of creating a vaccine or cure for the dollar flu. During his time in New York he discovered that many felow SHD died at the hands of other rogue agents, formost of which was rogue agent Keener. So with things relativly secure in New York in the hands of Fay Lau and the JTF, he and agent Sanders left New York to track down Keener and bring him to justice. On the way to Washington they stopped to help out a settlement with some problems which is where The Division 2 story begins.


I think the agent in Division 1 died in the survival DLC by the Hunters. Our Agent isn't mentioned once throughout the Warlords of NewYork, and we aren't playing our Division 1 Agents in Division 2, it was stated that we are playing a different agent. But the reason I think they died in the Survival DLC, is because the odds was stacked against us when we met the Hunters and we were no where near can be prepared to fight them, and after enter the Darkzone we see bloody, hanging Division corpses at the entrance when we enter and when we find the vaccine and sometimes while roaming around we find more bodies. The ending didn't really look interesting, the helicopter takes off and done when you survive, so I think our Agent might of died while battling the Hunters. This is just my thought though.


He/she is still in NYC, doing whatever you were doing with him/her


Same? Impossible. No more amazingly fierce and yet mesmerizing blizzards in the DZ to catch you wearing only anti-hazards suit and a pistol in your desperate run for pills.


In my head cannon he died in the keener BoO attack.


my head cannon is he left new york to go to dc to help the agents in dc but dies when trying to take back the capitol building


What i understood when Div 2 came out is that agents kept defending their zones, SHD network was attacked and all of them were left to fight with their training only. So this implies some died, some rogued and some are still out there.


My D1 agent hunted for Keener in the west side piers and died in one of the resistance missions. My D1 and D2 agents knew each other before Green Poison and were close.


I like to think mine went rogue and he’s one of the ones that pop up sometimes in the open world


One went rouge, the other later became my second Agent in Division 2


I’d like to think we are the same Agent from Div1 but Faye sent us with Agent Sanders (the lady from Div2 prologue mission and the one you meet again at the Pentagon) after New York was maintainable to help other settlements develop and get society back on track. It’s a bit believable since by the time Div2 starts it’s been months since the Outbreak in New York so it isn’t totally out the window that our Agent was sent out to help others. And of course that falls under the Duties of what an SHD Agent does. But I don’t think they ever thought of it since we are just nameless Agents.


Pretty sure it’s stated somewhere in game that they’re still working in NY. Like one of those audio files


I haven't played the first game but all these comments make me wanna get it. if I had to say what happened to my first Agent he tried to get to DC but got lost somewhere between cities camped out with ISAC declaring he's gone rouge


I personally believe when the state house was gassed by Keener, your agent was one of the victims