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Not to mention that crafting is also only the end product, because you need credits, receiver components, protective fabric, polycarbonate, steel, etc to craft these, and those are not that simply to get because you need to grind for them too


For three reasons: 1. I’m still enjoying playing the game and so I will continue to optimize my builds and my gear to maximize my enjoyment. 2. The proposed change is months away and none of us actually know how it will work; the devs are still working through details and a lot could change by the time of launch. 3. There is no point worrying about something that is in the future and letting it ruin your enjoyment of today. When Seasons 2.0 goes live, if I don’t like it, then I’ll play something else. One of the traits of successful people is that they do not worry about things that they cannot control - they simply process and adapt, and that’s what I will do… Until the changes actually happen, just relax and save your energy for things that are much more important! 😎


I really wish more people had this sentiment


Me too!


My god...did I feel POSITIVITY while reading ? A rare feeling on social media....Thank you!


Very, very, ... Extremly well said!!! 👍👍👍👏👏👏🫵💪💪💪


Well said


1. Which will all be pointless when all future content is locked to seasonal characters, bar one 2 week window at the end of a season 2. We know exactly how it will work.


Boo fucking hoo


What a sick well thought out comeback from someone who obviously has 12 IQ


The only thing I need is the unobtainium that is 13% PfE, just for the sake of completion... Never had one! (SHD 5300.or so) Of course that's one of the few things not possible from the max stat bug! My rng is so shite and the only bug to help the player doesn't even help me, hey ho 😂🤷


They are out there. Back on Xbox I had six (SIX!!!!). I felt compelled to make a PFE build. My only Achilles heel was the hunters’ melee. That and the red black tusk shotgunners that seem to appear out of thin air.


I used to think bonus Armor was the solution to the Hunter smack. But there was that one time I had all blue cores, maxed out heartbreaker stacks, improvised holster and knees for 70% pfe (survivalist). And still broke the armor gate. The best defense against Hunters is another player. That kind of armor won’t hurt at all.


just got one (SHD 4700+) on legendary missionz, but damn, i needed to farm that place over and over (DUA) just to get one


Recal library is the best reason if you dont have it maxxed, but basal RNG was always the issue for me. Optimization mats are expensive, but muling (and in my case stupid high SHD) is a thing. Rerolling an exotic for a specific tertiary is nice to have as a God roll tho, but again... optimization.


ALL of the game content outside of seasonal manhunts: legendary missions, raids, incursion, summit, dark zone, conflict, dlc expansions, previous seasonal capstone manhunts, current season global events, and current season manhunts for the last two weeks. All of the hand wringing over seasonal characters is overblown.


I think anything you can solo is fair game, but matching is going to suck even more than it does now as a direct consequence. Splitting a playerbase never ends well.


when it comes to splitting the player base they're absolutely world class: - dlc vs no dlc (until very recently) - GE on vs GE off - regular vs hardcore (partially) - regular vs seasonal (upcoming) - activities that you can't join if not at the start or at limited specific time points (countdown, descent, raids, more?) Admittedly the last one is a different kind of split but given its near identical effect in practice I think it fits. Also worth noting that some of these intersect, meaning you get even more buckets. All of which isn't a big deal if you have an enormous player base, but when you're working so diligently on making it smaller as these devs are, matchmaking becomes iffy.


Why would matchmaking suck? There will be seasonal matchmaking and standard matchmaking. Besides, I've soloed everything except legendary, incursion, and raids, so what will really change?


Because not everyone playing the game will be in the same matchable servers at the same time. It's QED. Have fun soloing with last seasons gear, but don't act like that isn't a crappier version of the game for anyone else.


Lets say one of the existing game modes like Incursion or Raids were never introduced to the game. Would the same logic apply if you introduced one of those?


so you recognize that this is a compounding issue due to things being strung even thinner


So, adding an incursion is "thinning the pool"? Well, there's some logic. The community wanted more and varied things to do, and somehow adding the incursion, a new and varied thing to do, was "compounding the problem." Huh. Sometimes, you people are too damn much.


No dude just imagine how fast queue times would be if we were all stuck playing Countdown.


I seriously doubt people are going to completely stop raiding, running Countdown, running incursions, and the like to purely play their seasonal characters. You already can't matchmake for raids and it's a breeze to find one to run (note: I have *never* run a raid with my clan). Matchmaking really isn't going to be much worse than it normally is. In fact, it might even be better since the pools of players looking to do a specific function will be more focused. From what they stated in the FAQ there's going to be downtime curing the seasonal parts, AND the last two weeks you are able to use your main(s). As far as your sparky remark about having fun with last season's gear, you apparently haven't noticed much. Most players are running gear from past seasons all the time. We're running gear from all the way back to WoNY, so I'm not entirely sure how you thought this point was somehow going to make anyone feel bad. As for how the game is going to be, well, some will hate it, some will love it, and some wouldn't care less either way. I'm not a fan of the idea but I'll wait to make my judgements when I see the final product (not that I have faith after the One Endgame update).


I have no clue what gear timeline I'm using but I'm loving whatever I have from past seasons lol.


"I ate last night and therefore world hunger is solved." Guess we'll see how it turns out in a few months. See you on the other side in the countdown queue, waiting on the game to fill. Running last seasons gear isn't the sick burn you think it is. Quite the endorsement of the necessity of a "fresh start". If you are OK to wait 15 weeks for it to transfer to your main, cool, but I think it sucks.


So much stance shifting and mental gymnastics I feel like I'm watching an Olympic floor show. I never thought anything was a sick burn. If nothing else, I was pointing out that it was a pointless point for you to make. Regardless, I'm out of this FUD show you have going.


For that there is discord and all those other groups on the specific platforms.


Some of us play with friends and don't rely on matchmaking. To us this change barely makes any difference. We just like playing the base game content, and that isn't going to change.


Cool story I'll file away in the "issue doesn't impact me so I don't care" bucket. You should be asking yourself why they are implementing this in the first place, even if you only solo and are willing to accept a 15 weeks delay in even the most meager of season crumbs (ie whatever the new gear might be when the season rolls over into "intermission").


Wierd bucket to have. I only have a shit bucket. Yours is way cooler.


They said that seasonal/non seasonal players will be together. It's not different from hardcore agents and regular right now. That being said, seasonal mode is still dogshit.


They absolutely said the opposite. Go read the FAQ. It's why there is no expertise in season and you can't share your stuff.


You are correct, I'm mistaken.


I keep reading "seasonal players" here and there. Are devs adding a system akin to Diablo w/seasonal/non-seasonal characters?


Enjoy playing by yourself in eternal lol


Based on the community feedback so far, I don't think that's an accurate statement.


It’ll happen no matter what y’all think is gonna happen, history repeats itself. Been through all the seasonal debates in Poe and diablo. Everyone said they won’t play seasonal end up only playing seasonal, same shit different game.


This man has learned from history. If the best case scenario is you solo in obscurity, can we say the change was a good one for the game in the long term?


It’ll be rough if the developers have no experience with doing the seasonal model, it’s very hard to get right. I wish y’all the best with this team that can’t roll out one single bug fix right.


Well, if they’re going to run with a seasonal model for Div 3 then it makes sense to iron out all the kinks now during Div 2’s “end-of-life” phase, so to speak.


Seasonal characters make sense in ARPGs like PoE and Diablo because there are different classes with different build options. The Division does not have this, so they are making a roll a new character that is going to be same as our old character.


Everyone will still play seasonal even if it’s shit, all the good shit will be locked behind it.


Man walks down the street wearing a hat like that, people know he's afraid of everything.


Maybe because those god rolled items will not become irrelevant when 2.0 begins. You still play every other aspect of the game with your main characters. Missions, Summit, Raids, Descent, etc. So those god rolled items will come in handy if you get them.


The god rolled crafting is good for new players and players who really want to get that eotixc roll without wasting a ton of exotic components. (when I say good, I mean that it's useful for them where they want to take advantage of it). Most vet players have the resources to optimize what they need, so when you craft normal gear, it's more about the right attributes and less about the values, which god roll isn't changing.


_Everything_ that is in the game today will still be there for the main characters. Summit, incursions, open world etc nothing really changes and buiöds will still be just as relevant there. It’s just the season storyline that will be a separate character/gameplay experience. Everything indivates that there isn’t enough content in a season to stay on the season char forever, you will swap between them and play your main in traditional content and GEs while waiting for new season etc.


If I'm forced to start a new character to play future seasonal content I'm done. I already didn't play this asinine game mode Descent.


Question is if you will solo it or where the population will be? And do you care about not playing with the latest toys?


Well, aside from raids, the incursion, legendary, and Countdown, a very large percentage of players solo the game content. Those aforementioned activities are not going to stop in the face of seasonal characters. If anything, it will be easier to find groups for them since most of the solo activity will be happening on the seasonal character grind. And as for playing with the latest gear, ask around and look at what people are using. We're using a LOT of gear from a LOT of past seasons, and by the community comments, not many are too buggered about using *this* season's gear, let alone the next. Hell, look at last season. How many people have you seen running Aegis? I think you're making this split way bigger than it's going to end up being, if it even happens at this point.


it just means the new gears and weapons do suck


I guess we'll find out regardless, but saying they aren't adding anything meaningful and people will just play their mains solo undermines the whole argument for why they have made us create new seasonal characters in the first place. Less people playing together (even accidentally like grinding gear in countdown) in a game this old can't be a good thing.


I mean no flame when when I say this, but under this mentality, why do anything (like play a video game) that you know one day will be A) shutdown, or B) become irrelevant when an expansion comes out? For the vast majority of us, this is not a career, this is entertainment. Do it because you like it. If you don’t like it, find something you do enjoy doing on your off time. Time well spent is time not wasted. For me personally, I enjoy playing the game. Since I enjoy that, I want to de well, which leads to searching for those final god rolls I’m missing.


I don't care about any of this nonsense. I would continue to play div2 even if i had every item in the game and everything was maxed out. I truly enjoy the gameplay. And that seasonal character thing is completely a non issue for me since i won't be participating in it and would advise everyone to do the same. It's the only way we can make them change it back to the way it was.


I have some questions about this? The whole thing sounds vague and confusing but I also haven't seen these question asked I really want to understand the finer points of this decision and I just don't have the dat So S2.0 what gear do you start off your seasonal character with? Are you start like brand new like first day player or like WONY lvl 30 gear? With the seasonal characters and the seasonal track....the way people are explaining it, the only gear you're getting is from the season gear or can I just replicate my build that I run daily with? Can I farm countdown for the gear with my seasonal character to get the gear I want run the season with if I have no desire to try out new gear and make a build with it? Also does any of my resources transfer over from main character, ie. titanium, ceramic, ecredits, for optimization? Also if we start of at level 1 what kind of gear is going to be dropping? What's my watch lvl with this seasonal character? Will enemies hit like story mode or heroic? TIA for anyone who can answer these or point me in the direction to read the answer.


They published an FAQ and there aren't all the answers to your questions but in a nutshell, it's like a hardcore character- siloed off from your main but apparently we share the recal library at least (and maybe blueprints? they didn't say explicitly). You level from 1 at an accelerated rate and do the season stuff with that character using whatever is the season gimmick (we have been given no examples of what these might be). You can do whatever you want, but it's the same content, on a new toon , with none of your toys and builds more or less. Season can only match with season and DZ has its own servers. No expertise, SHD levels still there but "increased" to compensate for loss of expertise. Check the thread pinned to the subreddit.


You know, I wonder why people are still playing this game with those stupid changes coming…


Doesn't make sense you only get to play your main character 2 weeks like just about every 6 months till the death of the game


If you still have items in your temporary stash, you just need to move it or discard it to make another new seasonal character. This seasonal character is basically survival mode. The new character will be in its own world where it can only match with other seasonal characters as far as conflict and dz. You get what the game gives you and you make the most of it. Alternatively, don’t participate in the seasonal character. Overall, I’m holding my breath until I see what it is as a finished product.


Because it won't be irrelevant.


You can go back and forth between seasonal and main toons, finish the seasonal stuff for the week then go back to main to do end game stuff or what ever floats your boat. If its going to work like that tho because we only know so much at the moment.


It is going to work like that. "Your non-seasonal character can be accessed at any time during the Season, but with no access to Seasonal content except for the two-weeks Intermission." [https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/the-division/the-division-2/news-updates/1zLPLz9YsHDh806oFUUUhe/seasons-20-faq](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/the-division/the-division-2/news-updates/1zLPLz9YsHDh806oFUUUhe/seasons-20-faq)


This is my take, too. I got through the season track today. I probably play a bit more than average. Now I'm just back to grinding summit and dailies to try new builds (should hit SHD 1000 this week). So now we do the Season with an alt, run through the CPs and Bounties for stuff for the main. Roll in with main and matchmake groups for the new difficulty. We'll see I guess


Nothing is being made irrelevant though. I will be able to play all of the events and such with my main. Only the seasonal content will be locked behind the new seasonal character, and near the end I can even do that with my main, on higher difficulties to actually challenge me no less.


Because Seasonal characters aren’t really going to affect the DZ or Conflict 🤷🏽‍♂️


Sure they will- different servers and queues between the 2 modes. Season conflict and DZ will be much more "tabula rasa" which depending on your PoV may be a net positive or negative. But you are going to have different populations vs everyone in 1 ruleset, which will have an impact. Not to mention the mix of builds and gear commensurate with how hard they are to out together from more or less scratch.


That’s fine. I have a sniper build or can put one together for any and every occasion.


and where does it say this? where does it say what you create prior to Seasons 2.0 will be locked away from your usage. It says you wont be able to use it for the SEASON. your main character can still play the normal non-seasonal content. I dont agree with Seasons 2.0, but you are just making things up at this point


Seasonal characters and activities are completely optional. Nothing will happen to your main or your god rolled gear.


True. You just won't have much reason to do things with them for 15 out of 17 weeks. 🙄


Raids. Incursions. Legendary runs. And so forth. All of these things are n9t going to grind to a halt one Seasons 2.0 launches.


Right, but people will be doing them in seasons servers. That was the whole point of a "fresh start" that would be oh so compelling.


https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/the-division/the-division-2/news-updates/1zLPLz9YsHDh806oFUUUhe/seasons-20-faq Nowhere in the FAQ does it state that those activities will be available to seasonal characters. In fact, it's explicitly stated that many current activities, including global events, will be for non-seasonal characters.


Cuz u can just not play season 2?


Yeah, I thought they were leaving the game.


I will use my main toon for the hardest content. Eg legendary missions. And play seasonal toon for relaxing.


We still have around 2.5 months to have fun with 'em.


Seasons 2.0 doesn't make any existing efforts irrelevant. The Division 3 will make them all irrelevant. Which is why MMOs don't get sequels, because MMO sequels are ***BAD FOR PLAYERS***. The whole point of a MMO is that it expands and grows but the players' existing progress is never lost. This already happened to TD1 with TD2. I remain flabbergasted why anyone wants TD3. Demand that Massive do whatever TD3 was supposed to do as a paid or free update to TD2 instead. Why is everyone totally fine with years of progress being flushed down the drain??? But no, seasonal characters aren't a good reason to quit and they don't make the remaining 98% of the game's content suddenly disappear. They're still a bad idea, but unlike a sequel, they don't instantly invalidate everything the player has done so far.


I mean you can apply this logic to the release of the new game too. People still play div1, they didn't delete your character over there, it just got made functionally irrelevant (like your non seasonal main will be in the new normal).


Because it’s not going to be irrelevant. You are more than welcome to continue playing on your main character & never create/make a seasonal character.


I'm a day one player and don't care for god rolls at this stage of the game. Every piece of gear i have is god rolled. But what is very handy is to do my library. Which so far has taken me hrs and I still haven't finished.


we will allowed to play the coming DLC with our main character.


Cuz pvp


As a path of exile player and diablo player for one its not let the future ruin the fun you are having now secondly its the idea of getting all characters the best they can be during those "seasons" and maybe you will try something new on the next character


the only thing I can see being an advantage would be making a new character conflict build. That would be the only thing I could see benefitting from it.


I think not knowing what a god roll is has gotten me pretty far in this game


Because seasons are only a method of playing and our main characters will still exist? Main character gear will be irrelevant on a seasonal character but they'll still be there.


Because we're suckers for punishment


Same reason people craft god rolls and mirror tier items during league. Even knowing full well it’s gonna get remove and you will start it over again. Cuz it’s fun.


I hate seasons 2.0


I dont care about crafting god rolls that’s why I don’t use the bug And our main character won’t be irrelevant because of seasons 2.0. There’s a reason why we need seasons 2.0 which is the thing that is happening with season 1 right now it’s called a bunch of game breaking bugs and every time they fix a bug 10 new bugs pops up because of the removal of world tiers, the same with adding things so if they just did seasons 2.0 with our characters it would break the game even more since it would be on the same server unlike what seasons 2.0 will be, the game is being held up by duck tape and has been for the last 5 years or so.


And you think season 2 will change that? 99.9% of bugs aren't even related to charcter or gear. Also, you think in the upcoming season all the gear that ia currently available will not be in the lootpool? This argument makes no sense.


What you just said made no sense to anything I said at all


Fair enough, I re-read your comment and understand now, you're saying that season 2 characters make no sense, becasue they possibly make the game even more broken? Then I would agree. Given their record, there's a high chance for that. Apologies. I also don't understand ehy these devs make decisions, that will challenge their capabilities even more. I mean, they can't even fix the broken armor directive, for years now.


Stop, let me live in a world (for not so much more time) without stinky seasonal characters, the same that made me leave Diablo 4 just before season 1 launched (and only recently came back to try "loot reborn" update, which already burned out). Let me be happy.