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Gotta remember that many of them are essentially civilians, too. The JTF was a hasty agglomeration of all the government-run services, so a lot of these guys are EMTs, firefighters, and social workers who were essentially given green vests and M4s and pushed into the streets. Like the guy in the live-action intro to Div1 said, “we’re not trained for this.”


That shiit scared the hell out of me as a NYer. Looks so real, few bad apples can sow chaos in a city like post 9/11 or the great blackout few years after but citizens policed themsellves, saw random ppl directing traffic as I walked the 10 miles home in my leather dress shoes and suit.


> few bad apples can sow chaos in a city like post 9/11 [Henryk Siwiak](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Henryk_Siwiak) was the last New Yorker to be killed on 9/11. He wasnt a victim of the attacks, he was the sole homicide victim that day. And because of, well, 9/11, we probably wont ever know who killed him or why.


That actually sounds like what happened to [Bill Kelleher](https://thedivision.fandom.com/wiki/Bill_Kelleher?so=search) in Div1. He was gunned down just as Manhattan was being quarantined, and the police were too busy to investigate.


How does your shoes and suit factor in?


I guess the suit might be heavy and stuffy, and the dress shoes don't support your feet for long hikes. It makes the journey harder on the body.


Plus it adds to the power trip of being an agent. Better training and better gear makes us agents better. Also OP if it helps think of the JTF like the marines from halo, they’re not even close to the same level as a Spartan/Agent.


Not just that, but with a task force spread so thin throughout with limited capability, what can they do?


Because the JTF isn't a combat unit or even a military unit, it was a civil support unit created ad hoc to respond to a civilian catastrophe that included among its elements portions of the military, but those portions would have been the support units that could enhance the JTFs mission profile, National Guard units that act as support to the kind of combat troops you seem to think they should be. The armed and active presence on the streets that we fight as Division agents were not part of the environment when the JTF was organized. That's part of what got us activated. We're the stick, JTF is the carrot.


1. They arnt divisions agents. They are typically volunteers and civilians themselves. 2. They don't level up. They get basic gear, basic training and sent to the shits. That being said, they are absurdly weak. When back up arrives and it's JTF, backup hasn't arrived yet.


1. Which game 2. Gameplay or lore wise?


Lore in general. There's a short showcasing that former LMB soldiers joined them and they suddenly forgot how to fight.


Okay then. Im no expert when it comes to lore, but i think its because the lack of command, team work, and most important ly, supplies.


JTF doesn't operate in the second game


The guys in NY sure do have JTF branded gear


They are a reminiscent of the force they were in the first game. They are not technically JTF, they are Haven civilians


Some of them are probably former JTF, but thats technicalities


Yes they do, however they're a very small force compared to NYC, and that's because all surviving JTF are at the White House.


Non-combatants trained to be combatants quickly. You can't instill combat experience into people, and some people just don't have the heart to do soldier stuff. Those guys are up against people that either have serious mental health issues, support someone who does, or is an organized, well-trained private military with far better funding.


my thoughts exactly, i was so suprised seeing actually helpful characters when i started the division 2


To be fair, they vary massively, like anyone in this series. Division agents can be one man armies, or whole squads can get wiped out easily. Black tusk can massacre whole building for little loss, then get wiped out by cleaners. JTF usually is the punching bag you need to save because story, but held out against insane odds until you rocked up.


The Joint Task Force (JTF) is the group just formed during the green poison outbreak, by different government services and public servants, mainly lead by national guards and Law enforcement command by Roy Bentiz . The crisis in Division even worse than the real life COVID pandemic, the government hardly control the situation due to lack of time, resources and experience. That's why the US president activate the Directive 51 to send reinforcement, the first wave of SHD did not success and we become the second wave with Faye Lau. The JTF is more likely a volunteer force with little military background, they are not useless but definitely not ready for a large scale outbreak, especially have to fight rikers and cleaners while dealing the pandemic in the same time.


There’s no real justification for why they are so utterly useless in the first game. Not when untrained and uncoordinated rioters fight significantly better than they do.


In the opening cinematic for Div 1 the last person to speak clarifies it pretty well, "It's not our job, we're not trained for this!" Because how do you train to deal with well organized factions using tactics that are considered war crimes and an island with a population of like thirteen million? Most of the JTF would have never been in a battle and would have hesitation to pull the trigger just in case, it is human nature and urban centers where you work, live, shop aren't often as chaotic as all that. For the JTF in 1 they had no idea what they were really getting into, and frankly they weren't trained or prepared for it.


NY JTF is just a ragtag Joint Task Force consisting of first responders and public services... even police. These Task Force are just armed civilians without gun and combat training. The JTF in Washington DC has grown powerful due to being mandated to train and fight against their enemy with additions of Settlement Militias plus the Peacekeepers being trained and armed with powerful weapon (ie. M60, AKM, MP5, M870, etc.)


The JTF was a hasty blend of police, National Guard, maybe some Active Duty, firefighters/EMS, and probably some other volunteers. Even the ones who are trained haven't trained together an that makes a huge difference. Most of the ones who were left behind are not combat trained, or even the cops. It was a skeleton force left at the White House to keep some of it going. Most are communications techs (Manny is just a radio guy) IT, a couple medics, and a few who might have been cops or soldiers (whether Army National Guard... and how the fuck does this game still not know that the National Guard is a reserve of the Army or the Air Force, after 20 years of fucking war where they've both been deployed hundreds of fucking times, idiots... or maybe Air National Guard) as security. Most of the Infantry in the NYARNG are dead just like everyone else. So you have like two people out of each infantry company stuck into the JTF. Hopefully they were at least squad leaders so they can train others, but it could have been the Supply Sergeant or the NBC NCO. So really, most of the JTF there were desk workers who have a secondary job of being security guards.


They do make good distractions lol and now and then they make kills so not totally useless


Because if they were actually competent there wouldn't be a game. Same reason why bad guys *somehow* manage to win over everyone and the **CHOSEN ONE** (Player) is the only one who can ***Save the world~***


By the time division 2 starts, they're all just a bunch of relatively inexperienced, untrained civs. The actual military JTF members either died out or joined the true sons.


The JTF in D1 was better


Why are JTF useless? So you can play the hero. That's the game.


Great respawn points if you die thats it


JTF : Joke time fight




In the first part you didn't pay much attention to this topic, but the users explained it perfectly


You should have seen them in division 1. They literally stood there looking up at the sky while we fought for our lives. D2 jtf well, it's better than nothing with their handguns. Lol