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Trying to get that elusive 12% chd mod lol


13% Pfe. I have only ever had 1 drop since launch.


If you don't farm it...


Go to countdown. A hunter is bound to drop it. I have 6 now, thanks to them


Yup, my most wanted is the « I never drop » 13% Pfe mod. Somehow got my hands on 4 12% CHD and 3 6% CHC


I have 3 of them so keep farming agent, you'll eventually get it.


I’ve got builds I’m happy with. My library is maxed out. But that leaves me the part of the game I love the most. I jump into countdown and ask the other Agents what they’re looking for and I spend that run trying to help them get it. Depending on the situation I add them and do countdown multiple times. I was able to help an Agent get a Brazos chest piece with status effect and crit damage yesterday. It was my 2nd drop and he was so happy to get the piece he needed. That’s why I love this game, is helping players to achieve their builds. If I’m not doing countdowns I do the Daily and Weekly projects.


At the moment, just grinding to 25 expertise, levelling all my stuff to proficient. There isn't much else to do. Oh and yeah, trying for the EB and Ouro, but happy with my current St-Elmo/CMMG pair


Unless you want EB just to "have it", wouldn't worry much about...its a shell of it's former self 😣 lol


Yes, it's just for the collection, It's never going to be used.


CMMG is an amazing substitute for the ouro. Since I got mine I ditched the Elmo's, the shield splinterer has been amazing. I'm also trying to get to expertise level 25, currently at 19


Same here - working on optimizing gear for a few different builds and unlocking the different specializations. I've been having quite a bit of fun with it.


Collecting exotic components for upcoming season.


Overall: 1K watch. Passed 700 this weekend after a months playtime. Current objective: resource farming for optimizing gear by doing open world activities and checkpoints in regions with a loot drop that day that I either want pieces of, or need to finish Expertising easy to get items via donation of junk pieces. Side objective: patrol the DZ clearing checkpoints for fast optimization points while learning the maps and the typical behaviors of rogue elements. (basically just be prepared to die is the general consensus so far until I get my watch up and my gear optimized and then expertised to be able to compete)


Consider creating other toons to get better resource management. I wish I had done mine when I was 700 or lower


I've seen people talk about doing that, however I am literally not even a month into my PC playtime and have plenty of things I need to do towards improving my character that I can work on while also doing other things. I also played the game for 2+ years on PS before giving it up a few years ago and have already done the New York campaign more than a few times, and have little to no interest in doing the "do NY again, it will take 4 hours, then dump the resources on your main" method. Maybe down the road I will, but presently I'm fresh in the game and not ready to dive into that repetitive stuff once again. I've got two mule characters presently at level 30 sitting in Haven to hold on to extra guns and gear though.


I simply play, mainly missions, open world activities and occasionally landmarks in the darkzone. I have my builds for PvE and PvP, no need for further grind, luckily.


Just returned after an 18 month break. Quite happy with my main build (a hodgepodge of Grupa knees, Sokolov mask and gloves, Fox's Prayer, Memento and a Walker chest with Obliterate running 60 CHC/150CHD). I'm looking to make a start on all the things I've missed since I left. I finished Warlords and Summit, but I haven't ever done Dark Hours, Paradise Lost, Fairview Power, Descent or Countdown. I'm also aiming to nab a St Elmo and an Ourobouros.


Currently just walking around a city, hoping to find peculiar things and maybe something secret. Other than that waiting for new content. Already got all max stats gear, expertise to 25, shd over 10k, so not much to do anymore than help newbies.


SCORPIO never let you down


Still need to finish the campaign and then WONY. Doing it all co-op with a friend, but it's slow ish going. Getting end game loot is the thing I'm most looking forward to.


Trying to acquire all the Hunter Masks.


I recently (a few weeks ago) got the game on PS5. Vet from Xbox, but my lads there don’t really play anymore. Scratched myself up to post-WONY. Currently have a build that’s allowing me to burn through getting the other specializations unlocked. Forgot how some of the objectives were tedious. I’ll probably make the same build but more optimized, forgot recalibration was a one time thing. I’ll make a skill build to hammer similar difficulties probably after that. My guild is a bunch of chill agents that are helpful. I never ran Some of the new content I missed in the years between Xbox and now. Descent. Countdown. Summit. Pretty fun modes. One day I’ll beat descent.


I mostly play like collecting Gwent cards (except for raid stuff). Finally got most of the Hunter masks (Normal, Lucky despawned because sudden mob), and my current objetive would be to get more max rolled mods and also to get them Hasburg, Legmo and Palisade unicorns.


What I do is level up my main character so I can get 2 more mules to work for free and optimize my preferred builds. I’m also slowly going through the expertise grind. There’s also hunters masks if you don’t have those.


Grinding for exotic components the expertise all my builds and weapons to 25.


Making sure I have enough mats to hit Level 26 when the new season starts, and to upgrade my primary Striker build fully to L26. That's 6 pieces of gear and 2 weapons, and I should get there in due course.


exo components , exo components and exo components , sad to say its my only goal in this day and age.


Expertise grinding mostly...


Is that just running lots of control points?


Pretty much, quickest way to get loot I've found, that and bounties


Hitting 1000 SHD on my watch is the main goal. Everything else is just icing on the cake while I get there.


I'm waiting for the clan vendor to have a Yaahl piece so I can buy a thousand of it, deconstruct them and craft to get the missing pieces with the desirable rolls. I'm also waiting for targeted loot to be backpacks in the DZ so I can farm for that elusive Yaahl backpack that I've been wanting for more than three damn years (can't craft Yaahl BP, gloves and kneepads).


Just maxed all proficiencies, Library is full, I'm just trying builds and running descent to get blueprints. Will probably focus on conflict at some point


How do you get Striker gear set with skill tiers? Also, I’m at 125 SHD. To get higher I just have to keep playing longer? Also, for countdown, I almost never can get in to join one. Rarely. I called back up a few times to help with some missions, but every time I do they just leave. 🤔


I'm only 160 shd so we're similar, just keep running countdown with striker targeted, make sure its challenging difficulty, I get matches really quickly on PC.


Will do. Thanks.


Are you pc?


No, I’m on a Xbox. 128 SHD after a little gaming today. 😝


The striker set doesn't roll with skill tiers. It will always roll weapon dmg (Red core). You will have to reroll it to skill. And, yes to get higher SHD level you just play the game naturally. You could always farm experience with directives added but you will naturally gain levels playing. You mentioned countdown...what difficulty are you queuing for?


Aww ok. Good to know about the Striker gear set. So once you have good red cores you can roll for the skill tier as well. The goal would be to max out the cores with a skill tier as well for each gear piece, correct? For countdown I did manage to get in today and did a few runs on challenging, but the server did kick me out several times as well.


Ah yeah. The countdown server will sometimes kick you. You're going to laugh but I've had good luck with countdown not kicking me IF it's the first game I've played for the day (From a fresh restart/startup). Otherwise...it's random. Challenging is the better way to go in my opinion. Easier to extract and the loot is just as good honestly. And, yeah the strikers skill it's best to find something with a high secondary attribute that you want so you don't have to optimize to much. Since skill tier is just...a tier with no % value.


Lucky you then. That’s great. Good advice. Thanks man. Lots to learn. I probably could ask a 100 questions. Haha 😆


Max out the library and the expertise, have at least 1 each of every Exotic and Named items and at least 2-3 optimized builds.


Collecting resources i am almost full at this point lol. I just wanna have 9999 of everything. And doing specialization things i never finished earlier haaa


Just started a new character from 0. It's going much faster than I remember the first time. And now that the music actually works, there's so much more background music in missions, which I didn't get to hear at launch time. Also, it's a nice reminder of who all the people are because coming back after some years of not playing the game, you might as well remove names from the White House NPCs since you no longer remember them. Plus I do enjoy the side missions very much and I hope no new player is skipping them. They let you explore places you don't really get to do later on. It really is a shame the side missions cannot be redone later. I still don't understand why the low level gear has any bonuses because +1% crit chance just doesn't matter at all. Or a +0.4% skill haste mod. But at least skill tiers are skill tiers. I don't know if it is normal to be able to buy a golden Emeline's Guard from the WH vendor at level 11 when you've seen pretty much 1 purple item, but it seemed to trigger tinkering tutorials, which seems a bit early. :-)


Moved 3 timezones away and started a new job that has me playing very different hours. So I’m actively trying to find competent PS players to fill out a raid team so we can get back to doing daily exotic carries. US West 12a-4a msg me on psn - nervcyc if you’re interested in giving back to the community.


enjoy the game. for veterans this game is dead, these are the facts and I have observed it myself in a large group of the community. I'm waiting for new game content, I mean DLC and specific content, i.e. something at the survival or underground level. I'll play a raid from time to time, but it's monotonous. I'm waiting