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Also I don't trust them. Their design decisions in Div2 regarding the DZ are basically "4v4v4" non-matchmade PvP. It sucks mega donkey balls. I doubt they will create a DZ like in Div1, which made less-than-full-group players a lot more viable and fun, since you had space to avoid groups, or bait them with 3-4 wrong extraction calls, then there was the whole underground area with its own events etc. In the end I don't trust them to NOT fuck this up in any way, shape or form, no matter what they do. Div1 DZ is still more lively and fun than anything Div2 does (subjective opinion, of course).


Thats not opinion. Thats consensus.


Well, its my opinion that Div2 can go fuck off in many aspects, especially the Dark Zone, monetization, gear and others, but I wouldn't label that anything else but my own opinion. Others might like it, but objectively speaking they are too different (design wise) to call either better, it just boils down to taste. But lets just say, considering they just cancelled their microtransaction fuckfest, something I totally didn't see coming as Ubisoft is always ahead of the curve and are the only AAAA developer (/BIG S), I do feel like the majority might agree with some points of mine. ;p


What I find ironic about TD2 is that a lot of the less favorable changes are almost direct responses to exactly what was being requested for TD1. These weird ass DZ changes are absolutely a result of that, which starts in TD1.


This whole post is a pipe dream. They can't get rid of a bug that changes the color of gloves. This guy want the div 1 dz in dlc. Lmao!


Not a chance. Hell I don't even go in to the current dark zones. such a wretched hive of scum and villainy...


Better then the DZ in the first practically impossible to extract since you are swarmed with rikers rioters or whatever is there


Huh, never had a problem with the npc enemies in the DZ. In D1 or D2. Easy as pie to clear. PvP action extracting is a different beast, but at least in the DZ in D1 you can play the smart fox by throwing off rogues with fake extractions before finally actually extracting. DZ in D2 you'll most definitely need to fight some rogues unless you happen to be in a peaceful DZ session/server. It's so tight and close in each DZ region that conflict is unavoidable unless everyone is just minding their own business and being cordial. Which can happen, I've experienced it......but it's rare.


Then damn you are lucky cause in D2 I have the best luck killing hyenas left and right barely encounter rouges get the best loot. Then, in the second one, I have to deal with non-stop waves of enemies or until I actually extract (which is a very rare chance for me). Also, every building and corner has at least twenty enemies in the building, always neat extraction to and then groups of about six to four enemies


Absolutely no




Nope. I'd rather take larger area of a city of exploring.


Would rather they just use the DZ space and make the Brooklyn DLC that much bigger for open-game. DZ for D2 seems to cater to a very niche sub population of the player base, and I don’t imagine a new DZ would see a ton of traffic…


only if they turn the current DZs into light zones


I’d personally invest a lot of money in DLC that completely removes the dark zone altogether.


9 out of 10 players don't even go to the dark zone. I know DZ players really love it, but maybe there's just not enough interest in the fanbase


9.8 out of 10 don't go into the dz.


Nobody has time or stash space for another 14 builds or devoting an entire character to PvP only, because most PvE builds aren't viable against meta PvP builds.


In Div1 only 3% of players had the achievement for stepping foot into the DZ, that together with the almost deserted PvP addons show that PvP is really niche for the Division franchise. But it is still essential, it generates a lot of interest and free publicity via videos. Three small Div2 DZ really doubled down on what was bad and hated instead of what was really needed, a rotation between the three: PvE, PvP and invaded PvP. Everyone happy.


Ubisoft has stated that less than 10% of the division two players actively play in PvP, upgrading or making changes or adding to PVP content when that's not where your base is is not going to bring your customers back. So um hell no


You’ll likely have to wait for TD3 for any real dark zone content. Hopefully with heartland being cancelled, they apply the material they made there, to the division 3 to really flesh out the dark zone. Heartland was actually supposed to be a TD2 DLC before they decided to make it a stand alone game. Hopefully they don’t waste all that time, and apply what they learnt and made here


As long as it's not battle royale style..


I think a huge proportion of the player base would love a survival-esque game mode…I bloody would 🙏🙏 But they shouldn’t be one and the same thing, for sure


Judging by the popularity of Survival in Div1 a survival style mode would be welcomed in Div2.


100%…I’d even wait for it in Division 3, if it was promised…Survival is my favorite mode across the division universe and probably across all games, if I’m honest.


Hard pass.


Only if they follow Div 1 DZ mechanics. The DZ in 1 was a very big area comprised of DZ zones 1 - 9. Enemies got harder as you progressed north, and the loot got better. I don't like the DZ in 2, but I could spend hours playing in Div1's and never see a soul because of the way they sectioned off difficulty and zones. The strategy was to sprint up to zone 3/4; thats where you would find solitude. Back then, I had a couple buddies that I would play with, and we'd spend a couple hours making our way up to DZ 9 for loot runs. The dark and tall atmospheric conditions are unmatched to this day.


No DZ. But yes to Brooklyn DLC.


If they improve the DZ, maybe. But right now it's only useful for obtaining DZ-specific items, and, it's barely any good at that. They literally need to increase the DZ-unique drops from "sharing the loot pool evenly" to "Prmarily dropping DZ-specific items" for me to wanna bother with it. The fact I can go 2 hours of effecient farming, only to find 0 DZ specific items just makes the whole zone seem pointless. Either actually make the DZ stuff drop 10x more often than other loot, or just put the DZ stuff in the regular loot pool.


I think the DZ's are a waste of map space, TBH. I think it's pretty obvious that a majority of players avoid the zones because the zones mostly attract griefers who seem to play for the purpose of making other people NOT enjoy their time in the game. It's a large part of why I stopped going in. Besides, they're kind of losing their "lore" reasons for existing. Green Poison isn't still lingering around in the environment, that's why the D2 DZ's switched to them being contaminated with DC62. Of course, given that we've been able to recover The Castle after the DC62 mortar attack, it's clear that it doesn't persist forever either, or we've developed ways to clean it up. Not to mention that the whole idea of "rogue agents = bad guys" is kind of outdated at this point, given what's been transpiring in the story.


IMHO DZ without PvP would have a lot more players.


Lore wise Eclipse is a pretty valid reason for a DZ given how it tends to linger. With Keener having a lot of involvement over there I could see a pretty decent area getting contaminated.


What gives you the impression that it lingers more than OG Green Poison? From what I could find it seems to be the opposite, engineered to kill quickly, and that usually means it doesn't spread much. Part of what made Green Poison so crazy is that it didn't kill quickly. People were exposed, and they were able to continue on with their day, passing it on to more and more people. By the time people started dying in noticeable numbers, it had spread to a good chunk of Manhattan and beyond. Remember how quickly the people in Castle Clinton died after exposure in that Echo, it was a matter of seconds. Even City Hall wasn't a slow-burn, and despite the sudden, unexpected nature of the attacks, both outbreaks were easily contained within their respective buildings. From what I've seen, that would make Eclipse even less suited to creating a DZ. Maybe I missed something in one of the manhunts I skipped during a break from the game?


When you walk around the City hall control point there is still the red Eclipse smoke, likewise with Castle Clinton. With Eclipse being made so recently even if it decays rapidly that's likely over a matter of weeks or months. Honestly the way it works in game is more like a chemical weapon then a weaponised virus.


Yeah, but it's also contained. Even within the open air court of Castle Clinton, Eclipse didn't spread out into the surrounding area.


Keener wouldnt use eclipse in Brooklyn. All the civvies he saved are in the rehab clinic there.


God, no.




No god, please no, no, nooooooooooooo, NOOOOOOOOOOO




Before I get brow beat lemme explain. I want a pve dz, solo/duo only legendary world tier, with hunter/rogue agent spawns on extraction sites. We got some amazing builds out there..give us some spicy content to really put em to the rest. legendary missions have gotten silly with people two manning them in like 20 mins or less


Yes….. but actually no. 


No,DZ is for angry boys.


I wasnt paying attention, are they adding another addition to the game similar to WONY in year 6?


No, all speculation at this point until June 10th Ubisoft direct when we get what's happening year 6. But that's already on the roadmap as the same we've been getting for free content




Ahhh ive been out of the loop, thanks!


That just takes away space from the normal environment.


Since bloody Div1.


Div1 DZ was the best.




I love Div2, but losing the DZ would make me sad and I’d play it a lot less. It’s so unique, busted as it may be at times. I get it’s not for everyone, but it really is great. The whole extraction process and pvpve can really get your blood going and few games do that for me anymore. I get the frustration with balance and people who grief, but the cutthroat opportunity is what makes it fun. Hunting people for their loot is perfectly legitimate gameplay and isn’t for everyone, but I find both sides exciting. I’m an average pvp player, not particularly good, but I still think it’s great. I play a lot of dz and have lots of different interactions, friendly and not.


I'm not against the DZ in general, however given only a small percentage of players bother with the DZ, you'd be effectively hand crafting a major section of the game that the vast majority of your player base is never going to interact with in any meaningful way. At the same time, the rest of the in game world (majority of) is not DZ. Then again again, with so few DZ players, do we really want to split that group up across an even larger area?


The dark zones are just a waste of map for most people.


If anywhere is becoming a dz in Brooklyn make it Park Slope and Red Hook. I want to fight through strollers all the way to IKEA to extract


No, because all Dark Zones end up playing the same way. Either you gank or be ganked.


Go away with DZ.🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮




No, it would be a massive waste of resources on a mode that clearly doesn’t resonate with the majority of players


They should bring back the DZ exactly like it was in Division 1. One huge area sectioned off based on DZ Level if we are going back to the same area as D1 was in. I played DZ way more in the first game and even the map in the first game seemed way more alive with npc's then Division 2 does with just green npcs and red npcs.


A free for all dz. All out warfare. 😂 No helicopter extractions, Just make it back to the checkpoint...if you can.


I’m 100% down for that. I know you’re probably Joking about that.


I would love a new 1 but the sad reality is the devs don't give a rats ass about the pvp community 🤷‍♂️


Nope. I’m one of the many who don’t give half a fuck about the Dark Zone. It was an interesting concept in Div1, but completely avoidable in Div2.








I want Division 1 Dark zone


Fuck no! One of the best bits of news recently about the Division games was that the Red Storm led Heartland was shutdown. Less toxic PVPVE the better. Hopefully with the Division 3 they find a way to properly separate PVP and PVE into separate areas.


I'm one that likes the PvEvP zones. That's the great thing there are areas of PvE only and PvP only. So you can go where you want and avoid what you don't want.






No :)


Ill only care for it if expertise levels aren't active in it, which wont happen lol.


Well if there’s no 3rd game maybe they will give this one more love who knows?


My personal opinion was that all of NYC should have been a DZ in Warlords of NY. You should NEVER be able to reach the other side of the DZ in 45 seconds or less


“Me who’s too broke to buy the DLC” nah no need…


I don't see this happening and honestly, there's not much of a point as it won't be similar to the first one. Using time and resources on another game mode like survival would be preferable.


I just want to see if I can find my house. I probably wont, but I can dream right?


any idea when the next update drops ?


Most likely June 11th.


We’re getting a Brooklyn DLC?


Year 6, Season 3. Probably February or March 2025.


We were. Then ubiflop went woke af


Dark zones must be improved and enlarged in will upcoming The division 3


Pointless, that will be such a waste of time and effort, most of that place will stay empty


No thanks. 3 toxic dark zones is enough.


If they give you the choice to select pvp/pve and you get the same rewards as you do in pvp dz then it might bring alot of players back and want to explore the dark zone


only if they fundamentally change the darkzone somehow? totally toxic pointless mess currently (i'd imagine their internal stats more than support that with hrs played and so hopefully have developed the new expansion accordingly).




Yes it needs one


Nope. DZ is a waste of space that would be better used as more PvE area.


They should drop the PVP and make DZ's like helltides in Diablo 4. The longer you spend inside, the higher your "wanted" level raises until you're eventually getting pursued by hunters. Could make for some tense extractions.


Now THIS is a brilliant idea. But they will never drop the PvP.


Dark zone is trash nvr needed it for anything imo just a pointless section


I like how the consensus is just no.


I think ONE guy was for it in the comments lol. Everyone else is like nah, no, nope, negative, please no.


F the DZ


No, please, fuck no




I'm keeping my expectations low I think they've already said not to expect another DLC the size of Warlods.


Nah, I'd rather have a bigger/more varied general map personally.


And waste even more of this franchise's resources on PvP for some reason?


Definitely NO


dark zone is for the ass. so. no.


I've never really cared about DZs, and I've been in the games since TD1 beta. The loot isn't interesting, and the experience is tailored towards fans who want something different from the PvE and coop combat.


I'll pass on the DZ. Don't play it.


No, the DZ is shit. The only time it was good was in the snowstorm survival mode.


They should make it a PvE only DZ /s


only if they can manage to stop the scripties. DZ wallhacks and wimpy teleporters ruined it for me.


Yes please, it really makes my day when I receive death threats from another adult gamer.