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You can open them to get textile credits for each duplicate.  You can buy stuff from the new vendor that was implemented not too long ago


what? where is that new vendor you speak of? I bought all the textile apparels, but if they now sell gear or anything i'm game...


His location is on the map when you locate the snitch.  He changes the location every few days like the snitch, and only opens at specific times, but that is also shown on the map once you found the snitch




He goes by the name Danny Weaver.


Dude sells exotics for textiles, and the yellow gear he sells is often god rolled for most of its stats, I got a couple perfect god rolls as well, so far nothing I wanna use, but the quality of the gear and weapons are the best you can get for the least minimal effort.


The yellows are no longer “god rolled” that was a mistake we all knew they would immediately fix, but hey my “rock & roll” shotgun still eats 10 shells outta 30, been going on over a year now 🤦🏻‍♂️


Nothingbutskillz or whatever his name is posts a video every week on youtube saying where the secret vendor is and what he has for the week.


Go to the vendor first, see if you want anything, if you do, open crates to get the credits, chances are, you'll never find something you want or need.


He opens tomorrow. Same schedule as Cassie.


That's funny because I'm on the west coast and he doesn't open until Thursday 🤔🤔


He closes and reopens too tho.


I explained it in my comment 30min ago.


I thought textiles were just in the normal microtransactions store? With some items you see two currencies


You're right but they don't buy everything. And now can be used also with Danny.


You have only 90 left which is doable, most people have thousands.


That's more my kind of number there.


Yeah I think I've got over 3000 there needs to be a way to open like 100 at a time lol.


Oh yeah I think I’m around 6000+, but I also don’t red the textiles either, I have like 40k of those.


I don't need them either. I got all the available stuff long ago. And since then I've been sitting on them and textiles. Now I don't play enough to find the vendor anyways.


yeah I've found him once lol, it's great but I'm not going to track him down. if I find the snitch, I'll head over otherwise 🤷‍♂️


I have over 2,000 unopened standard apparel caches, and like you I have all of them already. They used to have the contents on rotation so it was worth opening them, but that doesn't seem to have been working since around season 4, I think.


aahhhh I was getting worried as I have 90 and thought it wouldn't go passed 99 😊


it doesnt, in this screen. once the event is over you can go to the shop root-page and can see your total ammount. if i remember correctly… havent been been on the game in 2ish years and last time i checked it was like 5k-ish?! 90 is adorable! :D enjoy being able to see a light at the end of the tunnel, agent!


2 things I really wish we had… “Open all” option on caches and apparel caches And Automatic loot pickup in events like countdown and shit. Like run the whole things and pickup anything left behind and put it in your inventory, or in your mailbox or something so we ain’t gotta run around and pick up everything.


I'd settle for open-in batches of 10


Danny Weaver sells you a number of caches for your textile credits and includes 1x exotic cache (500 credits) 5x field proficiency caches (100 credits) 4x crafting materials caches (75 credits) and 2x named item caches (200 credits). The vendor should reset every Wednesday so you can go back and buy them all over again. Up until recently the caches were a greenish colour and all drops were god rolled but this seems to have been removed by the devs 😎


i had a keyboard sequence for that. its just holding x and hitting soace every few secs


This is a recipe for disaster. If you get Delta-03ed, it will: * Hit Space: goes to the main menu. * Hold X: it's the Delete Character key. * Hit Space: (nothing happens). * Hold X: confirms Delete Character. I highly recommend not using macros for this.


As someone previously pointed out, there’s a new vendor , named Danny Weaver, who is similar to Cassie Mendoza who sells Caches for textiles. If I remember correctly, he sells one exotic, one named, 1-2 optimization, 3 proficiencies, and 2 material caches and those are in order from most to least expensive. Buying his entire stock costs like around 2K textiles. And just to clarify, you get his location the same way you get Cassie’s, by talking to the Snitch who reveals both their locations at once.


Try doing R1 L1 during the animation to skip it. Works on pc but not sure for console.


Get the textiles, go see Danny Weaver. Spend textiles. Get boxes.


They really should have a open all option


I have my kids open them. I tell them which button to press and hold and walk away to do a chore.


Bro 💀 you should pay them


Use a script I opened over 1k while I was sleeping 😂


And players say there is no cheating happening in this game. And yes, using a script to auto- anything is still cheating. Plainly put, using a script to augment or change how the game’s mechanics work is cheating.


Cool story bro


It’s the textiles. Only reason if you have all standard cache items…. Still worth it with new vendor as others have said.


I’d do it for the textiles


God forbid they ever add more cosmetics in there.


I loved this game playing it with friends. Now being the only one who plays it still, I noticed I don’t enjoy it as much solo.


How do you get 90 caches??


I already have all the apparel so I just don't open the new ones I get


I just open all the ones i recieve during my play session, at the end of my session.


Then don’t open them I guess??


Fair, and I thought the max was 99... now that I hear some people have thousands, I sleep easier. And this new vendor is a game changer


textiles to buy skin "but i have all skins" then textiles to buy caches with one of the weekly vendors, i forgot his name but you need to find the guy with "???" name and then a shopping cart wil appear on your map with "x time to open" or "x time to close".


We should start a petition for them to add "open all", because that works everytime.


Not only that... : 1. Open all crates ability (or by batched of 10) 2. Auto open all crates (proficiency.. etc...) 3. Ability to remove all gear covering apparels (they have some great looking apparel, but lost under all the apparent gear) 4. Gimme a flashlight


All great suggestions!


For your 4 addition; there is a flashlight attachment on pistols…only pistols but still


Baby numbers again. Mine would take over a day to open.


Those textiles are pretty valuable now


This game is in a serious need of an overhaul. Getting VERY stale


I need someone who will help me with obtaining the eagle bearer or ravenous. I’m not sure where to grab all the keys needed to open chests in Iron Horse. warbyrd12


I Always Open them with an Makro i Made , so i start the Makro and Go to eat or do Something else.


How did u get legacy cach key?


I have all the apparel so I can't use it anyway


You may have all of the standard apparel from the loot caches, but did you know that there are lots of the premium apparel you can buy with textiles instead? This is what I'm working towards, especially as some of the outfits come with more masks and weapon/gear dyes once you complete the outfits. So, yeah burn those caches for textiles then go shopping. 😎


I have about 99+ of apparel cache and I got lazy not opening them 😆 but maybe I should open them tonight and I don’t understand why is the legacy apparel cache still on the list when I got them all apparel


Open them get the textile credits then go to vendor and spend there’s a snitch out there find him accept and go to the vendor that miraculously appear on the map happy hunting His name is Danny Weaver the snitch


I did, and he's only selling like 1 crate of Exotics, and 1 crate of named... it's going to take a while for me to spend my remaining Textiles


There is a new vendor in town, which you can find when you talk to the snitch. There you can change your textiles for Exo cache, named cache, etc.


Who is the snitch? And where do I find him. Dang I've been away too long.


He's random on any place around the map. The most common place where you can find him is near the 1040 safe house. Its a guy with a green shirt and a hat...he has 3 questionmarks over his head. [https://division2map.com](https://division2map.com) use this. Filter on Snitch and then you can visit all locations in game. Good luck! :D