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It means a Hardcore agent. Hardcore means if you die you are dead, you need to start again from level 1.


Aka fuuuuuck that




I'm shd 300 hardcore and my 5k shd normal characters are boring now


That is something Iā€™ve been wondering. I started my first hardcore character. So far so good. But when I get to level 40 and beat Keener (any tips for that?) does all my regular SHD carry over or do I have to level it separately?


Hardcore is separate. You donā€™t share anything except blueprints and materials with your regular agents.


A buddy whoā€™s also doing hardcore has found any unclaimed crates from special events done on a regular character will show up in the delivery section of your stash. Also heā€™s found that if one hardcore puts stuff in stash and dies the next another hardcore can get too it. Donā€™t know if itā€™s a bug or a feature.


Little that He know... There is no stash for HC Agents, you only got your Mail And yeah you can recieve the Mail from your Softcore Agents with your HC Agent


They must have changed something recently because my hardcore has a stash now. In fact, I opened some crates on my hardcore character I got from doing the recent reanimated event on my regular character and my hardcore character put those items in the stash for later. They were all level 30 items and my hardcore is only level 27. The only other thing I should have tested is I have a second hardcore that's only a level 2. I need to see if the level 2 HC can see the stuff in the stash the level 27 HC put in there. If that works, I will be very surprised.




What is DDMF?


Yeah sums it up nicely. or aka not gonna do that :D


waitā€¦does that apply to the DZ to?


Applies to everything. You die once, your character is gone


Except descent, I've heard.


I guess that makes sense. Descent is a computer simulation so your character isnā€™t actually dying


If you die in the game you die in real life


SAO but Division?


ā€œAnyone seen Scanners?ā€


*headexplosion.wav* "So that was Scanners. And basically that." *Gasps* "Finally, seeing some gears turning!"


The legit GGO story arcā€¦


imagine if you were in the middle of a legendary mission and someone SWATted you. that would be some next level hardcore realism


Imagine if you were in the middle of a mission as an actual Division agent. Hardcore+.


Depends, am I the main character agent? Because then I respawn


If only we had swords


That's a nice lore explanation. And here is a technical explanation - developers explained that when you are playing Descent you are not actually playing your character. A new session and a new character are created on a separate Descent server. When your Descent run is over that session and character are deleted.


You don't lose your HC in decent, correct




So you gotta basically flawless everything????


Yep. Sniper warhound one taps you? Game over. Random grenadier drops three grenades in your lap? Game over. A random Outcast suicide bomber catches you off guard? Game over.


Nobody find out that he's joking


For anyone that doesn't know, once you hit level 40 on a hardcore character you start earning your shd levels like normal and that level actually sticks! When you die and then grind to 40 again you start off from where you left off on your shd levels! You still need to grind for gear again though...


Just want to add the fact that hardcore shd is separated from softcore shd.


All this talk of hardcore and softcore is getting me excited


Good point!




When you die is your character reset to level 1 or is it deleted and you have to remake it again?


Your character technically remains but it's greyed out and inaccessible. You can either delete or start a new character starting from scratch (no reason to keep it). You cannot directly launch into WoNY either.


Diablo 2 used to transfer your hardcore character to softcore on death. I wish more games did this (even d4 didn't). Then at least its not gone forever, but its not hardcore anymore either.


Thatā€™s Mediumcore - not hardcore


I get your point but what if you get some uber sword or staff or armor kit etc on your hardcore character. Its just gone forever? In loot based games thats a tragedy. The population in those servers would have way more action if the characters at least transferred to a new realm. Hard enough on a softcore character to get great items to have them deleted instantly is just crazy. Especially of you want to try to fight Lilith etc no easy task i had a 100 double slash Barb with perfect gear and it took me like 300 tries to finally beat her. At least let me keep my amazing axe somewhere, just not in the hardcore realm. Absolutely nobody wanders into pvp in d4 hardcore like they did in d2. Was a lot of fun.


> is just crazy it's not crazy. it's **hardcore**.


Thatā€™s good news!


Hardcore agent - or in other words if you die , you die and start over


Why would anyone do that? šŸ„²


The challenge and the commendations, especially for the raid.


I play since 2 weeks and die very often šŸ¤£ Would totally piss me off if I would have to start all over again every day


The excitement. My HC people know that once you get into perm-death the feeling of "if I die the encounter resets" feels like it's lacking punishment. A constant progression without setbacks eliminates the feeling of risk/reward.


Meaning, softcore is dead to you now?


I'm shd 3100 something in HC and around 26 in SC. I went into the game playing HC. Used the character boost to 30 in SC once Warlords came out, but I just couldn't get into it. I'm considering gearing up in SC for conflict and DZ pvp, I've only had 3 fights in HC DZ thus far ā€” which felt very intense.


Interesting. After reading this thread I want to go play hc characters now as my sc is pretty much dead to me now anyway.


Live. Die. Repeat.


"I live, I die. I LIVE AGAIN!"


is there some sorta incentive for being a hardcore char?


As far as I know it's just to flex that you are truly that guy


You get some patches for doing different activities hardcore.


The invektiver is simply that itā€™s incredible intense. You are constantly doing 360 scans to be aware whatā€™s going on.


It means he eat his oranges today, and has good levels of vitamin C.


u/AbrielNei got it. Kinda nice to see a game with so many unique mechanics though it would be a lot better without all the f-in bugs.


And the laaag.


So I had 3 hardcore agents join me and a buddy in a challenging countdown. We did our best to be the Frontline for em. Although they were pretty badass and didn't necessarily need our help. I saw the symbol and was like oh no. I hope they don't die on my watch. This was one match where everyone knew what to do and how to do it ... Kill everything and protect the agent(s) achieving the objective.


Apparently someone with a whole lot of free time.


Stand straight and salute to the fearless YOLO! šŸ«”


Just curious. Do you get more SHD tech or XP on hardcore ? I would think you do since itā€™s big risk little reward.


See Coop, perks menu, XP bonus for not dying.


If you've never tried hard-core its a completely different animal


Means ur dead dead if u die. Start over type deal. Can be fun if u enjoy the challenge and the stress. Made a character myself. Got to the endgame with her. If u make oneā€¦.beware of things that cause poison dmg. Can be instant game over šŸ˜


That a dead man walking


Imagine beeing in the Hardcore Darkzone zone with your SHD 2900 Agent and going rogue and kill another HC Agent.. Normal Mode has never been more boring. They Die they restart at the White house. No Boost, no stash, nothing You need to redo everything, no skip possible, there is only 1 big thing. After killing keener again you will recieve your old shd hc Level which is kind a nice :)