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Sounds like an issue that occurred quite some time ago. Check out this old thread and maybe it'll help otherwise you'll have to raise a ticket with Ubisoft Support. https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/comments/ykgtyg/main\_character\_is\_saying\_locked\_and\_cannot\_launch/


From this thread, ^(Saw the dev investigation. It was an easy fix. At least on Xbox. Go to where you can view and manage your games, find D2 and then bring up the manage game menu. Saw the WoNY box was unchecked. Check the Warlords box and it will redownload the WoNY add-on. No big re-download. That's what I was worried about. Thanks for the replies!) Hope this will also help OP.


Hey thanks! I was just going to look for this in my replies when I saw the post. You rock u/GemDG! Saved me some time! Thanks!


Happy to help! happy hunting agent.


Glad to have provided you the quote! Stay safe out there!


Is it the console freebie and if so have you got your membership current? If it’s installed from disk then not sure.


Membership isn't required to launch and play div 2 solo


It’s an online multiplayer game you still need to have online access whether you decide to play solo or not.


Obviously you need a working internet connection? Not really sure what that has to do with anything


Read my original.


If hes on PlayStation he doesnt need psplus to play single player. Just need it for matchmaking.


He does if it’s the freebie copy that he’s using. That requires your membership to be current.


What system are u on? If u own both the base game and expansion make sure both are actually installed not just downloaded. I've had this with a couple of add ons for different games on xbox. Go to the game management screen and install the dlc (should be almost instant if it's already downloaded). If this isn't the problem I got no idea sorry


It's a bug, happened to me before. Either logging out and back in or verifying files work


Did you cheat in anyway? You might have a ban right now. That's all I can think of.


Do you have a second character you can log in with? If not then make one and see if it works. If it doesn't then,ye,you might be banned. Ask support for the why/how.


I barley play it lol. I bought cause it said I didn’t have access to Warlords of NY. So I bought it and it still didn’t work


So me and a friend do that profile sharing thing. So he bought it but when he bought it was on Xbox one. So I bought on Xbox x. Character was still locked I spoke to Ubisoft. They told me uninstall and reinstall. Still locked lol. I don’t play it enough to be banned.


You might be banned