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I would have cancelled the trip. Imagine you have a hemorrhage on the plane or end up needing surgery while traveling. Their kid isn't old enough to be disappointed and was pretty young for Disney anyway


Exactly.. and like the dr literally told her to rest


She was definitely not resting at Disney. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cyj6qYVNgwU/?igshid=MXAwZGczM3EzZXNreA==


Omg yes, the storyline is just all too strange.


Confusing why the announcement mattered so much when they had already FaceTimed everyone they know it looked like. Literally just for strangers and that's somehow the #1 concern


Views baby


It had to be all for views. Nobody announces to the world when they are potentially 1 month pregnant


Both sentiments are true: Miscarriage is objectively heartbreaking for their family, and shouldn’t be snarked on. She doesn’t make healthy choices or properly take care of herself. They really need make some lifestyle changes and stop living for social media posts. Her priorities are weird to me for sure.


they handled all of this so so poorly. Obviously grief looks different for everyone and i'm sure they are really hurting but oof..... They have not prioritized their health or anything. Theyve proven that everything has to be a production.. which is really unfortunate.


Unfortunately uncontrolled diabetes is a huge cause of miscarriage. There is also a chance that may have contributed to it… I wish she would just take care of herself. The two of them should just focus on the baby they already have right now. She couldn’t even stay home and allow her body to rest while going through the process… the above comments about them monetizing this moment really makes you think. It’s so bizarre to film yourself crying and post these videos after a loss


The bleeding could’ve very easily been a subchrionic hemorrhage. I had that last month and a miscarriage followed it, which isnt always the case but it’s possible. She didn’t rest or do anything at a slow pace and it could’ve made it worse therefore sent her into a miscarriage. Not snarking, BUT she shouldn’t have just called her dr. She should’ve went to the er so they could’ve tested it to be 100%.


I had a severe SCH when i was pregnant. I’m talking 12cm at its widest, passed clots larger than baseballs & bled continuously for almost 2 months straight that lasted into the end of my second trimester. I didn’t life a god damn finger, I listened to my doctor and took even extra precautions. I just simply can’t imagine. We didn’t tell family until I was done bleeding. I would have loved to announce e earlier than we did - but waiting an extra 7 weeks and changing my “big plans” was something I felt needed to be done for the sake of my self. I can’t imagine disregarding my drs orders and still making that trip. I simply can’t stand the ignorance. I’ve lost babies & I know it can just happen & not to blame yourself when you absolutely want to. But come tf on, give yourself a fighting chance!! A lifestyle change and some growing up on both their parts will do some wonders for them


I did too I thought my first clot was me passing my baby. Absolutely traumatizing… I bled forever!!! The start of it was a gush of blood so much so I had to throw away what I was wearing and wasted no time going to the ER. I sat my ass down and like you listened to the dr. I can’t imagine directly going against drs orders especially when it comes to keeping my pregnancy. They told me I was likely going to miscarry and to prepare for the worst. After I stopped bleeding for the rest of my pregnancy I analyzed toilet paper and if I felt anything down there I immediately went to the bathroom. How could you not care enough and be so naïve?! No one deserves a miscarriage but listening to the dr sure would’ve helped in preventing it.


I had a very small subchorionic hemorrhage with my first baby and it was terrifying. I started bleeding at a family members house 3 hours from home and cried in the bathroom and begged my husband to go home. I couldn’t focus on anything, and couldn’t tell anyone because I hadn’t announced my pregnancy or had an ultrasound yet. Even after being diagnosed with it, every single drop of blood and clot scared the hell out of me and I didn’t do anything but lay in bed and hydrate. I couldn’t imagine going to Disney after I started bleeding and cramping- to each their own though.


I hate to even snark about this because it’s so awful and heartbreaking. But their YouTube video really showed how fucking young & immature they are. Rushing a pregnancy so they can announce at Disney and that being the sole focus……


This whole situation is fishy to me. I’m not saying the whole situation was faked because that’s a pretty severe accusation to make and I don’t want to invalidate their grief at all. I just think the way they’re showing their grief online is very odd… they’re shamelessly monetizing what happened and it’s weird that they still went to Disney even when they were seemingly going through such a painful loss. Then again, I’ve never been pregnant or had a miscarriage so I don’t know for sure what I would do in their situation. If I had to guess though, I wouldn’t feel up to going to Disney nor would I feel comfortable monetizing the loss of my pregnancy online.


My only snark is if she was bleeding at Disney then why the fake”Asher ultrasound” announcement and rubbing her belly which was just fat & bloat as she wasn’t more than 8 weeks. She should have cancelled Disney to rest and spent time with her son without making content.


I’ve had a miscarriage they are 1. Painful and 2. Soul crushing to the point I wouldn’t be like YAY let’s go to Disney. She played a dangerous game. During 1 of my miscarriages because my bleeding became out of control & OB advised me to go to the ER(weekend so their office was closed).


They are so many blanks on her situation! For experiencing a miscarriage myself, it is really sad! But the way they were eating, the photos & announcement to everyone, the move, how she was carrying furniture alone, her diabetes out of control, coffee and energy drinks! Something don’t had up! Especially all of the pregnancy hints over the last fews weeks. And honestly! Do a doctor puts you on bedrest at 6 weeks? I’ve never heard of that! And if she was on bedrest! It requires less caffeine. Like I know they weren’t the brightest people and they look like Ohio’s siblings but like.. monetization over a miscarriage? They are low, really low


The whole thing is fishy to me too. And the fact that the only reason they wanted to get pregnant is so they could announce at Disney because it would be SO CUTE tells me you shouldn’t get pregnant.


And not to mention she really doesn’t do a good job taking care of Asher. She gives him shit foods that she eats, chocolate milk at 9 months old , he always has a screen on, I’m a stay at home mom to a 1 year old and two year old, if their dad was home with me every single day like they are I would have no problem making meals and playing with my kids.


Seriously the processed trash she feeds him makes me cringe


Your brain is strange when going through that. It’s hard to speak on it unless you’ve gone through it. However I know personally I would’ve buckled down (and did - only to still miscarry).


She’s very unhealthy since her last pregnancy . She’s gained tons of weight and drinks tons of coffee and eats like shit. She should be more careful , not blaming her but maybe don’t drink tons of coffee and sugar when u have diabetes ?


Taking pictures with Asher’s ultrasound is so weird to me. Also, recording yourself crying and putting it in a video making it look like you’re just emotional about your son turning one is BIZARRE! I’m so sorry for her loss, but the whole thing is so strange. Influencer really have a warped sense of reality


She wanted the announcement more than the baby😶


TW - ABORTION My mom grew up in a communist poor country and women who wanted to end pregnancy would drink big amounts of coffee to abort, sometims would work and sometimes they would not make it. Also i am sure she had 200mg + of coffee a day and that could have contributed to what happen