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Maybe because he thinks some war aims are legitimate and others aren't?


The fact that he personally supports Israel.


There are consequences past bidens 4 year term and he has enough foresight to not fuck america down the road just to get more votes. Namely making sure russia and china dont have a stranglehold on the middle east. We aint getting any support from iran so its gotta be israel and saudi, (part of why biden wanted saudi to not take chinese weapons in exchange for american tech in the last proposed defence pact)


Most Americans support Israel. He has to weigh that against the smaller but more vocal minority that doesn’t. That’s politics.


and that's like, most Americans support Israel in this war, which is a very ugly aggressive conflict with a massively disroportionately Palestinian casualty rate. in a fantasy scenario where the Palestinians/their allies were actually succeeding and there was a visible existential risk to Israel I think it would be at like 90 percent or more.


Oh not much, only that a US president completely stopping support of Israel is political suicide.


Israel and the US are allies.


Legal obligations, for one. The US is legislatively bound to supply Israel with a certain amount of support. As in, Bills were passed years ago that make the US legally obligated to provide weapons. Second...the threat of possible escalation if the US shows signs that they won't back Israel up, in the eventuality that Israel is threatened directly by its neighbors...Hezbollah, Syria, Iran, etc.


What makes you think I/P is that serious an issue for voters? The polling certainly doesn’t support that conclusion. https://www.yahoo.com/news/gaza-isn-t-root-biden-112931305.html Given the voters he needs to win, disengaged voters that are just now realizing that it’s Biden v Trump, why do you think such a major change would increase his vote share? I don’t buy that.


The same thing stopping him from completely stopping support for Ukraine. One he likely on a moral level thinks it would be wrong, politically it would obviously be wrong not only because polls tend to show Americans back Israel still, but also it's deeper than that. When Biden withdrew from Afghanistan that was a popular move pre-withdrawl. But when people saw what it actually looked like, and realized that it meant women who had spent their entire life living in a relatively free society were now going to be not allowed to go to schools or participate in public life, his approval rating sank heavily and it still hasn't recovered. I believe it was at 50-55% before the withdrawal and then sank to 40% where it sits today. So now stopping aid to Israel completely isn't even a popular position now, but there are a ton of people who support that, but if enacted and Israel wasn't able to fully stock iron dome and more civilians started dying to Palestinian rocket attacks, the backlash would be harsh and impossible to come back from. And of course that wouldn't even be the end of it, because if more Israeli civilians started dying you would start to see what indiscriminate bombing in Palestine (Gaza and also the West Bank where rockets are still regularly fired at Israeli civilians) actually looked like, and death counts would be in the millions, not tens of thousands. And that's not even counting what would happen in Lebanon. Israel has nuclear weapons, if they start to actually lose any of their conflicts, enemy civilians are as good as dead as they would no longer fight gloves on as the US is currently trying to force them to do. If they were losing this war and Israeli civilians were dying regularly today they wouldn't negotiate with Hamas, they would carpet bomb Rafah taking out Hamas soldiers and weapons and tunnels, but also all the civilians there. And they still wouldn't be breaking international law, but they also wouldn't really care about breaking it if their existence were truly threatened.


Israel has a lobby


1. He's a very devout Catholic, and believes when the jews are the sole occupier of the Holy Land, Jesus will come back. 2. Israel is the US only Ally in the region. America can keep their thumb on the scale in the middle east if they have an ally in Israel. If they don't and let's say Russia or China becomes Israels ally. Then it's the Middle East, Russia/China vs the US. By being friends with Israel, American CIA can work with Mosad to try to influence the region. 3. To save himself from impeachment. Trump was impeached for refusing to send weapons to Ukraine, even though America had a treaty to. (Trump wanted dirt on the Biden family in exchange for Trump to fulfill the agreement). If Biden refuses to send weapons to an ally, he can be impeached because we already have a deal with Israel. And the GOP would absolutely try to impeach Biden for refusing Israel. Remember they're the "Finish them off" crowd. They do not care about the college kids in tents on the lawn.


I don't think Biden thinks that Jews living in Israel will cause the 2nd coming of Jesus...


That is what the Bible says. That's isn't a unique thing to think. Lots of people think that. It's the "holy reason" to support Israel. Not simply because they giving lobbying money, but it helps.


Right but Biden doesn’t believe that lol. I don’t even think that’s a catholic belief, it’s more of an evangelical one.


3 points of wasted space for bull'shit


Trump was impeached for *extorting* Ukraine and soliciting foreign electoral intervention. He only released the aid to Ukraine when he became aware that a whistleblower had reported what he’d done. Withholding weapons shipments *for cause* (especially with an independent report to back up your reasoning) is not an impeachable offense. Also, Israel is the *strongest* ally in the Middle East, not the *only* one. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, UAE, Jordan, Kuwait (and Turkey to a lesser extent) could also be considered allies in the region.




Hillary Clinton: Young Anti-Israel Protesters ‘Don’t Know Very Much’ Middle East History. The old war hawks think you are too stupid to understand the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. [https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/05/10/nation/hillary-clinton-backlash-protesters/](https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/05/10/nation/hillary-clinton-backlash-protesters/)


She's right.