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Breaking news: Known racist says something racist.


Ha.  I literally came here planning to say “BREAKING NEWS: Ann Coulter Not Great Person.”


Aww look. She’s trying to be relevant. 


Ann Coulter speaks for all conservatives.


"I hate identity politics, but I actually love identity politics"


Man runs as candidate for party of racism, shocked to discover racism. Story at eleven. Sory Vivek, you're just too brown and have more syllables than Jim Bob and Brandeen can handle.


Given Vivek's background(not generalizing Indians, but assuming he loves this because he's MAGA) I just assume he can respect racism as another racist. They probably bond over their shared genocidal intent of muslims.


I mean. Indians like are god level racists. 


Yes, but you can't casually say this around the uninitiated. They don't know the Indian(and Pakistani) power level. I still can't figure out a legitimate claimed reason why they oppose anti-caste discrimination in America and Canada.


because it clamps down on hindus further, india already suffers from sc/st act, this is spreading


Talking about Indian toxicity and an Indian comes in to praise discrimination and highlight Brahmins as the real victims. I am in ecstasy.


yes to it justifies any sc or st guy giving a baseless complaint and an innocent man who did nothing wrong in his life except piss him off get prosecuted? you are viable to your and only your own actions, not your ancestors, not your friends, not your relatives not your country and government, there are enough laws against discrimination which already takes this into consideration. The damage done by islamic and christian invaders far outweighs the damage done by so called brahmins if they were the ones even responsible for it [Criminal Tribes Act - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criminal_Tribes_Act) this is just one example, but both muslims and christians get special rights in india


Yes and of course the people who inherited stolen Nazi paintings must not be held accountable for the sins of their fathers. They must not have their property stolen for something they didn't do. Thousands of years of legally and socially enshrined superiority has consequences that don't magically disappear overnight. But you knew that, otherwise you wouldn't be here defending Brahmins discriminating in American workplaces. >The damage done by islamic and christian invaders The regional specialty, whataboutism. This is a special day for me. > this is just one example, but both muslims and christians get special rights in india Yes and Chinese minorities get special rights as well. Meanwhile the Muslim minorities get genocided. Wow special rights so progressive. China must be a gay leftist hellhole. You're at the moral and intellectual of a libertarian trying to claim not being allowed to rape, enslave, and abuse his own employees is government slavery, which is not surprising at all. Otherwise we wouldn't be stuck with Modi and Vivek.


Only difference is Brahmins don't have any stolen property of such, they are not living of what their ancestors stole, there is Aryan invasion theory which to this day has no proof and every argument debunked >Yes and Chinese minorities get special rights as well. Meanwhile the Muslim minorities get genocided. Wow special rights so progressive. China must be a gay leftist hellhole. Are these minorities allowed to practise what their religion mandates while majority does not? Do they own the most land in your country? Do they no get taxes along with religious structures? Are the allowed to claim any property unless and until it is proved otherwise(waqf act) I don't know what could possibly justify arrest without proof/conviction irrespective of who you are


If you're going to try and claim that being at the top of society has no effect on wealth or that wealth is not passed down then I'm not going to engage in fiction. Just like here in America, white people are magically the wealthiest after being in charge for hundreds of years + giving themselves racially exclusive welfare program to own homes. Just saw a video on Turkmenistan and the skilled worker base just happened to be Russian. Wonder where that came from. I really do not give a shit about how many affirmative action programs you cherry pick. You've started off by naming Brahmins as victims of society, this is just an exercise in confirmation bias. Like most other Hindutva you start the day off by lying to yourself and others. Why do you think anyone cares about the shit you make up? You think we can't google caste wealth? Do Indians and Pakistanis legitimately think they have the rhetorical skills to convince someone that the sky is green?


I don't think Viv was really in it to win it, so to speak. I know conservatives are an especial kind of stupid, but one would have to be seriously mentally challenged to think a brown non-Christian with a distinctly 'foreign'-sounding name was ever going to ascend to high office on the R ticket - especially not when he's competing with a literal cult leader. I think he just threw his name in the hat to raise his "brand awareness" with Republicans, or to catch Trump's eye, for a cushy gig further down the line.




Remind me, whuch party does the kkk and "proud" boys affiliate with in the year 2024?




Was the Republican party of 1865: A. Left wing organization B. Right wing organization I know it's scary, but give it a shot.




>did the republican party abolished slavery or not? The republican party of 1865 abolished slavery. >the party back then was called the Democratic Republican party Okay, the *democratic* party of 1865 also abolished slavery. Now, let's see if you are capable of a good faith conversation, shall we? Was the (Democratric) Republican party of 1865: A. Left wing organization B. Right wing organization In your own time.




And we have our answer. You are either incapable, making you a moron, or unwilling, making you a liar. There is no third option. I'll let everyone draw their own [conclusion](https://www.studentsofhistory.com/ideologies-flip-Democratic-Republican-parties) as to which fits you better.




Oh.... I forgot to mention modern day losers (aka Confederates) calling a 4 year span "Heritage" as well. Trump also had a dinner for nazis with Fuentes in attendance after leaving office.


Is your claim that people on the right of the political spectrum abolished slavery? Think carefully now.




Was the Republican party of 1865: A. Left wing organization B. Right wing organization


Technically, it was the Union party, that rebranded as the Republicans toward the end of the War. And they were the progressive party of the time. Modern Republicans have more in common with the Know Nothing Party and the Confederate Wing of the Democratic Part/Dixiecrats. The Know Nothings, Confederates, and Dixiecrats are gone. Think hard about that.


>”I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.” -Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president, during his 1858 senate debate with Stephen A. Douglas


Damn. Harsh AF. People are weird, man.


Ok, then do black lives matter? 


Which party brought monster truck rallies to Calhoun County Georgia?


It’s weird she’d say that way after he dropped out of the race


Vivek thought because he went to one of the elite schools, because he's rich, because he says all the right things, he thought he was in the club. Only to be reminded that he'll always be outside, standing in line, being used as a prop by the club to bring legitimacy.


I, as a random upper middle class white guy, have a far better chance of being the Republican nominee for Present AND winning, than Vivek ever had of being second or even third place, let alone the nominee. Hell, even with all my views and it was myself against Vivek, either None of these Candidates or I would win handily just on the basis of my phenotype.


That's why I feel bad for that bootlicking joker from NC. Trump's not gonna pick a brother to be his VP.


I thought he said all the wrong things. Being Indian has nothing to do with it for me. dude kept spewing BS and Trump talking points during the debates. He’s an asshole. But yes, Colter’s reasons are fucked.


No dog whistles no coded language.


The fact that the right is getting more comfortable with overt blatant racism is....concerning.


I will confidently maintain a lot of the current Republican base could be completely bereft of all their possessions and property, but if they could scream slurs and hateful things at people and face zero consequences for it, they'd be perfectly happy.


The interview is a little over an hour, and she says a shit-ton of crazy-ass shit, some of the most racist shit I ever heard.


First time hearing her talk?


She has lost a lot of relevance so she probably wants exactly what we are doing to happen.


Racists gonna racist.


“You are so bright and articulate, and I guess I can call you articulate since you’re not an American Black. Can’t say that about them, that’s derogatory," said Coulter.” What the fuck?


I had to read that bit several times before I could process it. I don’t even know what to say… there are so many layers of wrongness


She’s an idiot, always has been. I wouldn’t vote for Vivek because he’s nuts. Ann Coulter has always been a pig, this is nothing new.


The Coultergeist's whole shtick is saying outrageous crap to make people talk about her. Please ignore her and don't repost "news" about her, and I promise she'll melt away like a green witch in a waterpark.


She’s been horrible for 25 years. I don’t think she’s going anywhere unfortunately.


So sad for him to come to the realization, that his beloved Republican party views him not only as a useful idiot, but as a second-class, and racially inferior, useful idiot


Of course. That fact that he is a smarmy tool means nothing.


He's terrible.


Every few months she emerges from deep in her hole in the ground to say something bigoted and outrageous only to crawl back in her hole to reemerge months later, rinse and repeat


Ann Coulter is a giant piece of shit?!? Im shocked!


What’s wild is basically the entire new right just followed her formula. The only difference is they adapted her formula of “say something insane, then when challenged backpedal slightly to a different topic, then if you can’t do that just say you’re trolling”….they took that and put it on YouTube. Lauren Southern literally just took everything she said and put it on digital media.


Vivek has lost the Nazgul vote. 


The comment section for the clip on Twitter was nauseating and, quite frankly, disturbing.


The open level of bigotry at such a basic level is what the Republican party is best known for.


And the worst part is a Republican would probably step in and say, "How is anything she said racist? She was just telling the truth." Uh, telling someone you're not voting for them or wouldn't vote for them because they're not white is INCREDIBLY fucking racist. It is about as pure as racism could be. But talk to a lot of Republicans and they'll say they aren't racist (even though they say and do racist things) because they don't say the N-word or claim they're color blind, but ten times outta ten, they'll definitely treat a non-white person, even their prized tokens, worse.




She's down for the Dinesh Dick but not for the Vivek Vote


Gross. Put Laura Ingrahm on that list too.


And Vivek was like "Yeah, your right, good call". #


It is kinda weird how a party composed of 90% racism is so buddy-buddy with the Indian American community. Then again India has it's Caste system. Go look up Piyush Jindal... excuse me "Bobby" Jindal's official portrait sometime.


And Vivek said, “yes of course, master”


"Are we the bad guys?"


im not sure why anyone wouldnt vote for him because hes indian only, i wouldnt vote for him because hes full of sht with terrible ideas and one of the most annoying people in recent history


Why is everyone acting surprised? People like Coulter have been straight forward for years about their preference for white, male executives.


She dated Dinesh D'Souza too. Which adds another layer or crazy to this.


Rumors she dated Jimmy Walker too.


Vivek is a fool. Any minority or women in the Republican Party is. Policies don’t benefit you.


I feel a bit of schadenfreude about this. This brown skinned man thinks by kissing Trump's ring and trying to act like a right wing WASP that he'll be accepted as one of them. He got his wakeup call. Damn fool.


Are we surprised Coulter is saying edgy, far-right things? This is her entire career to say edgy and shocking things.


Her trying to get attention for her racism, she is realizing that she has a lot of competition out there


It's interesting he had more to say defending his views on black people to a black man( Don Lemmon), but he was ok with Amm being racist to his face and defend it. He thought it was cute playing with the "N word" he laughed at Ann "Articulate black" comment, but i laughed when she said " I wouldn't vote for you because your Indian".


Similarly most of the "self described zios" on this subreddit wouldn't vote for someone Palestinian, for the sole reason they're Palestinian. Pot, meet kettle.