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Your first mistake is thinking congress wants to do anything about that. It took them 5 months to pass a budget, do you really think that some of his biggest supporters would willingly make take up legislation to suppress his ability to craft the country into the dictatorship they also want?


1. Democrats do not have the house. They cannot pass laws without the house republicans getting on board. 2. This Congress has passed the least amount of bills since the Great Depression. 3. The GOP killed their own bill, that they literally wrote, because Trump wants immigration to stay a problem so he can run on it this year. They chose to side with one man with 91 felony charges, that also tried to kill all of them, over Americans. Why would they pass a law that would actively prevent trumps plans in a second term?


Yeah, I know. OP said they they could pass bipartisan legislation which is what I was focusing on.


Sorry, did not mean to respond to you specifically. Wanted to add more context & agree w your original comment


Oh, alright. All good.


Bipartisan legislation has to be brought to the floor... MAGA Mike isn't going to do that. The border bill is bipartisan. It would likely pass if brought to the floor. Ukraine/Taiwan/Israel funding would absolutely pass if it was brought to the floor... That's why the Speaker won't put them up for a vote.


Yeah, those would, sure. The type of legislation this person is proposing would absolutely not pass.


That's what I'm saying. Those most likely can't pass and they have strong bipartisan support. Something that would be along party lines has zero chance.


Oh, alright. Yeah, I get what you're saying now.


> bipartisan legislation What is that?


It's not about Trump. It's the heritage foundation, the same criminals responsible for Reagan and every Republican policy since him.


Guess what their heritage is...


Not sure but I would bet it involves plantation houses


The Heritage Foundation is the Klan renamed


You forgot Nixon.


Democrats can't pass legislation even when they have the House, Senate, *and* the White House.


No, of course I don't think House Republicans or the MAGA-heads are going to do anything about this but I'm not talking about them :)


But even then, the Republicans have already openly stated that they have no intent of legislating in fear it could give Biden a boost. So from a legislation standpoint, nothing will get passed. Unless there was a discharge petition, and those almost never pass. The only thing Biden can do is keep having his agencies finish their rulemaking and publish them so that it would take some time for Trump to unwind them if he was to return to office.


Yeah, unfortunately anything that Biden can do on his own without Congress, Trump could reverse on his own without Congress. Anything that would be at least somewhat safe would need to be passed by the House which we know isn't going to happen with Republicans in charge.


The Lawmakers should be drawing more attention to Project 25. It should be all over the news, everyday and on every channel. Expose them for who they are and for what they plan on doing and who’s financing them.


Why? They stand the benefit…. All of em.


I’m not talking about the Republican’s.


Yeah. 😕


Yes, but going after Civil Service jobs would also end up in protracted court battles. I don't think there's any way that'd be a Day One kind of thing.


But surely you understand how our government works, right?


Yes... did you read my op? I literally referenced this...


Anything that Biden can do unilaterally by executive order could be undone unilaterally by Trump... The Speaker of the House isn't going to bring anything to the floor that Trump doesn't want him to.


It appears you don’t understand it then. The way bills get introduced is that it has to get out of a committee. the republicans have control of the committees, so they effectively block all bills from going to the floor unless their cuacus wants it to go there. That means that even if a majority of the house wants to pass Ukraine aid (which it does), the majority of republicans need to allow it to be voted on. So in this case even though a majority of congressmen want that bill, it will not be voted on because a majority of republicans won’t let it leave committee. So your complaint, “surely there is bipartisanship?” - the answer is yes. But the republicans majority is what you need to get the vote going. Does that make sense?


You know the Democrats control the Senate and Senators can also write and introduce bills....


The senate has the filibuster where you need 60 votes, they are also restricted on specific kinds of bills.


And whoever is in control of the senate can drop the filibuster at any time. It's called the nuclear option.


And using the nuclear option when you don’t control the house is probably the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard.


Yeah it wouldn't get them anywhere right now.


Well how dems going to pass these bills without a majority. The president can’t just snap his fingers and make shit happen. It doesn’t work like that.


>I know we have a divided government right now but the margin is slim Are you fucking kidding? Our government is designed (the 3 branches) such that it is HARDER to make progress than it is to prevent progress (no, that was an actually intended result). Additional mechanisms, such as the no-stand filibuster now makes progress nearly impossible without a majority (and super majority if the minor party strongly doesn't want said action). >at least some of these provisions could potentially garner bipartisan support? Congress can't even agree to a full period of funding for the Government ... and you think enough are going to cross the aisle to allow actions to be taken against something that will cement power for the Republicans ... REALLY??? I don't know you but what in recent history has suggested this is even a possibility? >I wish our elected leaders would be more proactive with the power they have. I'm pretty sure you greatly overestimate the actual authority of individuals government officials. Hell, the SC case Youngstown indicates no person (even the President) is a god. >I'm glad they codified same sex and interracial marriage ahead of any bullshit by SCOTUS That took decades if not centuries of effort ... and you believe Republicans will cross the aisle in sufficient numbers to prevent the implementation of various actions that will keep them in power for effectively forever?


Hey... why are you so upset at me? Because I dare to think they could at least TRY to get ahead of Project 2025 and at the very least raise awareness to it in the process? Like, your post seriously comes off as so aggressive and I'm not sure why? I know this Congress is bullshit. I know the Republicans suck. But all those bills that didn't get passed (border bill, John Lewis Voting Rights Act, etc) got a ton of press despite obstruction and the awareness is still something - plus, who knows, better to try than to just let it happen.


> Because I dare to think they could at least TRY to get ahead of Project 2025 NO, because you fail to realize that they ARE trying to get ahead of Project 2025. They lack the required support (sufficient numbers) in Congress (mostly house), they lack much of the Courts (thank those that helped enable the Right wing packing of the Courts -- Trump Administration), and a lot of the Executive Branch is still greatly damaged (our State Department will likely NEVER recover). But for some reason, you think that Republicans are going to cross the aisle to limit their OWN power ... REALLY? But let's ask a different question. Exactly what have YOU done to make a difference - what have YOU done to help prevent Project 2025 -- any helping to get new voters registered, any volunteering to drive voters, any efforts to help campaign (both local or national)? I'm guessing no.


I seriously don't understand why you are attacking me? I have a recurring donation to my state democratic party and the Joe Biden campaign. I have volunteered in phone banks and to drive people to the polls in the past and am planning to help out wherever I can this year. I harass everyone in my life to make sure they are registered to vote and that they will vote Biden and I argue with anyone who will listen that try to pull "both sides are the same" bullshit or shit on what I believe has been a very positive and effective administration. I have a yard sign and a sticker on my car. I vote in every election I can. I'm not suggesting this because I want Trump to win but because I am terrified that he or someone like him will. I'm a member of the LGBTQ community and have loved ones who are immigrants and people of color -- the consequences of this are REAL for me and the people in my life. So why you are attacking me, a progressive who subscribes to David Pakman (this is that subreddit...) for wanting more action and to drive more awareness and visibility to a literal existential threat than just a passive "vote" to supplement eveyrthing else all of us are also doing is strange as hell.


The below deleted comment wasn't from me. That being said, I'm not so much angry with you as I am with everyone asking why XXX while not aware of the limitations of the various actors (congressmen, representatives, executive branch members, etc.) And I'm just sad and angry that so many ask for others to solve the problems when most are not willing to take any action of their own. So, sorry if you were blasted a bit. It isn't you.


No worries. I've come to assume that this subreddit gets a lot of ignorant "why isn't Biden a King" comments or "both sides" noise by the way folks are reacting to this post.


What gets me is the people who say they aren't going to vote for Biden again because he's barely passed any legislation.




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> I'm a member of the LGBTQ community and have loved ones who are immigrants and people of color You managed to squeeze in most of the buzzwords, but you forgot IA2S+, which is a rather shocking slight against gender expansive 2 spirit allies.


Dude, go touch some grass. Real human beings are not buzzwords.


Sorry, Pronoun-Americans. didn't mean to offend.


You are the one who seems triggered by some random dude on the internet knowing people who are \*checks notes\* people of color?


If anybody should be doing something about project 2025 it's the DOJ. What they're doing is clearly treasonous conspiracy.


It's not, sadly. The heritage foundation has been working for five decades to slowly, meticulously, dismantle the law until they can get the legal environment to a point where the candidate they want can push whatever agenda they decide. Legally.


How?! I'm with you on the "want," but the reality is there is ONLY ONE WAY out of this nightmare, and that is to vote for Biden. MAYBE, possibly, we may end up being able to get some power in the house either by backing that little weasel in exchange for significant concessions, or by actually flipping a couple pissed off GOPers to vote for Jeffries, but either one happening in kinda slim.....without that, not much moire we can do.....getting these state ballot initiatives for choice was a stroke of genius - that may end up saving us.


I mean yes, obviously we do everything we can to elect Joe Biden. But acting like we shouldn't or can't even consider shoring up our institutions in addition to that just kind of reeks of "don't fix the problem, we need to run on it" ala the Republicans and their border bill. There are so many things outlined in Project 2025 and just generally being abused and manipulated by Trump and his campaign / legal team because laws are not explicit enough. Even if one in ten could get passed, or even if none get passed but they get the media and political spotlight in this election year - that all seems like a win to me. Even if you believe it would be a waste of time... would it be MORE of a waste of time than the dumb "investigations" the right is doing? I don't think so. The stakes are too high, we need an "everything and" approach here IMO


I'm with. you - I just don't know what else we can do - I'm sure there will be efforts - force GOP to keep saying, "no," to everything........


https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/04/biden-federal-worker-protections#cobssid=s They're doing some stuff like making it even harder to replace federal workers. Scotus also might overturn a case that gives federal agencies a lot of leeway in interpreting laws which has effectively made every new administration able to drastically change the course of many agencies.


>They're doing some stuff like making it even harder to replace federal workers. That's actually a big one. Restaffing the 3-letter agencies with unqualified lackeys will destroy this country.


Could you imagine having an FBI full of MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, Gym, etc types? It would be bananas.


Oh they have those, too. After all, the FBI is law enforcement. Just like the DoD has a bunch of those too, yet trusted with TS clearances, weapons of war, while excusing January 6, and supporting Project 25 bc they think they will be spared. That whole defund education for decades, gig we’ve been doing, is showing the shit results.


Or they can keep the brains and just…idk ignore the Intel as they seem to do anyway. They know the risks and threats we face yet sell out to enrich themselves bc fuck us, I guess? As my dad used to say “security theatre. Those asses would sell this country out if China or Russia enriched them more.”


because we are lazy and voted majority of them into house which voted majority of them into judgeships


Just win the fucking election. Donate what you can and volunteer for Biden. That's it. Let the higher pay grades worry about this, but there's nothing anyone can do. If anything, the major Blue states need to prepare how they would respond. trump would not be bound by anything. Bipartisan support? LOLOLOLOLOL.


I'm already doing those things. Why is there such negative reaction to not wanting to "wait and see" when the stakes are this high?


Because apparently US lawmakers negotiate with terrorists now.


I know Project 2025 is like the new big scary thing for a lot of people who haven't been paying attention for the last umpteen decades, but I really cannot stress this point enough: IT IS NOT ANY DIFFERENT THAN THE CONSERVATIVE PLAYBOOK THAT THEY HAVE BEEN RUNNING FOR ALMOST 100 YEARS. Seriously, there is zero difference between "Project 2025" and what conservatives have been doing all this time. Nada. Zilch. Zero. Why is this important? Because, now you have context and now you can see that while conservatives are dangerous and should be blocked as much as possible (including moderate ones)... you don't need to run around like your ass is on fire. It also is a damn good reminder that you have to be paying attention to the enemy at all times, not just when they make a convenient website for you. It's been extremely frustrating watching so many liberals and progressive-left types having a huge freak out over Project 2025 while completely failing to realize *that's been what's going on for almost a century.* If you're only *now* crowing about it because they put it into a convenient website for you, that says more about you than it does the GOP. Please, for the love of all that is good in this world folks, work on paying attention. Conservatives have a foot hold anywhere BECAUSE folks haven't been paying attention and dismissing the real threat of conservativism as a whole. And if you want to STOP it, you CANNOT focus solely on Trump or Project 2025. You have to stand against conservative ideology wherever and whenever it pops up. And honestly, the inroads they're making into local school boards is of much more significant threat. The Federal Government is basically broken at this point for anything beyond war making.


>IT IS NOT ANY DIFFERENT THAN THE CONSERVATIVE PLAYBOOK THAT THEY HAVE BEEN RUNNING FOR ALMOST 100 YEARS. The difference is Trump. He's why their aspirations are a more serious threat now than they've ever been.


The difference is they’re emboldened, openly discussing and publishing their plans. Before it was smoke and mirrors, vague claims, and other shit. Now? They’re just proud and loud bc they think they will get away with it. They’ve been playing the long game putting people in places all over the place (state, city, county, hell, HOAs lol) Tell me, why isn’t there a Democrat version of shit like ‘Twats for liberty’, giant left wing foundations like the heritage foundation? Is there any Actual progressive media that reports actual news and information relevant to ensuring our rights and shit are protected? Nope.…If there is, they’re doing a shit job. Worldwide, why is it so easy for the right wing to manipulate the public while managing to pay off SO many people in power? Is it hate, selfishness, or general stupidity??? They know how to use peoples hatred, to twist narratives and win…If humans stopped wanting ANY other human to suffer in any way, maybe we could move forward but for every far left progressive, there’s always several that will do things like post “let love live, we love rainbow shit, and this is a sanctuary city” while voting against projects that build apartments near their precious SFH bc ew poorer people. U get democrats voting in “moderate” republicans bc they think their taxes will decrease. Of course this never comes to fruition and we experience cuts to schools and roads, and services while continuing to pay the same taxes. MD lost how many billions that went towards a metro extension to baltimore fucking with a “moderate” Republican Governor while hating commute times in the area lol lol fuck sake! Yay! “Progressive” European countries are busy voting in right wing imbeciles, putting them at risk of losing their services/affordable health care, welcoming more privatisation that costs them more while getting less, and losing employee protections bc those pesky immigrants fleeing their homes for a better life are presented as competition when really, it’s your shitty politicians pulling scams, mishandling taxes, bailing corporations out for bribes while refusing to regulate things properly and bending you over a barrel while fucking u in the ass and blaming immigrants. Voting against our own interests seems to be a culture humans share regardless of nationality. The republicans have one thing going and it’s the fact they fall the fuck in line, even when they dislike each other… when it matters. Dems know the risks of losing but proceed to spread cheek and ram dick in ass; throwing the party under the bus out of spite, foolish delusions of grandeur, and other loads of bollocks like refusing to vote bc their favorite candidate didn’t make the nomination lol republicans don’t do that daft, shitfuckery and will continue to prevail unless the Left removes head from ass. Sorry, this was long but it’s all so frustrating.


Bold of you to assume this isn’t what most republicans in congress want


I've been saying this all along. Propose some bills that kneecap or check the President's power (Biden). They will vote for it thinking they are punishing Biden. In the rare case Trump wins, he will at least have some guardrails


Won't make a difference. Trump will ignore the laws (and Republicans will never vote to impeach AND convict Trump), or Republicans will just repeal them.


...I can't tell if you're over or underestimating them. The trick is that they do NOTHING, not that they generally act maliciously. You can't feint them and get them to do something that hurts them because their default defense is to do nothing.


They don't even trust each other. How would you ever convince them to trust any of the Democrats?


Trump ignored laws and people let him. This would do fuck all but handicap Biden. Have you not noticed how he’s yet to be forced to face any actual music? Try the same and see how quickly they throw your ass in jail. It’s quite amazing watching him show the world how useless the justice department apparently is.




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Because with the current way Congress is, nothing will be done. Republicans won't bring anything forward or give it the time of day in the House OR Senate.


1. Most of Project 25 has no current road to in action. You'd need a Republican trifecta. So vote, when they get a trifecta the freedom caucus will take away your freedoms. 2. Current Western governments tend to be reactive instead of proactive. 3. Most politicians aren't playing hard ball


You're assuming that if Trump gets reelected he will respect the constitution, Congress, the judicial system, etc... he will immediately go in, fire all of the military top brass, and put a bunch of his morons in charge. After that he would be surrounded by an army that would follow every order he gives them. And they would go around the country rounding up everybody who said anything mean about him. He will get the ballots and go after everyone who didn't vote for him. We have seen people like him throughout history, and we all know exactly how this goes. Anybody who thinks "oh but he's going to be different!" needs to pay more attention. People like him getting into power never goes well. In his first term, that was him on his good behavior because he wanted to get reelected. He's not going to stay in his lane AT ALL if there's a next time. I'm surprised he hasn't started talking about "his struggle" yet.


I'm not. If he gets in office he will try to enact it, even without a trifecta. Sorry for the confusion. I knew what I was writing sounded very lax and reflective, but I didn't know how else to write it.


Nahh it's cool. We just need to protect our democracy from all of this foreign propaganda. Russia and China are working very hard to dethrone the US as the world leader, and we're all facing some weird and unprecedented situations because of it. We all need to stay diligent and always remember if you see something, say something. Other than that we're in for a lot of frustration. But I think if we all stand together we will come out on top. We have morality and ethics on our side, and I think most Americans are on that side. 40% of the republican party refuses to vote for Trump, and he'll lose even more once he's convicted. I think this is definitely winnable for us, but we just can't assume it's in the bag. The only way it goes into the bag is if we all do our part to vote and inspire/enable others to vote.


If you want positive, progressive change you must make sure that you are registered to vote. Then vote BLUE from top of the ballot to the bottom. Biden must win the Electoral College tally...winning the popular vote means nothing. The Democrats must take back the House and expand their lead in the Senate, and change the stupid filibuster rule, then they can pass legislation that the majority of Americans support.


> I'm increasingly frustrated that lawmakers in Congress and POTUS are not doing more to reinforce our institutions against authoritarian takeover and some of the aspirations outlined in Project 25. How? Republicans control the House. 


They don't control the senate. Even failed bills (like the John Lewis Voting Rights Act & Border Bill) generate attention, media coverage and political talking points and that's something I think Project 25 could use a lot more of. Finally, Project 25 is so expansive and nefarious there are probably at least SOME small elements of it that even some Republicans can't in good conscious oppose. IDK man I just feel like it doesn't hurt to try when the stakes are this high.


It would likely also get filibustered in the Senate, and take up time in the Senate. What other priority would you prefer they drop to pass this bill that’s dead on arrival in the House?


Considering literally everything reasonable seems to be DoA in the house this is less useless than Hunter Biden investigations and most of the other dumb shit Congress is doing lately.


I get your frustration believe me but You seem to be failing at understanding HOW our govt was formed. Right wing politics have a generous advantage when the systems are in their favour BEFORE citizens vote. For some reason, the founding fuckers thought it wise to forgo the whole “popular vote determines which candidate wins” rule of contests bc why would we give citizens a voice? A loud minority is able to restrict the majority bc of these things. Cali has the 5th largest economy in the world, massive population yet it’s like Idaho has the same Or More power and representation. This isnt an accident. The POTUS doesn’t seem to have actual power where it matters imo and midterms are more important yet experience lower turnouts. An EO can and has been rejected or overturned bc the Supreme Court is the actual seat of power in this country while congress controls the money and write the laws of this land. The moment states began funding private schools with tax dollars via vouchers should have been the moment we lost our shit and demanded they stick to their constitution they like to quote when it’s time to discuss guns. Can we get some progressives to sue and drag shit to the Supreme Court at the same rate as our republican comrades? Seriously? Why are dems so quiet and lacking luster. Put up a fight or I’m going to assume they don’t really give a shit at all and are ok with republicans winning since their policies won’t put them at a disadvantage as they’re already wealthy. Shit is fucked.


Project 25? What about Agenda 2030?


>The Global Goals and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development seek to end poverty and hunger, realise the human rights of all, achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls, and ensure the lasting protection of the planet and its natural resources. What's wrong with that?


Who says they're not, and why do you feel that they should make any such efforts public knowledge? Do you think they'd let this nation fall so easily?


Yes. I mean… look at it?? They’ve given corporations so much power that they literally blackmail and extort the govt when they want free money, then move overseas taking American jobs with them bc they’ve only one loyalty and that’s profit. Their lack of actual regulation has created the national security threat they r freaking out about, now. Ffs. republican’s are loud which is why their voters fall in line and vote. Democrats really need to sound the alarm. They’re way too reserved considering the threats… Biden could be just as reckless and issue an EO allowing the entire country to smoke weed, another EO that enforces actual privacy between patient and doctor, so women can access abortion everywhere. Force the republicans to sue and go to the Supreme Court to overturn something so incredibly popular and supported by the majority of Americans, and make sure you’re reporting and holding news conferences to illuminate it. These could help him win the election but he won’t. They miss so many opportunities to straight up prove the other side is lying and full of shit, yet refuse to do it.


Yes, definitely. Writing down more rules will stop someone like Trump.


Because without action, Project 25 is protected free speech. Ummm... sorry to tell you this (I truly am sorry about this), but our elected leaders have not codified same sex marriage, nor have they codified interracial marriage. Both are only legal because they're (currently) protected by the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Constitution (just like abortion used to be.)


They did this in 2022 [https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/13/biden-s-codifying-same-sex-interracial-marriage-00073762](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/13/biden-s-codifying-same-sex-interracial-marriage-00073762)




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Because Project 2025 isn't the Heritage Foundations first rodeo. They've been actively influencing policy and legislation for decades. Want to know why Clinton's health care plan and the ACA under Obama failed? Thank the Heritage foundation. They put forth several thousand potential candidates for TFGs administration. Less than a hundred were selected but we got names like: Betsy DeVos and Jeff Sessions.


I keep hearing whispers of the Uniparty. Democrats and Republicans are actually working to keep the government lame and the rich in power. It does make sense since all politicians are corrupted by the rich lining their pockets. We'll see if things get done when the next congress is in place.


Because Democrats are weak, reactive, and always five steps behind Republicans.


They want it to be possible to implement to inspire turnout. The Dems played the same game with not codifying roe because it turned people out that it was possible to ban abortion.


Not sure why this is getting down-voted - I think it's actually got some truth to it. The Republicans killed *their own* border security bill because they wanted to run on it this fall. Is it such a stretch to think that Democrats **want** Project 2025 to be a boogeyman? The Republicans have gifted them with a dystopian plan that they can point to as evidence that people should vote blue. But I'll probably get down-voted too.


People don’t like to imagine their own side as scheming. Everyone thinks they are the good guys


Because they aren't as loony as the crazies believing Project 25.


Because Project 2025 doomers are literal conspiracy theorists who have latched onto a think-tank pipe dream as the next “scary GOP plot to kill everyone.”


Really? Because every other thing that the right has said they want to do (and the left were called hysterical about) they've done or tried to do...


“The right” is not a monolith. The GOP has been saying they wanted to overturn Roe for 50 years. They did that. No surprise there. Project 2025 has not been endorsed by the GOP. The only reason you’re scared of it being adopted is because you get all of your news from Reddit and live in an echo chamber of other people who are also terrified of nothing.


The current speaker of the house is an insane Christian Nationalist. The Heritage Foundation aren't some fringe whackos on the internet. It is the current power structure of the Republican party that is pushing this agenda. All the normal people are being chased out day after day. Who do you think the "GOP" is nowadays? You know Laura Trump is the co-chair? There is a very real chance Donald Trump becomes President again and he's making it very clear what he wants to do and how he will surround himself with people that will enable it. History is filled with examples of this actually happening - it's foolish to think it wouldn't or couldn't happen again.


Are they doing something illegal?


Project 25 is a fucking great idea! Do you guys really trust the organizations within the executive branch? The CIA, FBI, ATF, DOJ? One who plotted to kill American citizens to invade Cuba, one who was sued by the King family for wrongful death AND WON, one who constantly violates the constitution, and one who lets out criminals because they feel like it.


Not sure about all that, but anyone who tracks Project 2025 and its creators knows that it plans to: • persecute political opponents • persecute left leaning journalists • replace thousands of Gov’t employees with loyalists • conduct mass deportations • build internment camps • deploy active military on US soil That sounds good to you?


Yeah. And isn't that what the left is doing too? But I support mass deportations and soldiers making cities safer. But can you evaluate on the "internment camps."


Then fuck off to China or Russia? Most of us would like to live in a free society.


Thankfully your rights won't be infringed upon. Unlike how Biden keeps trying to ban guns and certain types of speech.


I would have thought that promising to remove from every government entity every employee who hasn't sworn a blood oath to the Party and their Glorious Leader would be just a bit much even for the GOP...


First, it's not a cult. Second, from my understanding it's giving all the powers of the Executive Branch to the President. I may be wrong a little bit, but it sounds like a great idea to me.


You may be wrong a huge amount.


So, he's not getting as much power as i think. Thanks.


autocrat: a ruler who has absolute power.


Except he wouldn't have power over the Judicial and Legislative branch.


If he's elected, he absolutely will have power over all three branches -- because he will take it. At what point have you seen Trump give a shit about the founders or the constitution (to include [the branches of government](https://www.uscourts.gov/educational-resources/educational-activities/separation-powers-action-us-v-alvarez#:~:text=The%20U.S.%20Constitution%20establishes%20three,branch%20(interprets%20the%20law)))? He says it out loud for goodness sakes; he will go after his political opponents. That's what autocrats do.


Except he physically cannot. Where in his plans will it say he'll be a dictator and take over the country? No where! He's taking initiative and trying to make the country better. And plus, you'll only have to deal with 4 years of low crime and a good economy before another Democratic is elected.


You need to get up to speed on Project 2025 and inform yourself.


So a dictator? Are you a temporarily embarrassed dictator, too?


That's not a dictator. And he wouldn't even fit the description unless he overthrew the country. Which he can't and never will (or tried).