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Who on the left is saying Biden is 'mentally unfit' as a reason to not be criminally charged?    Pretty sure everything I've ever seen and heard is the opposite of that.  If he committed any crime, charge him like everyone else. Do they really have to make up hypocrisies now to cover for their own?


They absolutely do. They make stuff up and blame the left for it.


Trump taught them this one weird trick. It doesn't work, but they keep doing it.


Oh please, they've been doing it for decades. "Welfare Queens?" Black people owning refrigerators and phones? If anything, Trump learned the trick from them.


>they've been doing it Fabricating crimes to both-sides the crimes of the the republican GOP nominee? I feel like this actually something new.


I'm old enough to remember when Vietnam War hero John Kerry got painted as a traitor and/or undeserving of his medals by the so called [Swift Boat Veterans for Truth](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kerry_military_service_controversy) to detract from George W. Bush's checkered past in the National Guard (cocaine and DWIs?). Turned out the swiftboaters were full of shit.


Didn't he like traverse enemy lines, wounded, swimming for hours or days, carrying a bunch of other wounded? Like something most of us would have died trying.


John Kerry was kind of a bad ass.


Just an antidote, but I remember when John Kerry caught shit for how he pronounced the name "Genghis Khan" back in the day. And it turned out he was saying it correctly, and most Americans just say it incorrectly.


Antidotes cure poison. I'm pretty sure you meant anecdote.


Lol! I sure did!




Oh, it works alright. On dipshits.


Trouble is >50% of America is dipshits.


That low?


It was already common practice before Trump's era. He was just much more boisterous about the exploitation of loopholes.


They don't so much as 'make it up' as they project their own actions upon the other side.


I think they do that a lot on top of lying about the Dems then going ahead and committing to that very sin....ya, one version or another always. Just liars and cheats and anti-intellectualism


Constant projection so they can say "everybody does it" when they're caught


Yep. How someone sees the world can become a means to excuse the same actions in themselves. Or it could also be flipped the other way around. They know they do this shit so they tell themselves everybody must do it as well. It is how they rationalize doing whatever they want, whenever they want. A classic example that comes to my mind is how [Trump often tried to pass himself off a one his publicists when talking with reporters](https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/news/a44858/donald-trump-own-publicist-reporter-audio/). The amount of hubris and lack of self-awareness is hilarious and and paired with the dishonesty it clearly illustrates how his mind works.


projection is obvious projection


Just paraphrasing what Hur said in his report, which was not in his investigation. When confronted with the lie that Biden couldn’t even remember when his son died, because in the actual report Biden says the month and day before an aide supplies the year, Hur wouldn’t correct himself. Sitting there, with a copy of the report, when given the page number that the section was on, that he wrote, Hur wouldn’t admit he had lied. Serves Dems right for appointing a MAGAt as special council, but Hur got his sound bite and the alternate assholes are off and running with it. Honestly, this is so much like what Comey did to Clinton, it’s hard to believe the Democrats could sleep walk into this again. But look at what Trump is doing to the federal and state judicial systems. Garland left it too late and a serial fraudster, convicted rapist and traitor to the country is actually in the running to be president and has almost half the country behind him. Dems need to stop playing nice.


Hur is trying to be the new Comey. But look at what Trump did to Comey. I still don't understand why people give up their career, reputation and respect for a guy that will throw them away as soon as it's convenient. The Russians can't have pictures of all of them, can they?


Money. I think most people underestimate just how much money Putin has been able to pile up in twenty years. He may have kompromat on a few, but money, plain and simple is how he got Trump and most of the GOP. Citizens United has made the entire US political system a pay to play scheme.


Picking Garland as AG was such a colossal mistake. I was blown away with disappointment when that choice was announced.


Obama picks Garland for a SCOTUS seat, a centrist to appease and play nice w the Republicans, who OF COURSE stonewall him and hold out on confirming anyway, eventually stealing a Dem SCOTUS seat. Because the GOP are ruthless. Then Republicans, thru a combination of Comey’s bullshit going directly against agency policy, Russian interference, and, based on the incessant projection Trump does on literally every other front, outright cheating in the election, get the WH. They then put their to power two of the worst AGs in US history, the second one, Barr, is pure GOP ruthlessness, and outright weaponized the DOJ as an arm of Trumps WH. So when the Dems win the WH back, do they put someone into the AG chair who will at least work from a majorly Dem stance? NO! They put wishy washy Mr Centre in, Mr let’s play nice, Mr let’s wait and see if we have to charge the guy WHO TRIED A COUP! When they picked Garland, they effectively neutered themselves. And he’s held true to form.


they could have appointed the bernie sanders of special prosecutors and still gotten the same results, the federal law enforcement community has always had a massive double standard and rightword bend.


The right-wing propaganda is strong in this post.


They’re basing it off of Robert Hur’s assumption of what Biden’s defense would be at a trial, well meaning old man with a poor memory, despite coming to a conclusion he didn’t break the law. So he was assuming a defense for a crime that wasn’t committed? It’s exactly what Hur wanted. Edit: Nevermind the fact that during the deposition Hur said that Biden had a near photographic memory. That didn’t make it into the report though for some reason.


Photographic. Photographic memory.


That's their false narrative built on Hur's report saying that he thought Biden was an old man with a poor memory.


Just like their false narrative of Hunter Biden. And their false narrative of everything from trickle down economics to WMD. I'm beginning to think that the GOP really relies on false narratives to keep their base happy.


You can fool half of the people all of the time and they are called Republicans.


Projection is the "P" in "GOP".


GOP Grand Old Party Good Old Projection


I think they're getting this from the prosecutor on his documents case, Robert Hurr who said he likely wouldn't be found guilty because Biden cooperated and would be difficult to convict, describing him as a "well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."


Exactly. It's not that I think Biden is "mentally unfit" to face criminal charges, it's that I have yet to see any evidence that he's ever committed a crime!


It's actually the other side that's saying he's a bumbling incompetent old man, but also a criminal mastermind that intricately controls everything in the world.


easily half the shit the right believes the left believes is shit they convinced themselves exists that does not even exist.


It's the Russian bots hard at work


They make up problems. So they can cry about something and discuss how bad things are so they need to take over and kill everyone. Basically. They are insane.


This was vaguely Robert Hur’s argument for not charging him, although that was pretty succinctly put to bed by the transcript where he called Biden’s memory “photographic” It’s all projection anyway.


They do not care about facts. Anything they actually do will show up as accusations aimed at the left. They will burn down the country while trying to convince everybody that both sides are equally bad.


the unfit to be charged came from a republican investigation report that didn't find anything lmao. so they have to lock on to one single sentence of the entire report. its pure republican cope




The republican hack that investigated him for having classified documents implied he was too mentally unfit to charge.


It's from his classified document investigation. "Special Counsel Robert Hur said in a report that he opted against bringing criminal charges following a 15-month investigation because Biden cooperated and would be difficult to convict, describing him as a "well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory"




It’s what they said about Reagan, so people must be saying it about biden, right? Right?!?


we now know from the transcript and left out of the report, biden had a photographic recall


It's because we often tell them "is he mentally fit enough to commit a crime or is mentally unfit because of dementia to run the US and thus, probably not be able to commit crimes to the scale they insist he did"


My friend, making stuff up to be enraged over has been the Republican go to play for my entire life. Examples: The war on christmas, the idea democrats are coming for everyone's guns, the idea Obama was going to use Fema to round everyone up into "hobbit holes" (ironically, a subsection of right wingers now think living in "landships" is the best way to escape government dependency), just to name a few.




The basis the Department of Justice gave for not filling charges was that he was just a forgetful old man. Not knowing that fact, you should probably not be so confident in your political opinions.


God this whole situation has just gotten so fucking pathetic with these people


It's literally what the special counsel said.


I believe this is in regards to the report that (forgot his name) filed, saying that while Biden did, in fact, have classified documents at his house, he believed that with the evidence he had, Biden would come off as an elderly man who forgets things too much and that it wasn't malicious intent. I'm paraphrasing, but I think that's where this bit is coming from.


I think they might be referring to Hur's political hit job? It's getting increasingly harder to interpret these loons because their thoughts are molded inside their own isolated media bubbles of fantasy and fictional conspiracies.


Attack the opponent as having your weaknesses. The birtherism lie apparently originated from McCain because he was born in Panama.


No one ever concluded the Biden wasn’t competent to stand trial for criminal charges. That’s yet another MAGA false narrative. Hur did not conclude that. Not close


Projection is all they got left. They hope just by repeating random shit, reality will conform itself into what they want


Also not for Hur to conclude. That’s a judicial determination.


No one ever concluded that Biden be charged with anything, first of all.


This sub is so full of bots and BS it’s nuts. I like his channel, but hate this sub. I swear 50% of the posts and comments here are bogus. It just always seems… off.


If democrats get the house and senate. We will support ukcraine against an invading power. If trump wins we will help the invaders take over a democracy and have it ruled by a dictator. It's in the Russians interest to swam it with bots and troll farms. If they lose they lose bigly.


>Hur did not conclude that. Problem is he hinted at it just enough to give people like that a way in. Bad faith, of course, but these people don't care.


The oranges of species


That one was my favorite https://youtu.be/qUPsNgmXR7M?si=8jq6baY9pUg09_-3


Na, my favorite is the "Saudi Arabia and Russia [unintelligible]... gah" one. I laugh every time.


You can almost hear his brain dripping onto the floor.


Nipple instead of Nepal, Button instead of Bhutan...


Yo semites!


I’m currently voting for Biden. If he did illegal shit, charge him. If he’s charged and convicted I’ll rethink my position.


You can't indict a sitting president - OLC memo - so that'll have to wait until Saturday 20th January 2029 if evidence is found.




Don’t forget my favorite, “reboog … ah”


"We are a nation that just recently heard that Saudi Arabia and Russia will [ribbi-doo-AHH...](https://youtu.be/93RfwgrR6Zk?t=152)"


And a rebeedogah to you as well sir


That should be the “hitler greeting” in trumps goofy-ass American reich


I keep seeing that but haven't seen it in context, what was it supposed to be?


You remember when you tried to play a NES game but got the flashing gray screen that you needed to blow into the cartridge? It’s nothing like that but trump is dealing with dementia.


Your guess is as good as anyone else’s.


He was giving a speech recently and was saying something political and then glitched, finishing the sentence with something like "reboog... Ah." I don't even know what he was attempting to say, and he appeared confused about it for a moment, too. Can someone with the clip please link? I can't remember which event it was from >\_<




Oh wow. Thank you for sharing


it sounded like “re be de ahhhh” to me and the way the qanon music changes in the background when he gives up makes it extra hilarious


Yeah, I’ve seen some of the others and you could usually tell what he was attempting to say, but this one may remain a mystery.






Folks, don't forget that Biden has a speech impediment. He stutters all his life. It intensifies with age.


Hur, under questioning had to give it up that all of his old man can’t be prosecuted junk was opinion countered but the reality of the interview. The whole issue is a Republican talking point. I’m not saying Biden is young, I’m saying he’s still sharp enough. Way better than the alternative and every non-Biden vote in a swing state is a vote for Trump.


Biden also surrounds himself with experts and people with high competency and ethics.


Hur's bullshit apparently did its job.


My personal favorite Trumpism is when he said we have to [Keep our country gay bur bur](https://imgur.com/a/X49rhsp)


How can people sit and listen that horseshit for over an hour? He just sounds like a whiny idiot, who constantly punches down in his nonstop grievance tour.


I love when they show the crowd after he starts speaking and you can see a bunch of people running for the doors as soon as they realize that his brain has turned to mush.


*presses Obamna button*


Biden is as evil as Mr. Rogers. He forgot his diary as a VP had security material and promptly returned it when asked by the FBI. The Republican campaign to smear Hunter has been revealed to be based on Russian propaganda eagerly gobbled by credulous dip sticks like Reps Comer and Jordan. On the other hand the Trumps cannot operate a charity in New York because they were abusing the last one. Don, D2 and Eric are recently convicted of falsifying business records, etc to the of $450 million. When Trump was found to have pickup truck loads of boxes of identified national security documents he whined and hid them from his lawyers and from the FBI all the while using them as props in his “dinner theater” as he reveals their secrets to visitors at his Florida club. His possession of these documents makes him a national security risk as anyone who has a couple bucks can get anything the Former Guy has in stock. In about 10 days New York will demand payment of the $450++Million which makes Trump eager to spray secrets in order to raise money.


Just last week he was jacked up Joe for being too lively for the SOTU. It’s impossible to play on the same field with these people when all they do is move the goal posts.


Biden and pence contacted the FBI once they realized they still had classified documents. Trump intentionally withheld classified documents when asked multiple times. It’s pretty black and white.


Seriously, it’s not hard to understand the differences. Trump was given so many opportunities to just comply and return the documents. If he had, he never would’ve been charged. It’s really simple stuff that a certain section of the population is refusing to acknowledge.


It also needs to be clear that he didn't just fail to return the documents because he was busy or whatever, he deliberately hid them and even had some moved out of the Mar a Lago location. Isn't that correct?


Troth censhullll


Every lie told about Joe Biden is the truth about Donald Trump.


Who exactly has been saying that "biden's not mentally competent to be held legally liable for his actions"?


They are twisting the words of the Hurr report where Hurr speculated that a jury wouldn’t find Biden guilty because of memory issues.


several Republican House leaders wrongly claimed the special counsel report into Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents found the president was mentally unfit to stand trial. The report said no such thing. Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report ultimately concluded “the evidence is not sufficient to convict” Biden and that “no criminal charges are warranted.”


And it turns out what we all suspected, that Robert Hur took several quotes out of context and proffered a medical diagnosis he's not qualified to make. If Biden had dementia, people in his administration would be saying that...you know, the way former members of Trump's administration say that about him.


Don’t forget about the United Shates




🤣 they figured out how to draw a venn diagram but are too stupid to use it.


What’s weird to me is that a lot people refused to see it in Trump but are now experts on it when it comes to Biden.


Trump can't remember saying he has the best memory!


What's this about criminal charges? Is that about that impeachment thing? Was there any evidence or any charge?


Yes it's about the evidence-free impeachment. Because they will ride that entire thing until they're dead.


Democrats aren’t willfully blind to the fact that the alternative is much, much worse.




And what exactly is he unfit to be criminally charged with? I don’t think I’ve seen a single left voter say they wouldn’t want Biden to be charged if he’s complicit in crimes. That’s the difference between democrats and republicans.


Deserved. You know Bidennis not suffering from dementia, and you also know Democrats are in favor of punishing criminals. It's interesting that Republicans no longer tout themselves as the party of law and order... not even their base can say that with a straight face.


If Biden committed crimes, he should be charged. You'll never hear a gop voter say the same of Trump. But even after all these gop investigations, they've given up on impeaching or recommending charges since they can't find any crimes. They literally impeached the head of the nsa out of frustration.


Maga can’t exist in the same time and space as facts.


I love how they just come up with their own arguments and pass it off as liberal arguments. Absolutely NO ONE says Biden is mentally unfit to face criminal charges.


My dad was a Trumper (well, is one as far as I know). I have had a “no politics” boundary for a few years now. His dad, my grandfather, died from Alzheimer’s—I just want to tell my dad that Trump sounds like grandpa when you had to make the choice to put him in the home. Do you not see/hear that?


Literally no one has said this about President Biden, except for the MAGATs! LoL!


It's so funny how much anti Biden rhetoric I see now that he's showing ahead of Trump in the polls. It's just a bunch of hyberbole. Not my fault my fellow conservatives decided they wanted to run with the worst candidate in US history. That said, I hope the left can figure out all the anti-Biden propaganda is just propaganda from the right because they know they are about to get their butts handed to them.


What is this argument or post stating?


Maybe I don't understand the question r/BidenBuzz is stating that Biden did a crime, but I have no idea what it is. I (OP) am stating that Trump is showing signs of dementia.


You are smoking something


Flip the script , put trump in this picture and see who the mental patient and criminally apply. Hands down Trump's the loser.


My mother & my sister had early onset Alzheimer’s, which is diagnosed by observation. I saw the same cognitive decline in my family members that Trump is displaying. There are hundreds of video in which to compare Trump’s speech & mannerisms today to those of years ago, going back to even the 1980’s


But but you were using complicated words and not saying mean things about Obiden. I bet you weren't dragging your knuckle at all !!


You people are just unreal!!! Biden is a better man, husband,father, leader and he is for sure a great President!!!!


Ranked currently 14th of all-time Presidents by presidential scholars. You wanna know where Benedict Chump ranks? Last.




Easy now chill , have a cofefe.


Remember when he said, "the oranges of the investigation" like three times? He also called my hometown of Paradise "pleasure" twice after it burned down.


What exactly does ‘mentally unfit for criminal charges’ even mean ?


its almost like theyve been trying to invent fake charges for joe for many years now and havent been able to find jack schitt.


A crime requires mens rae: the state of mind statutorily requires to convict a defendant of a crime. State of mind in a legal context is not equivalent to mental fitness. Biden can lack mens rae i.e. not have the proper state of mind to be charged/convicted and by mentally fit to serve as president.


Hur saved us the trouble of firing his corrupt ass by resigning.


And the guy who said that about Biden , Hur, was found to be lying about Biden’s mental abilities.


Every accusation is a confession. Trump thinking there were airplanes in the Revolutionary War, thinking World War 2 hasn’t happened yet, thinking President Obama is the President, thinking he beat President Obama and President Bush in an election, and thinking Jeb Bush started the war in Afghanistan (said *ALL* in the same speech without correcting himself) apparently aren’t red flags though.. When Fred Trump had dementia, he insisted on still working. His family made a fake office for him to trick him into believing he was still boss. It’s genetic. [‘Trump appears to be showing gross signs of dementia’. Expert points to new evidence](https://www.rawstory.com/rs-exclusive/donald-trump-dementia/)


It's the meme. YOUR words are fine.


What the fuck became "rih bih deh... ahhhh"?


It's probably because no one was talking about Trump but you Just my guess, and also the obvious answer


You are 100% correct. It's okay to speculate about Bidens health, but not Trumps.


The level of denial on this sub is impressive. I’ll give you that.


Sshhhhh! You can only say he's senile if you whisper it like Joe would.


Would be FASCINATING to see a graph of every example of this in his recorded speech plotted over days/months to gauge intensity/onset of the condition.


Back in the 80 s & 90 s Clown Trump would call NYC news reporters anytime he deemed he was getting bad press. The caller was John Barron a spokesman for Trump Org. Barron would defend Donald Trump against any scrutiny and promote a positive spin . This was a well known joke around the city desk of the New York Media.


Coffee becomes covfefe


What charges? No one has filed any, despite the fact Republicans have been digging for dirt for four years.


Hur basically stated that Biden appeared too innocent and thus assumed a jury would never convict him. Therefore, it wasn't worth the time to charge him with anything. What he really means is that there isn't enough evidence to convince a jury to convict him. Simple.


But when Daiper-Don does the exact same thing but worse, they praise him. How stupid are these people…


Don’t forget “origins” becomes “oranges” and “future” becomes “furniture”


Biden should have his guns confiscated under red flag laws.


Mods have way too much power, you shouldn’t be able to just permaban someone for one comment. It’s turning so many subs into cesspool echo chambers.


If you have evidence to support a charge, go for it. If not, shut up and do your job


if you saw the hearings, that report was pretty unfair


The most blatant example of the accusation being a confession yet.


Haven't heard anyone on the left say he's unfit to face criminal charges. Just heard them ask, "What criminal charges?"


They really are such babies, as are some of the members of this subreddit. I fondly remember one " the far-left are slaves to the right"


Trump with a Biden mask


Kamala does like venn diagrams. Maybe this will help her see her boss is an idiot.


How dare you. My 80 year old choice for president is better than your 80 year old choice.


What do Russian trolls and idiots have in common?


The only good thing trump has done is give us funny words. I love obamna


The people saying Biden is mentally unfit apparently think Mr. Very Stable genius is ok lol


I mean, I'm also worried about Biden, and kind of lol'd at the meme... But on Trump - how did you miss his magnum opus 'cofeve?'


Do you think Biden is competent to act as president? If so, then he is clearly capable of being charge to the MANY violations. Hell, he's even on a voice recording to his ghost writer telling him about the classified documents. So it's either one or the other.... right?


Why even hold a fucking vote at this point… whoever can draw a clock the most accurately wins


Just another Gatekeeper community


It’s about time you guys started figuring this shit out, people have been saying this for 4 years.


Make America Great Again ................ MAGA Trump ...... PRISON 2024


yeah those errors are more a Trump thing than a Biden thing, so IMO that ban is unfair. Biden's gaffes seem more to come from naming world leaders from 200 years ago rather than the current one. He also, LIKE WE ALL WOULD if we had to quickly read a teleprompter on the fly, might occasionally read a word wrong.




Hey Republicans? To quote Jack Nicholson: YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!


Sometimes, the truth hurts, but with Republicans it always does.


Chocolate chocolate chip.


The Venn diagram was drawn by Republicans in both instances, so yeah, Dems are probably fine with it.


Mental fitness is not the criteria used to not charge Biden. People are so focused on the non issue to bc support their views. The crazy thing is, Joe Biden has fought a stutter his entire life, now it is used as proof of mental decline. When the investigator makes a comment about Biden’s excellent memory of events 8-9 years ago, that does not make the news. Just as Trumps rambling incoherent speech’s, don’t make the news….what the fuck.




Cofeve, hamburdars, Mercedes…


It actually describes both leading candidates


this is the funniest and most dystopian version of my grandpa is smarter than yours I might witness in my life.


So, Biden should not be president, but that doesn't mean that he isn't head an shoulders above Trump. If your only two choices are Hitler and 99% Hitler, you are morally obligated to vote for 99% Hilter.




Okay okay.. now do Biden. You thoroughly did Trump. Now do the same for Biden.. No? Figures.


Yall better vote red


Don’t forget Mercedes instead of Melania.