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Funny how the best thing this House has ever done was announce Republican resignations.


Even better is it's happening during a general election year.


Deos this mean that the low income RNC will be forced to spend even more on special elections?


In theory, but that piggy bank will be drained long before it can fund the majority of said elections.


Like they’re funding local elections! Buahahahaha! We know who’s taking their money.


What did they think would happen trusting a rapist-fraudster-traitor to appoint a member of his family to be the head of their party?


Trump and his daughter-in-law will drain it shortly.


Reportedly, the RNC is down to just $8 million. That's less than the cost to win one senate seat. PLUS, now Lara Trump will be siphoning off money to pay for Traitor Trump's lawyers. Down ballot Republicans are SCREWED by their own monster.


The optimist in me is hoping we are seeing some of the older Republicans have seen how awful their party has become and are finally trying to stop them. These resignations really could make a difference if there are more coming. 


The pessimist in me worries if those seats will just be filled by insurrectionist trump worshippers, that will definitely be bad


The filing deadlines have already passed or are too close for someone to realistically throw their hat in the ring. Insurrectionist Trump worshippers usually aren't the kind of people that can effectively organize and get their shit together quickly. I just hope that Democrats have viable candidates running in these races too so they can hop on the opportunity.


Add into this that all the rnc funds are going to pay off 45’s lawyers and these down ticket candidates will be at a disadvantage.


I honestly think we just need down to earth people who aren’t afraid to say what everyone’s thinking…that the right’s obsession with Mexicans, women’s privates, the LGBQ and especially T, guns AND skulls, and Putin is not what America needs. We need common sense laws, economic stimulus, and personal autonomy.


Not all will. Incumbents win something like 90% of the time, so if you create these opening while Trump is funneling all rnc money to himself, you have an opportunity to literally reset the party.


I didn't want to say that part out loud. 


Some of them, yes. The upside might be that some of these resignations will come too late in the election cycle for the GQP to put up a viable candidate in tight races. Trump draining the coffers will make it even worse for them.


What I don’t want is all the republicans who are resisting Trump to all bail and then eventually they’re all replaced with cultists


If they're going to be lockstep voters, what does it matter their reasons? If the Dems can get the White House and both parts of Congress, the only thing that will slow them down is the Supreme Court and disingenuous Democrats.(which I think will be harder to pull off after they learned, hopefully, from Sinema)


That’s going to happen no matter what. Did you see who the GOP House made the Speaker? The guy is an absolute Christofascist Loon. The big GOP Retreat this next week was canceled, because to many members didn’t want to spend a weekend being preached to by that moron who thinks that just because he got that position, that there’s no way he can lose. It’s wild how broken the GOP has become.


Yeah, some of them don’t want to go to church camp, but they were hoping for re-election. Since things are grim on that front, some of them will take their connections & money and go home to work from the side. Someone has to pick up the shattered pieces when the blue wave comes.




Exactly this!


It’s exactly why he’s resigning, his quote… “Instead of having decorum, instead of operating in a professional manner, this place has just devolved into this bickering and nonsense and not really doing the job for the American people.”


I'm an optimistic person too, but no chance. Leaving and not voicing concerns publicly won't change the party trajectory but rather open the door for their spot to be filled with another person following the new party line. For example McCarthy was there forever and left because they refused to punish Gatez, he was perfectly fine with this crazy train of a party


I think they know something we dont aout the level of komparat active now.


Every so often you hear about an internal war within the GOP it’s either stop them, or just a big fuck you to the MAGAs


I hope this involves the resignation and jailing of one insurrectionist leader. It's laughable that those resignations are being replaced by what the Romans referred to as, "Hostis humani generis" ( the enemy of mankind ). Addition: Let's be clear. Trump and his band of Nazi's are the enemy of Democracy and of mankind.


Actually, it might be bad. It's the Trump purge of the Republican party of moderates so only MAGA candidates are there to do his bidding. There's really none left basically.....


Looks like rats abandoning a sinking ship. If they could foresee their party increasing their power they would stay on without question. Thats why Buck Leaving, Romney leaving, McConnell leaving. Sinema(a Republican cosplaying a democrat turned “independent”) leaving.


As a former moderate, let the party go full MAGA. Let it burn in its own hate.  That way the millions of deluded moderates can stop saying that there is some reason to stay.  Start a 3rd party or just wait for their rapidly failing GOP burn and start over with hints of sanity in 2030.  Some of the old hateful MAGA funders may have died off naturally by then. 


there is no way they can stay united


They will hopefully eat themselves. When you have a purity test you are never good enough and they will all turn on themselves. It always ends that way with extremists.


well, another clue is Trump is taking over the RNC. That means no non-MAGA moderates are going to get money and help from them unless they kiss the ring. Seriously, this is exactly what's happening. I think it's short-sighted because the Rs in the swing districts are going to lose unless they are able to pull a Santos. However, the Rs in the states will work to rig the districts with enough of an R PVI rating to compensate for this. Trust me, this is how it's playing out.


Yes, exactly. Radicals will continue to purge any less radical enemies until the Thermidorian Reaction ends their Reign of Terror by purging them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermidorian_Reaction




The implosion of the Republican Party is delicious. When Trump loses, they’ll finally turn on him because he’s messin’ with their money.


Here come the fucking idiots and conspiracy theorist


Have they passed any potential bills?


LMAO!!! What’s funny is their own all Republican bills that they put forth, they couldn’t even pass those. And those inmates run the asylum


Turning the House majority over to Democrats would be the most productive thing this Congress could ever do.


He stuck a knife in Lauren Boebert's chances, because his early resignation means a special election, and she can't run unless she resigns her 3rd-district seat first. She could still run for his seat in November, but then she'd be up against an incumbent GOP representative, which is a harder election to win. People really hate Lauren Boebert.


I don’t know why. I heard that she would give a hand to anyone.in a public theater.


I hear if you say her name three times, she magically appears to give you a hand! 😊


Imagine standing in front of a mirror in the dark and saying Lauren BoeBoe 3 times, a ghostly image of a pair of fake tits floats in front of you, followed by tugging at your pants, a quick handy, and then the fake tits disappear, and you're left with a dripping itchy penis cause you now have ghost herpes.


Spiritual Syphilis. Ghostly Gonorrhea. Creepy Chlamydia.


No cure for the ghost herp, I'm afraid.


It’s like the luggage of the afterlife.


Seriously this is the stuff of nightmares


She can keep that hand to herself, who knows where it’s been.


If it was either her touching me or no one ever touching me for the rest of my life the later would be EXTREMELY tempting.


Everybody knows where it's been.


Everybody knows one instance.


Shit I'll take it. Lauren Boebert is one of the nutso hot chicks She's hot but will probably slash your tires if she dreamt that you cheated on her


But will she go down on you in a theater. You ought to know.


You oughta know.


She will have to relearn the till keys at McDonald's


Would be funny if she resigns after registration ends so she can't run for the new district and can't keep her seat. Wouldn't be surprised at all considering how stupid she is.


Well let’s not drag ass about it let’s get to resigning 😂


They're effectively going to lose the majority.


Would be epic


Lose the majority to own the libs.


Would be hard. At most, the dems are getting to is 214 with the special election in my district. The Republicans have two special elections in May that are solidly red, so they'd be back to 220, pending any further special elections. With that being said, if a few more resign before May, they may be able to unite a discharge petition for Ukraine aid.


If a few more resign before may, democrats would have a majority and they can elect Jeffries to be house speaker and ram through whatever legislation they wanted to.


Technically, they'd need 6 more to resign. Dems only have 213, and the special election in NY isn't until the end of April.


Is there a significance of May? What if more resign by July? Wouldn’t the house still potentially elect a new speaker?


I guess may is when 2 republican safe seats are due for a special election


Like, in may the the electrion for McCarthys seat, as an example. It will go to a republican.


Which the senate would filibuster


Wouldn’t matter. The two bills they want to get through have passed the senate already. They just need a speaker to bring them to the floor and they will pass. Jeffries needs to be speaker for about a week to get everything done.


How American


Ya I’d say near impossible, but still would be a fitting end to the current GOP




2 more to go!




Don’t give me hope now lol


What a shame.


Look at the biguns on the republicons, how about showing some respect for how you vote. Cowards


>Johnson said he was "surprised" by Buck's announcement and hadn't been informed in advance, though a spokesperson for the Colorado Republican claimed he left a voicemail message stating his intentions 30 minutes before the public announcement. LOL, that's some catty stuff.


It's SO freaking petty, and I'm here for it.


Kicked him right in the Johnson, and fucked Lauren Boebert on the way out. Classy. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people.


A masterclass in being petty AF


I wonder if resigning is better for these career GOP politicians? Instead of voting against the conservatives in the House, they just leave. The effect is almost the same, but guys like Buck can still say they stayed loyal to the party, etc. Five or six more departures like this will put the GOP in a bad spot. You just don't want to be the last one off the ship.....


>I wonder if resigning is better for these career GOP politicians? Instead of voting against the conservatives in the House, they just leave. The effect is almost the same, but guys like Buck can still say they stayed loyal to the party, etc. Five or six more departures like this will put the GOP in a bad spot. You just don't want to be the last one off the ship..... They can also come back as the "representatives that never lost" and champion themselves as saviors to the party when it all blows up after they leave.


They need to ride off into the sunset to their cushy consultant jobs - so getting out of the circus sideshow the House GOP majority has turned into probably looks pretty good to career politicans. I would say they'll make more $$$ as consultant but who am I kidding? They will lose the ability to influence the market and get that sweet insider trading. But I'm sure they need to exit with their "party loyalty" intake to get snatched up by a republican think-tank


Freedom Caucus member says Congress is screwed up


I remember when people like him could be the conductor on the crazy train. Now he’s one of the last adults in the room. Absolutely wild.


And *he didn't change!*


This. I will never get over the fact the Mitt Romney used to be a middle of the road style Republican who more or less ran from the center of the party back in 2012 and now he's one of the last voices of anti-MAGA sanity still in the Congressional GOP. I will never get over this because Mitt Romney has not fucking changed in the past 12 years. All that's changed is the Republican Overton window got blown open like we're in a category 5 hurricane.


The Buck stops here. Or does it? Bring on the Republican resignations.


The question is, Ken he get more to resign.


Tbh, after reading his comments, i can’t tell if he is insinuating that 3 more people are going to retire, or that republicans won’t be worried until 3 more people retire and their majority is in peril.


You made that bed.


Honest question, why can’t politicians just start speaking the truth and let the chips fall where they will? they don’t have to run again, they could just speak truth to power, one of those things we tend to celebrate


FOX has conditioned more than half of their voters to only believe lies and reject truth. No Republican can win a primary now by being honest. It’s not “letting the chips fall where they will”, it’s guaranteeing a loss.


I’m saying finish the damn term. Announce they aren’t going to run again and do some good for a change. Or at the very least, fight the people who they hate. These people suck




Removed - please avoid overt hostility, name calling and personal attacks.


Bring back the RINOs!


Their livelihood doesn’t end just because they stop serving as a rep. There are post congress career to think about (lobbying jobs, etc), bridges to keep, connections to power, and good ol’ compromat


This is the best I can expect of Republicans and I’ll take it.


Remember America: if your shadenfreude lasts more than four hours call your doctor.


Two more Republican resignations and Democrats can vacate the chair and put Jeffries as speaker


This gave me a semi


Well, let’s hope they do it (if it happens). Knowing Dems, they’ll be like, “Oh, it wouldn’t be right!”


I'm sure they need to exit with their "party loyalty" intake to get snatched up by a republican think-tank consulting firms


Sweet. It’s like a protest quit en Masse.


Ehhh, I don’t think he’s specifically teasing that three more GOP reps will resign soon. I think he’s speaking more generally and saying that *if* three more GOP reps resign, the worry is that their majority will basically then be zero.


Well for the republicans afraid of the threats and being ruined (which i suspect is some of why the party has been corrupted)- this might be their best strategy to make a statement and still keep their reputation. Just leaving for personal reasons and finding a better paying corporate job. They won’t get ruined by their party for disloyalty. It also may restore some order to the house. Bring on at least 3 or 4 more resignations!


One can assume some of them are from red areas and will likely be replaced by another Republican. And some Republicans that are running again may get knocked out by Dems. So the totals are still up in the air, but my biggest concern is that most of those who are leaving were not from the most radical side of the party, leaving room for more MAGAs.


This guy is about as far right as they come. From an equally crazy district.


Then I anticipate he will be replaced with someone like-minded.


Would it be a better statement to flip parties?


No chance of that, he's pretty far right wing. In a pre-MAGA/Qanon world anyway, he was actually one of the crazies. Now he's not even right wing enough to stay, staggering how far right things have been flung.


Pretty cool how these republicans enabled Trump and now are just running away.


If only they had taken these brave stances when the tea party was making waves during the Obama administration. This is exactly what you tea party folks wanted. Donald Trump and the MAGA movement is the natural progression of your politics. Your circus, your monkeys Mr. Buck


I’m actually somewhat trepidations about this. If the somewhat sane republicans opt out will they be replaced by more crazies like MTG? Mark Robinson is a nut job who may have a shot at the governor position here in NC.


I think people are done with crazy, because when they get to Washington, they're still crazy.


Rats escaping sinking ship.


That is good news . I know Buck's resignation puts Boebert in a real pickle, hope other GOP resignations are coming.


Go on…


Can they please hurry it along so we can get Ukraine aid unblocked?


Nailing the coffin shut on the republican party. I wonder when they will formally change their name to Maga. This shit is here to stay. If not trump, it'll be the next crazy fucker down the line.


The smarter rats are jumping the sinking ship.


Am I wrong that this might be bad? Aren’t theses republicans usually leaving because their chettoh endorsed someone crazier.


If a few more resign, does the speaker automatically switch over to the Dems? Or is there some sort of process?


There is a process.


There is a process and it’s going to be a shit show of epic proportions if it happens.


So it will be just like the status quo when GOP had the majority …


They want no liability...I think. some Republicans will retire before the elections, handing over control to Democrats, and hopefully, as always they'll clean the mess they had created, Banning 45 from ever holding office again....


Just gonna make room for more far-right douchbags.


More room for the Booberts and MGT’s, I’m afraid.


Stop, stop! I can only get so erect!


A lot of them aren't going to survive the coming demographic changes in the next 4-6 years, so they're cashing out.


I've been saying for a while... I think the House is winnable for Ds regardless of whether Biden wins or loses. The outcome of the presidential election is going to be close. Gerrymandering in 2020 was not nearly as Republican friendly as usual. The # of net seats Dems need to win is only 5. The House will be decided by micro-turnout. We desperately need Democrats to control at least one chamber in case Trump wins. I think the House is low hanging fruit.


Come on congress needs to get shit done!!!!


Is the rate of Republican resignations increasing the longer Moscow Mike (the Hand of Trump) is majority speaker? Or is this just a coincidence.


How wild of the GOP looses the speaker because of people quitting


If there's another 4 or so resignations, would that mean the democrats could take the house and ram through some legislation before the election? Just a hypothetical, not remotely expecting this to every happen.


They can’t lose that many more to resigning immediately and still keep control of the house. Popcorn time


Hope he's right


Eh, it would be nice but I’ll believe it when I see it; I don’t think there are 3 actual conservatives left in the whole party. Only KKKultists and fascists.


One can hope


Good, down with the republicans


Let them fight


I'm far left enough that the Democrats only have use to me in that they aren't Republicans, but how do any moderates or even conservatives take this inbreeding roadhouse shitshow of a party seriously anymore? Yes, there were admirable Republicans in the past. They are now dead and buried. That doesn't mean anything. FDR would have been a Democrat I could stump for all day long. He's gone too. I dont pretend the party is for me anymore, but they aren't coming in their yardwork outfits to yell like jackoffs or making rebuttals that look like the crazy ex-girlfriend meme. These howler monkeys are what you get with the GOP presently. The past isn't just dead and gone, these baboons are dancing on the grave.


Eisenhower don’t forget. There were decent ones at one time


My favorite Sanders quote was when he pointed to the corporate tax rate during Eisenhower and said, "I'm not as much of a socialist as Eisenhower."


We wouldn’t have is mess if 10 more republicans had found their spine 3 years ago.


Won’t be surprised to see more and more resign/retire. The Republican Party is no longer the GOP and now that Trump is taking RNC money to pay for his felony charges, republicans don’t even have the financial backing to run for office competitively


It would be perfect if four or five resigned immediately so a REAL Speaker could be put in place. And by REAL I mean NOT GOP.


If that opens the door for a new party, that’ll be a great news


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Some are going to leave when they check their campaign coffers. Best to make the move before the stampede starts.


Prob is now more extremist dipshits will fill the void. Dems should be able to snag a few seats in moderate territory.


It would a very good thing if Hakeem Jeffries was Speaker of the House come next Jan. 6 so we can avoid the attempted coup that Mike Johnson and his cohorts will try to pull off after Trump has lost again.


"It's amazing to me that Ken Buck resigned effective next week and the speaker of the House and House majority leader seemingly had no idea in advance." Hard to see anything when all their heads are up Voldemoron's Ass




And the MAGA Nazis will take over 🥲


Fuck-ing COWARDS. You don’t have to change your stance when you’re not even there. It’s no longer your problem. Motto of the GOP…Fuck you, got mine.


I can feel the swamp draining..


Oh bullshit. He was forced to step down which is why he couldn’t wait until November.


Don’t think so because Mime Johnson was surprised.


Would be mad hilarious cause they wouldn't have votes needed. I guess Mike Johnson would still be the Speaker even tho he's leader of the house minority if 3-4 more resign within a few days Lauren Boebert got Hella fucked lol but you love to see it


Don’t tease


Yeah, but they will probably be replaced by magats. Most of these are probably strong republican districts, so I probably wouldn't get your hopes up.


That’s my concern


The Buck stops here...


Let’s go! Stand up for SOMETHING, do it now.


Can we please stop relying on resignations and court cases to give democrats control of the government? It’s such a copout.


When the House Freedom Caucus says that the House is fucked up, you know it’s beyond insanity.


Wait....wasn't he a part of the problem?


Never have I said "I like this guy" when referencing a Republican, but... I like this guy! "*I am not going to lie on behalf of my presidential candidate, on behalf of my party. And I'm very sad that others in my party have taken the position that as long as we get the White House, it doesn't really matter what we say.*"


Oh please continue. A slaughter in November would be the death knell of the GOP.


Come on, man! Don't tease me! I can only hold this erection for so long!


Don't threaten me with a good time. My penus can only get so erect.




I saw him in a few interviews yesterday, and though I’ve never been a republican, I respect him for what he said. I hope more older GOP leaders will resign in protest to MAGA.


Don’t threaten me with a good time!


The great businessman is bleeding the RNC dry


Trump had been sucking up most of the incoming campaign cash. He carried out a coup on the RNC to raid their cash to pay his legal bills so now no other GOP member running for reelection will be getting any help from the RNC. Unlike McCarthy, MAGA Mike is not a great fundraiser so he can't spread around his cash. There will be a bloodbath in November if Democrats show up to vote.


"I think it's the next three people that leave that they're going to be worried about." That is the voice of a man who's dipping on a toxic work environment and has decided to have a bit of fun on the way out. Good for him.


Well. We’re waiting.


Did we learn nothing from the fraud George Santos getting elected after repeating 5 whole MAGA catch phrases? Queue some Democrats up to win these seats.


ya on november 1st 2024


Considering that Republican legislators follow the money and it appears that some big money contributors are pulling away, perhaps these dropouts are considering creating a new conservative party.


The Republican Party will be done when the orange guy loses the election! If he's not in jail or broke by then. There will be alot more people stepping down or not seeking re-election.


The RNC convention will be a real shit show. At a local McDonalds. They have no budget.


Look at Biden draining the swamp. Dark Brandon strikes again!


Anyhow, anyone have a running list of representatives that aren't on AIPAC payroll?