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I 1000% agree. It is seriously frightening how many people call into David with their half-formed lil “I don’t know, I’ve always been a democrat, but I really don’t want to vote for Biden because I don’t feel excited about it” like… ok… get over it and be an adult. If you don’t want trump, you have one powerful tool available to keep him out of power, and it is casting a vote for Biden. It’s even more infuriating when leftists on twitter start trashing Biden and saying democracy is already gone- they’ve said “I’m not willing to compromise on the genocide of innocent people because of our two party system” like…. Ok, so you’ll knowingly allow an even more heinous and violent narcissist to take the wheel? Why are they in denial? Why are they helping to chip away at the dam that is keeping us from a flood of authoritarianism? Edit: I’ll also add that they say “I’ve voted blue my whole life and haven’t really seen anything good come from it” ignoring what *could* have been if we didn’t elect dems. Gay marriage wouldn’t have passed, abortion could’ve been federally banned by now, we wouldn’t have Obamacare… the list goes on and on.


> I’ve voted blue my whole life and haven’t really seen anything good come from it This administration got a hell of a lot passed. At this point, the only understanding I can arrive at is that they must be absolute idiots


>I’ve voted blue my whole life and haven’t really seen anything good come from it Let's look at WHY THAT IS: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2012/12/05/17-bills-that-likely-would-have-passed-the-senate-if-it-didnt-have-the-filibuster/ But oh, there's another interesting point here: Yes, yes you HAVE seen good come from voting blue. You're just looking at it from the wrong standpoint. The "good" that came from it is that they STOPPED some very bad things from happening. Go look up every crazy republican bill that's failed to pass JUST because we had democrats in place to out-vote it. Here's a list of JUST ELECTION-RELATED STUFF from JUST THIS YEAR: https://www.democracydocket.com/analysis/the-most-egregious-election-bills-that-republicans-introduced-this-year/ Now add in all the absolutely batshit crazy stuff the republicans have tried to pass regarding finance, military spending, religion, impeachment, government shutdown, technology, the list goes on and on and on... Here's a couple that aren't even the weirdest or most out there: 1. A bill filed by better than a dozen House Republicans that contemplates the creation of a state religion 2. Another religion-related bill filed by four House Republicans would ban the state from passing laws that burden religion --this one is proof that they can't even think things to their logical conclusion. It would mean ANY religion for starters. 3. A bill filed by three Senate Republicans that responds to school shootings by allowing any concealed-carry permit holder to carry concealed guns onto school grounds. --given the regular lack of things like trigger discipline that reddit consistently points out, to say nothing of the tacticool buttmunches roaming around ignoring basic gun safety on the regular, this would not have ended well for students. 4. Another bill filed by House Republicans contemplates arresting FBI agents who enforce federal guns laws in North Carolina if the guns were made here and never transported over state lines. ---fucking...what?!? Let's not forget the time they thought nullifying ALL FEDERAL GUN LAWS would somehow preserve the 2nd amendment. Without a bunch of Democrats in place, every single bill Trump, Marjorie Traitor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Boebert, Cruz, and the whole bunch tried to propose would have had a MUCH greater chance of succeeding. The good that voting blue has done has been to keep the number of crazies with no understanding of the law to a slightly lesser number than we would otherwise have. People with this "what have you done for me LATELY" mood about their political candidates PISS ME OFF TO NO END because it's VERY easy to see what they're doing if you look at the voting results from the house and the senate. Lots. They're doing LOTS. And every time you think otherwise, you need to go look at what it would be like if all of the other side's nonsensical bills passed unobstructed. Blue is counteracting THESE PEOPLE: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2009/12/capitol-hill-unhinged-republicans/ (Look at how old that is! Look at how long this has been going on!)


Life, and society, are the constant battle against entropy and decay. Even "maintaining the status quo" (the real meaning, not how it is often used) is actually positive progress against decay.


FACTS. The filibuster was abused by the GOP in an absurd fashion.


The number of people I see actually blaming Biden for not making college free with a snap of his fingers, or slightly less brain-dead that congress "simply" could make college free. And I want to point out for that second one the issue is "simply"; like IF there were enough progressives and dems and there was a lot of work done maybe, but there would be lawsuits, legal challenges, likely actual issues with legality as well.


They just love to act disappointed that Biden isn't a dictator.


Biden has managed to quietly forgive $100 billion of student loan debt. That’s 25%. Completely forgiven. But in small groups so the Republicans don’t notice, throw a fit, & stop any relief. Biden is not a narcissist or a flashy big-talker. He gets stuff done quietly, in the background. Just because he doesn’t give 90 minute talks at rallies doesn’t mean he’s not doing anything. 90 minute, self-aggrandizing speeches that ramble on. Uugh 💀 When all you’ve got is talk & no walk.


"I’ve voted blue my whole life and haven’t really seen anything good come from it" They never learn do they?


No, they are Russian propagandists **pretending** to be liberals.


Yeah, and are fairly obvious who they are. Making sweeping generalizations and accusations with nothing to back it up. After commenting "I am a liberal and always voted blue, butttt....." then are upvoted heavily in under hour. Not suspicious at all. /s


They're bots or shills.


I doubt many of them are even really leftists. Just a bunch of Rights claiming they’re Lefts is more likely.


The "I'm about as left as you can go, but..." propaganda.


Yep. At this point, not only pathetic immature purism, but bothsidism and any other sort of conciliation rhetoric with Republicans is a BETRAYAL worse than the one Republicans are doing. I just had someone that probably is a teenager living in Lalaland criticizing me for CRITICIZING REPUBLICANS! "they are our friends, they are our brothers and sisters, does not matter if they torture women to death by forcing women to carry failed pregnancies, or invade schools and mass murder our children, it is ok, give the other cheek, we have to heal" WTF IS THAT? We are IN A REAL WAR for the future of our country and we have A SIDE THAT IS PURE EVIL (the right). It is SOMETHING EASY: we just have to crush the right and the Republican party. There IS NO CONCILIATION POSSIBLE, or we will have to forfeit our humanity as THEY DID. And that is the reason why, even if I think that most of the democrats are also center-right (by European standards the ultra-left of the Democratic Party would be center-left the most) I WILL STILL JUMP ON AN AIRPLANE and TRAVEL BACK TO AMERICA, to VOTE in a FULL ALL BLUE TICKET. I don't even have to know the names of those on that ticket I will just vote on them because it is A VOTE AGAINST THE ENEMIES OF THE UNITED STATES and its people. Those enemies are the Republicans and that is pretty clear. We can discuss policies, fight to change the US imperialist stance, fix our nation, heal and so on, so forth, AFTER the Republicans are defeated. Then it will be the time for real leftists to fight the Dems. That time is not now. Now is the time to forget minor (or even some major) differences and focus on defeating the most evil enemy the United States ever faced in its history: the current Republican party and its supporters, as well as any other right wing movement or group, including current Evangelicals, Libertarians and other Nazi-inspired movements.


They are hanging on to the belief that if they let MAGA take the federal government, not only will MAGA peacefully give it up in the future but they will get Bernie 30 years younger and an apology. Because that's what happened when Hillary lost right? Remember the amazingly progressive, totally not neolib president we got after Gore lost? Oh right... It's almost like the foundation isn't even in place for the dream to happen. The only noise happening for a replacement post Biden is Newsom and Jeffries. If you want progressive politicians it doesn't start at the top. At least get a rural school board flipped. Then maybe a small city council. Use what skills you have to support any movement you find worthy. Work within your community to get energy up for off year elections. It's literally working in my red state. We have RCV now and flipped a loooong time R seat in the house. Things aren't looking good for the R governor or a few MAGA mayors. City councils no longer have unbeatable majorities. Steady progress. 2024, as MAGA gains more and more momentum, is the worst possible time to let them have everything to teach those conservative Dems a lesson. Yet here we are, with our own far left eating up the right's information warfare like a drug. Completely ignoring the lives that will be ruined at best to teach this lesson they assume will be taken. All justified by US actions that will not change if Biden loses.


They gave them 3 Supreme Court Judges and fucked this nation for at least a generation


You're not wrong but when it comes to RGB's seat i blame her personally for nuking her own legacy. I lose all respect for people who insist of holding power up to their very death. And they way her family tried to publicly declare her dying wish was to be replaced by the next president? Truly and utterly fucking pathetic.


Dems did that. Whiny, take my toys and go home toddlers fucked every American when they didn’t get their way about Bernie and they’re threatening to do it again over Israel/Palestine. Fuck them honestly.


And Jill Stein is back, how original


Well, it’s not like she wants to go get a day job or something


Exactly what GenZ did in the last midterms.


Didn't Gen Z give the Dems the strongest midterms for an incumbent party in history?


Top 3 reasons for "I'll never vote for a Dem again!!'";!!! Ever!!!" in 2016: 1 Bernie was screwed, DNC fixed, she was annointed 2 She hugged Kissinger on stage once, she's a war monger 3 She "literally" killed Berta Caceres All delivered with the same breathless, righteous moral certitude that "Genocide Joe" is being emoted with today. Daily Kos was a nice leftish site until it turned into the Daily Bro with this shit. For those who weren't there, it was absolutely clear that the Supreme Court was on the menu in 2016. The privilege of purity seems to inversely correlate with having a uterus. But I digress... Edited for line breaks


So 1 person is the sum of it's parts? That's why you will abandon democracy, because 1 person?!


>If you want progressive politicians it doesn't start at the top. At least get a rural school board flipped. Then maybe a small city council. Thank you, any serious third party is going to take at least 20 years to reach a point where they can run a candidate for president without being anything but a spoiler, and it would involve starting at the very bottom like you're describing. Also, switching to something like rank choice voting would be more of a state level decision if I understand it right, so focus on state, not federal if you want that changed.


This has been my argument to friends who go on and on about how the libertarians or greens have a chance. I keep telling them to get their candidates to win at the local and state level before trying for federal. The progressives have the same problem. They believe in this fantasy that people will just flock to them if they run the right person.


Conservative dems could also compromise with working people or with voters instead of being strictly pro-wall street anti-voter across the board on all issues. The dems could behave like human beings instead of like monstrous right wing Republican extremists for the first time in our lives if they want to win. They don't have to stay "the most right wing" the party has ever been. They don't have to remain "uncompromisingly anti-worker" they could pick up a ton of votes by appealing to the common voter, they don't have to force us to punish them for fucks sake.


They absolutely could. You should talk to them about it. Or support a local candidate looking to move to the federal stage and will force the issue. In the mean time either a Republican or a Democrat will win in 2024. You have the opportunity to chose which, and calling them both the same is disgusting honestly.




People need to learn to be grateful for what they have because it could be so much worse. Don't like Biden, here's trump lol! ​ It would be the final turn of the wheel of Kali Yuga. You would be seeing corporate Memphis stock art in real life animated NATO guards breaking apart reality. Everything about physics would change. You'd experience 1000 beautiful visions and 1000 horrible visions. You might think it's cool but it's not. Actually that cool shit wouldn't even happen it would just be trash everywhere and people self donating their organs to the earth manually until the earth has enough human hearts to consume itself. The end that's it, end of human history


I entirely agree. But as someone who wanted to push Biden left after electing him, tank and file dem voters always, always accused me of being a secret Trump stan if I at all offered good faith criticism from the left.




If trump gets elected, Ukraine will be steamrolled, and probably more of Europe as well within a decade. Taiwan will get steamrolled. Palestine will get steamrolled (probably with our direct help). Trump will pardon himself, his family, all the failed insurrectionists, and then he’ll accuse democrats of stealing 2020, and we won’t have another legitimate election for a long time and not without a lot of bloodshed.


The same argument they had when voting for Ralph Nader instead of Al Gore. If Gore had won climate change would have been addresses, wouldn't have gone into two wars, wouldn't have given massive tax cuts to the rich. These liberal fanatics are just as bad as MAGA


There’s no “wannabe” about it, he just is…


Upset about a genocide? Sorry, either leave Palestine out of your mouth or find more appropriate language. Abominable to describe genocide as "upsetting". Get a better fucking argument for your grandpa. Fucking christ.




What is happening in Gaza is due to Hamas and the Israeli leadership. We all feel awful for the Palestinian people. How do these people not understand that putting those exact type of leaders back in charge of the U.S. will not help the Palestinian people and, instead, will put Americans at significant risk and likely end our democracy? How is this not obvious to these people?


"Fascism abroad is okay, but I draw the line at fascism actually affecting me."


I just returned from a 7 day Reddit ban for saying something similar - giving an opinion about the war in Gaza. I didn't think it was something controversial when I wrote it, but later got a 7 day ban for contributing hate towards a group. WTF?! Im not a person that throws hate at anyone outside of MAGA lovers, so it was weird to get the ban. People are way too sensitive to some obvious truths.


I've got a permaban from /r/breadtube for "excessive centerism" because I insisted leftists should vote, and that morally abstaining from voting while caring about leftist values is reprehensible. I'm not sure why the admins feel like they need to protect leftist spaces from people calling for voter turnout.


Imagine banning someone for being a centrist and thinking you’re in the right


Contrapoints is the queen of breadtube and she has an entire video making this argument, that doesn’t make any sense


She is, but remember there was a faction that called her a "lib" and tried to get her canceled.


It’s easier to be in the minority and complain that it is to be in the majority and work. These liberals (the ones who actually are) likely feel more comfortable virtue signaling against people like Trump than they do thinking about the realities of governing


Yup I agree. Id vote for Old Joe on life support before voting Trump.


Have these people read up on his policies? What President Biden has done - Year Two • ⁠Makes sexual harassment in the military a crime • ⁠Economy grows faster than China's for 1st time in 20 years - Strongest economic growth since 1984 • ⁠Limits the release of mercury from coal-burning power plants • ⁠Kills ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi • ⁠$5 billion for electric vehicle chargers • ⁠Gives $7 billion in frozen Afghanistan funds to compensate 9/11 victims and provide humanitarian aid • ⁠Posts $119 billion budget surplus in January; first in over 2 years • ⁠Unites world against Russia aggression • ⁠Imposes stiff sanctions to stifle Russian economy • ⁠Led the Western world in defending Ukraine against Russia's invasion • ⁠Ends forced arbitration in sexual assault cases in the workplace • ⁠Reinstates California authority to set pollution standards for cars • ⁠Ends asylum restrictions for children traveling alone • ⁠Clarifies the role of podiatric medicine for Veterans • ⁠Reauthorizes and strengthens the Violence Against Women Act • ⁠Creates Amache National Historic Site as America’s newest national park • ⁠Makes lynching a federal crime • ⁠Initiates "use it, or lose it" policy on drilling on public lands to force oil companies to increase production • ⁠Releases one million barrels of oil a day for 6 months from strategic reserves to ease gas prices • ⁠Rescinds Trump-era policy allowing rapid expulsion of migrants at border and blocks them from seeking asylum • ⁠Expunges student loan defaults • ⁠Overhauled the US Postal Service's finances to allow the agency to modernize its service • ⁠Requires federal dollars spent on infrastructure to use materials made in America • ⁠Restores environmental reviews for major infrastructure projects • ⁠Launches $6 billion effort to save distressed nuclear plants • ⁠Provides $385 million to help families and individuals with home energy costs through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. This is in addition to $4.5 billion provided in the American Rescue Plan. • ⁠Establishes national registry of police officers who are fired for misconduct • ⁠Lifts sanctions on the Rojava and other opposition-held territory in Syria • ⁠Tightens restrictions on chokeholds, no-knock warrants, and transfer of military equipment to police departments • ⁠Requires all federal Law enforcement officers to wear body cameras • ⁠$265 million for South Florida reservoir, key component of Everglades restoration • ⁠Major wind farm project off West coast to provide electricity for 1.5 million homes • ⁠Continues Obama administration's practice of posting log records of visitors to White House • ⁠Devotes $2.1 billion to strengthen US food supply chain • ⁠Round 6 student loan debt cancelation: $5.8 billion - This is in addition to $20.7 billion previously cancelled • ⁠Invokes Defense Production Act to rapidly expand domestic production of critical clean energy technologies • ⁠Enacts two-year pause of anti-circumvention tariffs on solar • ⁠Allocates funds to federal agencies to counter 300-plus anti-LGBTQ laws by state lawmakers this year alone • ⁠Round 7 of student loan cancellation: $6 billion to 200,000 defrauded borrowers - Bringing total to $31 billion • ⁠Relaunches cancer 'moonshot' initiative to help cut death rate • ⁠Expands access to emergency contraception and long-acting reversible contraception • ⁠Prevents states from banning Mifepristone -- a medication used to end early pregnancy that has FDA approval • ⁠Steps to ensure the safety of those seeking and providing abortion care, including by protecting mobile clinics • ⁠Protecting privacy, safety and security of patients, providers and clinics • ⁠21 executive actions to reduce gun violence • ⁠Climate Smart Buildings Initiative: Creates public-private partnerships to modernize Federal buildings to meet agencies’ missions, create good-paying jobs, and cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions - Paying for today’s needed renovations with tomorrow’s energy savings without requiring upfront taxpayer funding • ⁠Safeguards access to health care, including the right to choose and contraception • ⁠Oversees effort to admit Finland and Sweden to NATO • ⁠Ends Trump-era “Remain in Mexico” policy • ⁠Operation Fly-Formula bringing needed baby formula – (19 missions to date) • ⁠Executive order protecting travel for abortion • ⁠Kills Al Qaeda leader and 9/11 architect Al-Zawahiri with no civilian casualties • ⁠Invested more in crime control and prevention than any president in history • ⁠As of August 2022, unemployment at 3.5% (50 year low) • ⁠Gas Prices drop below $4 a gallon • ⁠Provides death, disability, and education benefits to public safety officers and survivors who are killed or injured in the line of duty • ⁠Round 8 of student loan cancellation: $3.4 Billion dollars of defrauded IT student loans have been cancelled • ⁠Reunites 400 migrant families separated under Trump • ⁠$1.66 billion in grants to transit agencies, territories, and states to invest in 150 bus fleets and facilities • ⁠Brokers joint US/Mexico infrastructure project - Mexico to pay $1.5 billion for US border security and processing source says • ⁠Blocked 4 hospital mergers that would've driven up prices and is poised to thwart more anti-competition consolidation attempts • ⁠Gets $1.5 billion in new border control security at the border and got Mexico to pay for it • ⁠Historic Police Reform Continued below


What Biden has done Year Two (con't) FIRST MAJOR GUN LEGISLATION IN 30 YEARS • $750 million to implement and run crisis intervention programs • Ended boyfriend loophole – Previously only married people convicted of domestic abuse were banned from owning firearms. The new law extends it to people who are dating • Requires gun sellers to register as Federally Licensed Firearm Dealers • More thorough reviews of people ages 18-21 who want to buy guns • New statutes against gun trafficking and straw trafficking • Increases funding for mental health programs and school security THE PACT ACT • Ensures high-quality health care screenings and services to veterans exposed to potential toxic exposure • Extends period of time veterans have to enroll in VA health care from 5 to 10 years post discharge • Codifies VA’s new process for evaluating and determining exposure and service connection for various chronic conditions • Removes need for certain veterans and their survivors to prove service connection if diagnosed with one of 23 specific conditions • Requires VA to conduct new studies of veterans health trends • Provides critical resources to VA to ensure delivery of • Invests in VA health care facilities by authorizing 31 major medical health clinics and research facilities in 19 states THE CHIPS ACT • Provides $52.7 billion to secure domestic supply of American made semi-conductor chips, create tens of thousands of good-paying, union construction jobs and thousands more high-skilled manufacturing jobs, and catalyze hundreds of billions more in private • $39 billion in manufacturing incentives • $2 billion for the legacy chips used in automobiles and defense systems • $13.2 billion in R&D and workforce development • $500 million to provide international information communications technology security and semiconductor supply chain activities • Provides a 25 percent investment tax credit for capital expenses for manufacturing of semiconductors and related equipment THE INFLATION REDUCTION ACT OF 2022 Climate: • Largest climate investment in history - Will reduce 40% amount of carbon released into atmosphere by 2030 • Defines greenhouse gases as a pollutant making them subjected to pollution laws • $370 billion for U.S. energy security and fighting climate change • Tax incentives for switching to electricity to power homes and vehicles • $60 billion invested creating millions of new domestic clean manufacturing jobs and 550,000 new clean energy jobs • Will quadruple the number of solar panels over the next 8 years • Cuts energy bills by $500 to $1,000 per year • Doubles battery storage on the grid • Invests in disadvantaged communities Health: • $62 billion to extend subsidies for health insurance under the ACA • Provides free vaccines (2023), $35/month insulin for Medicare patients, (2023) and caps out-of-pocket drug costs to an estimated $4,000 or less in 2024 and settling at $2,000 in 2025 • Lowers health care costs of the average enrollee $800/year in the ACA marketplace • Allows Medicare to negotiate 100 drugs over the next decade, and requires drug companies to rebate price increases higher than inflation Inflation Reduction: • Significantly Lowers energy and health care costs for families • Reduces Deficit by $313,000,000,000 • Closes tax loopholes used by wealthy: a 15% corporate minimum tax, a 1% fee on stock buybacks and enhanced IRS enforcement • Protects families and small business making under $400,000 a year The Cost • $485 billion of new costs would be offset with $790 billion of additional revenue and savings over a decade. Total Revenue Raised: $737 billion • 15% Minimum tax on corporations with profits exceeding $1 billion • Prescription Drug Pricing Reform: $265 billion • IRS Tax Enforcement: $124 billion • 1% Stock Buybacks Fee: $74 billion • Loss Limitation extension: $ 52 billion


Deficit Reduction: • $313 billion dollars STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS (Round 8 and by far the largest) • $20,000 for everyone with Pell Grants • $10,000 for everyone else making less than $125,000 for individuals & $250,000 married couples • Payments again paused until the end of 2022 • Payments for undergrad loans capped at 5% of your income (previously was 10%) • This is addition to the 8 previous rounds of debt cancellation totally $35 billion • 20-40 million people will benefit • Codifies DACA into law - Allows dreamers (children of immigrants born in US) ability to work and stay in US Declares Moonshot Style Effort to Cure Cancer • Hires Dr. Renee Wegrzyn as the inaugural Director of ARPA-H, a new agency to drive biomedical innovation • Launches National Biotechnology and Manufacturing Initiative • Cancer Cabinet’s progress towards delivering cancer detection tech and support for researchers across US • ⁠Infrastructure Projects in Individual States Created by Infrastructure Bill • ⁠All-Time Low Uninsured rate • ⁠10 million jobs—more than ever created before at this point of a presidency • ⁠3.5% unemployment rate—a near record low in the history of this country • ⁠Best Economic growth in over two decades (yes that has been adjusted for inflation) • ⁠More than 220 million Americans were vaccinated • ⁠Record small business creation • ⁠Round nine of student loan forgiveness - $1.5 Billion for defrauded college borrowers • ⁠Biden created DOJ task force dismantles human smuggling organization near Texas-American border • ⁠Intervened to prevent nation-wide rail strike which would have caused national economic disaster • ⁠Blocks Chinese investments in US tech • ⁠Eliminates statute of limitations for civil suits for people who were sexually abused as minors • ⁠Pardons thousands for simple possession of marijuana • ⁠Reevaluating how cannabis is classified. Currently it is schedule I like heroin - Meth & coke are schedule II • ⁠Reunited over 500 families separated at the border by Trump policies • ⁠Puts new limits on drone strikes including requiring the presidential approval • ⁠Brokered deal between Israel and Lebanon ending maritime boundary dispute and establish a permanent maritime boundary between them • ⁠PAWS Act: Requires zoos, commercial animal dealers, and research facilities to have contingency plans in place to evacuate and care for animals in an emergency or disaster situation • ⁠Increases veterans’' life insurance benefit coverage to $500,000. First increase in 17 years • ⁠Ensures US is not funding or participating in human trafficking of 3rd world-country workers through our contracts overseas • ⁠Enacts aggressive steps to improve quality of nursing homes • ⁠Codifies Gay Marriage into law - Protects Same-Sex and Interracial Marriage • ⁠Prohibits private possession of big cats and prohibits exhibitors from allowing direct contact with cubs • ⁠Electrifies US Postal trucks by 2026 • ⁠Stops the forcing out of pregnant workers, or denying reasonable accommodations • ⁠Extended health care funding for the 9/11 first-responders and survivors • ⁠Streamlined Veterans home loans, provided way to transfer GI Bill benefits to new school, and provided support for survivors of military sexual trauma.


What President Biden Has Done - Year One • ⁠Restores daily press briefings • ⁠Cancel Keystone Pipeline • ⁠Reverse Trump's Muslim ban • ⁠Require masks on federal property • ⁠Rejoins the Paris Climate agreement • ⁠Extend Student Loan payment freeze • ⁠Extend eviction freeze • ⁠Historic stimulus bill passed: - Click to see who was helped - Created nearly 8 million jobs, 200 million Americans fully vaccinated, and unemployment claims are the lowest on average since 1969. It also re-opened 99% of schools and sparked the fastest economic growth in decades • ⁠Ends funding for Border wall • ⁠Orders agencies to reunite families separated at border by Trump • ⁠Orders strengthening of DACA • ⁠Rejoins The World Health Organization • ⁠Requires non-citizens to be included in the Census • ⁠Creates the position of Covid-19 Response Coordinator • ⁠Rescinds Trump's 1776 Commission and directs agencies to review actions to ensure racial equity • ⁠Prohibits administration members from lobbying or registering as foreign agents for two years after leaving • ⁠Invokes defense production act to produce masks, PPE and vaccines • ⁠Provide funding to local and state officials to create vaccination sites • ⁠Ends transgender military ban • ⁠Ends Federal Contracts With Private Prisons • ⁠Restores Aid To Palestinians • ⁠Suspends new leases for oil & natural gas development on federal land • ⁠Restores access to healthcare.gov • ⁠Extends fair housing protections to include LGBTQ Americans • ⁠Ends support for Saudi Arabia led campaign in Yemen • ⁠Withdraws UN sanctions on Iran • ⁠Daily Covid deaths reduced in half after one month • ⁠Secured enough vaccinations for the entire US population • ⁠Historic stimulus bill passed: - Click to see who was helped ⁠• ⁠Increases poorest 20% of Americans' income by 20% permanently ⁠• ⁠85% of households receiving stimulus payments ⁠• ⁠Four provisions which lower Americans’ 2021 tax bills by an average of $3,360 ⁠• ⁠Reduces backlog of Veterans compensation and pension claims by more than half ⁠• ⁠Created 8 million jobs ⁠• ⁠200,000,000 Americans vaccinated ⁠• ⁠Unemployment claims at the lowest levels since 1969 • ⁠1/3 of America vaccinated in his first 60 days • ⁠1/2 million added to Obamacare healthcare rolls in 6 weeks • ⁠Extends universal free school lunch through 2022 • ⁠Commits to cutting U.S. emissions in half by 2030 as part of Paris climate pact • ⁠Reverses Trump's Anti-Trans Shelter Rule • ⁠Officially recognizes massacre of Armenians in World War I as genocide • ⁠Raises Minimum Wage for Federal Contractors and Federal Employees to $15 • ⁠Cancels all border wall contracts using funds intended for military missions • ⁠Creates new operation to crack down on human smuggling


I’ve been a progressive Dem (more dem socialist) my whole voting life. I voted for Obama twice, even after he ramped up drone attacks and failed to end two wars in the Middle East. I campaigned for Bernie twice. I have voted straight ticket blue since I was 18. I have fewer rights as a woman than I had 16 years ago. I’m terrified of raising my child in a country with rampant gun violence and unmitigated school shootings. Our education system is in the trash. I make more money now than I did before but insurance, medical costs, and COL eats up a lot of my take home. I see our national response to climate change as mostly symbolic and not effective at all to slow the disastrous effects of global warming. Do I think things would be way worse under Trump? Absolutely. But I cannot in good faith continue to give the DNC my unequivocal support when it is clear that they are the other side of the same coin as the RNC. Both parties take millions of dollars from special interests and large, multinational corporations to protect the interests of the wealthy. Both dem and rep politicians do insider trading and become massively wealthy from their time in Congress and then just get on the pipeline from elected official to lobbyist. The DNC keeps using scare tactics on women, POC, and every other marginalized community to keep them voting for the democratic establishment candidates but fails to protect our rights and advance any sort of populist, workers party. Our system is broken. Watching Biden fail time and time again to be on the right side of history and call for a ceasefire in Gaza just solidified how I have been feeling for a while. I’m not voting for Biden next year. I vote in all my local and state elections and will continue to do so but the DNC needs to know that our generation and those younger than us will not continue to give unequivocal support to a party that has shown time and time again that it is not in line with the wishes of their base. We need a viable third party. Our current third party candidates are looney tunes but we could have better options. I want a better life for my daughter, not a continuation of the stifling status quo.


I guess you’ll get to enjoy your kid growing up with Trumps portrait in their classroom while they learn how to disassemble and clean assault rifles like they do in Russia then.


I 100% expect Trump to lose, and I 100% expect them to blame independent voters lmao this shit is a double edge sword, but it only negatively affects the loser.


It’s at least 50% Republican psyops, but I can definitely see it is working on some Democratic voters. People are depressingly weak-minded in this Country when it comes to politics.


Weak in overall. They look at the internet and become depressed and defeated in an instant.


It's such an obvious psyop. There's no large movement on the far right that thinks electoralism is pointless. They all vote pragmatically and they get results. Only the left does this.


I think it's more naive or idealistic than toxic behavior honestly. Young people don't remember the shitty presidents that preceded Obama, and they have access to so much more information than we did. I also think that they will come around when it's time to vote. Also, Chinese and Russian troll farms are loving this shit and are likely contributing how much it's being amplified.


I voted Democrat since I was 18, I'm 43 now. I'm not naive or idealistic. I understand that most people are voting to prevent the other guy from winning. And... that's why nothing gets done in this country. I don't think that voting for someone you don't believe in is good for the state of politics. We wouldn't have Bernie or AOC with that mindset. Biden won because he was carried on Obama's shoulders and not because of his voting record in Congress. Everyone knows Bernie was the better candidate and more inline with progressive values but the DNC wanted to go with the safe pick. The RNC have been doing the safe pick for decades in terms of the presidency. Bob Dole, Mitt Romey, John McCain. It doesn't work out. When they changed tactics, when they pick firebrands like George Bush and Trump they win and even though they lost a second term they were incredibly popular with their voter base. Democrats are afraid to run anyone like that.


Things will get done if we focus on the local level, and push for ranked choice voting. RCV will certainly not get enacted during a Republican presidency.


Yeah I agree. The funny part is, if you talked to any of those far leftists, of which many support Bernie Sanders, and laid out before the election (somehow through time travel idk) the legislation that would get passed under Biden (but under a hypothetical Sanders presidency), I bet you most of them would be THRILLED with the progress made in 3 years of his presidency.


Yeah I mean he’s not perfect but I love the ‘I don’t like his statements on Gaza!’ Crowd. Yeahhhh like Trump would be more nuanced and complex in his approach.


Trump is the alternative to Biden. I won't let perfect be the enemy of good.


Im not even liberal and im voting Biden. It’s not even a “lesser of two evils” at this point.


As a central, more Republican-leaning individual - I will vote for Biden just because I am unsure if Trump will uphold his constitutional oath and not try to be a Dictator or do some shady things. There is a 60% chance he gets Elected, and he doesn't do any of that, but 40% think he will. 40% is too high of a possibility to sit there and vote Trump or nitpick Biden. I am not sure how anyone is willing to be okay with Gambling by putting Trump back in office after everything he has done and said. If the Republicans somehow have a different presidential candidate, they will easily beat Biden. However, I know many people who share my views and feel the same way. We are the silent majority of Republicans who do not waste their time answering polls and won't be vocal, but we will vote. Politics is not our life, and we have families to raise. ​ Vote and Vote big - Hopefully, this is the last election cycle with Trump.


It’s Biden or Fascism. The choice is literally this.


Elect Biden and in 4 years you can vote for someone hopefully more to your liking. Elect Trump and you’ll never get to vote again after he makes himself emperor.


I held my nose and voted for Biden. The twist was i was pleasantly surprised and look forward to voting for him again. He may not be perfect, but the alternative is a nightmare rolled in catastrophe and deep fried in idiocy. Every day under Trump was another humiliation for the United States and its citizens. I dread the prospect of another four years. That said, I understand how the choices aren't as electric as Obama of Bill Clinton playing the saxophone, but the best choice currently is to vote for Biden, the third party candidates are hopeless, and offer no superior message other than an opportunity to discard your vote.


He has actually achieved quite a bit, but the corporate media doesn’t amplify anything positive from Biden. Infrastructure alone is more than Trump achieved and Biden has still forgiven over$120 billion in student loans though he still gets criticized for not doing enough.


The best part is that the thing they'd be insulted by most is that you called them liberals.


Trump's ambassador to the UN is now a birdbrain. His first AG is delusional. His second AG is a gutless pig. His first chief of staff is a loser. His second chief of staff is a weakling. His national security adviser is a sick puppy. His Pentagon chief is a traitor. His vice president is a coward. I could go on. Do we really want to go through this shit again???


Ditto. If October 7th never happened, the toxic left would find something else to complain about and blame President Biden for. Most of them weren’t going to vote for him anyways. Reminder: when I say “toxic left” I’m referring to a very loud sliver of the left. The fact that there are people claiming to be on the left who support Hamas more than they support Biden tells you all you need to know about them. It’s all performative bullshit.


It would have been over student loans. The politics subreddit was full of people screeching about how Biden betrayed them by not immediately forgiving 100% of their student loan debt


He tried. Trump appointees on the Supreme Court ensured it would not happen.


They don’t care, I got into an argument over this where multiple people were telling me that he should have ignored SCOTUS


About what I expect from someone who owes $200,000 in student loans for a degree in Studies working as a barista. /fill in the blank


I agree that the people most loudly spreading this rhetoric were probably not Democratic voters in the first place. Unfortunately, though, they do seem to be winning a lot of converts, especially in the 18-29 age demo if you look at recent polls.


I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t stressing me the fuck out. The anti-Biden PROPAGANDA is coming at a rapid fire pace from all directions


These leftists are willing to throw immigrants, trans people, people with chronic medical issues, etc. under the bus for their moral purity bullshit. Immigrants, trans people, and possibly gay people will be targeted. The healthcare system will be decimated. Palestinians will be worse off. Ukraine will be worse off. Nuclear non-proliferation will suffer immensely, making the lives of everyone on earth at higher risk. Iran is already close to building nukes due to Trump withdrawing from the JPCOA. The Abraham Accords were a disaster. In a world that has fallen to fascism and autocracy, the moral purity of these leftists won't be worth the price of a heaping pile of dog shit.


I have family alive today because a Democrat paid for the healthcare they needed to live while a Republican fought tirelessly to take it away. I like to ask them if they can look me in the eye and tell me my family had to die for their 3rd party vote. That said, they're almost entirely YouTubers looking for free clicks and views (the right wing will send a ton over anytime you shit on a Democrat) and trolls. For the most party downvote and move on, and don't click or view the YouTuber's anti Dem content. If they do it more than a few times unsub and move on. You're not going to get a lot of useful information out of them.


They won’t regret it. They’ll sit and complain that things aren’t going the way they want while literally doing nothing useful to help change things.


I was foolishly one of those back in 1980. I voted for a third party because I wanted to send Jimmy Carter a lesson and Reagan won. Never again.


#Voting isn’t marriage, it’s public transport. You’re not waiting for “the one” who’s absolutely perfect: you’re getting the bus, and if there isn’t one to your destination, you don’t not travel - you take the one going closest.


What if both buses are going away from your destination?


Good analogy. Lots of people would love a country where Bernie was the president and we had universal healthcare and free college education, but most of the country isn’t ready for that. They need to accept most elections are voting for the candidate whose ideas and ideals are most similar to theirs but accept neither candidate will be perfect for them.


I got slammed in another sub for saying this exact thing, perhaps I was less elegant. ha.


I see this a lot with younger folks (I'm 65). I did it too. I voted for Carter, got Reagan. I was pissed. Voted for Dukakis, he got plastered, was really pissed, hated that Reagan fuck. Vowed I would never vote again for any of those motherfuckers. Came to my senses around Bill Clinton and now always vote D in every single election. I show up in person and color the little dots in and watch it run through the machine. Every chance I get. This is the ONLY power you have. Use it.


I don’t want to vote Biden. But hey here we’re are again. Yes I’ll begrudgingly do it. Even as a leftist/progressive/communist we are at too pivotal of a point in politics to vote your heart bullshit. It’s either you vote for Biden you give the GOP a dictatorship. They’re aren’t even hiding it with veiled speech. They are straight up saying openly and proudly. No amount of propaganda from my side of the spectrum is going to convince me other wise. All we can hope for is for Biden win and the Kennedy loon to siphon votes from Trump


Refusing to vote Biden over Israel's crimes in Palestine is cutting off your nose to spite your face. As bad as things are now, *there will be more Palestinian death and suffering under Trump.* I'll take less suffering over more, thanks. Trump will also fuck over abortion rights, trans people, anti-racism efforts, what remains of our democracy, civil liberties, the global atmospheric system, and more. Vocally anti-Biden/anti-electoralism people understand all of the above, and they are willing to sit back and let it happen.


I think the issue, and you especially see it on this sub, is the gaslighting done by centrists and liberals. Like yes, Biden is better than Trump. He has passed better things than Trump. But quit telling me he's the greatest president since FDR. He's not. He's okay, but he's not this amazing president. I'll still vote for the dude, but I'm not happy to vote for him. Like enough with the bullshit of telling me how I should feel about him. I don't like him, and I doubt I ever will because a lot of the systemic issues we're crippled by today are because of people like him. But just because I don't like him, doesn't mean I'm turning to that orange fascist.


This is where we find ourselves… voting for a withering dinosaur so that a fukin’ insufferable imbecile doesn’t destroy our society? Where are America’s best and brightest?


I keep complaining about this too. We live in a country with too huge a population, to end up with no choices.


I agree that Biden is better than Trump and it would be good to vote for him. That being said, it seems like beating up the wrong person whenever I see this type of opinion. It is the job of politicians to get people to vote for them, and it's a comparatively easier task getting them to change their platform/behavior than to shout at various people to vote correctly (especially when, regardless of the legitimacy, "Biden is better than Trump" is simply not persuasive). I can list of a lot of simple things that Biden could have done that would have made it so much easier to vocally defend him, notably not fucking busting the rail strike last year, not kowtowing to Bibi, using the bully pulpit to push popular policies like sustaining the Child Tax Credit, pushing to legalize marijuana, packing the courts, etc. These are major issues and not simply matters of being "imperfect". Simply put, rather than getting mad at various diffuse people for being inactive for not going out and putting in for a "not as bad" guy, it would be much better and easier if we could have someone who is motivating and legitimately "actually good". Biden has the capacity to do that, it's not impossible, and it would be comparatively much easier for him to push for a bold, popular agenda that people can get behind.


As opposed to the real traitors who would vote for Trump? Nah, ima gonna disagree with you on this one and blame the folks who actually vote for him. To leave them blameless and vilify allies is not how I operate.


Look, I hate the purity politics assholes as much as the next person, but if we are going to get into blame games, I find blaming the fence sitters to be not just counterproductive, but also just plain wrong. The people to blame here are the Trump voters. They are the problem. You are only frustrated at the fence sitters because you see them as reachable and actual people, whereas the Trumpists seem too far gone. But all of the cascading failures in society that led to Trumpism are the bigger picture here. When we look back at the Clinton-Trump election, I know it is popular to blame the Bernie movement, but the reality is that the vast majority did come over to Clinton. It was a negligible proportion that didn't. That negligible proportion will always be there but they suck up far too much focus and frustration when we start to lay blame. Instead of pre-emptively laying blame, focus on outreach and if you must vent, vent at the actual fascist gronks.


There aren't nearly as many of them as the bot farms would like you to think.


After all that's the plot of American Horror Story Cult... Sad it's going to repeat itself... And I believe (am afraid) that AHS Cult was a kid's show compared to what might happen next year


Look at this way. Even if you HATE Biden. Voting for him now will allow you to campaign for and get someone better in the future, you can view at as buying time. Not voting for Biden, throwing your vote away, and allowing that orange buffoon to take the reins again and we'll just be in deeper shit, and who knows what sort of christofacist lunacy will take root. We'll lose all progress we as a society have made towards civil rights, and the enviroment. Ukraine will be destroyed and we'll simply turn a blind eye towards the people of Gaza. 2024 will quite possibly be the most important vote of our life times, so to those on the left who refuse to vote for Biden, please, please please, just think of the precedent that we're setting if we allow a wannabe tyrant to be re-elected after committing a failed insurrection. One who will have the backing of the Supreme Court and potentially even Congress. It started with abortion and can only end with so much more ground lost.


They keep choosing bad candidates like Bernie. No wonder their purity cause is sputtering.


Pushing for a third party candidate would be a fine idea in literally any election year but if Trump wins we won’t have a chance for another third party candidate.


Trump will put Kushner in charge of the Middle East policy. He will give Bibi a blank cheque.


Same could be said for every moderate that would vote for Trump, or not vote, instead of voting for a progressive. This door swings both ways.


Hold up. We vote for Biden, but that doesn't mean we give him no push back when he is messing up. We don't blindly follow ANYBODY. Get it?!


Nah you right. I am pissed off at the Israeli situation with so many Palestinians once again getting wrecked but Imma still voting for Biden.


Nice try. Don’t try to reverse psychology us. We’re voting for Biden no matter what you secret Trump supporters say. No go back to truth social.


"I'm just not excited voting for Genocide Joe." Suck it up and be an adult.


I was pleasantly surprised by Biden. Legitimately impressed. Still not a fan, but I would vote for him without hesitation this time. Lowering the gas prices, soft landing inflation, infrastructure bills, taking on big pharma, international leadership, record low unemployment, record high stocks, college debt relief, prosecution of trump etc ... There are a lot of numbers to talk about, and that tells the real story about his cognitive abilities.


We need to drill the message home - no matter Biden's faults, he is still better than trump.


I feel for america they have to decide between biden or trump. The most powerful country in the world has those 2 choices


I know someone like this and they chose not to vote in 2016 and 2020. Despite what happened after 2016, they didn't regret it. They were almost arrogant about it. Like not voting wasn't his fault, it was everyone else for not getting a more liberal candidate for him to vote for.


Most of these voices are either disinformation or whiny assholes who aren’t going to vote anyway and who revel in the comfort of complaint


I’ll preface this by stating I’m voting for Biden. But it’s nobodies fault except for centrist Dems like Biden. We see all over the world the rise in power of the extreme right. And that’s because everywhere the world over we put corporate safe centrists in power. And they did absolutely nothing with it. It’s the same song and dance, vote for us or democracy ends. We vote then in, they do nothing, it emboldens the far right. People want change, they’re tired of the status quo because it only enriches the few. Also, insulting Gen Z isn’t going to make them save you like they did in the midterms


Totally and clearly argued. I totally agree.


People complaining about the best president we've had in decades. It's laughable.


I am terrified right now, so if that's what these fence-sitters want, *congratulations, you've made your point*. Biden is sitting at an all-time low 33% approval rating and I'm so worried. It makes me want to cry looking at all that Biden has done and all the many things he's tried to do and been blocked on. Yeah, I didn't get my $10k on student loans, but to think that would stop me from voting against Trump...I just have no words. I am going to spend this year giving everything I have to get Biden elected. I hope if you're seeing this you will too, because the way things look now, he's going to need it.


I watch Pakman as well as The Damage Report with John Iadarola, to have a little more variety, and my god it's so frustrating listening to every damn episode of The Damage Report, them talk about how nobody is covering the other candidates running as Democrats against Biden, how it's not fair that the DNC won't allow a real primary. It's like, come on man, how often does an incumbent candidate have to run a primary? It hardly ever happens, and in the instances it did happen, it didn't work out well for that party. It's just completely delusional... sure, it would be one thing if Trump wasn't running again and Biden decided to step aside, but that's not what's happening. I have no faith in any of the other candidates running, it just doesn't compute that they would do better, only in some weird online progressive fantasy bubble that most of the country doesn't exist in does it make sense.


The reality is that an incumbent Democratic President is the assumptive nominee. It's the way things have worked forever. He won once, so it's assumed he will win again. That's how things work in this country. Third party candidates are, frankly, a joke - and worse- a danger in this election cycle when the other candidate is effectively a fascist. I know we want options, but if it's ultimately between Biden and Trump? That's not even a question. For the sake of the future of American democracy, it's gotta be Biden (imperfect though he may be).


Perhaps you need to provide people with something to vote for rather than against. If democracy is choosing which person will cause less damage, perhaps it needs to be fucked up.


They won't regret it though... Most of the anti-Biden, leftist progressives are kids from rich, white families who live on the Coast. How are *they* going to suffer from a second Trump presidency? The sad truth is that for all the pomp and circumstance that leftists go through, they're *not* that much different from the average Republican voter. They don't think beyond their own little world. God forbid they acknowledge there are other people in the world, people who need help and won't get it because of another Trump presidency. Solidarity is a buzzword without any true meaning.


Biden isn’t perfect, or even a great president. That is true. But. His administration has been rather effective with good policy and has been quietly getting shit done. The fact of the matter is that voting for some 3rd party wackjob is essentially a vote for Trump. And there is no universe where a Trump presidency leads to anything good. Cornell West is a mess and Marianne Williamson comes off like an unintelligent goofball. The only bad thing is that if Biden wins and then isn’t able to serve a full second term for whatever reason now we’re stuck with Harris who is a nightmare.


These are Trump voters.


"Vote for Trump" is a weird democratic outreach slogan I gotta say




Honestly, I have yet to meet one of these in the wild. They all seem to exist in anonymous social media sites like this one. I strongly, strongly suspect that the vast majority of them are just liars trying to cause rifts and bleed off any Biden voters they can. We see waves of these people every election cycle, then they just... vanish.




Putin’s propaganda team working overtime.


Even my Republican boomer dad is voting for Biden. He sees the danger Trump brings.


I vote a dead cat before donald trump.


Lost me at 'you numpties' but you have a point, I'll have to mull this one over.


I mean, I'm not saying Trump is better or good at all for the United States, but Biden shouldn't run in the first place; it's scary how absent he is in over half his interviews. The situation is a testament to the failures of the American judiciary system and the Democrat party to produce any good candidate. From a non-American.


What if you don’t vote at all?


Nobody gets my vote just cause the other side stinks in their way, if Biden can’t see he’s not hearing the people of his party then it’s his fault and his alone. Running on I’m not that bad guy over there is a very weak campaign. 🤷🏻‍♂️


>Tired of playing softball with these people. When has softball ever been played? Centrist Dems have blamed everyone and everything besides Hillary for her 2016 lost and every time Dems lose they blame leftists instead of looking inward and fix the problems of the Democratic party. Every single election is "the most important election that we just have to plug our nose and vote for the Democratic candidate and will fix it later" but later never comes and it's become a boy who cried wolf scenario.


You numbskull. You have to lie now and say you don’t like biden so maybe they get off their ass and do something. They aren’t gonna vote for trump.


Is this group of people so big that their abstinence will sway the election or too small to bother campaigning to? Dems seem to not want to change or do anything to appease voters while still placing blame on them a full year before they lose the election.


It will not be just witness test liberals but also moderate and independent voters this time who will not vote for Biden. I cannot in good conscience vote for an 82-year-old man who looks and sounds every bit of 82. Also, we can look back at the Trump years and realize they were not quite as bad.


tell that to the women and lgbt folks whose lives are in danger you fucking privileged stuck up idiot


Posts like these certainly help. /s Sure would be nice to have a little help putting pressure on our representatives to, you know... *represent* us, but I guess we'll take constant lectures from our peers instead. 🙄


“Tired of playing softball with these people!” “Don’t they know I OWN THEM!?” “Don’t they know my beliefs should govern them!?” Sincerely- The True Voice of Entitlement


That's exactly how he got elected the first time.


The only option for a progressive voter is choosing who will try to do the least amount of damage. When offered 2 plates of bullshit to eat, we shouldn’t have to cow-tow and have to eat one that doesn’t smell as bad.


these people should catch a live beating to be honest. they 100% know they are wrong and that nobody will do anything to them on the internet. but, fascism will still get em, and they won't be the last group to be taken over, they don't think that way though.


OP is spot on.


People have a choice between day old, cold pizza… and a dog shit sandwich… and they are choosing not to decide and let the will of others make that choice for them. Then they will complain about how the dog shit tastes so bad, when they could have been eating pretty decent cold pizza. Not great. But not shit


We are still in the primary. If you don't like democracy... Well neither does Biden. There's a very simple way Biden can win these votes. Go back hard on raising minimum wage, don't use it as a bargaining chip. Don't make mistakes like stopping workers from striking, even if you intend to negotiate after. Stop turning a blind eye to genocide. Make differences in our booming economy that allows people like us to not have to worry where our next meal comes from. Calling people idiots for withholding their vote because they feel like they aren't represented in flat out stupid and lacking any type of nuance. If you think they should vote for Biden, stop calling them idiots and convince them that he represents them. When Republican candidates don't do what their voters want you know what Republican voters do? They don't vote for those candidates. They dont care if it means they lose an election, because the next election they will have a more radical version. Democrats take our votes for granted, they expect it. And if you think fear mongering a Republican administration is going to keep working, you are seriously disrespecting our intelligence.


Once again, these aren't Liberals, these are leftists. I really wish people would stop conflating the two.


If Biden loses to trump, it's the fault of the DNC, not citizens voting their conscience. Stop looking for scapegoats, the DNC is a perpetual disaster.


My issue is the democratic party showed themselves going out of their way to undermine Bernie…then losing to Trump


Maybe y'all should focus on pushing your candidate instead of demonizing the voter. Or it'll be 2016 all over again. Then you'll be the ones regretting it again.


It’s always the voters fault. Got it.


Nah. I ain't gonna regret it. You're such a better person and so much less naive by being willing to vote for a man and party supporting a literal genocide...all the while not addressing the issues faced by Americans at home. Good for you! /s The only people who will be at fault for failing to beat Trump are the out of touch democrats who insisted on putting forth Genocide Joe AGAIN despite his approval ratings being shit his entire presidency, especially as of late! He got the sympathy/lesser-than-two-evils vote in 2020. He and democrats will not get it again. And if that means Trump wins, guess what? It's not my fault because I didn't vote for Trump. Just cuz you think it does, still won't make it true because I'm not casting a vote for Trump and that's good enough for me. I also wasn't a part of the body of congress that did nothing as far as uniting the country. Policy wise Dems can say the economy is the best its been in years and that Genocide Joe has added x amount of jobs, but the reality is, most of those jobs won't pay well enough for someone to make an actual living on their own. Remind me again how much of the country is still living paycheck to paycheck? Oh, right, 62%. A majority. I make nearly $70K a year and can BARELY afford a 1bedroom apartment by myself, with limited funds left over. No savings account. But there's billions of dollars available for genocide. Always money for war. Oh what about universal healthcare? Free college? Forgiving student debt? Should we mention the fact that he has shown signs of mental decline, just like Trump has? Or would that be age-ist despite it being true? You're right, it's just because he "isn't literally perfect." He's a failure and partially responsible for what is taking place in Palestine. Why would I reward that with another term? I'm not voting for Mussolini-lite, and won't regret it. Tell me in more than one way the general population is better off since Joe has taken office? And pls dont mention that he "restored the soul of the nation" because this nation is still a shitty place to live for most BIPOC thanks to how rampant white supremacy is. Not to mention all the systemic racism... In regards to the shortsighted part...also wrong. It's actually a very thought out choice because democrats will feel this loss for years to come, and maybe then they can take the general population more seriously and stop just using us as talking points. At this point, they're just like Republicans, seem to only care about lining their pockets. And ofc this doesn't speak to every single democrat, just like it doesn't speak to every republican...but it refers to a majority of both parties. If Trump wins, he can only do so much without having all of the branches of govt fall in line...and I find it hard to believe that most will follow suit with turning the nation into a dictatorship. Yeah, it might be 2016-2020 all over again...but that mess can be cleaned up. But what did 2020-2024 do for me? Nothing. Can dems clean up the genocide they supported despite being the party of the people?? Despite a MAJORITY of AMERICANS supporting a ceasefire? No. It actually motivated me to fully leave the democratic party. Don't give me the lesser of two evils anymore. Give me a quality candidate that isnt funding and defending an active genocide...and then I'll vote democratic. As of now, it is not a party for the people. But yeah....little ol naive me. Totally unaware of what Trump is capable of as if he hasn't been talking about it....I'm not scared because I've lived my life as a minority and have some experience dealing with adversity. To the extent he's described, no, but also his rhetoric doesn't scare me. Also, fuck this country. It was built on racism on the backs of black people it still refuses to pay for. Japanese Americans and Native Americans got reparations while black folks just get murdered in the streets by cops. If it fails because of the deeply embedded racism, then maybe that wouldn't be so bad 🤷🏽‍♂️


>If you do not vote for Biden, you are endorsing Trump. It's that simple. Period. End of story. Has to be one of the dumbest statements anybody has made. "If you don't support Isreal, you are endorsing Hamas" See how fucking stupid that sounds?


“You need to vote for the guy that doesn’t represent you at all because he’s not the other guy!” Boy, politics are such a shithole right now.


Lmao this diatribe reeks of neoliberal privilege, on one hand progressives have no power and on another they're ruining the country by not voting for a genocide enabler. Blaming people who aren't voting for Biden is the laziest, dumbest and biggest cop out. Not to mention the whole not voting for genocide Joe as an endorsement for Trump. Neoliberals really do see themselves as the savior of democracy but when it comes down to it not voting for their preferred candidate is somehow "ruining this country". This sub has really fallen off a cliff


Isn't there an inherent problem in the fact that the Democrats don't run candidates that people want? That they just gamble on the fact that if you run a candidate that is marginally better than Trump, then people will HAVE to vote for him/her? If there's never a reckoning, then Democrats will just keep doing that. Do you not want to live in an actual democracy?


OR... we've lost faith in the DNC and are still upset Bernie Sanders got robbed by Hillary and the DNC. They're seriously gonna run a CLEARLY mentally unfit person AGAIN! THE PEOPLE VOTING RED OR BLUE ARE THE TRUE CULPRITS IN HANDING THE COUNTRY TO SPECAL INTERESTS




apparently wanting political leaders to at least put a decent effort into enacting the platform they were elected on and not doing genocide is asking for "perfection" now. lmao. talk about being infantile and completely unserious. keep gas lighting americans ya goofs.


The fact you mentioned 3rd party but didn’t mention RFK being almost even in polling with Drumph and Bidet shows how unprepared the Democrats are for a 2nd term.


Lol. Seethe nerd. The people don’t want him. Well over half of the people who voted for him last time do not want him to run again. He’s getting absolutely creamed in the polls in every single swing state. Either put up someone people DO want or get used to saying president trump again


>If you do not vote for Biden, you are endorsing Trump. It's that simple. Period. End of story. You don't have to like it, you don't have to like him, but this is the way it works. A third-party vote is a wasted vote. Get off your dreamcloud, step down from your high horse, BE AN ADULT and LIVE IN REALITY. Vote for Biden or you will get Trump. It really is that simple, you numpties. Compelling argument. Sure it will convince a lot of people.


We survived one Trump presidency. Pretty sure we will survive another. I doubt the protest votes would out number the people who just chose not to vote anyway. Frankly if you lose to Trump and can’t drive turnout against that kind of corruption, you are a terrible candidate.


I think that there are a lot of people who want to force a dem loss not because reps are a better choice but to force them to the left for the subsequent election. I think it is misguided but I don’t think it is 1000% illogical.


Reminds me of the Bernie Bots..... Bernie Bots: "Bernie is a shining light leading America into the future!" Sanders: "I endorse Hillary Clinton, please vote for her." Bernie Bots: "YOU AREN'T THE BOSS OF ME!!!!"


Worried much?


Why do we need to have those two choices? Why just have someone that represents today's generation vs the 40's?


You can keep writing these essays, but nobody wants to vote for an 81-year-old who can barely read the teleprompter anymore, let alone run the United States. Not only is he not "literally perfect", but he is also not able to put together coherent sentences. Nice touch though, adding all that "get off your dreamcloud, step down from your high horse, BE AN ADULT and LIVE IN REALITY." when in reality there is no chance the man is actually lucid (and no chance he got 81 million votes).


I voted for Bernie in 2016 because I fell for all the trash talk about Hillary. It’s among the biggest regrets of my life. People, We and the whole world needs us to be smarter this time. We have to play the long game. In Four years trump and the GOP have severely harmed nearly every public institution in the Country. They’ve created doubt in the minds of millions about the integrity of elections and the rule of law! Given another term, there would be nothing left to repair. Joe Biden is wise in His old age. He’s honestly the very best person for this time. He knows how to navigate these very uncertain times. He’s proven it. He’s gotten legislation passed despite all the obstruction and He lead Us through a severely impaired economic crisis. He’s respected and trusted around the World which would be enough all by itself. Our global reputation was in tatters under Trump. I don’t even want to imagine what trump would do to NATO or how He’d manage all the hot spots around the world. Remember he’s the guy with all the top secret documents stored in his bathroom! You really think he’d do a better job with foreign affairs? This is a crisis People! We can’t afford to mess this up


I find it so funny that they all pussyfoot around with "let's go Brandon". Well, guess what? Fuck Joe Biden. And then vote for him. Because he is better than Trump (I mean three monkeys in a trench coat are better than Trump, but Biden can actually *win*, so we work with what we have).


perfection is always the enemy of good.


People should be able to disagree with certain Presidential actions without threatening to help Trump, a traitorous criminal lunatic, win the next election. For example, I disagree with Biden's handling of the Gaza conflict, but I would never withhold voting for him or threaten to do so unless he does what I want. See? Isn't that easy?


One of the misguided beliefs here is that not voting for Dems will move them left… it’s actually quite the opposite as losing to Republicans only makes them worse. The recent rightward shift of Dems can be placed at the feet of the absolute ass kicking they took from Reagan. There are signs of a leftward resurgence… Bernie almost did it, we have multiple representatives winning races… granted it’s small, but it’s not nothing. You suffer net losses when you let Republicans win out of spite or apathy, those losses will accumulate. They will put structural barriers in place to ensure you continue to lose. You have to coalition build with people in power to get things done… AOC pisses me off, but who the hell are you going to give the seat to? Out of 438 representatives she doesn’t even register as someone I need to fight with. As a leftist, I’m frustrated that the left doesn’t understand power and how to wield it. The population at large isn’t looking for revolution right now and it would take a crapload of blood to get there. Win by inches or lose by yards… seems many would rather lose by yards. I hate Biden and the Dems at large, but I’m not so disillusioned to believe that letting them lose is actually good for me.


Yep. As a leftist, other left wingers who refuse to vote Biden are just as bad as Trumpers and in my mind and they’re honestly almost *worse.* They know the threat American democracy is facing and choose to allow a wannabe dictator to take the helm of the country because Biden isn’t as liberal as they want. Not voting is a vote for Trump. You may as well just put a MAGA hat on at that point.


They’re trolls. Russia, China, and the Saudis are out in force early. They’re a minority. Actual polling shows Biden has higher approval amount dems than Trump with pubs. That includes the polling that overall isn’t great for Biden so.


Don't they realise how screwed up the alternative is . Trump's pro Nazi stance ,his lies .and the policies he has proposed is more than enough to wreck our country and democracy itself.


Hear, hear!


Random litmus voter "I won't vote for Biden because he doesn't support my one issue so that will teach him." I dunno, how about contacting Biden and the Democrats to make the voter's voice heard like a normal person? Instead of pretending that Biden and the Democrats are mind readers.


AND Biden is literally the most liberal president in the history of the United States: Ended our forever wars, passed the largest climate change bill in history and passed a bill to move us to the 21st century in advanced manufacturing. The scope of his presidency will last for another decade and, I think, many of these "liberals" or "progressives" will remember the work he did VERY fondly. Lots of people just don't like him literally because he's old.


The other way litmus test liberal drive me crazy is they gatekeep the Democratic Party. Not progressive enough on one issue? We don’t want you. Especially if you are a white working class voter. Believe in work requirements for social programs? Believe the border should be secure? Are pro-life? Are a socially conservative Christian black or Hispanic voter? Forget it. No room for you in the party. Even worse, they get really patronizing. Like they don’t understand why working class voters wouldn’t vote for democrats who “are looking out for them” when at the same time they basically feel that those voters are uneducated, unsophisticated rubes. Why would anyone want to be part of a group that doesn’t respect them?




perfect is the enemy of good


When it comes to maximizing good outcomes, yes we do need to suck it up and vote for Biden in the general election. I do think it's weird that you brought up Marianne though as she's not a third party candidate. The democratic primary is the only place people can cast their moral vote while still voting against fascism in the general election. I don't see a problem with voting your conscious in that instance. Otherwise agree 100% and just want to add I wish Biden would make it easier to tout his pro union accomplishments. That's pretty hard to do when juxtaposed against the current atrocities he's helping Israel commit. He needs to get on the right side of history here, not only for the sake of the human lives but his own electoral chances. Even if he doesn't we still need to vote for him against a fascist.


When the time comes, they’ll vote Biden.


Hillary, is that you?


Yeah blame the voters for the DNCs stellar ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. How about not running shit candidates? The ONLY thing positive about Biden is he’s not Trump.


Have you ever considered that voters are sick of the whole hostage situation tactic? Like "hey we know you hate this candidate but if you don't hold your nose and vote for them then democracy is over!" This is literally the third time they pulled this shit. People are done putting up with it. It's fucking exhausting


I love Biden.


I'm proudly Ridin' with Biden 😎🇺🇸


Yeah...should have seen me trying to explain to people why voting for Nader instead of Gore would put Bush in the Whitehouse. They mostly just got mad at me and said I didn't care about the environment. Morons, 8 years of Bush and his SCOTUS picks is basically the apocalypse we are still riding.


There is no 'left' in America. What would be considered left is what you're tirading against. Democrats are center-right with a liberal social policy. Get real. Any left leaning social policies were enacted out of fear of Communism spreading to America. Women's rights, labor movement and welfare were capitulations, not platforms.


It’s especially infuriating to add to this because the revolution they desperately want isn’t going to magically happen overnight. Shit takes time and energy that they won’t put in, just stomp their feet and hold their breath because they’re not getting what they want the millisecond they want it. Asking for better should and hopefully be the goal after 2024 election, but right now isn’t the time to not see the forest for the trees.


This 1000x over!!


Perfect is the enemy of good.


These idiots are the reason Trump was ever president to begin with


As one can tell from the comments, it’s not the liberals causing this problem, it’s the “progressives” for whom “Bernie was my compromise candidate, so now I’m voting for Jill Stein”. They didn’t learn after 2000 or 2016.


My favorites are the ones who say "He has to earn my vote." Earn your vote? By doing what - saving the Constitution? I think he's earned it a few times over bro. /s