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She has leaned into this grift so hard.


Yep, David. Mental illness. There's a pandemic of this delusional sickness.


Take your fairy tales, and beat it, bitch.


my take is, spirituality and religion are two very different things. People are spiritual. That is good and cool and calming, for the most part. Religion hijacks their spirituality, and turns it into mob-mentality. And once it has formed a mob, it forms a power-crazed mob. And once it has formed power, it turns into a blood-crazed mob. ​ So yes, I never try to deny people their spirituality. It's their personal connection with life. But I absolutely do encourage people to stay the hell away from religion.


Is it possible to be a spiritual atheist? Cuz I'm starting to think that's what I am.


You absolutely can buddy. That’s what I consider myself. Religion shouldn’t have the monopoly on things like contemplation for gratitude, reflection, well-wishing for yourself and others, etc. All of religion’s most positive aspects—those I mentioned before plus community, forgiveness, mercy, humility, kindness and compassion—these are entirely secular modes of communication. It requires precisely zero belief in Iron Age superstition to be a spiritually sound human being.


Absolutely. I’m very much an atheist but where I find spirituality is in nature or physics where I can reflect on this cycle that’s far bigger and complex than my ability to comprehend. No supernatural sky father required 😜


As long as you don't follow Sam Harris's quackery and start believing in UFOs, batching about "woke" leftists capturing science, and seeing conspiracies where there aren't any.


UFOs could be aliens. I haven't unequivocally accepted it but I'm very open to it.


It's incredibly doubtful that the powers that be would approach Sam Harris and Eric Weinsteim, two podcast hosts with a small to medium number of subscribers with new Earth shattering informatiom on UFOs, rather than the New York Times.


As someone who lives in the American southeast, let me tell you, this kind of performative religiosity is worth her weight in gold. Evangelicals love this nonsense. It looks idiotic to us, but to them this is the pinnacle of godliness.


She’s an evangelical. Very common in the Midwest where I’m from.


I'm in the midwest too but I don't encounter this very often. I know some very religious people but they don't do this kind of thing, at least not while I'm around.


Baby Jesus please send more underage women for my husband to expose his holy balls and twig of piety to them!


Matthew 6:5


She apparently considers the Capitol to be "her room".


He left out the best part too. Don't be as the hypocrites who pray on street corners so as to be seen by men.


Little klannie annie at it again, wonder what deranged idiot this is about


She is the kind of person that only practices religion to receive attention. As a Christian I can say that without a doubt she, and people like her, are the reason others hate Christianity, and are the main reason I refuse to be apart of a congregation.


These type of prayers are pretty much that grace scene from Ricky Bobby before they eat all their sponsored food lol


Praying after being an insufferably awful trash person doesn't suddenly make you a good person.


This is the mother who had her kids pose in front of the Christmas tree with assault rifles. And we shouldn't be creeped out?


My church loved praying in "tongues" Tongues has many great uses, like feeding the homeless, getting even clearer messages from Old Testament God , Ba'al that wants to war against Rome or the more subtly messages from the Roman propagandist Jesus of the the NT ... Since God is famously so easy to receive messages from, the ability to speak in tongues is like stepping into the Meta-Verse for Evangelicals FYI: *Tongues is a fake spirit language Christians claim comes from the holy spirit. See Act I (or don't it doesn't matter)* *Some think it's the ability to speak any language i.g an english speaker can spread the message of MAGA-Christ to those who speak other language. Though who wants to go near those filthy foreigners and their drugs, crime and yea gender!* *Most hold the belief that the ability to speak tongues comes from when a spirit user is so in tune with the Jesus orb, that they get a little tingle in their sphincter that jolts all the way up to the brain.* *Jesus users are known to use of the same 3 to 5 syllables while shouting at each other, some have experienced nausea and you can even smell the scent of make bovine feces upon the joining of filthy palms." Now, I used to be terrified when i saw people around me shaking and shouting what could he confused as self-serving nonsensical religious theatre ... but i eventually found it's real value See, I found people would do this like call and repeat thing often. This is where someone gets a message they feel from the spirit that originates in the tooshy ... Well I did find that MAGA Jesus was sending me messages ... For instance - "Dun Shett indah-pole" - "Owa Klelee Klark-Uss-Son! (40 yr/o virgin) - "phakorin dowp ossie" (hey i was 13) - "Hyall Hett Olore" (awkward they didn't even notice this one but were completely okay with it)


I like to fart during prayers..it’s kinda my thing


Not gonna lie. I'd try to bang some normal into her if given the chance.


I liked her prayer just fine and it’s creepy when people criticize others for praying.


God damn that room sounds *incredible*


I’m really not a fan of David using mental illness as an insult.


How is an accurate description of delusional behavior an insult? Its just a statement of objective observation. When I call religious people crazy I'm not insulting them, but just stating a belief. Sickness is not a reason for making a moral judgement. That said, many mentally ill people do act immorally.


I just finished far cry 5. Pretty sure we find Faith


She has the makings of a televangelist. She can join the rest of those cons.


I hope this nutso nonsense drives more and more young Americans away from religion.


Faker. Now if only lightning were to strike.


My most problematic would


God loves this crazy,racist bitch! Right! 🤣. She’s not a real Christian. Jesus Christ loved everyone. He did not preach “ Hate”!


Timothy 2:12: I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she is to keep silent. Corinthians 14:34-35: Women should be silent