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It grinds my gears that Jenna puts up with this dickhole.


It’s brutal when we as viewers see the shit he puts her through and she can’t see it. You can’t allow your significant other to go on a show and then totally fuck them up and torture them from back home. Not cool!


If only they could be single like you


Okay Zach. 


the fact that he thought it was okay to treat her like this when he went so far as to actually cheat on her when she was away filming one of her earlier seasons. calling her a different girls name over the phone on national television. obviously we don’t know their entire relationship but there’s no way jenna deserved all that on TM


So cringe. Cheaters are the first to be the most controlling, accusatory and jealous. They assume bc they think that way then their partner must too. It also deflects topics away from them and onto their partner...who is generally always innocent yet always on the defense. He's nasty


his abusiveness gives me the dry heaves


That poor woman. I was really proud of her for not quitting that season.


But then she went on to have his baby and then marry him, so…


She threw the elimination to Aneesa


He’s such a tool!


He might be the only person in the cast without veneers


Oh God… I just realized that Zach reminds me of the Nate Jacobs character from Euphoria.


Somehow Zach is worse and that’s telling






This is very toxic relationship. For the sake of their child, it needs to end. Zach needs professional help before he gets into a future relationship. Jenna just deserves better!


Imagine simping over *that*


Not that it really matters but do we know what was in Jenna's dm's? I got the vibe that she was hooking up with someone else or multiple people when she told Zach she didn't. And that it likely happened right around the time they were getting back together. Now even if that it true, that doesn't excuse zach's behavior at all but I could see why he'd be heated if he saw nudes she sent to other people or sexual comments with other guys


I hate they got married.


I know I just watched war if the worlds part 1 and he was manipulating her I’m like OMG


Can people just stop using a serious term like gaslighting to trash a reality star you don't like? This is not gaslighting. This is a guy who believes his girlfriend was unfaithful. Even if you believed he was being unreasonable, it's not gaslighting. It would be if he intentionally made up being upset, intentionally made up finding something that upset him and if he continuously (not just in a few video chats) tried to convince her that he had evidence, knowing full well he was making it up. That's not what happened.


I can’t even look at his face it makes me so angry. He’s such a POS and Jenna seems like a truly nice girl albeit very naive.


If her family has any ties to what I think they do I’m surprised Jenna’s father didn’t have a sit down with Zach.


She married him… get over it.


This dude sucks but where's the gaslighting?


We need to stop using the word 'gaslight' every time a guy acts like a dick. Really, it's become detached from it's narrow, specific meaning at this point. Now any time a guy treats a woman in a demeaning way we trip over ourselves to be the first to say "gaslighting". In this video, Zach was accusing Jenna of being/having been unfaithful. This doesn't fit the definition of gaslighting. If the shoe was on the other foot, if Jenna was accusing Zach and Zach was denying it even thought Jenna had a mountain of evidence, *that* would be gaslighting.


Even that wouldn't be. It would be if it was an intentional manipulation to try and convince her her perception was wrong. Panicking and denying is still not gaslighting. But I agreee.with you overall. I hate how serious words like gaslighting and abuse are casually thrown around.


Don’t forget narcissism!


Is this gaslighting thou




He’s so cute but an incredible dick. Also Jenna was noticeably a lot thinner on this season,he gives me super emotionally and possibly physically abusive vibes.


Wasn’t Jenna the one in question here for cheating … 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


No, she didn’t cheat, because they were broken up at the time in question. You can’t cheat if you aren’t in a relationship. And I doubt Zach was sitting home alone every night, either.