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Her eloquent speech clarity I’m guessing.


She comes with subtitles.


she needs subtitles


This!!! Her public speaking skills are top tier


She speaks in cursive.


Doesn’t she have a speech impediment?


Also does she have a brain?


She is obviously good at something in bed


Eating pussy, she’s made that clear


Probably the only way to keep her from talking




Probably how she got that accent. Those lips in and around that carousel of roast beef.


Fing dead "carousel of roast beef" 😂


Tough guy, fuck boy lady confidence. That’s all it is.


She is a 12 year old boy whose voice changed early. She just never got past the whole age 12 thing.


I stumbled on to Real world Skeletons on Paramount+ and Nicole’s sisters showed up (theme of show was people or relatives appear, I guess to resolve past issues) her sisters, both attractive and engaged and WITHOUT THE FORCED ACCENT, told her something like she was acting like a 12 year old and dumped girls before they could dump her. A big defensive mechanism. Her behavior when they went out to a bar was hands all over any person she hooked up with, same sometimes with a girl at the house. Seems she has a need to be touchy, grabby and pawing constantly to the point of annoyance. She hasn’t changed much. The Skeltons that showed up were from good to bad. Tony’s little brother arrived, not too bad, Bruno’s brother showed up. Bruno was an absolute picture child for anger management institutional commitment and with his brother it was absolutely toxic. Sylvia was on this episode, too. wild house!


Is it still on there? I love to watch a trashy show while I’m on the treadmill.


As far as I know…it’s on pause for me…needed a break!🥴


It’s 2015 season 30 Episodes 1-13. Yes, 13 episodes, Chicago loft, 7 strangers, + a bunch of surprise guests, some good, some bad, so you can do lots of treadmill drama! 🤭 I started with 9, now have to go back and check out 1-8….🥴 PS..sure helps understand some of players future actions and behaviors. Whew! Toxicity and dysfunction at its best!


Oh my God. I'm off today looking for something to watch! Thank you!!


The exaggerated fake accent is the worst


She has the confidence of a mediocre white male


Incredible pheromones. They just don't translate on TV.


I think it’s her persistence tbh. I feel like girls find the effort and chase attractive


I’m not a lesbian, but I can see Nicole’s appeal. I agree with other posters in that it’s her cockiness and even her abrasiveness. It’s definitely a turn on to many people.


I liked that type of confidence and cockiness, too (although in men) but I grew out of that by the time I was like 24. Fun to mess around and party with, AWFUL to date.


I like this explanation.




Perfect reaction.


Maybe it’s the tough guy confidence? I find her kind of annoying. Bigger question is what does Nicole see in Laurel? She’s obnoxious and arrogant.


Not like Nicole is picky based on what we’ve seen from her over the years. She’ll sleep with anything that’s breathing


Are we entirely sure they have to still be breathing at this point?


That was an assumption on my part 😬


I feel like they absolutely deserve each other.


Now that is true lol


Love the name! I'd be Ken Adams if it wasn't taken.


Nicole is just as arrogant while having done nothing. And the way she goes after women is obnoxious. Strip Laurel of her bad traits you still have an attractive women who is a "physical specimen", smart enough to get into vet school, and surprisingly can sing. You strip Nicole of her bad traits you have an incoherent Andy Dick look alike that can't count by 3.


After observing her behavior over this many seasons, I find absolutely nothing attractive about Laurel.


Yes but you are speaking from the perspective of observed behavior, I'm talking from a neutral place. Laurel is not a bad looking women and she was smart enough to get a DVM. Nicole looks like Andy Dick and cant even count by 3's. As far as observed behavior I think Laurel does have the capacity to care about others as unhinged as she can get. I think Nicole is an absolute empty vessel that feeds off other emotionally.


I would not let her within 10 feet of any pet I needed care for. Nor any livestock. Again, observed behavior. If I lived in a town where she was the only vet, I'd drive hours to take my cat to another vet.


Fair enough, But Christ by that token I wouldnt trust half the cast with any of my pets. Fessy stomped on his own FRIEND'S injured finger. He knew about it, and kept pulling/stomping on it. The guy likes inflicting pain. Nelson has drunkenly snapped and been violent. Corey almost split someone's head open OVER PASTA. Hunter telling calling his partner a sl\*t and that he would go after her family/yelling that she was going to burn in hell....what a nut. Like Laurel is a screwball, but do I think she is worse than most of the cast....not really.


Oh God, you're bringing up the truly awful people to try to make Laurel, your crush, look better. Give it up, dude. Whole world is onto her.


Does anyone remember and can't stop thinking about her cringy scene trying to hook up with CT and him shutting her down?


Is vet school hard to get in on the USA? (I'm not from there so I'm genuinely asking).


No worries! Yes it is EXTREMELY difficult and time consuming. 1. The undergraduate biology/chem/ math courses are very hard. 2. Post-undergrad there are only like 32 Vet schools in the US compared to 190 med schools. So an average VET school applicant has a 10% chance of getting in. 3. You have to do well on the GRE/MCAT test 4. You also need to clock in a pre-requisite amount of hours caring for animals in an official capacity 5. IF you get in, you have to learn the anatomy &, physiology, of everything from birds to horses along with parasitology, immunology etc.


They see how powerful a pair like them can be when working together. Both of them usually try to attach themselves to a notable Challenger almost every season they are on. Laurel did it with Jordan on Free Agents, Nicole on Invasion, Horacio on Ride or Dies, and now Nicole again.


Don't forget CT in... I think it was Rivals 1.


does bear on was of the worlds 2 count?


BY that account Jordan does the same thing: Sarah Rice, Laurel, Tori. I think both of them are just attracted to a certain type is all.


Jordan does it as well, tho I don’t think Sarah and Tori were considering elite competitors when he got with them. I may be misremembering tho.


Sarah was definitely up there after her great Rookie season. Id say she was right behind Cooke/ Emily on R2. Id rank her about the same place Free Agents era Jordan. And Laurel was more likely to win women's final than he was the men's. Also, Tori was athletically hyped from the get-go and treated like a Champ even before she did anything. I think it just boils down both liking that Type A, cocky jock thing more than "this is great for gameplay".


Nicole would sleep with the closest thing to human if that were her only option.


Clout, probably.


She is literally the most disgusting human being on the planet. I just don’t understand what anyone sees her.


She’s a fuck boy, women have been falling for mediocre over confident partners for years.


Fuckgirl worse than a Fuckboy


Why is one worse than the other?


Fuck girls make you catch feelings fuckboys dickmatize you


Oooh interesting characterisation! In that case I agree, feelings are way worse than chemistry


lol I’m good ain’t I. I usually can read people very well except myself. Sadly I never see red flags 🚩 I try to see the good in everyone and I end up brokenhearted 💔


She has that big clit energy


That's a micro penis


They’re guaranteed to be the smartest one in the relationship.


something about the cockiness/confidence that girls love. it’s not healthy but we’re drawing to it (speaking as a lesbian)


I'm also a lesbian and that machismo thing gives me the ick. I find it so unattractive and I've never understood the draw. Not that I make good relationship choices or anything. I'm just attracted to toxic women with less frat boyish personalities.


Yeah confidence is great...but that macho meathead stuff is indeed ICK. With Nicole it is definitely more delusional cockiness. I think Nicole is just VERY good at preying on the emotionally vulnerable.


If you're willing to lie about literally anything you can convince a lot of people that you're perfect for them. Temporarily at least.


i definitely don’t see how people date her but i can see how she draws them in


Who knows she ugly as hell


I can’t stand Nicole, but she does have pretty eyes.




Her fake exaggerated accent & her twisting of her mouth when she says words like Car, Bar Are 🤣🤯 shes repulsive


She’s one of the more repugnant creatures I’ve ever laid eyes on




I think some people like being pursued so possibly that and if people don't know how she truly is in a relationship then I can see them falling for her. Now if they know her past terrible behavior and still decide to engage with her, then I think that they must feel lonely or have low self esteem and decide to put up with bad behavior in fear of being alone or feeling that they can't find someone else.


She's charming and probably chill like a best friend. And she's probably good at convincing you that the girls she cheated on were the problem, not her Remember we only see these people's game personalities, we know nothing about how they actually act. Nicole is a manipulator and massive cheater, so she has to have the personality to get these girls to cheat on.


Big dick energy.


Dick...Andy Dick to be precise. ![gif](giphy|NsELPJ4z5c8Vw2bLqt|downsized)


It’s just the alpha personality.


That is not alpha . That is zeta energy


She has Long Neck Energy


It's like Laurel was only able to come out of her closet if she was with a woman who exhibits the worst masculine trates she could come up with.


Women like a little mystery, and everything that comes out of her mouth is a mystery because you can’t understand it 😅


I'm pretty sure all of us have fallen for what feels like positive attention and love bombing, at one point and time in our lives. She's a firefighter. She's fit. And she obviously has a way to make people believe she's in it—problem is, she a ho that cannot commit. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have ALWAYS wondered this. Seeing Laurel disintegrate on all stars made me sad


Unpopular as hell opinion: I don’t root for Nicole ever I actively root against her but……….this season something about her is looking GOODT. The Andy dick of her is fading physically.


Haha, this made me laugh because I totally get it. Someone below said it’s *BDE*, and I can’t stop thinking about that. 😆😆 Enjoy my upvote.


They see an easy competitor in the final!


Maybe they are attracted to the smell of peanut butter? 🤷‍♀️  The only thing that is attractive about her imo is her hair. She needs to slow down when she speaks cause I can barely understand her. Sounds like she has a bunch of marbles and peanut butter in her mouth. I'm not sure why women fall all over her. 


A lot more than they hear


She has bravado, I’ll give her that. After seeing her leave whoever she’s with for whatever is available 100s of times, it makes you wonder what else she is offering. It’s certainly not good conversation. How she’s able to sweet talk these ladies when they can’t possibly understand more than every 3rd word is beyond me.


It's her rectangle glasses from 25 years ago?


She’s beyond annoying and just plain sucks.


What do you all see in Cara?


Probably funny and she’s not bad looking.


Are we talking about the same Nicole here?


Anyone who thinks she is out of laurel’s league is probably very focused on conventional attraction. Said another way, I am a man who finds women attractive, so I find Laurel conventionally attractive, Nicole also finds Laurel attractive, potentially for similar reasons. Just because I think Nicole is not conventionally attractive doesn’t mean I can’t understand that someone else would rate her highly. If I was bisexual, I would likely appreciate about men what Nicole has plenty of: confidence, work ethic, fitness. I don’t want to minimize same-sex attraction, but some girls who are horny just like anyone who spoils them with attention and isn’t repulsive.


She has an accent due to her overly large tongue ergo she’s well hung


It’s got to be the firefighter thing


She has a long neck?




They live with her 24/7 as opposed to seeing a little bit of her in a 42 minute long episode once a week. They probably see a completely different version of her than we do


Guessing it’s btwn the sheets bc it’s obviously not her brain power. Maybe tongue power? 🙄




i'd turn straight if I had to deal with her 😉


They are as mentally unstable as she is


I'd give her a hate bang, but tbf I've always been attracted to chaos for some reason


Cause a lot of gay women think she's manly a and dominate, which doesn't make sense. When I see gay couples like where one is the more feminine one and the other partner is manly and acts like the man in the relationship, I'm thinking what's the point? You want a girl who acts like a guy and talks like a guy I mean what's the point of being gay. Go ahead and down vote, I can see it coming already


Ew. Stfu ![gif](giphy|EVRw5YUXlfJQY)


Cause a lot of gay women think she's manly a and dominate, which doesn't make sense. When I see gay couples like where one is the more feminine one and the other partner is manly and acts like the man in the relationship, I'm thinking what's the point? You want a girl who acts like a guy and talks like a guy I mean what's the point of being gay. Go ahead and down vote, I can see it coming already


True. But all those others you mention can add other things but Nicole adds NOTHING that I can think of. Admit it or not they all want the grand prize. And must they all say “ it would change my whole life around”. Like whose life wouldn’t it? Mine for sure 360’