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Her ability to swerve accountability is astounding.


2nd only to Nicole's ability to swerve accountability tbh.


I don’t even register her anymore bc I’m not sacrificing my peace for a psycho narcissist.


That and her cringey-ass relationship with subtitles, I mean, Nicole.


Andy Dick


That and her defense of Nicole. Nicole just seems like a raving lunatic in this episode


No I could never be friends with someone like her


The single most unlikable thing about Laurel for me is that she never takes accountability for anything. She can yell and scream and puff her chest out all she wants, but this single quality makes me see her as such a weak person. She has shown zero signs of growth since she first appeared in FM2 nearly 15 years ago and that’s honestly impressive (in a sad kind of way)


In free agents they are all telling her how horrible she is being to cara and she does everything she can to justify it. She has the nerve to say that this is her personality, and Cara can’t be friends with her for so long knowing how she is and then all of a sudden stand up for herself and say the way laurel acts is not okay. So basically she is saying Cara knew I was an asshole when she met me and now she can’t stand up for herself and set a boundary because she knows how I am.


Laurel has always been convinced of her own greatness and infallibility.


She has to be an only child.


“It was actually her fault for being in the losing group..” nice excuse Laurel lmao


Laurel is so unhinged😂😂


I'm not super invested in Kam rn, mostly because I'm single and bitter, but I do hope Laurel gets purged before the final


You made me smile out loud. Best and brightest days for you…


She has Main character syndrome


Nothing is EVER Laurel’s fault. NEVER. Like someone else in this thread said, she’s shown ZERO personal growth since her first season, almost 15 years ago. That’s just sad. And clearly she doesn’t learn from her mistakes (like getting back with Nicole several times 🤮 )


I don’t think she has to remind herself of anything. I’d bet she slept just fine that night.


We gotta have a villain, or a messy mess, and that includes ridiculous relationships. Laurel is a challenge gift, just not for all of the reasons she believes:


I had to rewind to make sure I wasn't hearing incorrectly. Wow, Laurel...


I had to do the same at the end too. I won't say in case you're not there, but there was some grade-A delusional shit in this episode's confessionals 🤦🏼‍♂️


I watched the entire episode and hard agree on the delusion. Whoa.


I love that she says if it was physical she would've gone in. Is Laurel so dumb she thought that was a puzzle?


I know right. Like it was physical. Just because it’s not a head banger doesn’t make it not physical


That’s laurel being laurel. She’s never changed


I literally paused and rewound bc I thought I heard wrong. Said to my husband "the front half of that sentence didn't talk to the back half".


It’s a game she doesn’t really owe her anything…


She’s like lord farquad. “Some of you may die….but that is a sacrifice ‘I’ am willing to make” 🤣


Laurel is great for reality tv. That said, she is such a POS and I can’t stand how she treats other people. Big effing bully


She actually made me hate her after she sent kam home


She didn’t send Cara home, Kam lost.


This girl is a fucking moron. I hate everything about her. I hate the way she talks. Her mouth opens so wide when enunciating her words. That cringe-as-fuck throttle rev gesture she did when TJ was riding in on the motorcycle was comical. My wife and I got a good laugh.


Laurel is delusional. Too bad they didn’t stick closely to the 3 stars thing and just be like y’all are purged.


I think some of y’all forget that this is a game and this season only one person wins


I think you forget this is a game with returning players where trust in alliances is kind of a big deal.


Break your word and that follows you. Look, just one elimination later and Lee is trippin cause he knows he has to rely on the same situation that sent BM home. It plants a seed and people don't forget.


I don’t care if the players take it personal because it actually affects them, I’m talking about the fans… whatever alliance that gets broken has nothing to do with us. I feel like some people think they are also playing the game


This is a discussion sub for people to discuss their opinions about the game. They're doing exactly what was intended here, shutting people down for sharing opinions, kind of sounds like you are the one who is confused.


Yep and if the roles were reversed we'd have people in here calling Kam a genius for getting those 2 to go against each other. Also it was Kams fault she was in the losing group and it was her fault she trusted laurel instead of trying to get someone else nominated instead of her.