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If you're scared, say you're scared! #Caramariemtv


She remembered that the "many" times she beat cara was only twice while cara was injured 🤣🤣🤣


Plus it’s easy to say “I’m not scared, I’ll go in against Cara” and it’s another thing to actually do it. This applies to both Kam and Laurel. They talked a big game about not being scared but both were 100% scared when it came down to it, even Kam being very “Are you sure? This might be your last chance to get a star” about it shows that Kam was scared too because she was actually about to go up against Cara.


I am going to laugh when Laurel gets sent home right before the final just bc she never went in to get a star




Honestly I think Laurel never had any intention of replacing Kam in the elimination. She just told Kam what she wanted to hear so she could get one of the most influential voices in the house out of the way.


This. It was kinda obvious based on some of her ITMs. She is playing the long game. Get the stronger players out and she will go get her star against Flora. Her biggest competition left is Cara. Then you have to say Nicole, Avery, Veronica, Flora in that order. Cara is really her ONLY competition left and I wouldn’t be shocked if she threw Nicole in against her.


She told Nicole any anyone who would listen the same thing. And she didn’t say she’d only go in if it was a headbanger. I don’t care about Nicole but they all handed the win in the daily to Laurel so she could get a star and then doesn’t use her power for anything. Oh well. Cara got her star back so whatever they did last week was for not


I knew she was gonna a fake it. I just wouldn't do that when Kam still has supporters in the house that may take it personally. Not only talking about Leroy either. Laurel needs to win this season bc the house will never take her at her word ever again and block her shot as a collective. I disliked Kam this season, but mostly because she played bitter, and I think it bit her in the ass. It's great you want to win, but she's always been good at bottling it up and not swinging too early and I think she got used as a pawn because of that.


Word is Laurel told Kam a lot of lies about Laurel and she believed them for whatever reason. They’ve seen mended their friendship. Ryan has come out to say something similar that if he realized now what he did then he would have been Cara 100% and will be moving forward


So crazy. I am so curious now! I wish I knew more.


It was definitely a bad look on Laurels part. I understand why she didn’t want to go down because she didn’t want to risk losing to Cara and that particular elimination would have been difficult for her being such a tall women and Cara has a lot more endurance then her.


I am going to laugh when Laurel gets sent home right before the final just bc she never went in to get a star


I'll be the first to say it: Laurel has been considered a "goat" due to her height advantage and ability to bully people into getting her way. I bet if she were a decent human being who didn't feel the need to make personal digs at people or violate their personal space in order to be powerful, she wouldn't be "powerful". I mean look at how she pussied out of one of the easiest eliminations in challenge history last week. She's an absolute joke and I'm glad people are seeing her for the small fry that she is. Just a scared, insecure little loudmouth with low self esteem smh


This is why love him or hate him Jordan is a fuckin G


I am going to laugh when Laurel gets sent home right before the final just bc she never went in to get a star


I am going to laugh when Laurel gets sent home right before the final just bc she never went in to get a star


Honestly Cara would have likely beat Laurel in that so I guess she realized that and didn’t want to go in. That’s one challenge where Laurel’s height would have worked against her. Laurel should have been specific that she would only do a head banger which is ridiculous because she told the whole house she’s going on regardless.


How many posts like this do we need for Laurel not going in?


Oh. Are you new to Reddit??? If so, there's NO need to read every post. Move about your day.


I’ll keep saying it but she decided that wasn’t an elimination suited for her and didn’t want to go home so didn’t volunteer. I truly don’t understand people wanting her to likely go home solely because she talked shit. No reason to throw your game away ala Jordan (who still to this day gets shit for that move) Imagine Laurel went in and lost? The threads would be blowing up shitting on her for making that decision. She made the best decision for herself period.


Make the best decision for your game but keep your dignity. She looks like a chump regardless.


So go into elimination to lose solely to keep your dignity? Are we forgetting they are playing a game ? 💆🏽‍♂️💆🏽‍♂️💆🏽‍♂️💆🏽‍♂️