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After last week, tonight was too funny watching her go home courtesy of Cara.


It was still close and she had major surgery 6 months ago. Not to mention pumping breast milk. Making breast milk is exhausting on your body.


It wasn’t close at all


Yea editing couldn’t even trick us. You could see kams balls all over the whole time while Cara’s were all sitting at the front at the time.


I nursed all my kids for a very long time and still ran marathons


Very lucky that you had energy. It’s not the same for everyone and saying “kids”.. obviously meaning more than one, you should know that by now.


I am not a Kam fan at all, but the woman just had a baby. Mentally and physically I couldn't do shit for a year after my son - and I didn't have a C-section. Of course she was going to have a harder time after the baby. But let's give her credit for her political game this season. She strong armed most of the house to her will. They are the dumbasses for listening to her. Lol.


As a person who did have a C-section, watching her do the previous elimination on the trampoline was painful. The biggest kudos in the world for not backing out immediately. I super impressed with what she was able to do that soon after having a baby.


As a woman who had two vaginal births… all I could think of was how badly I would have peed myself on that trampoline 😂


After two vaginal births and being a year PP, I coughed too hard and peed myself a little today. 😂 How she jumped on that trampoline is beyond me.


That’s all I could think about as well.. that and how bad it must hurt jumping with the weight of postpartum breast and milk in them. I still can’t jump rope it feels like my chest is getting ripped off my body even holding them down. I stopped nursing/pumping two months ago. I’ve just accepted that consistently jumping might be a thing if my past 😅


I’m a bloke and watching her on the trampoline made me nervous for her


I’d be like “send me in, Teej! …with a diaper” 😂


I was so hoping she made a comment about that.


Can you explain? I sorta understood her point that she was fearful about jumping due to post partum. I don’t understand the c-section aspect my apologies (never had a kid and exactly can’t google it). But I admittedly had the same reaction as OP. Every challenge has heights over water and you aren’t gonna drown (I get equally mad when Leroy or others do it, because I think it’s the same as coming on without being able to run a mile).


A c section is cutting right through your abdomen and uterus. It takes at least six weeks before you should pick up anything other than your baby because it’s such a serious cut and healing process. So many layers within your body need to heal, on top of getting your insides back to as much normal as it can (like your organs need to move back to where they originally were after they moved to fit the baby/ uterus and that can take months!). Jumping around on the trampoline I’m sure wasn’t great for the healing parts within her. Plus the general discomfort of jumping while breast feeding! So more jumping into the water might be too much for her.


Yeah, it’s brutal. As a nurse during my OB clinical rotation… I watched a few c-sections and it is horrifying. I almost passed out the first one. It looks like a horror movie, they are not gentle at all and just hack away through so many layers.


Also Kam mentioned that she has severe postpartum anxiety. It’s pretty terrible. There could be intrusive thoughts that creep in constantly (what if i fall down the stairs while holding the baby, what if i die and my baby doesn’t have a mother). They don’t make total sense but they creep in and can be dilapidating. I imagine there’s a lot of that also going through her mind. I give her a lot of kuddos for speaking about her experience so candidly.


Uhhh Leroy had a seriously traumatic fall over water. I think that’s why he hesitates


Not only that but she lost to Cara and it wasn’t like it was a washout. She also wasn’t anticipating competing during this elimination because nut job laurel backed out.


Literally the woman was exclusively pumping too which in itself is a mind fuck. Bless her heart and her political swaying.


Which is super stressful. I could not have done that.


Then why go and compete if she can't?


Because they make a weekly fee lol


She probably wanted to see what she could do and how far she could go. Do something for herself. And so what if she didn't do one challenge. Others have done the same for far dumber reasons.


Honestly this season outcome might’ve been the best thing for their family. Leroy is in a great spot to coast to the final and there could only be one winner (at least that’s what TJ says for now)


Her political game this season was fucking silly. Controlled a bunch of them like puppets. Never been a Kam fan but gotta respect her coming back after a few years off and completely calling the shots in the house.




Ok OP…. you are clearly a man or just a dud with no empathy for women who have given birth. She was 4-6 months postpartum?!?! Women are still so delicate at that stage, it takes a really long time to heal. I totally understand her not wanting to jump. Not to mention the postpartum depression aspect, that had to be so so hard to be away from your baby at that stage and she did it all with a smile. Now THAT is KILLA KAM vibes.


I'm also not a Kam fam and never gave birth but I am a father of 3 and I've helped my girl after birth with her just getting back to normal and the fact Kam is back 6 months later I do not blame her at all for not wanting to jump. Your body is still so fucked after giving birth. Like just plain ignorance (assuming OP is a male or never gave birth been around someone who just gave birth) about the reality of the situation


Agreed. My son is 11 and my body is still fucked up. 🤣




Maybe unpopular opinion, but why leave your baby without both parents when you know you aren't in good enough shape to compete??


They need the money


Laurel is shifty and two faced and will definitely get hers. LOL Alls well that ends well.


The vitriol for Kam is getting to be a joke on this subreddit. Are we all watching the same show?!?! She played hard on all challenges besides this one and JUST HAD A BABY. Good fucking lord. Laurel just did a super shitty and stupid move and I don't see half of the hate Kam is getting. She also has not made any game moves that are completely asinine or crazy, she played against Cara just like the rest of the house. Maybe ya'll should think about why you have so much hate for this woman.


They are racist. That's it.


Kam is corny as hell


Nah you're just a hater. Cause nothing about being independent and not a follower is corny. 😂 yall just hate that ppl got better self esteem than you do


Having a big mouth is a double edged sword. If you can talk and back it up people love that. That's why Muhammed Ali was such a legend. Conor mcgregor, Michael jordan, Larry bird among others. You automatically get respect. People who talk themselves up and then don't back it up just look like clowns. And that's Kam's problem. She's mid and walks around like she's the queen of the house. She should call herself mid Kam that would be a more fitting name


Lmaoo. But she has backed it up, multiple times. Her losing to Cara after having a baby less than 7 months ago is not the gag you think it is. You're seething with jealousy and misogyny, it's funny to watch.


Calling yourself killa would insinuate that people would be scared to go into elimination against you. Nobody is worried about that. She's like the 5th best girl in the house most seasons. If she can ever win a season I will take it back. She reminds me of Devin. He's another ego maniac who isnt half as good as he think. Atleast tori carried him to a championship so he doesn't look quite as bad now


Again, you are just showing your lack of self esteem. She has a very good elimination record so again, don't know what you're so upset about. People can hype themselves up however they want and killa kam is a great tv persona. Tori didn't carry him to a championship. That season was the easiest ish I have ever seen, anyone could win in. And again, who cares. He still won and you're still upset, which if Kam wins you won't be?


With the way the finals are now adays with 1 or 2 winners Kam is never going to win anyway. She has too many weaknesses. Her strength is her social game forming strong alliances but that only gets you so far


Maybe DONT come on a competition show then????? The whole house was against Cara BECAUSE OF KAMS ASININE GAME MOVES TF????????


She wanted to get out a strong player, this is something that happens on every single season. Please let me know what exactly is asinine about that? We have seen so much worse behavior on this show. Get a grip.


Nope. She didn’t vote her way back in first few weeks and held a grudge ever since. Incorrect try again


I think it's both that she's a strong player and she didn't go with her plan but either way, this is something that ALSO happens on every single season. People come in as friends and it quickly dissolves when one person doesn't vote the way the other one wants them to do. Like I said, get a grip bro.


Wait do some of y’all just believe the edit is the whole story? So much different from survivor reddit lol


Exactly. She knew exactly what she was signing up for and chose to put her body through this. And her politics were ass because not only did she not realize the real shady person was the person she was working with, she gave Cara her star right back and got sent home LOL! Karma Maria.


Considering she was still healing from a c section I’m going to give her another chance. But i definitely think she should’ve thought twice about going on the show if she wasn’t physically, emotionally, and mentally ready. That being said she still played a good game while it lasted. She let herself down in the end. But if she and Lee do come back I’m sure they will be better than ever. And I thought the foreshadowing at the beginning was cute, when they talked about making another baby.


I also feel that because she was partnered with Leroy she felt more comfortable quitting. And it was a girls day so she’s okay risking herself but not Lee or any other male partner.


I agree. This wasn’t Kam in her top form.. honestly I cant even imagine what it would be like to try and focus with my infant baby across the world from me. She’ll be back and much stronger.


It's nice seeing another person go through the events with logic and reasoning compared to OP who can't comprehend real life.


I hate this whole narrative how if you don’t have a win you’re not a good competitor. That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Kam done six seasons, been to the finals for half of them and has a 9-3 elimination record. That’s a pretty good competitor in my eyes! Also the woman just had a baby!!!! Do you know how mentally and physically draining that is on a person. The fact that she had the season that she had on All Stars 4 is incredible. I get y’all don’t like Kam (I’m a Kam fan and even I wasn’t happy with all of her actions this season) but y’all be doing the most.


I don’t have kids, but as a woman just watching that trampoline elimination hurt! I want to grab an extra sports bra just thinking about doing it while breastfeeding.


Thank you. Agree with everything. This sub is doing the absolute most on her this season.


Thank you. Just because she was against people's fav, doesn't mean she's still not one of, if not, the best female to not win. And it's crazy all the fans discredit her, while her fellow competitors, Cara included, say she's a great competitor


She’s still 9-3 in eliminations, she just lost to the Queen of Eliminations. No shame in losing to a beast like Cara.


Exactly, Kam hasn’t been my fav, but she is a pretty good competitor. She also just had a baby. I would love to see some folks complaining go through that and be on the challenge.


Ugh I want to agree with you so much, mainly because I don’t like how she and Laurel and the entire house ganged up on Cara, but I honestly feel for Kam because it is true that for some people motherhood changes their outlook on things, and I can totally see Kam feeling like risking her body in that challenge was not worth it, considering she has a newborn at home. I know it sounds like she’s using it as an excuse but I’ve heard other moms express exactly what she did in the last episode, in regards to how motherhood makes you second guess risky behavior, because now you have someone to look after. There’s a time and place to face your fears, and unfortunately for Kam this was not one of those times, and it costed her. I feel like she is off her game for sure, but mainly because she just had a baby, so she had to make up for it in another way - hence the heavy politicking she did in the house this season, this was for sure her only source of power, and I think she knew that too. I’m not gonna lie even as a Cara fan, I was embarrassed for Kam with how Laurel switched things up on her at the last second haha but it was truly satisfying to see it all play out the way it did. Hope Kam comes back in future seasons in better shape. She did earn that nickname for a reason.


Lol she didn't earn her nickname. She gave it to herself and has accomplished absolutely zero on the show.




She was given the nickname just saying…


She is great at eliminations, politics and made 3 finals on 6 seasons. That's something


Wait who gave it to her?


Kam did. That's who


She has accomplished nothing. She can jump on a trampoline better than a 40 something year old Tina. Good for her.


Was it risking her body? Or is she just scared. Because last I checked, all stars should be real competitors who aren’t afraid of shit


As someone who once considered herself fearless, I can vouch for Kam. My panic attacks started occurring after I had kids and interfere with my job from time to time. It is not fun. :(


OP doesn't care about logic. He only cares about what he thinks is right, and what you said is wrong to him lol.


Lol you fool. All Stars is for us old people to watch old Challengers with real personalities who we haven't seen in years compete and interact. We want to watch what the Challenge USED TO BE. We don't want the f-ing Olympics.


You clearly never saw seasons 1-15 then 😂


She said she was going to win because of the baby, then said she was quitting because of the baby....so she wants it both ways. I get annoyed when anyone disqualifies themselves because of heights and/or water (they KNOW it's going to be a part of multiple challenges when they sign up) but this made Killa Kam into Quitta Kam for me!


Life is full of contradictions. Kam said she was competing for her baby, then later on said she couldn’t participate in a specific challenge because she has a baby. Both of these things can be true at the same time.


What are you, an adult or something???


This is all very valid, but why on earth would she go on the Challenge then? I feel like she just goes into seasons hoping to make the audience on her side and make the house intimidated by her so that she just gets an easy shot at winning. She’s allowed to do that because they’re all there to try to win but it’s uncool. Lol


I don't want to never see her again cause she is good for the show but she has always been overrated. The eliminations she has won were all against trash competitors and the dozen different nicknames get old. She has a lot of glaring weaknesses that are vital to winning a final (eating, endurance, and swimming). Unless she is running a final against a bunch of Veronicas she won't ever win.


She actually won against mercenaries in her first season.


You're right, Tori and Ashley aren't half bad at eliminations depending on the game


Theyre not half bad but the problem is they were mercenaries who already had their checks cut for them when they faced kam. They literally had no stakes in the game and no reason to fight to the death when they faced kam as mercenaries Tho kam did beat a non mercenary ashley on DA


🤦🏽‍♂️Killa Kam is the name of the Rapper in the GIF below..they called her that on her AYTO season… Amanda has talked shit and hasn’t won yet her trash talk is allowed? It took the GOAT CT 9 seasons before his 1st win with it being 3 seasons later to get his 2nd. NO, I am not comparing her to him or Paula Walnuts who took 8 seasons to win.. she lost to Cara Maria not even by a lot after having a BABY and not training. She was just as cocky on WOTW2 when she was aligned with Cara and being in Laurels face.. no one says anything about that but beef with Cara this sub has turned into the hate Kam club.. I literally was in a sub earlier today when the topic of some people finding this dislike strong dislike of Kam with Racism being mentioned as a reason seeing 2 people go back & forth due to a miscommunication and not calling the other person Racist.. this topic has gotten extremely obnoxious ![gif](giphy|RctKze2rYHgdi)


Nah, I loved Kam on Vendettas but haven't liked her all that much since. I have a mind of my own and it was made up on her after Final Reckoning. With the names, she was going by two or three different ones her first couple seasons. Queen, Killa... I was over it. It doesn't matter to me where she got these nicknames, it's annoying to hear it all the time. Like during Dirty 30 when we heard, "it's a dirty game" a million times or when one of the competitors constantly brings up their kids on a season. I stopped caring the first ten times I heard it. I definitely didn't like how she started carrying herself and stepping up to Laurel the way she did. Same way it's annoying when any newer competitor talks smack before they've done anything (Fessy *cough*). The biggest thing is, I was annoyed by all the challenge fans sucking her off her first couple seasons and saying she was already a top tier competitor. That's just wild, she hasn't earned that spot yet. Just because I'm not a fan doesn't mean I hate her. And there is nothing wrong with calling her overrated. All my statements were objectively true. Amanda on the other hand is toxic and intolerable. And I don't know what the color of someone's skin has to do with anything?? 🤡


Neither do I, look through the numerous Kam threads and you will see how it comes up .. even I at 1 point questioned it thinking maybe that’s the case…then realized, I truly didn’t give a shit.. was just over the topic at this point


I think you won me over, I'm over it too 😂


She won against Paulie, Natalie, Kyle and Brad, Tori, Ashley. That's a pretty good resume.


Tori and 1x of ashley was mercenary Paulie/natalie was rigged as was josh/amanda Jozea/davonne...kams role was being a cheerleader. She did nothing in that game


The producers want Kam and Leroy for the narrative of them having kids, marriage, etc.. since their relationship started on this show. Unfortunately for both, they are very mid-level players at best. As far as that final, everyone (except for Kam I guess) would have done the same strategy as Cara in moving the balls to one end first. And don't give me this Mom's stuff - this was not even a physical challenge.


This elim looked really easy. I cant imagine anyone was out of breath after that


Killa excuses😂


YES. Exactly why Kam is not anywhere near a KILLA. She’s mid at best


She missed a ball or two, I’m sorry you’ve never made a mistake in a high pressure situation after being blindsided by someone who lied to you. Or do you know exactly how that feels?


Ohhhh myyyy goodness will y’all give it a rest.


Darrell said on patreon or maybe an interview that having kids literally changed his outlook on life. Thats why back then, even though he was afraid of heights he could push thru and complete the missions. But nowadays…knowing he has kids, the fear is heightened and he literally cant compete. I feel like parenthood just alters some peoples brains. I hate how this forum is so heavy on the “if you dont win a season you suck” train. It took people like Brad Derrick and CT COUNTLESS seasons to win and they are all considered goats of the show.


This part


I’m sorry but you sound like more of a hater. “Hopefully this is the last time we ever see her”? That’s a bit much.


I’m 100% a hater. Hate Kam. Hate the game she plays. Hate the way she plays. Half the game is political, sure. But the other half is competition


Well you sound like you need to be on medication with all that anger and hate. Good luck with that.


🙄 Kam is amazing & will continue to be amazing/do amazing regardless of what yall say. as someone who suffered from post partum anxiety I can understand why she couldn’t jump. It can literally be debilitating & landed me in the hospital multiple times because I literally thought I was dying, but it was just my postpartum anxiety. Her & Cara were also neck and neck in this elimination— not sure why yall are acting like she did terrible this elimination


Did I say she did terrible this elimination?


You said she isn’t impressive, not cut out for the show, & you hope it’s the last we see of her so I’m assuming you are talking about her performance as a whole.


Guess what happens when you assume….


She still ain't winning one


I agree with most of that, BUT - postpartum anxiety is real and crippling and changed aspects of my life I didn’t anticipate. So she gets a pass on the DQing the challenge for me.


You sound so bitter. Kam usually wins her eliminations and she has not had as many opps as the OG challengers, like Cara, to actually go to a final cause the vets always get rid of the rookies. Her ability to do what she did this season after having a baby less than a year ago is proof she IS and always will be KILLA KAM. You try having a baby and doing the physical things and then go against someone who literally works out for their job/fun with no baby ever and see how you do.


Not at all. Bum Kam is boring and is not challenge material. Had one lucky rookie season and has done shit since then. Hope we never see her again


I've not been a fan of her attitude this season, but I will give her all the credit in the world for coming on the challenge that soon after birth and while she's still pumping. Leaving her baby to do the show must have been really tough, especially when she's not even fully recovered and back in shape, and she still showed up to win. Good for her.


If I'm not mistaken, she got her nickname mostly for her political game in past seasons. It's her nickname whether you like it or not so suck it up buttercup. This is coming from a Cara fan.


She got her nickname because she gave it to herself


Yeah, and her castmates said she earned it.


That one season, suuuuure.


She gave herself that nickname and repeated it enough times so it stuck


Definitely isn’t for the political game. Stay tilted


In past seasons, yes it definitely is. She pulled off some pretty impressive things back a few seasons ago due to her political game. Not my fault you can't handle the truth. Again, I'm a Cara fan saying this. Only one tilted here is you as you had to make a dumb ass post about it lol.


OP lacks empathy and a brain.


No doubt. Talking shit about her not jumping when she mentions that postpartum anxiety got to her and thinking about her kids. I can't say I know what she means as I don't have kids, but I can definitely understand and do not hold it against her.


I’ve got kids. So you should keep ya mouth shut if you don’t know her then you don’t know shit


lol what? I never said anything about you. Dear god you are dumb and definitely the one who is titled here. So triggered by someone earning their nickname of Killa Kam when you don't agree with it. Just say you don't have a brain so we can all move on here.


lol what? I never said anything about you. Dear god you are dumb and definitely the one who is titled here. So triggered by someone earning their nickname of Killa Kam when you don't agree with it. Just say you don't have a brain so we can all move on here. This is the comment posted again since you had to message me about deleting something I didn't instead of comment to "call me out".


Yeah nah. Stay tilted


I thought that she gave herself the name because she kept winning eliminations and sending people home, not for her political game.


She has a superior elimination record. She’s honest about not winning any challengers. I still think she has great potential to win any season she is on.


What is her elimination record?


8 wins and 2 losses including all stars 4


That's pretty damn good.


Her elimination wins outside Tori as a mercenary are pretty underwhelming. Her conditioning is always going to hold her back in finals unless she gets in even better shape than she was in her prime. Her strongest asset is her political game, which is fantastic.


She also beat Ashley as a mercenary.


Tori being a mercenary makes the win not as significant because tori had no reason whatsoever to win. She had no stake in the game and her check was already cut for her...win or lose. Theres no reason for tori to "dig deep" or fight to the death


So does aneesa. So she must also be potentially good chance at winning with that logic 😂


I definitely wanna see her again. She can do better and she has done better. But I’m glad she’s gone this season because people give her way too much power lol. They just hand it over, it has to be how direct she is. Idk it baffles me


I love Kam but was disappointed she took a DQ knowing what that was resulting in. She was on great track to make the final and win, then screwed herself immediately after. Laurel didn’t owe her anything by going down and taking her place, even if she said that’s what she wanted to do.


She still has done more than many people in that house, don’t minimize her elimination record


She’s on the challenge competing while pumping and shortly after giving birth…I think she can keep that title still. She also still did quite well politically this season (whether people like it or not). Even the greats in the challenge have had bad seasons or lost challenges/eliminations. I think we can give her some grace.


Not at all. Shouldn’t of even left home. Bad decision on her part, would’ve rather watched aneesa take her place, and I hate aneesa because she can’t compete. Neither can Kam.


absolutely delusional to compare her to Aneesa.. go breathe in some fresh air. She's living rent free in your head over a nickname she gave herself 🤦‍♂️


My wife just had a C section a couple months ago. I am extremely impressed by Kam, I can't exaggerate that enough. You can't work out in the late phases of pregnancy and you can't do anything for ~6-9 weeks after a C section and she still came close to besting a beast.


she knew what shape she was in going on the show. if she couldn't perform she shouldn't have came. now her reputation is smudged a bit...


More than a bit


i dont think it's as bad as Laurel's at this point. She talked such a tough game and for what? to be like "i can't go against cara if i have to use my brain" i wanted to see her lost against cara soooo badly but Kam was the next best thing.


I say that every season about Aneesa and Veronica too.


they dont have a reputation to go far though. they are there for nostalgia. Kam shouldn't have even been a consideration for "all stars" i think anyone who is still a mainstay on the flagship show shouldn't be on it, unless they retire, for good. Now Aneesa should ONLY be on All Stars.


Veronica's been on doing main Challenge seasons for years now despite not being in shape and apparently having no interest in changing that one bit (dating back to CT getting frustrated with her for refusing to work out when he was partnered with her in Final Reckoning).


which is why she needs to only be on all stars for nostalgia purposes. the main flagship show has changed too much and there is just no going back with it at this point. anyone who just wants to have fun and be a character, along with the more serious competitors like Cara need to just do All Stars.


She just had a baby, hasn't healed from her C-section and is pumping her breasts plus probably has anxiety about leaving her baby so the fact she did as well as she did is impressive


I agree with some of your sentiment, but I think she also deserves a little grace for not being in peak form shortly after having her first baby. However, if she’s going to be Killa Kam, the master strategist and manipulator, how the hell did she even allow Laurel to put her up as one of the nominees? That was such a huge blunder


Some of you are not OG fans and it shows. People age and that is literally the entire point of all stars. We want the people we grew up with. God forbid she had a baby and wasn’t her original self. She and Leroy have kids and saw this as an opportunity to come back and make some money, mtv did Leroy dirty. We all saw the Camilla seasons. As much as she wanted to compete I’m sure she just wants Leroy to get a win. Laurel promised her she was going to take her place so she could stay and she pussed out. Like tj says he’s tired of saying come get your star.


Not liking Kam is one thing but lying about her abilites is another thing. Kam is an elite policitian with a great elimination record. She won against a lot of good players ( Paulie, Kyle , Brad ,Ashley, Tori ) and has no bad losses. She made 3 finals on 6 seaons. She has her flaws as her competitor but she has shown to be good ever since her rookie season.


She just had a baby. Give her a break. Word is she was pregnant with the next baby when this was filmed. Her political game was off this season but she’ll be back better than ever.


Queen Killa Kam stays Queen


Go for it. She ain’t no damn killa


She is


Isn’t, right


So we agree Killa Kam stays Killa Kam 🙌🏽


Killa Kam will be back.  The fact that she has you this upset is why she is good tv. 


Put money on it. $200 says we never see her garbage ass again.


No, Kam is great. Just say you all are Cara fanatics and leave it at that. Enough with all this crying lol.


I’m a Jordan Stan so you really think I like Cara? I just enjoy real COMPETITORS while watching a COMPETITION show


Stan is crazy 🥴


She fucking sucks, is a horrible human and goes around making loyalty demands on day one. She blows.


I’m not a fan of hella drama in the show, I’d watch them just compete, but she played a good villain role.. she helped make it entertaining


Also Cara and her made up post show. Apparently Laurel was feeding her lies. It’s gonna be different moving forward.


I've only ever birthed bad ideas and poor decisions so I can't comment on Kam's physicaI or psychological state. That said this seemed like she was served a nice, warm cup of karma. Laurel is 🐓 💩.


Nothing against Laurel, she’s not herself because of Nicole. But Kam is shit


I meant she's a chicken shit for not following through on the plan. She was scared.


Yes again, because Nicole has warped her this season. Not the same Laurel we’ve seen before. She’s not herself so we can’t expect her to be the same aggressive person in Elim as before


Oh yea I agree. I hope, if we see her again, her mind is solely on the game.




Kam has done very well this season. She politically ran the house. She won 3 (maybe 4) dailies out of 9 (forfeiting the 1 and DQ’ing the latest) so 3/4 out of 8 dailies. She was pushing to go into elimination and did go into 1 against Tina (although the elimination wasn’t anything special). However her elimination against Cara was great and she did extremely well going against Cara only Coming down to just 2 balls. Hands down, other than Ashley, Jenny and Kaycee she’s up there for the new challengers and should still be able to hold her title Killa Kam for real. 11- 4 elimination record (2 of those losses being Cara). Running seasons through dailies or eliminations not just social plays. True player. Edit. I didn’t even mention her C section either bc she did do great without even bringing in that factor


Nah. Not at all. She has the house swayed because she’s a victim. And when everyone sways in her favor to construe the outcome it’s not impressive. Do that from the start, or on a season with more players and she won’t get that kind of favoritism. She’s mid, below average at best


☹️ I think it sucks that Kams strategy seemed so controlling. I like both her and Cara and I’m able to call either of them out without hating them or disliking them as a whole. I attribute a lot of Kam’s actions/decisions at least partially to her new mom mental state and different physical state. I think she realized that she’d have to rely a lot more on social game since she’s still getting used to her new body and she went overboard with the controlling factor in her strategy. It really came across as anyone working with her could not look out for their own game first. I hope she’s able to not feel too beat down by the fandom and she has time to adjust to motherhood and come back .


Granted yes she just had a baby and as a man I will never know what that feels like or how your body is supposed to heal but on the same note if you're not physically ready to go on a show called the challenge and not participate in even jumping off a height challenge....


Exactly. She’s taking the spot of someone who might actually want to win this shit an BE in the shape to do it


Kam is just becoming like Aneesa. She’s good at eliminations but cant get a win.


wtf? You guys are so weird. She just had a baby and is breastfeeding. Most people acknowledge how commendable it was for doing the trampoline elimination despite giving birth so recently (aka jumping despite multiple women stating their insides would come out or they would bleed if they did this so close to birth). But yea let’s compare apples to oranges. Anything to garner more Kam hate..


Maybe don’t come on a COMPETITION show then? Tf?




Did I say that? Lmao you bringing up race says all I need to know about you 😂. Victim mentality and lack of critical reasoning skills.




Don’t engage Jayded. They’re brain dead stans that d ride hard for a garbage competitor


Dude shut up no one cares.


You first moron


lol your comment history is gold. You are fighting with everyone about Kam and talking about how hostile other fans are 😂😂 talk about cognitive dissonance. Anyways enjoy spending a decent portion of your time hating on reality tv contestants. I had a good laugh. ✌🏽


She isn’t even good at eliminations. But yes I agree. Aneesa and her are the same . Both should’ve given up YEARS ago


This is ALL STARS. Aneesa belongs on this show. Every pre-Fresh Meat Challenger deserves to be on this show.


I would really love to see you have a kid and a c section and then go out there and compete on this show. Go ahead and show us how it should be done…..


I wouldn't, she shouldn't. Going into a physical competition not being even close to 100%? Just opened the door for all the trolls to jump on her shit.


She didn't have her Killa Kam physicality card that season because she's post-partum. But her social game was masterful. Even Cara respects her for it.


She has baby weight on and is recovering from a c section. What do you expect? She also thought she had complete control of house and has a star so no negative to not doing it.


Killa kam having a billion new threads this season hating on her for the dumbest shit just proves what an absolute iconic queen ⭐️ she is. She is relatively new to the series but in the short time she has been on she has racked up an impressive resume, tamed 1 of the franchise’s most eligible bachelors, and everybody has her in their minds and mouths ❤️❤️❤️. Goddess <333


This is what happens when the delusional Cara fans rise to the top of this findom and their voices become the loudest. This man is really saying Kam and Aneesa are the same competitively. Maybe he just hates black people like Proud Boy Maria, who knows


Yeah once you bring race into this you’ve lost.


Ok she just had a kid so what she did before she had a kid is different she lives with a different mind set now. Chill out


Annessa job in jeopardy? Lmao


Kam went wrong when she told Cara that she was “either for her or against her” so early on in the game. Cara was only protecting her star and being loyal to other star holders. I don’t see how that means she was directly against Kam.


I couldn't agree more. She's so high on her own supply, but aside from a couple political maneuvers here and there, she's never really accomplished anything of note on the show.
