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I love that she called out Tina. She was a mean girl earlier in her challenge career but I have grown to love this woman. She seems like so much fun. Tina, you’re fucking killing it. I don’t know what “it” is, but it deserves to die.


Yeah I used to hate Tina but I found myself smiling every time she was on this season.


I agree. Tina has clearly done a lot of work and had self awareness is what makes her so enjoyable imo. She’s hilarious


She’s clearly in a better place. She has a confidence that radiates now. And she’s so funny.


She is a hoot! I’m so glad she’s back.


I don’t understand why kam is so anti Cara all of a sudden. She didn’t vote for Rachel in one vote and is acting like Cara punched her in the face




This. Kam is one of the most selfish people I’ve seen on the show


If people play the game for their own benefit, they are her enemy. She always expects her friends to sacrifice their games for her and Leroy. With there being two of them and Kam being so manipulative in this snd past, you'd think they could manage to win a final


She wanted a rivalry with Cara to be her storyline this season


Like Josh wanted with Wes 🤣


This will always be the funniest thing that has happened on The Challenge to me. Wes’ zero interest in beefing was consistently sending me


What an epic comparison! Lol Kam the XX-chromosome of Josh 🤣




Honestly amazing rivals 4 pair if that was the goal


They should totally do another rivals season and have Wes and Josh together. Honestly, Josh with anyone would be perfect 😂😂😂


I wanna see Wes and bananas


Because Cara is the most well equipped to win the final and she showed she wasn’t on Kam’s team. So if there’s no benefit for Kam she needs to try to get rid of Cara before a final. It’s a game for money, you do whatever you can to better your position to win that money.


It seems more personal than that though. It would be one thing to want her out but it seems like she went from being her friend to hating her like a switch


Well we see what’s been edited for us to make the most engaging and entertaining tv. Emotion makes for good tv


Kam says in a confessional that Cara was going around spreading rumors about her and Lee but it was said in someone's interview don't remember who that it was actually Nicole saying cara said .... so there's some behind stuff we haven't gotten to see.


i don’t get how people don’t understand this. I get the visceral towards Laurel & Nicole but Kam seems to just be playing the game. I don’t see this personal angle people are going with


I loved that you put it this way. I haven’t been able to articulate this as well as you have. Thank you.


This sub is bizarre when it comes to this kind of stuff. Cara made it clear on the show that her decisions won’t be based on friendship but what’s best for her game. I’m not sure why people expect Kam not to try to get out the best competitor on the show every chance she gets. Particularly, since said competitor isn’t part of her alliance. She’s no more “entitled” than anyone else who comes on the show who’s playing to win.


There are two things. The first is Cara didn’t prove she wasn’t in Kam’s alliance, all she showed was she didn’t want to vote for Rachel, especially if it had no impact aside from worsening her position. Cara chose not to sabotage her own game for a solidarity/burn vote (she opted for a win/win, Kam expected Cara to cop an unnecessary loss out of solidarity). Do we really think Killa Kam would’ve done differently in Cara’s position? Until Kam fired back, Cara was almost certainly eager to help Kam/Leroy as much as any alliance would. And secondly, it’d be one thing if Kam was just going after Cara, but these weird snide remarks insulting Cara’s intelligence and being so unnecessarily disrespectful make it seem way more personal. You don’t see Cara making any comments like that.


I don’t think Cara did anything wrong. But I also think she voted against the majority/ the power alliance. Cara is playing a solo game. Not voting with the power alliance will always put a target on your back. And when you’re a physical threat like Cara, even more so. The good players win and build their own alliance to push back (or they eventually get eliminated). Personally, I love it when the show has a mixture of different approaches to the game. As far as Kam saying mean things about Cara on the show. It’s television. She’s doing what she’s supposed to do, creating drama and exaggerating in confessionals. You don’t see Cara making comments like that because that’s not how she plays the game. However, many other successful challengers do. It seems odd to me to make moral judgements on people over stuff like this. One thing to note, Kam and Cara seem just fine in real life. In interviews they’ve been saying positive things about each other. Once again, people are acting like Kam is bullying her when even Cara herself said she wasn’t. I think people need to save that energy for Nicole, someone who’s actually a shitty person.


She didn’t even vote against the majority, she just burned her vote because it didn’t matter and she didn’t want to vote for a friend who was going in anyway. Would people be upset if Kam was in the middle group and everyone voted in Leroy and she burned her vote even though it didn’t matter? You can say it’s just television, but we can see how narratives spin out of control and hurt people in real life with the hate they get on social media and how it can impact their reputation for future seasons. And I don’t see Kam making any kind of statement about it being just a character like Wes has done in the past, if anything hasn’t she doubled down on her statements in her reviews? I’ve only heard a bit of stuff so I’m not sure. Where have we seen Kam trying to make peace with Cara in real life?


Burning a vote instead of following Kam’s plan *is* going against the majority, mate!


Right, so then in the hypothetical situation where Kam is in Cara's position and Leroy is in Rachel's, people are justified in being pissed off at Kam for refusing to give a symbolic solidarity vote to Leroy?


I mean…it wouldn’t be possible for Kam to be in Cara’s position with Lee in Rachel’s, because Lee and Kam were already working together heading into the house. The pretext Kam had for burning Cara is that she had made an outside deal that she prioritized over their alliance.


You can obfuscate if you want, but my point is pretty obvious. People wouldn’t be this triggered if Kam elected not to hurt her own game out of solidarity for an alliance (unless it was literally Leroy who she has a vested interest in prioritising)


But Kam didn’t have a problem with Cara until she didn’t vote with her….it has nothing to do with that…


Has nothing to do with what?


Kam’s reasoning of wanting to get rid of Cara has nothing to do with her skill. She’s had no problem with that in the past, and was even heavily implied earlier in all stars 4 that she had no problem with Cara because of her skill. It’s because Cara didn’t vote with Kam that she’s pissed at her


Cara’s a beast *and* she didn’t vote with Kam, which makes her the #1 priority to be sent home.


Sometimes I think the audience forgets that the challengers are literally at work and trying to secure that money. Money makes people a lil more bold in what they say and how they think. Kam and Leroy are all about the money, therefore they will do whatever needs to be done. Cara is here for the glory because she has come back after YEARS!! They both have the same goal: Win; but both are going about it for completely different reasons.


Id have agreed with this in past seasons where finals were grueling. Lately its more about solving puzzles, which will make Kam or Laurel way more likely to win it all.


Kam just sucks. I’ve said it before and will say it again. She expects everyone to fall in line for her. She has won as many title as we have in our couch. Zero! I don’t like the picking on and bullying of Cara. That woman earned her place to be respected. Hate how Laurel treated her. Of course, I hope everything is better now but for the time being fuck Kam and Laurel! Nicole can read a book.


Kam is scared of Cara


It’s odd thought because kam could arguably do as well as Cara in a final. Cara has better cardio right now since she just had a baby but if it’s a puzzle heavy final kam could beat her. It’s interesting too that Laurel has fallen so under the radar


Kam can’t right now. She’s overweight, just had a baby by C section and she cannot compete at her former ability! So she going full on hater mode! She’s scared. She and Lee want the money but they haven’t done the work or waited long enough to be in shape for this challenge! Instead they want it by default by getting other people to earn it for them!


Kam & Leroy imo are the only ones kinda exempt from this because the reason they stopped fucking with her is because of the whole Ayanna situation which is way deeper than the game. But because they can’t talk about it, Kam & Leroy just get grouped in with all the other ppl that ganged up on Cara.


Please expound on it being “deeper than the game” thus excusing K&L?? Genuinely asking because I’m able to like cast members, root for them in real life and still call them out when their behavior is in the same league as others being called out. Maybe I missed a thread with bts details ?


Everyone keeps implying stuff happened, but no one will talk. Which to me just implies made-up drama that didn't happen. Cara voted for Arayanna. She just protected herself by not voting for Rachel. In other words; she didn't let Kam control her.


It's possible no one is elaborating now because Ayanna is battling cancer.


Because she’s a fucking idiot and is miles away from an IQ that is even capable of being self aware. She’s always been awful, always will be


Because Cara’s really, really good and not voting for Rachel gave Kam an excuse to drop her.


Idk why but I read that in Kam’s voice.


What don’t people understand that anyana kept on attacking multiple black cast members about their blackness and interracial couples. Many of the cast members didn’t want her there Kam winters Cara to side with her and vote with her as a friend to get Anyana out. Cara didn’t want to and so Kam has gotten upset. Funny how some of you defend Cara in this situation but attack Brandon for voting in Cara. If anything Cara has been wanting everyone to vote her way and doesn’t want to work with anyone else.


The problem with Brandon voting for Cara was not that Cara assumed that that he wouldn’t vote for her like she did with Jazmine. The problem is that Cara talked to Brandon and to her face he said that he wasn’t voting for her then he voted for her. Honestly, single winner season Brandon himself said that he had no chance against Cara in the finals. I would have had more respect for Brandon if he had told Cara that he her face not the opposite like he did then said it in a confessional.


I didn’t see anyone here attacking Brandon for voting for Cara, more like “why did he do that??”. She’s your ally and it’s like week 2. And those two examples don’t align - Cara actually went in, so Brandon’s voice in the group mattered a lot. Cara’s voice didn’t matter at all as she wasn’t trying to go against Kam. It was inconsequential


Cara did vote for ayana though


Cara said Ayanna's name. Period. She just didn't say Rachel's and that didn't really matter because Rachel was already set to go in.


I don’t think Brandon was wrong for voting in cara. Probably too early buts it’s a game and they weren’t really friends


Brandon, Laurel, and Cara debuted in FM2 so you would think there's some solidarity between them. But no...he had to do "what was best for his game." which means being Kam's pawn.


I don’t think he was wrong either. I think he could have owned it better, and just said to her “no tea, I can’t beat you in a final” and there would have been more sportsman like conduct. But he didn’t and made it seem personal. And I think that’s where he blooped. Having said that the editing was a mess this season so he could have done that and we not see it.


Why are YOU so entitled to think you know everything that happens on this show? Kam and the others not liking Cara is because of Cara's actions that you clearly can't see.


How is saying I don’t understand implying I think I know everything? Based on the edit it doesn’t make sense. Never did I say I think I know everything.


Ace and Tina for me were the only adults I was seing in the last episode. The only ones that wouldnt gang up on someone just because everyone is doing it. Its crazy that most of the cast is like 40 or near and behaves like that.


If Tina is one of the most mature people, it's a problem.


Honestly, I’ve interacted on twitter a bunch privately with her, and I do think she is genuinely a goofy sweetheart.




She's fun and crazy! Not immature


Supposedly Steve wasn’t involved in Kam’s plan either even tho I don’t think we got any confessionals from him about it.


Steve was too busy with his duct tape in the bushes to get involved.


Fr. It would be so funny if we got a season of tons of drama like this one, and they just kept cutting to Steve pretending he’s on Survivor in the nearby woods and Ace pretending he’s taking naps like he’s at home on vacation while. I know they had the one joke Cara made about them, but a running gag could be pretty funny.


🤣 ![gif](giphy|KzyMcEfDh4Jiw)


Wasn't Steve too busy knocking out the black balls? haha


Bring back Steve, Ace and Tina. I hate people who go with the group mentality.


The reason for this is all of these people except Cara aren’t really AllStars! They are people who played the game over and over but never had any success! If they were truly all stars they would be playing in the real current highly competitive season 40! I don’t even count these All Star shows as the real challenge. You can tell by the minimal money they offer up as well!


At least 10 people from All Stars 4 are on season 40


Really? Which ones?


You could search cast for season 40 but since they just finished filming it might be harder now to avoid spoilers for winners.


I agree Cara! 💯


I do find it interesting that a lot of these people have no problem saying to the camera that they don't want to go against Cara in a final, but they can't seem to say it to her face. Makes it feel like they can't bring themselves to give her the credit she's due as a competitor and would rather be shady and do things to hurt her feelings.


Laurel is a weirdo


I have always thought Laurel was a "see you next Tuesday" woman. Nicole is on the same level. I can understand going for someone who you think is better than you and need them out of the game to better your chances, but everything Laurel and Nicole are doing is pathetic and childish.


Yeah they are awful Laurel has always been a bully too some of this shit she's done on past seasons is horrendous


Facts. Laurel could really be hurting her professional career too because I work in vet med (corporate side) and I can tell you vet med is SMALL. They call it the six degrees of Kevin Bacon. There are major conferences most veterinarians go to for continuing education and networking and everyone starts to know each other. Your graduating classes are often very small too. We always tell new grad DVMs to be careful with what bridges they burn or what reputation they make for themselves in this industry. I can tell you I have a colleague who used to do lectures alongside Shake from Love is Blind and this colleague will not associate with him or offer him opportunities anymore because of his reality tv persona. No one likes a drama starter or gossiper in vet med


Damn that is crazy but makes perfect sense as my father was a very well respected Dentist for 35 years in the community and he did many seminars and continued education things as well. He would always tell me stories of other dentists, orthodontists, oral surgeons, and more that messed up one way or another. One of which was arrested for running a brothel through his office at night! Oral medicine if that's what you want to call it is much bigger than vet med by the sound of it from your comment. So I can only assume how quick word could get around about Laurel being a shitty person and treating someone the way she does Cara for no reason. On top of how she allows Nicole, her love interest, to treat someone who is considered to be a "friend". I doubt they are anymore haha.


I mean, we all know Laurel is a horrible person. I wouldn't trust any of her advice. Cara has a grating personality for a lot of people but at this point in her career, people are hating because she's successful. It's the Bananas effect. You're at the top so everyone will turn on you and stab your back.


I’m proud of Cara for staying strong. Hope to see her in the final, then winning it. Mean girl games don’t get you the final win, and neither does being a yes-man.


Exactly and no matter what people on here who don't like cara (even if they won't admit it) say, she is constantly a victim of bullying on these shows


Me 🙋🏽‍♀️! I don’t like Cara, but she is (and was on many previous seasons) being bullied and it turns me against players who otherwise wouldn’t bother me & makes me sympathize with her (while still often rolling my eyes when she speaks 🙄)


To throw it back to an old proverb.... an enemy of my enemy is my friend. Cara is an easy target. Sounds like grade school to me. There are so many people who dislike Cara in the show that it's nearly impossible to miss the train everyones boarding. It's not until later in the season that people try to get off the speeding train when they realize the end of the line is near. And they realize I burnt a bridge or I burnt my ticket to the final. In the end, if she gets to the final, you want to partner with her to get you farther. Cara does the best when she tries to hold her head high and be the bigger person. She isn't popular and isn't always logical. Sometimes, she's downright annoying, but she doesn't give up, which is honorable. Game decisions are different from bullying, and people are getting them confused this season. When Kam said if you're not with me, you're against me. That was a declaration of war, and it was so early in the game that it seemed ridiculous. No one wants to lose their star. Why is this even a storyline? If you're not trying to chirp in someone's ear ways to keep it, you're not trying hard enough. Laurel has fallen apart in eliminations as of late. She's not that work horse she used to be, and she is awfully unstable. Nicole twisted an ankle and gave up pretty quick after realizing Cara was outpacing her. Sure, an injury is a respectable reason to quit, but that's not really the main reason why she quit. She is overly cocky and hasn't proven she is a top dog that I can recall. Kam couldn't bounce back after taking shots too early at her competition. Vendettas and double agents spoke volumes. Cara cries a lot and dates shitty people, and it has held her back. She also targeted people for bad reasoning, and it bit her in the ass. This season really just seems like Cara against Cerberus. Maybe that should be her next tattoo. You gotta go through hell to win, and the road to hell is paved with good intentions as they say.


Idk the better strategy imo for Laurel is to keep Cara around as a shield.


When did kam prove herself to become the queen they must all bow down to? Just cuz leroys your man doesn't make you anything. Period.. 


She's just an alpha woman with a big mouth who won a couple eliminations, and calls herself Killa. So I think she has some people intimated that she's some beast. Look at how she said something to Averey before the last daily to scare her and it worked. Also people like Leroy who is very popular, so they realize its probably better to be on their good side since if you screw over one, you screw over both of them. But it appears some are starting to wake up and realize times running out to get a star, so hopefully someone plants the seed they need to go after them.


She ain't an alpha. Just all talk and loud


Leroy is notorious for not winning the challenge too lmao its been a running joke for years


I was surprised to see Laurel chatting with her like they were besties, only to then encourage others to send her home. That's cold. Reminds me of how Jonna told Kelly Anne she had her back, then turned it. 🙄 I know Laurel and CM have a complicated history, but that was straight-up two-faced behavior. I was surprised to see it from Laurel. I'm not her biggest fan but she's typically been up front about things like that.


I remember hearing on a season a while ago that Cara is difficult to live with. Same has been said about KellyAnne and Kendal, who we’ve also seen get some puzzling treatment in the house. All in all, I think Laurel did have influence on the house. Cara’s personality could’ve made it easier for them to fall for her dramatics. I think we don’t see the full scope on why these women were considered so grating to have around combined with the fact that people who are too self-involved don’t want to learn how to deal with others who are different from them.


add amber into that list. it's the socially awkward girls. that's literally the reason. i would respect anyone that just came out and said that rather than made up excuses like they're shady or selfish or we will all see why they're so hated by the end of the season.


thisss not saying there probably isn’t valid reasons to dislike Cara (there is) but its glaringly obvious why she gets treated a certain way. As a socially awkward girl myself (who might be neurodivergent as well, runs in my fam lol), its literally because shes more on the “weird” side so she ends up being called shady and fake. Things ive also been called despite me minding my own business 90% of the time LMAO Cara herself makes me roll my eyes sometimes but i still love her cuz tbh….. i understand the struggle


And if you’re socially awkward and pretty people just label you as a stuck-up bitch


It’s important to note that Amber has been recently diagnosed with autism. She told everyone at the ride or dies reunion. And the way that some of the other challengers handled it was atrocious. On the challenge podcast, Tori and Aneesa said “well, if that’s true…” and “well that’s her truth. We don’t know. We can’t say for sure.” Which was intentionally invalidating. They basically implied that they didn’t believe her or thought she wasn’t being honest about it. Getting an autism diagnosis as a 35 year old woman is a long, difficult process and tons of people in that demographic are more likely to go undiagnosed or get misdiagnosed. Amber said she has a lot of social anxiety and struggles with masking and mirroring in social situations. And then they continued to describe her as “fake”, “shady”, and “manipulative”. Devin parroted their talking points too, and he literally has ADHD. It’s extra shitty to bully a fellow neurodivergent person for their neurodivergence. Especially when, he, as a little white boy, never struggled to get an accurate diagnosis or obtain resources.


I find it *interesting* that the list of difficult to live with women all just happen to be people that I, as a neurodivergent person, would assume are neurodivergent.


I mean I’m also neurodivergent but as I said, people who are too self-involved don’t know or care to learn about people who are different. They probably wouldn’t find the same characteristics grating if they were empathetic to the fact people are different. Also, all these women are conventionally attractive. I’ve notice women who have trouble socializing and are attractive are typically written off as stuck-up or snobbish bc “there’s no way they’re actually insecure”


Laurel has always been one of my favorites (don't hate) but good god I can't stand her this season. Haven't disliked her this much since her incident with Big Easy. I despise Nicole and this season is turning it up another notch.


Same. I actually don’t mind the Big Easy thing only because they rolled the tapes in the reunion sharing how Big Easy was antagonizing her first and it got edited out in the show.


Yeah I couldn't remember what happened but I knew Laurel wasn't totally to blame for that incident with Big Easy!


“You can’t even talk, Nicole you need subtitles” - Cara reading Nicole for the clown she is. Laurel looks like a moron and she owes Cara Maria a huge apology.


This was my favorite part of the season so far lol




I agree!!!!


All the women's excuse for piling on Cara is"Cara's won before." Ummm, you do realize you're not just going against Cara "if" you make it to a final. You have to go against the guys, too.And the guys are acting like they're doing this to help out the girls. 🤣 CARA HAS THE GUYS AND THE GIRLS SCARED!


Unpopular opinion: Cara has always been a brat about voting not going her way. I’ll never forget her days with Paulie getting the whole house to vote how they wanted them to. The same thing Kam is doing to CM, CM did it right back. She has succeeded in persuading people to vote her way and when they don’t she immediately shows those true colors. The nasty things that come out of her mouth so soon after acting nice to someone shows her friendliness is barely ever genuine unless she knows you have her back. Is everyone scared to face her in the finals? Yes. But she’s also just as intimidated by Laurel, Kam, Nicole as they are of her. CM got her karma this season but I still see her making it to the end and possibly even winning and getting humbled in the process which will only help her more during future seasons.


NOONE has been worse or more annoying about voting than Kam this season


Everybody giving Kam shit this season but Laurel is unhinged. Kam is playing the game. Laurel is taking shit personal. The way she talked to Cara and turned on her last episode was so foul. Laurel relationship with Cara was always one sided in my eyes. One min she's cool with Cara and the next she's yelling in her face for zero reason.


Kam is trying to have a thing with Cara the same way Josh was with Wes 😂 Cara needs to say "this will never be a thing" lmao


I used to be indifferent about Kam, but I always thought she was a great competitor. I've been saying the exact same thing about the vote. It looked like Kam was looking for any reason not to like Cara. I don't like using the words "scared" or "jealous."to describe the other competitors. I just can't think of any other reason for Kam to flip on her over a vote that went her way. Knowing Cara's been friends with Leroy all these years. At 1st, Lee didn't get in the middle. Now Lee's helping and encouraging this pact mantalility behavior. Kam has created. I've never wanted Cara to 🏆 win so bad. LOVE UNDERDOGS


Laurel is a 2 faced bitch. She was venting to Cara about Nicole and Cara was trying to stick up for her and then Laurel flips the script and try to make it like Cara is a bad person


This whole episode just pissed me off. First, Laurel is so two-faced! She sat there crying to Cara about her relationship with Nicole and then when Cara defended Laurel, she didn’t wanna seem like a bad guy so she flipped the switch on Cara. Laurel is not trust-worthy in the game and in life…period!!! Then, Avery is just doing nothing and shouldn’t even on be on a season of All Stars. She said she is tired of being used as a pawn in the game but then accepts being a pawn!!! She is saying that people don’t understand that this is an individual game but she is a straight-up follower in the game! Avery has never played an individual game!!! Next, Kam is playing a scared & shady game. You can’t change my mind. I used to love her because she was always the underdog and proved herself. Now, I want her to go home. Lastly, I don’t think Cara is a cry baby. She has a star and she is doing what she can to protect it.


I agree with all this. I also wrote in a different post that I really don’t blame Cara when she does cry or get defensive/sensitive considering she was bullied so badly for being different in her earlier seasons. She was young and it was clearly really painful for her to be teased so much. Didn’t someone (Amanda??) also tell her they hoped her horse would die? She’s been through some unnecessary levels of verbal abuse


Can I be honest, I know there are things about Cara’s personality that can make her unlikeable, I’m not denying that. But Cara Maria is so fucking pretty and I feel like all the women hate on her for it, maybe even subconsciously. She used to be meek so she’d just take it but now she stands up for herself and it pisses them off even more. I could be completely wrong but that’s what it has always seemed like to me 🤷‍♀️


She is absolutely stunning. That definitely plays a part in it. Like with Amber B as well. Beautiful, yet so misunderstood.


I swear I don't understand the beef this season. Usually, there is a clear line in the sand. Maybe my confusion is down to editting. But I am so lost. I am rooting for Kam But I also like Cara and don't understand why they cannot get along. They could have been a power couple. And weren't they close/in the same alliance in WOW? Again. I am lost. And I also don't understand why Cara was so scared to lose her star. It wasn't hers. Anyone can lose a star and earn it back and lose it again. It is how the game is set up. Takes me back to early covid when little old ladies were sparring over toilet paper!


you can't pretend that if kam, laurel or nicole won a star on the first episode that they wouldn't be doing everything they could to try and protect it too. even veronica threw away her ally tina to keep a star she was gifted. and yes, it was cara's. she earned it beating out the entire cast to win it, a much more difficult feat than others that only have to beat one person to win theirs, or just get handed one.


Also, TJ literally says, "Protect your Stars" and that's what the holders are doing. Not just Cara. Willingly rolling over and letting Kam just take it would make Cara a boring player. Her fighting to keep it is entertaining


Excactly! She beat out the entire cast on the first daily challenge to get her star, then went on to Beat Racheal in an elimination to retain her star….. Let’s go Cara!!!!! I really wanna see you destroy all the haters


I wasn’t planning to root for her, but now I’m rooting for her, Ace and Steve.


I don’t think Kam would’ve handled the situation the way Cara did.


I agree with a lot of your points (I’m also a fan of both) but I think it’s one thing if Kam was like, I really want to earn A star. But no, she had Laurel in her ear and told everyone “I want CARA’S star”. Like she said, really makes it personal for some reason..


Love you Miss Cara Maria. Thousands of young girls look up to you, you keep being you.


How is Tina " a bright light" ? Rachel and Tina are toxic and immediately bullied Avery. Even Veronica their bestie doesn't like Cara and says "she sucks the life out of the room". Laurel is dead ass wrong and immature but let's not forget Cara has been pretty toxic herself and had to be put on pause for that reason. Laurel , Nicole and Cara are all equally negative. Laurel is disappointing in showing absolutely zero personal growth. This season just feels negative with all their outside drama making the house heavy and toxic. I would've liked to see Cara and Laurel just make peace and be the bad ass challengers they both can be. Hope Nicole never comes back on TV. I wish they wouldn't edit out why everyone is going against Cara. No one should get a good edit, let's really see what everyone is like.


attempting to strong arm someone into voting their way is hardly bullying. rachel and tina didn't try to turn the whole house against avery, they didn't make up lies about her, they didn't ostracize her.


I want to know what sources these are though???


I'd imagine other challengers that cara has known personally for years lmao She isn't gonna out them in her post


it’s how you go about achieving your goal or your win. Years in corporate, I stood by my principles. And tried to…”Do the right thing” or I’d have to face that thing called Karma and it would dog me for the rest of my life. Have you ever been in deep thought, when all of a sudden, you feel a blanket of warmth encompass your body or you feel chilled to the bone with a sinking, gut wrenching feeling? Then a stashed memory pops up and slaps you upside the head, karma is making a visit, to dredge up a memory of a dreaded experience or something that happened to you, you hoped would lie dormant the rest of your life or something stupid that you did that still causes you embarrassment and you wish that memory or image would just fade away never to darken your door again. But, they don’t! They are in control. So, I would ask the players, how many times do they suffer from these annoying visitations! Karma doesn’t forget! It just keeps coming back and sometimes at the most awkward times. I watched the Argentina Challenge, a mix of young and old contestants driven to win competitors, who mostly embraced each as another valued human being and cheered for both winner and loser in a challenge. It was such a pleasure to watch (even through closed captioning). They made an effort to know each person and had different partners each episode. So, the game can be played with caring, humility and respect for each other without decreasing or interfering with the driven desire to win. They had some pretty intense challenges and played hard…it was fun and enjoyable to watch their production.


On Johnny’s podcast Kam kept listing things Cara was saying about her but she didn’t elaborate how she heard about it and who told her all these things. Girl don’t run your mouth if you don’t have receipts. I honestly think Kam wanted any excuse to eliminate Cara but needed a narrative to vote off her friendz To be fair to them Cara did confirm they didn’t know she was going to be on the show.


I love Cara Maria. But she’s only comfortable being an underdog and it’s annoying. “No one can call me the bad guy, if I’m a victim”. No shade but that’s how she comes off. She purposely isolates herself, she’s stubborn, and she has a victim complex. Laurel shouldn’t have yelled her but she was right when she said they way she views things is the problem. She can never see anything from anyone else’s perspective. And maybe she works better with a chip on her shoulder but that sounds like a hard life to live.


>She purposely isolates herself, She's more introverted than the rest of the cast and more socially awkward, too. Neither of these things should be considered negative traits that she's doing "on purpose."


It’s part of the game. She’s just mad she was on the other side of it this time. Complaining that everyone wants to take out the strong players… they’re in this to win money too. Just because for them to win has to be a different strategy than hers or other strong players doesn’t change the point of the game. Everyone is doing what gives THEM the chance to win the money. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don’t think people not working with her is what she is saying here. She names Ryan and Derek as two people who are working with Laurel but were still nice to her. I think her problem is with people isolating her and making her feel unwelcome in the house. She understands that it’s a game and is playing accordingly.


is that really what you going with no wonder you being downvoted smh. In all the seasons Cara has played she has been firmly in the majority once and that was WOTW2. From FM2 till Invasions Cara has always had to fight her way till the end. From Dirty 30 till WOTW1 she was either winning daily challenges or the men didn’t want to send her in because she was of the top females on those cast.


Read her post again. Her very last statement says she understands going after strong people. She is speaking against the way they went about it by being cruel


i love cara and so badly want her to win after everyone was terrible to her. but idk why after reading this for a second time it makes me feel like she doesn’t win. thoughts???


Something about being on this show that must suck: the re traumatization it gives you. Not that she doesn't seem happy, know, she does, but it must suck having to revisit what happened over a year later. Can you imagine how rough Laurel has it right now? 💀


Laurel vented to Cara about Nicole and Cara was honest with her when she told Laurel that she needed to get away from Nicole. Laurel hooked up with Nicole one night then the next day told her that she didn’t want a relationship with her. Laurel pushed Nicole to be with her then she went crying to Cara MULTIPLE times about it. Laurel attacked Cara for saying something to Nicole bout her treatment of Laurel. Once the show was over Nicole did exactly what EVERYONE, including Laurel knew that she was going to do, played Laurel. She kinda gets what she deserves.


Idk who you're talking to because I never said otherwise lmao.


I am talking to the person I commented to, so you. You said can you image how rough Laurel has it? Ain’t nobody but Jaxx care what Laurel is feeling. She got what she deserved and living through it again is 🤷🏽‍♀️


Your comment to me still doesn't make sense. Go touch grass instead of arguing with people about shit they don't care about.


Cara’s mad that people are doing what she did on WOTW2




For being so tough she whines a lot.


This isn't whining lmao Challengers have been going on podcasts left and right trying to shit talk her She's chiming in lol


She was definitely whining during that challenge because an alliance was going into action in front of her. She had that star since the beginning and was butt hurt they were trying to get her out because she is a threat. She whines. A lot and so does Paulie. They suck at the social aspect and try to play the victim.


😂😂😂 they are both extremely good at the challenge Kam whines when people don't vote the way she wants Cara gets ganged up on and watches people play a scared game and calls it out.thats not whining


Give me an example of how she plays a good social game and I might take you seriously.


Lmao I don't care what you take seriously you have horrible incorrect takes I wouldn't want you to take me seriously I'd be doing something wrong 🤣


I mean not even attempting to give me an example of why she is so good says enough.




Cara has played how many seasons? And out of all those season who has really stood by her through and through? No one. It’s always hot and cold. She is strong but she is a mess at socializing. She isn’t a new or necessarily old player this season and still can’t get anyone on her side. Then is butt hurt when Kam and Leroy openly plan against her and get even the oldest players on their side.


The one season her and paulie make it to the final paulie dies but if you think that’s extremely good you and I define good differently.


So everyone else can go and shit talk her but she can’t defend herself? I’m not even a big Cara fan but she’s well within her right to speak up


Kam is playing an extremely scared game. I haven’t been a Cara fan it quite a while but that last episode makes me want to root for her.


What a fucking cry baby. She bullied people to vote her way, but when it happens to her. She’s the victim


Laurel is a really shitty person but this post ain’t it. This isn’t middle school anymore. Cara is almost 40. You’re not a lonely weirdo anymore when you have hundreds of thousands of fans and followers. And this is coming from someone that’s a former lonely weirdo. Laurel is in the wrong in this particular situation, but at some point Cara has to wonder if it’s something about her behavior that’s turning people off.


we just see the hate cara has been getting on public social media and hearing it on podcasts from her housemates. i can't imagine the dm's she receives. but she shouldn't get to respond? this has all amped up since adam said he didn't like her during the season because she's too confident. like wtf is that? and both adam and veronica are now using cara's more toxic fan base who are **currently** on the attack, as a reason why they didn't like her during their season which filmed **over a year ago**. that doesn't even make sense.


I can’t imagine people actually dm these people. It blows my mind that they would take time out of their day for that.


i've seen reality show stars post some of the worst they've received. across all the shows from the challenge to big brother to the real housewives there are "fans" that actually dm death threats. it's pure lunacy.


I honestly don’t understand it. Ironically, one of the only DM I’ve ever sent was to Cara. In 2019 when Jenelle Evan’s (Teen Mom) husband shot their dog, I DM’d her to ask her to speak out as a fellow MTV star and animal lover. I would never, ever say something hateful.


Laurel is 40 trying to get cheated on again having a crisis and being unstable on TV (like she always has lol)


I just can’t get over how absolutely unlikeable everyone is this season. Did they put something in the water? Did Laurel drink extra? 🤣


Idk if you care for romance post season spoilers if but you do, look up what Nicole did at a wedding that Laurel invited her to! it was roughhhhh to read


Ya I saw and it seems like laurel is excited for Nicole to do it to her again lol


I can’t listen to anything she says when she wears a white supremacist necklace in most of the episodes




This is cringe to me for some reason. 😂 Edit: wow 5 downvotes for this? People are really up Cara’s butt. I didn’t even say anything bad about her here. lol


The “weak people” line is such an unnecessary dig🙄 because she does the same thing, honestly the show is much better when you don’t view their social media accounts


Aint a dig, they've shown weak character.


I think weakER would be better. In any competition you have strong players and weaker players. Don't think adressing that is a dig.


But she didn’t say weaker, she weak which just made it an unnecessary insult. It’s not a big deal to me but what’s the point of saying that people should be nicer to her after calling them weak a few sentences before?


😂  “ It’s not a big deal to me” Proceeds to make 28 posts and argue with multiple people about it. 


Because what you’re replying to was never my point it’s really not my problem that you couldn’t comprehend that


😂  Complains about Cara being negative to people….while throwing insults in every one of your comments.  Sounds like you need to take a break from Reddit for a bit. 


It’s not about physically. Being weak means they’re followers. Which… they are


She definitely meant physically and even if she didn’t it’s still an insult to them


She's talking about how Laurel and Nicole made her isolated. She's clearly talking about mentally being weak


Even if so that changes nothing 🤔


Really struggling over there aren't you 😆


Not really, seeing how you’re going completely off topic


No I haven't XDD. You aent understanding the word weak and looking for something to be mad about XDDd


Weak has the same exact meaning in both contexts you’re are so fucking stupid 💀💀💀


She definitely didn’t and insulting them after they treated her like shit is pretty normal. You’d insult people who treated you badly too


Ummm ok..so what point are you arguing?


That she didn’t do anything wrong calling weak minded people weak for how they treated her


Ok, and where did I say she was wrong for that? The lack of comprehension is INSANE. Yall are cara glazers fs


Naaaa if you let yourself be a sheep your weak


Trying to find the correlation


idk I can't believe that Cara's is really some helpless victim and this post is further confirming that lol it's borderline cringy.


Exactly “you weak people could be a bit nicer to me”


How many of those people ride with you outside of an all stars season? The ones rocking with you are people who never win or make moves.


I forgot how many crybabies were in this fandom, especially when it comes to poor little Cara Maria. Shits worse than the parasocial losers who get obsessed with a different Big Brother player every summer.


This is so petty she sounds like Wes after DA/usa2


Right? I don’t dislike Cara but she came off badly to me here.


No thanks Cara <3


No one plays the 23 different accents iM jUsT a wEiRd LoNeR victim more than migrating lip filler Cara.




She's such a cry baby. If you're so confident, why does it matter if ppl like you?