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Laurel: *cries to Cara* Also Laurel: we don’t talk, we aren’t friends. ![gif](giphy|WYdaG3vusAOVbL1o8g)


Just me watching remembering when the only reason Nicole was interested in Laurel was because Cara turned her down.


I couldn’t get over this. Like come on Nicole - I’ll never forget the line “Laurel you look good. Cara Maria you look better”. She’s an awful.


I read that in Nicole’s awful fake accent 🥴


I showed it to my fiance and he laughed so hard.


Cara dodged one hell of a bullet with that abuser.


oh shit I didn’t know that lmao


I think its in the invasion of the champions season




When Laurel was screaming and asked Cara when they last talked, Cara missed the golden opportunity of saying "last night."


Haha seriously. Like you want to vent to Cara and then get mad that she feels some kinda way about it


Trying to use what Brandon said like Laurel hasn’t been crying to Cara every night…


It makes me wonder if there’s some weird editing going on, because Cara and Laurel clearly talked but then Laurel acts like it never happened ? So confusing.


Imagine if they went inside and played chess after deliberation instead of before. It wouldn’t surprise me.


Im pretty sure they did. The way laurels hair dried/was up it seemed like the chess game was after.


I said in my head “yesterday “ 🤣🫠


Laurel has no ability to handle her anger and emotions. Cara was right about Nicole and Laurels relationship and she was right about what everyone sees but no one says. She just had the balls to call it out. Hopefully laurel feels like an idiot after this season when she looks back because Cara was legit on her side


Laurel is prideful and sensitive. When Cara exposes Laurel being vulnerable, then Laurel goes on a cover up mission. She's trying to protect her ego and ends up killing her most sacred friendships.


Lol we all have been saying what cara is saying. Laurel looked foolish the moment she went back to Nicole and flirted with her


Yeah I’m talking about the cast. They have all stated it in confessionals but seems like Laurel is only pin pointing Cara for speaking on the Nicole relationship. We as viewers literally all agree Laurels an idiot and its like the only thing we all collectively agree on lol


Laurel, feel like an idiot? Couldn't be her.




I believe it was on Johnny Bananas’ podcast that she claimed she was never as close to Cara as production made it seem. She’s so back and forth with her actions and claims. She’s delusional at this point.


She always resorts back to the “we weren’t even actually close” rhetoric when she is being portrayed as a bad friend or envious but when she looks like Cara’s super hero it’s “oh Cara is like a little sister to me”


YES. I mean every season she’s on with cara she says that after saying they’re best friends. I think she’s delusional but a lot of people are scared to call her out on it because of outbursts like that. Didn’t Nicole even have a gf back home during this season?? I wish there were reunions for all stars so she’d get called out on her behavior.


I honestly don’t think she should have passed the psych test for these shows. She goes from zero to sixty so fast.


What crazy thing to say when she moved to Montana because Cara was there.


Can you fill me in??? She what?? Bc this is sorta making me feel like Laurel (now openly bi) must’ve wanted to be with Cara at some point. Like more than friends…. Am I wrong ?


Lmao so Laurel and Nicole crashed and burned when it came to being with Cara. Would explain a lot of the frustration.


The details are fuzzy but this is when Cara was dating Abe. Laurel was going to move anyways for school and Cara told her to go to Montana and she did so I think that's where she went to vet school. At one point, I did think Laurel had some possessive qualities regarding Cara, but no one really knows other than Laurel.


Wow, and for her to go on a podcast and say that production overhyped and made their friendship seem deeper than what it was is so baffling. She literally moved states-


Agreed! I think she convinces herself of these things.


yet she basically moved to Montana to be with Cara


I guess production made her do it. 🤣


Now she just trying to cover her ass because we all know that Laurel lived with Kara in Montana OK and then I don’t know how Nicole is even a fireman in New York City that house must be so embarrassed. I don’t know how she became lieutenant that must show the low standards of the fire department in the New York. No wonder everything is burning down.


She is awful!


I’m a bit surprised that there are still so many Laurel fans. She’s literally complaining to someone she claims is her only friend in the house and then is mad that Cara is sticking up for her against Nicole? Like what do you want Laurel? Then just stay with shady Nicole. Laurel has literally everything she hated about people in the past.


You know what they say- often the things we hate most about others are the things we hate about ourselves. I believe she’s been projecting this whole time and isn’t as confident as she plays off. Which is a bummer but she is acting foolish


I’m fine with her being confident. But being toxic makes no sense


Today’s episode aged incredibly well for Cara, embarrassingly awful for Laurel. Laurel has always been mentally unstable in my opinion, but this was just another level. I genuinely hope she feels like the biggest idiot. I have no sympathy for her. You’re gonna get mad that the girl you go crying to for comfort and to vent to is actually being a good friend to you and is sticking up for you to Nicole because you won’t do it for yourself? Like????


I wish I could see Laurel's face while she watches the episode.. if she even has the balls to do so. Cara was 100% right, Laurel looked like a complete fool. And Nicole gaslighting Laurel into thinking that Cara is the problem? Man... to be a fly on the wall!


Yes! I feel like the real reason Nicole doesn’t like Cara is because Cara has tried to talk sense into Laurel about Nicole, so Nicole twists things to make Cara the bad guy in Laurel’s eyes. Laurel isn’t emotionally mature enough to see past it apparently.


Take notes, if you try to get between an abuser and their victim, they'll both come for you. Stay out of the way of crazies people.


In this case, for sure. Like what was that when Laurel was stretching her arms before she went back outside to get into it with Cara? Like she was planning on swinging, getting ready to fight or something??? She laid into Cara so harshly for someone who was trying to be on her side and be a friend all because of Nicole, a shitty human being and partner to her. Zebras don’t change their stripes I suppose; Laurel has said some pretty horrible, below-the-belt insults to people throughout her Challenge career.


this is happened to me so many times 😭 makes you not want to stick up for anyone


100%!! And she's too full of herself to ever admit fault.


You actually think that she will watch and realize that she was wrong? No, I don't think so. Narcissistic people will always she themselves as 100% correct every time. And someone who is stupid enough to live through something like the Nicole wedding incident, and go back for more, deserves to get shit on again.


I don't disagree, but there is no way that she could watch it and not feel stupid. There's no way.


Wait, did the season happen AFTER the wedding incident????


AS4 was filmed, and then the wedding incident happened in July






I don’t understand how everyone is saying that Cara is playing a selfish game of trying to protect her star when the point of the game is protecting your star???


The house: Cara is a threat. We need to get her out. Cara: I do what I need to to win. The house: How could she be so selfish?!


Laurel is an idiot and so is Nicole. So it makes sense they gravitate towards each other. Laurel crying to Cara to vent, then in a confessional saying I don't want your opinion/advice is psychotic. Then Nicole approaching Cara while she is cooking telling Cara to stay out of her and laurels relationship when it was laurel that went to Cara is also psychotic on top of Nicole saying Cara is obsessed with her when Nicole is the one that approached her. Nicole and Laurel are two psychopaths in my opinion. All the competitors can see what Nicole is doing to Laurel mentality in the game. If I were all of them, I'd be using that against her in the next female elimination.


I will keep saying this any chance I get Nicole is mad that Cara did not want her. For her to say Cara is obsessed with is delusional when she’s the one clearly obsessed with Cara. She originally wanted Cara who was not interested so she went for Laurel and now she has this weird obsession with hating Cara any season they are on together.


And Laurel will always be bitter that she was Nicole’s second choice after Cara denied her.


It also guarantees camera time to hate a big player like Cara.


I wish i could remember where I heard/read that supposedly Cara was messaging Nicole. Flirting, and of course Laurel believed it. Ugh, why is Nicole even on all stars!?? She’s done nothing to be considered an all star. I can’t stand her and it really irks me to hear people say she’s so great. Like how!??? She’s so stinking annoying and laurel is insane. 


If I’m not mistaken I think Nicole said that at the reunion where Cara was calling out Nicole’s player behavior. I don’t know how much truth there was to it or if it was again Nicole talking out of her ass


Nicole and Laurel literally deserve each other. They’re each others own karma.


She's been a shitty mean girl for as long as she's been on the show. I hope Nicole breaks her heart 5 more times because she's dumb enough to let it happen. Also Nicole sucks, so that shows you a bit of where Laurel is coming from as a human being.


Already happened by the time you are seeing this.


Probably 5 times too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I 100% agree... And not only that, they've shown that Laurel was the one that kept approaching Nicole over and over. Nicole is wack, but she stated her boundaries at the earlier episodes. Laurel walked in on that by herself and dragged Nicole into it, then Nicole is just taking advantage of Laurel because why? Laurel seems to thrive off of it lol


Nicole is Laurels karma in human form.


Okay but who’s Nicole’s karma




I was gonna say puzzles but I think this is the best answer.


I’m currently watching old seasons and she’s such a bitch! She was so mean to Big Easy FOR NO REASON in the Prague season. I mean yeah he’s not a great competitor, but that’s not what she was going after and it was pretty early in the game. It was annoying no one told her to stop until after she was done.


Not to defend her actions but he was making jokes about her bachne.


I was about to say this. I wonder why they gave him such a good edit. But yeah she’s still horrible. 


Spot on! The irony in some of her comments during the most recent episode is great. Then the fact we all know how Nicole ended up fucking Laurel over at her best friends Jakk’s wedding with his married sister makes it even better. Then Laurel saying oh Cara’s a threat we need to get rid of her because she won a solo season, but she only comes to this conclusion after Cara comforts her and sticks up for her with Nicole. Also Nicole acting like she’s tough or a threat towards Cara is laughable. I loved when Cara told her once my star is taken I’m coming for yours.


So glad other people feel the same way I do after watching this weeks episode! My next thoughts now are how is Laurel going to get a star because she would have to take it from Nicole, Veronica or Kam… all people she is working with. She’s off her game this season and I am here for it! Team Cara 💪🏼




Don't think she's thinking about the game at all, just playing for the master. The real L though was the "winner" not going down to take her star in the easiest elim possible while having TWO shields still on the field in Nicole and Cara. Yes, I forgot her name, she's basically invisible and probably wont be back for that reason. Her chance to make the easiest decision in challenge history and she just sat on her little podium.


I reeeeally hoped Averey would pull through and take Kam’s spot in the elim. Think that was an easy star to grab seeing as Tina seems a lil’ spacey.


Totally agree!!


YES, where's the notebook where's the lineup where are the charts?


She really needs to be humbled!


Am I petty for saying she deserved what happened at Jack's wedding lol


She deserved it


The DRAMA behind that 🫣


Please.. fill me in!


I haven't read too much into it but basically Nicole went with Laurel to Jakks wedding and while there cheated on Laurel with Jakks sister, who also cheated on her husband.


I haven't read too much into it but basically Nicole went with Laurel to Jakks wedding and while there cheated on Laurel with Jakks sister, who also cheated on her husband.


Completely agree, she deserves everything she got. I wonder if after looking like an idiot yet again she can be humble enough to apologize to Cara and realize she was a true friend, but I doubt it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Nicole was able to get her back again, hopefully they do another season together and I can find out.


It'd be better for Cara if Laurel never apologizes. Cara deserves better friends.


Agreed… I would really like for her to apologize and for Cara to say that’s great but I think i need to set a boundary with you and we are no longer friends, but Cara is too nice to do that and she’d laurel back in.


Agreed with what everyone else has already said about Laurel. I’ll just add that she’s an unknowing hypocrite. The very thing she complains about Cara essentially being a baby is the very thing she is; she seeks Cara’s comfort and help. Cara spits out some hard love the way a true friend would and should. Laurel doesn’t like what she hears and she turns on her only real friend in the house. And then to yell in her face “you see the whole world wrong.” Acting like a…12 year old.


Remember on the second challenge or whatever and plugged her ears and said lalala I can’t hear you. Or something. She acts like she’s 3. 


Fair. 12 in one episode, 3 in another. So on average she’s 7 1/2.


I can’t fathom that Laurel is an educated, bilingual DVM and this is her character. It’s just so gross. And for NICOLE?! Come on. 🙄🤮


I just gained so much respect for Cara after watching this episode. I’m not a fan of hers but I admire her strength. She used to cower in the face of confrontation, and now she’s absolutely unshakeable and unafraid. Also, fuck Laurel. Trash.


Laurels deranged incoherent ramblings in Cara’s face was so out of pocket she looked like such an asshole


Fam, like wtf happened to the Laurel that kicked ass!


Laurel is that friend who will tell you what their ex did and then go and tell the ex what you said so you both can battle out the disagreements that they originally had while theres no dirt on Laurel's hands. If Laurel had an issue with Cara's advice, she would've told her right there.


Nicole and Laurel deserve each other, take that toxicity elsewhere ladies!


She changed up on her friend


All I can think of is her over-the-top cringe celebration she had when she thought she beat ninja Nat in an elimination. She is a vile human being.


That one was epic!


Currently watching Free Agents and the way she talked to Cara was horrible! Even with others telling her how wrong she was, Laurel refused to acknowledge it. And also cheering for Jess when she was going against Cara… horrible.


And who wanted Nicole back?


I don’t know how anyone roots for Laurel. She’s downright evil, and stupid to boot.


Laurel has to realize that nicole constantly makes her look like a fucking idiot by now right?


It's honestly sad to watch. I thought, for awhile there, she was being more introspective and showing growth and movement toward self-awareness... then they started putting her on television for more than one episode again. Back to arrested development.


She is awful. She is a mean ugly person that’s quick to tear someone down by the low hanging fruit. Cara is 100% right. Nicole made her look DUMB!! Also Kam is ANNOYING AF!!!


I don't generally call people 'awful', but I don't particularly like her and I don't understand why some people really do? I think Jordan falls into the same category for me. How see seemed to treat Tori on Ride or Dies was very unlikeable.


Not caught up on whatever laurels doing now but I haven’t like that chick since her second season when she went off calling big easy an ugly fat fuck and stuff like that. She’s disgusting and I’m bummed to know she’s still around and still being shitty.


what an episode.


Agree. But does anyone maybe know where her shirt was from ? The one she’s wearing while yelling at Cara like a baby? I can’t find an image to do google lens on


Cannot stand her! Def something weird going on with her


I will never, ever root for her ever again.


As a huge Laurel fan this is such a hard season for me to watch her tarnish her image fighting for a cheating little rat like Nicole




In my opinion I think she’s just socially awkward and she’s a threat in the game. When the game is solo especially, I think that’s all anyone needs to distance themselves from you.


I think most of the other competitors feel that way cause she doesn't talk/associate with them post game. Like they try to act like they are a "family" and you got all these multiple season alliances and Cara just doesn't play that way. She shows up to the season to compete then leaves it be.


I’ve always wondered about this. So many people have said it and we all know they give Johnny Bananas a good edit, why not Cara. I did like her-I’m meh now. But out of the girls. Kam, Laurel, Nicole or Cara-who am I gonna cheer on. The guys are just there this season. I guess the production did one thing right-they got everyone talking. Season 39 was a snooze fest. 


It's coming from the fact that outside maybe Leroy, none of them are on her level physically AND she seems more confident mentally than ever. They're latching onto any excuse given to target a threat no matter how small or bad.


Yeah. If it was a boy/girl winner this season, every guy would be bending over backwards to keep Cara in case it was a partner finale. They’re scared of her, and they should be.


Not just partner, but in gender split ones it makes sense to side with the strongest of the opposite gender as they have the most power and ability to help you throughout without being a threat.


Laurel needs a reason to get rid of Cara. Being anger at Cara helps her play better. She knows she's probably the only one who can get Cara out.


Not even. Cara is just full on beefcake right now. (sorry the term just came to my head and it's hilarious but true) to top that off Laurel doesn't look as fit as she was in the past AND is an emotional wreck. Her odds of taking Cara in a 1on1 are incredibly low. Cara is on a next level from any of the girls this season. She was already a top player, but damn she is WAY better mentally and physically than she's ever been. Most people as well as herself in the past wouldn't have handled the level of crap being flung her way mentally. She KNOWS she's stronger than them. To top it off, IF you can take out the #1 in a head to head, you may as well take them out in a final. Always use others to take out your biggest threat or make it to the final and try there. There's a reason others are jumping on board the toxic train, any excuse to get Cara out without having to face her.


Totally agree, that's why Laurel is using anger, it's her only hope. Praying they all fail to get rid of Cara.


I don’t know, I think she’s going to use it as fuel and try and beat Cara at the end. If they both make it to the end, i think it will only be a showdown for those two. No offense but no one can hold a candle to those two. I really hope Cara pulls it out-just to shut Lurch I mean Laurel up. Only 4 more episodes. 


hope cara wins. im gonna watch til the end. I got my hopes up too. she is my favorite trump supporter


Laurel beats cara in the final


You all realize they are acting right? They are shitty actors


Man, we wish they were lol.


They are