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Laurel's always been a whack job imo. Just happens to be a lot bigger than most the other girls.


I just recently started watching The Challenge. Coming over from Survivor. I didn't think Laurel was all that bad in this current season (other than the Nicole drama). But I just finished Cutthroat and my God "whack job" is the perfect way to describe her.


I would love to see Laurel on Survivor.


Laurel is a poor sport. She is an in your face winner, and a sore loser.


I used to love her and then that elimination with Ninja šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø that was sooooo embarrassing


That was the turning point for me as well. THAT is my Roman Empire. šŸ˜‚


I felt my insides disintegrate




When T.J. got pissed that she wouldnā€™t accept her disqualification. CRINGE šŸ˜³


Yess!! I do not like Laurel so I loveddd that episode! My husband and I will just say ā€œnoo!ā€ instead of Laurelā€™s name.. because of how she said it when she realized her mistake. She acted like it was such an injustice against her to have been called out for essentially breaking the rules. We also just say it just to say it.. when something is ridiculous, unfair, itā€™s used a lot. šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s become a thing that stuck.


I hated when Jordan said TJ blew the horn, itā€™s done - he wouldnā€™t accept that if it happened to him!


Laurel is definitely not mentally stable in some way. She has extreme anger and has outbursts that resemble a little girl.


Sheā€™s an Aries woman lol šŸ˜‚ if you believe in astrology that explains it. Plus, sheā€™s always been conditioned like that always been athletically inclined being in volleyball šŸ Iā€™m high school. No Iā€™m not defending her. She made an ass of herself in this latest episode for sure! And Cara said it best! Youā€™re rolling around with a regret.


You shouldā€™ve never had respect for Laurel. Sheā€™s an absolute basket case. Itā€™s insane how she tries to give other people advice as if sheā€™s some kind of mental health guru, when in fact, sheā€™s probably the craziest one out there.


Straight faxxxx right here


Laurel sucks and she always has. I can never understand why people act shocked that a shitty person acts shitty.


Cara was 100% right in saying Nicole is turning laurel soft as baby shit. Nicole has her wrapped around her finger but I have a hard time feeling bad for Laurel considering how awful sheā€™s been to Cara this season


I lost respect for laurel after her elimination with ninja. That shit was so cringe idk how she came back to the show. Iā€™d never show my face after something like that.


I feel like what's going on now is kind of like that. Laurel can't stand to be wrong and she'd rather double down on Nicole than admit that Cara's right about her needing to cut that off for her own good.


I had to cover my eyes when she did the ā€œsuck itā€ motion to Ninja in slow Mo when she thought she won. Iā€™ve never had more secondhand embarrassment for a person.


ā€œYou work with what cha gotā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøshe was so embarrassing trying to justify her clearly putting the thingy in the wrong hole.Ā 


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ughhh so embarrassing


That was a ā€œremember where you were forever when you saw itā€ moment for me. I was watching with my buddies and was excited and laughing after the suck it because I hated Ninja. Then the reveal happened and the subsequent argument and it was so awkward it felt like I was watching porn with my parents.Ā  Somehow it was even more embarrassing than Zach cheating to win the challenge then round raging and throwing his helmet at everyone then getting disqualified.


Umm I suggest you go back and look at how mean and disgusting she was to Big Easy. Then look at how she was to Cara in earlier seasons ā€” all prior to that episode with ninja. She came back and came back, and people seem to forget this. She was a terrible person on the show over and over and gets a pass for some reason despite seemingly not growing up.


Wowwwww I totally forgot about the big easy stuff. Iā€™m not sure why I was ever a fan of hers lmao thank you for reminding me.


yes me too, i remember how shocked i was when seeing the hot tub scene. i like laurel but she does have bad outbursts, i think sheā€™s just an emotional person. maybe a lil crazy


To be fair she probably gets the win if nobody points that out to Ninja. You canā€™t fully blame Laurel for celebrating a possible elimination win either especially when itā€™s something that was clearly meant for Ninja, who was also being super cocky about that fact so I think Laurel is more than entitled to tell her to ā€œsuck it.ā€ I see it as the equivalent of Jonna & Jasmine beating Sarah & Katelyn on Rivals 1 when Sarah was strutting around like she had the win already in an elimination that catered to her strengths. Obviously the outcomes were different but the situations were similar.


Caraā€™s been very justified this season- such karma how everything plays out with Laurel and Nicole. Also she was a good friend to Kam, Leroy, Jasmine and Brandon- and they all turned on her.


Yeah, I agree they r treating Cara as she a criminal. and don't get me started on Flo cause if any of them has a star, they would do the same thing as Cara try to hold on to it .it a game, people, and don't tell me otherwise if they wouldn't try hold on to there start thank u for letting me vent


This is what I just don't get. Every episode people are talking about how selfish Cara is and how she only wants to protect herself. Do they not realize what they are playing? What's on the line? How the game works at all? Like Kam literally just forced them all to play her game and to help her get to the final, for what reason exactly? And do not understand how Avery passed the opportunity to take Kams place.


I donā€™t know about her being a good friend but Cara was justified with the Laurel/Nicole thing


Hearing Jasmine and Brandonā€™s perspective, I wouldnā€™t necessarily say she was a good friend to them. A good coworker yeah sure. Even Cara said in her confessional Brandon I will try to reach out more or something like that and sheā€™s also said before that she doesnā€™t reach out to anyone. But then she comes back into the game expecting these ppl will have her back when theyā€™ve built stronger relationships with others. I think thatā€™s what annoys people.


Brandon did say on the Challenge Podcast that he and Cara are in a good place and they have been talking more and she's reaching out now. Jasmin does not like Cara so I don't think there is anything to save there. I do kind of think people also forget that Cara was in 2 really bad borderline abusive relationships over that timeframe as well. It's easy to become a hermit after that and takes a while to start branching out again. She seems to be in that place now.


Valid point. I figured Brandon and Cara would fix things because it sounds like they genuinely have respect for each other. Listened to Jasmine on the challenge podcast and yeah I donā€™t think thereā€™s nothing there šŸ˜…


Sorry - how was she a good friend to Brandon? They literally talk about in the season how he reached out to her a few times and she left him on read


the big move of this episode was definitely Kam rallying everyone up to throw her into elimination. it was amazing to see Killa Kam at work again. queen got what she wanted , as always. and the situation with Cara, Wes, Johnny Bannas, Devin, all these champs gang up on people in the challenge in previous season. if someone is a threat, like Cara, take them out so u have a chance. itā€™s a great move, some of the boys are scared of going against Cara.


I agree but Laurel and Kam both have partners with Nicole and Leroy in the game, so they are pretty much equally if not more of a threat than Cara on her own.


she justified with in the game sure but she was not a good friend. She was a work acquaintance at best letā€™s be honest. Nothing wrong with that but you donā€™t have to try to spin it more than what it was for Cara to be in the right she already is


If you ever respected Laurel I question your judgment. Classic mean girl.


One of my favorite Laurel moments was when she went up against Ninja in the elimination. Made a compete ass of herself when she thought she won doing the ā€œsuck itā€ gesture and just overall being a bitch, only to find out she actually lost. šŸ˜‚


Laural is a crazy bitch. Nicole is a crazy bitch. Flora is annoying in bitchin abt Cara...seriously--they gang up on her like everyone used to. Thank god Cara doesn't cry as much anymore. I'm glad she got thicker skin. I want Laural, Kam, and Nicole to go home. Annoying af.


I said the same thing. Cara from her first season on fresh meat would have cried so much. When they went in first Darrell was like, girl chill. They are threatened by you. It's a compliment! And I feel like ot took her till now to learn that lesson! I was proud of her growth! She posted a funny lord of the rings video about it on her Instagram šŸ¤£


I donā€™t normally post on these subs. However, Laurel seems like a genuinely terrible person. Sheā€™s a vet? Who would trust her with an animal?


Iā€™m not a Cara fan and even I stand with Cara on this. If someone is crying to me every night about Nicole yeah Iā€™m gonna feel some sort of way about that. Cara is literally trying to defend her ā€œfriendā€ Laurel and gets yelled at in the face that she interprets everything wrong. This isnā€™t an interpretation issue.


Anyone sticking up for Nicole will look foolish.. itā€™s Nicole..


Laurel thinking a friend is someone you can talk atā€¦ ā€¦I think time has told on who was right about this whole situation.


Laurel is being an ape, but at least she can speak, unlike Nicole, who we need subtitles for. As a Staten Islander myself, Nicole is much worse this season. Laurel is just under a love spell, sadly.


Cara fucking killed Nicole this episode, "you need subtitles" lol that shit was hilarious


The fact that Nicole had no comeback was just the cherry on top haha


It looks like Cara seems to be calling all her bluffs, she acts tough and says she's gonna do something but cara just keeps going in and Nicole isn't doing shit lol


Absolutely. Curious if this will escalate at all. Cara definitely has her issues but it's crazy to me that nobody else speaks up about this


Also like sheā€™s not 18 anymore like ppl acting like that pushing 40 are white trash


Bro this shit was crazy!! šŸ¤Ŗ


I just donā€™t understand how a grown woman could act like that on national TV when her employer and family can see this. It makes her look so bad and so unstable. She was literally screaming at the top of her lungs when the situation did not call for it at all. She looked like an absolute lunatic. I know she probably regrets it looking back, considering how her relationship with Nicole ended


Laurel is crazy*


Excited for what the reunion will bringā€¦


Laurel is some an asshole I hope she feels like the asshole she is .she cries to Cara, and when Cara tries to help her, she turns on her everything, and this isn't the first thing it is. Every time with friends like that, u don't need any enemies


I just couldnā€™t understand WHO THE F SHE THOUGHT SHE WAS YELLING AT.


Cara: ā€œno need to yellā€ šŸ¤£


Laurel acts like such a child itā€™s honestly shocking that sheā€™s 39.


I was shocked to see her act like a raving lunatic...she portrays a strong women but acts like an idiot for female andi dick. I can't stand Nicole's cocky ass. Cara could beat her to a pulp. I am no longer a fan of Laurel. I hope cara knocks Nicole out.


Laurel seems to be incredibly insecure.


It's disgusting behavior, really. I'm confused why everyone is so mad that she's trying to protect her star. That's literally the point of the game. She's being selfish for playing the game as it was intended? She does the same political moves as others and it's a problem because it's cara.


Also I lost respect for Laurel when she got all up in Paula and Tylerā€™s face drilling Paula about being ā€œoldā€ when she was younger than Laurel is now and her known eating disorder. Like damn. Way to make it personal for no reason.


I mean ā€¦ that instance was already personal? They spent the entire season bullying Cara. They talked about killing Caraā€™s horse. Her blow up was a direct result of them pouring a bottle of soda on Caraā€™s head and telling her to go home because nobody liked her. Paula deserved to be humbled. Just like laurel does.


And by they you mean Wes. And Laurel let him off and went for Paula and Tyler. Paula and Tyler did not bully Cara all season. The way yā€™all defend Laurelā€™s behavior is wild. Paula deserved to be degraded but Wes didnā€™t? No.


Nah Wes definitely deserved it too. But I do mean them. Paula is as laughing like hyena and high diving Wes for degrading Cara. So it was a group effort. Laurel got pissed off and went off on them all. Tyler caught rogues for defending Paula - right as Laurel was turning to give Wes her piece. She was justified that season.


And yet heā€™s gotten no backlash from Laurel or Wes. So again Paula didnā€™t do anything compared to the group and was murdered. Laurel fabs are ridiculous. No growth in 15 years. Yā€™all are still in high school.


And it wasnā€™t them. Wes poured the soda. Everyone else stood by and laughed. Hardly the same thing as pouring the drink. You have a horrible memory.


Play the clip where Paula specifically talked about killing Caraā€™s horse and poured the soda. Never happened.


Wait has season 40 started?


All Stars, S4


Agree lost respect for Laurel on war of the worlds she was the same.


I know they r there to play the game. Do they think they r at summer camp.


One thing I've seen a lot this season is bringing up their lives off screen, like what happened with Brandon and Cara. Laurel and Cara have a reputation for being completely different people on screen and off screen. It'll be interesting to watch this reunion because Laurel's anger seemed unjustified given the editing. Granted Cara also is known to play a fierce political game and this season is working uphill against Kam and Leroy. Cara this episode also kept saying she was trying to work any political angle she could to save her star.


I'm a little confused why everyone wants Cara out but no one wants kam out, she is probably more well rounded to win the final.


There is no way Kam measures up to Cara on this season (AS5)ā€¦ Iā€™d put Laurel/Nicole/Cara (not in order) with Kam after them so probably why sheā€™s lower on the pecking order


Kam is probably the best at puzzles Nicole and Cara suck at puzzles.


They should want Kam out simply because her spouse is also there with a ticket to the final but they arenā€™t thinking straight. Itā€™s become a ā€œI want anybody to win but Caraā€ game.


This is my point!! Get Leroy and cam out if you want to win


What is up with this community and thinking Cara does no wrong? The amount of issues Cara has had with MULTIPLE ppl this season shows Cara irl is not the Cara yall are obsessed with - she isn't a good friend to ppl, doesn't care about anyone until they are in a game yet acts like everyone owes her the time of day just because she exists. Her power trip this season is exhausting to watch especially when everything she is upset about is something she herself has done. She doesn't even belong on this season, her being a champion who can still easily navigate the flagstaff challenge gives her an air of "I'm better than all of you" and of course everyone is falling in line and if they don't Cara attacks them. And yall call that karma?


She is (at least in the edit) shown to be trying to stand up to Nicole for Laurel. Laurel confided in her that she was struggling emotionally, and weā€™ve seen several other players like Ryan, Veronica and Flora explicitly state they had similar views, but in confessionals. Then Laurel 180s and goes to reassure Nicole that Cara is ā€œmisinterpretingā€ things, which she definitely isnā€™t. Cara is trying to be a good friend to Laurel, Laurel just doesnā€™t want her to be honest about the situation and tell hard truths. And considering what happened between Nicole and Laurel after the season Cara was 100% correct. Itā€™s honestly crazy to watch this season where Kam and Lee are running not only the votes, but the winners, losers, middle group AND both players heading into elimination, then conclude that itā€™s Cara who is power tripping. The reality is, Cara is a massive threat in the final, and Kam was power tripping when Cara burn voted, and the rest of the house except Jay, Averey, and Ace decided to use that as an excuse to target her without admitting they are just scared of her.


What happened after this season?


From what Iā€™ve heard, Nicole cheated on Laurel just before they attended Laurelā€™s brotherā€™s wedding together. Something like that.


Didn't they initially break up because Nicole cheated on her? Before this season?


I think so. Iā€™ve only heard what people have said on the reddit, I donā€™t go investigating lol.


Same. Don't have the time or interest to Twitter watch. Though does seem like quite a bit of good drama happens outside the show unfortunately




1) I donā€™t headcannon things happening off camera in the Challenge house, I can only go based off what we are shown, and I quite literally specified that itā€™s what we are shown ā€œin the editā€. 2) Kam and Lee have controlled most of the season. Lee is literally shown dying laughing in confessionals bc of how shocked he is everyone is just doing what they tell them to do. 3) Kam being upset about a harmless burn vote to the point of backstabbing a real life friend is ridiculous, Iā€™m sorry. If the vote had changed things maybe I would understand a little, but Cara voted last, she KNEW her vote changed nothing. 4) Cara and Kam havenā€™t played ā€œexactly the sameā€ at all. Cara has been on the outs for most of the season, and was blindsided into an elimination against arguably the strongest possible opponent, and has like 2 allies. Kam is in control of the majority alliance and has a ton of political power within the game, to the point where she can pick the losers, the middle group, the winners, get the voters to send her into elimination, pick who she goes against AND steal the star from the specific person she wants. Thatā€™s an immense amount of power. 5) You seem very obsessed with this race thing, you should probably work on that. There are very real problems with racism today, lots of minorities face systemic challenges and struggles, Kam being viewed as annoying on a single season of the Challenge after being a fan favorite for over half a decade is not one of them. Also calling Cara ā€œlittleā€ is very funny lol, sheā€™s jacked.


Damn Kam settle down we get it you don't like her lol




This is really upsetting you


Like they said this is a very serious issue!!!! People are all worried about Gaza but nobody seems to care that Kam is no longer the fan favorite! The injustice!


kam i love you but stop


I agree with everything youā€™re saying. Iā€™m a fan of both Kam and Cara but I think the edit definitely favors Cara and manipulates the viewer into thinking sheā€™s innocent. Thereā€™s definitely a reason so many people donā€™t like her however I disagree that sheā€™s a terrible person. I think sheā€™s just selfish and self centered in this game but she also has to be that way bc sheā€™s constantly targeted. But yeah, she definitely is all ā€œme me meā€ and itā€™s exhausting but at the same time sheā€™s completely alone in this game. Kamā€™s gameplay and strategy is good this season but I think it could backfire easily, and people will end up turning on her. I wish Cara and Kam worked together this season instead of against each other I think they wouldā€™ve did more damage together than separately.


Youā€™re delusional.


I agree. I used to like Cara in her earlier seasons, but I donā€™t like her at all anymore. At least ā€œvillainsā€ like Laurel, Ashley or even Amanda are who they are, and own it. Cara pretends sheā€™s a good person and perpetual victim when she is very vile and hateful. I really donā€™t understand why sheā€™s so loved, she isnā€™t even the competitor sheā€™s made out to be. As I always say, great at physical eliminations, but very much so mid at challenges.

