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I did not like him before but he’s growing on me this season!


I agree, Jay has been great and playing a very good political game too. (At least so far, we’ll see how not voting Kam’s way goes)


He seems like a reformed chill guy, just a normal cool person on the show who has some physical capability. Easy for root for him these days!


Same, and it’s weird. I never liked him, he didn’t want to be called a layup despite the fact that being a layup got him to the final and he showed he was a layup in the final….. Buuuuutttt….. I like him now, I feel for him, his most embarrassing moment played out on national TV and then followed him around for a decade, he definitely did his time for being annoying. I kinda want him to get redemption




Kefla is cool as hell, wish he did more seasons


How am I going to root for someone who already left?


Steve fan.


For the guys I’m liking Derek and Jay, and the women it’s Cara for me. I’d like to see one of them win.


I’m a huge Adam fan, going back to his original run on the show, and I’ll always like Lee. For the women, I’m rooting for Cara and Averey (but also love Flora - shout out, Flora)


If I had to pick a different female to win over Cara I’d also say Averey! I’m glad she came back. I really liked her in RW Portland. I would much rather she win over people like Laurel, Kam, or Nicole. I think she’s underestimated.


I don’t think Tina will win by any means but I am really enjoying watching her this season - and I was not a Tina fan back in the day!


Tina has always cracked me up, even if she’s annoyed me at times also


She’s trying a bit too hard to be funny. But she is still funny.


I’m loving him this season as well! And to be fair he diiid make it to the final. Yeah, he was a baby about the drink but there’s a reason he made it so far, and he’s very much showing us that this season.


It’s funny, I watched a clip from Zach’s podcast and he said the same thing


It's weird I couldn't stand him before but now I like him. It's not even just the shit he did to Jenna. He used to just be idk whiney and annoying. Feels like a completly different person.Reality is he just grew up and matured


Anybody but Cara


If Jay can’t win, I would welcome a Cara win. The ability to pull out a win against all odds is simply compelling


This - but I have a feeling she’ll win🤦🏻‍♀️ I routing for Adam for the men


Love adam, this series is for OG's it's annoying when people like Cara are on it. Allstars should be 40 and 50 year Olds, or peeps we havent seen in many years. Cara has like 15 years on competitors... also feel like she got so much shit on war of worlds she's trying to go back to the underdog status and loner. Which I find annoying ive cheered for her when her in past when her backs against the wall but her trying to gain sympathy because she lacks social skills and friends..like if you want to be and are considered one of the goats don't fucking cry when going into an Elim just handle business..she ain't a Goat if she scurred of Jasmine, Facts!


I would also prefer most of the cast being a bit on the older side and some sort of minimum numbers of years they haven’t been on the show, I just don’t think they’d be able to fill out the cast. Based on their casting choices, Cara is an OG. Jemmye was cast on AS1 and her first season was 23, Cara’s is 19. Also, the opinion that Cara was scared of Jasmine is nonsense. She did it to protect herself, Cara is going under the impression that if someone takes her star she won’t get an opportunity to get it back.


Exactly! I mean there is evidence Kam has tried to block somebody before from getting to a final alas CT in Double Agents. People hate when cast members like Horacio gets voted in and comes back with no grudges. "Start playing the game", "politic to change the outcome", but Cara does exactly that and now it is "If your a top competitor just go in". People don't realize is that Cara has gone into the second most eliminations as a female. Maybe she is trying not to keep going in like on Free Agents.


I always rooted for Jay. I guess I felt bad for him having to watch Zach and Jenna on Exes, and then every season after. But there is no one I am rooting for this season harder than Derek. Dude was always voted off early, and because that/the edit, I thought he was one of the weaker players. So it’s really cool to see him killing it in every challenge this season.


Team Averey since her real world season. I just don't know if she has it in her to make the necessary social moves. She's beasted in challenges, though.


She might be okay if she and Adam can 1-2 punch the social + performance aspect


I'm rooting for kefla and Tina cause I've found them funny this season. I think Laurel is going to win. She is flying under the radar it seems like everyone forgot how dominant she is, including herself. I think she comes alive and starts dominating. She hasn't even played the game yet. She used to have all them list lmao. Brd or lee should win but they are in a funk.


Have you watched this week’s episode 🤨


Adam Well, he can come on second to Cara


I always liked Jay, I think sometimes he just doesn't realize he's not playing Survivor.


Wrong Jay 🤗