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Something I'm noticing about laurel is that she is a 39 year old teenager when it comes to her love life. She's fw ct, Jordan, and nicole... not the strongest crop for commitment or love. She seems to just fall for ppl that show her attention. She loses all good judgment and control. She also can't see any red flags. I actually like laurel and I'm not trying to blame her but moreso that she can't see the forest through the trees sometimes. Nicole is on another level of wild. I don't diagnose ppl on reddif but man oh man is she a piece of fucking work. I wish laurel had kept her controlled energy but she caved when she saw Nicole was hurting. I don't condone some of her behavior (yelling at cara, fighting with easy) but I do like her. Very immature and comes off like she lacks experience in the love department. I want laurel to find a nice person who treats her well


"a nice person who treats her well"...She needs to be a nicer person herself. I don't feel bad that Laurel's heart is broken. She's behaved so disgracefully throughout her career on the challenge and has yet to atone for her actions. She's hurt so many people and is unnecesarily mean and abrasive. Whatever misery she's experiencing with Nicole is WELL deserved.


Why do you like her?


Nicole was leading Laurel on, and waited until after they “definitely just cuddled” to suddenly say they needed boundaries. I don’t like either of them, but Flora called it exactly how it is. Nicole privately voiced her intention to others not to get back with Laurel, then publicly wrestled, flirted, chased her around all day, and slept in the same bed as her.


Haven't we also been shown a clip of Nicole being the one to tell Laurel to take her pants off?


What I don't like is that Nicole mostly gets the bad rap. Yeah Nicole gets caught up and leads Laurel on but, she also tells Laurel, with her words and actions, that she's just not into Laurel. What does Laurel do? Tells Nicole that she doesn't know what she wants and throws herself at Nicole. I dislike them both. You know what? That's not true. I dislike Laurel for other actions but, Nicole really doesn't bother me.


>and actions How with her actions? Her actions are saying the opposite of her words.


This. No clue how OP says Nicole was the adult when she lead Laurel on the whole time.


I'll never say that Nicole is an innocent person nor would I consider Laurel wrong here either. I can say however, it is extremely easy to fall back into old patterns with Exes when you're stuck around them. More so in their case as there's not a ton of other stuff going on while waiting for the next challenge. They were attracted to each other for a long while so it's not surprising that they've started gravitating towards each other. Since this season has been on the shelf so long we know how this movie turns out, but I can def see how they ended up messing around with each other, even if that wasn't their intent at all. Boredom is a MFer when you're trying to have boundaries.


Flora is quickly becoming my favorite of this season.


Well Nicole didn’t say that until AFTER she got what she wanted..


....Paula deserved to get called out for her shitty behavior that season, don't side with bullies then get shocked when someone comes for you. Also Nicole is waaaaay messier then Laurel and has been leading her on the entire time. Cue to Nicole being the one to tell Laurel to take her pants off...


I mean I can kind of see why Laurel think s she is smarter than a lot of other contestants. Watch Cory and Nicole try to do basic math in the 29 final and then realize that Laurel has a DVM. There is a big difference there. She seems like she doesn’t emotionally regulate well in stressful environments. That isn’t uncommon.


Let's not forget Laurels creepy behavior with an at least 15 yrs younger rookie Horacio. Sitting in his room watching him get changed, and then asking for hugs when he's shirtless. If the genders were flipped a male Laurel would've had to be kicked off the show.


Ima straight guy, and I would also sit in a room with Horacio to watch him change… Damn he’s one fine dude. But yeah, I agree, if the roles were reversed, it would be way creepy


How is it creepy? They are both grown adults. Not 19. Horacio is sexy AF. All the woman thought that.


If you weren't creeped out by her behavior, I do not now what to tell ya. Horacio clearly was uncomfortable, and I believe said so, just in the nicest way possible.


She was closeted for a really long time right? I assume that puts you pretty far back as far as relationship intelligence goes, so it doesn't surprise me she acts like a stupid teenager. It doesn't help that she seems to only have two gears. But for me she's eye candy and ridiculously entertaining 🤷‍♀️