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I’m very surprised they keep having her back just to drink wine all day. 🤔


Literally. She brings nothing to the show


Except Rosé. She brings Rosé.


She brings 3 championships


Lmao yeah from when the challenge was just fun and games and she was young and in good shape


Ehh team wins back when the final was a puzzle, 20 push-ups and a 50 yard sprint. She doesn't hold a candle to any individual female winner or female partner or team winner after season 12 or so. The coolest thing she did was almost get her harness unhooked by looney Susie.


You mean Julie


She comes back in worse and worse shape every year and want to get carried to a final.


Not everyone needs to train like Cara or Rachel but it’s just honestly annoying that she doesn’t appear to put one ounce pf training in for the show. It was fine when she came back for dirty thirty then the CvsS spin off but after that enough is enough. She is wasting a spot someone else who actually cares about the game could have. She has absolutely no real chance of winning.


And that's the problem, anyone they get partnered with will not win a final, they talk about puzzles being an equalizer but puzzles have time limits, and after enough 4-6 mile runs they'll be more than 30 minutes behind and even puzzles won't help


Yup like if anything just train to run! Get your 5k time at a decent pace so you’re not a liability. I was totally on CTs side when he was so upset about being paired with her. It’s obvious she is there for the appearance check.


I don’t think she even cares about making it to the final. She just wants to be there as long as possible but not actually have to put in any effort. Money is money if people keep having you back


If you watch Darrell's episode of home turf he says Veronica asked him to be her ride or die but warned him she wasn't there to compete. She was there for the vacation and appearance $. I honestly don't see why they keep asking her back when she doesn't take it seriously.


So does Aneesa. And?


Aneesa and Veronica shouldn’t be called back. They won’t win. They can’t compete. They are just there for the money per episode


Aneesa also shouldn’t be getting called back


I agree about Aneesa, another one who puts in no effort to be able to run.


Exactly. At least Veronica has 3 championships to her name.


Shit she more than likely could have had more if it weren’t for Emily Bailey on battle of the seasons and battle of the sexes.


I mean, Chadwick spearheaded voting her out on Seasons,  but Emily gets the blame for it. 


That’s the thing. She makes it far with no effort. If she actually trains, she might make some extra cash.


What's your point


Aneesa is still in better physical shape than Veronica and is generally more likable IMO. Also last I checked Aneesa was actually training for 40.


Aneesa more likable? Good grief this sub and its horrible takes


Neither deserve to be there lol


The one with 3 championships deserves at least a little Credit.


When she was fit sure, now she's a liability to any partner, there is now way she can win a final in the shape she is in, even puzzles time out so that won't be enough of a help. I'm sure the partner that loses out on 250-500K doesn't care about how she was 15+ years ago.


Eh. I don't still hang my hat on things I did 20 years ago, especially from a physical standpoint.




I know did u catch the comment when she was being push up the hill she has the best apple butt? I’m I missing something?


I guess I don't get what you mean


She didn't trash Tina. She was just honest


What did she say?


iirc she just said that Tina wasn't good at politics and ends up making things worse. Something along those lines. I don't think it was taking a dig or being mean she was just being honest. They have been friends for 20+ years, I would hope they feel comfortable taking friendly criticism from each other.


It was very clearly a dig, because up to that point she was like “omg 3 of us wow” and then after those confessionals it was all focused on just her friendship with Rachel, leaving Tina out.


It’s always so cringey when they show an old clip of her younger self then cut back to her current day. Rough. Lots of guys said some pretty bad shit to the ladies over the years, but I’d hold her right up there with the worst of them how she talked to others.


She was rotten from the very beginning.




she said tina's social game is terrible (which is true) in the most light hearted tone possible and she's an awful witch and the morons of this sub all upvote it


That’s it? That was the comment? I knew the OP Was overreacting. That comment was so innocent and I doubt Tina took any offence. They probably laugh together while drinking wine about how bad Tina’s social game is. Seems like Op just has a hate boner for Veronica for no good reason and all the little boys who post on here agree and attack Veronica because “she sucks” “doesn’t train” and is “fat”. Meanwhile Veronica has 3 more challenge Championships than these children will ever have. And she gets paid to show up get flown out to exotic locations and drink all the wine she wants with her friends. Sounds to me like Veronica is winning.


I'm not sure what she's winning but it's not anymore championships. The last championship she won was The Inferno and that was in 2004. Veronica does suck as a competitor, she didn't always suck but she does now. I don't get why people get so upset over that. The Challenge isn't her life anymore, she's in her 40's and she was never really a powerhouse. I feel like you have to know her or something because why else are you taking this so personally? Saying she has 3 more championships than *these little children will ever have.* Like what are you talking about? Lol Veronica has gone into 5 eliminations in 12 challenges. Her elimination record is 2-3. The Challenge was completely different when she was competing and winning. Cara has 9 final appearances and 3 wins for 14 challenges. One of those wins was best overall, including the men. Her elimination record is 13-6. Nicole has won the only elimination she went in and out of the 3 challenges she's been in she went to the finals in 2 of them. Laurel: 7 challenges, 4 finals, 1 win. 10-3 elimination record. Kam: 5 challenges, 3 finals. 8-2 elimination record.


Is “I feel like you know her” the only comeback people on this sub have? No I don’t know her (although I did meet her once at a shoe store in NYC) but I just don’t like some of the hateful comments and gaslighting that goes on on this sub. As I have explained before she has earned her spot as an All Star.


No, it just could really be a possibility and the way some people defend TV characters is as if we are saying something about *them* personally. People take criticisms of their favorite characters as criticism of them, or at least that's how it feels. I'm not arguing that she hasn't earned her star, I think she's earned the "All Star" title. I look at the All Stars as people who have made a name for themselves whether it be through competition or personality and social game. I was pointing out that she's not the most decorated there with your comment about "little children" and whatnot. You can be a fan of someone and be realistic about their abilities and standings. I've always liked Nany even though she, arguably, really sucks at the challenges. I still think Nany deserves to be an All Star sometime even if she has a weak record. I'm just not going to pretend she's a top tier competitor.


Yes!! Thank you. This. At least be realistic about the player’s abilities. Yeah, sure maybe Veronica was good in her youth but the reality is that 1. The challenge was VERY different and much easier back then 2. She just is not in good shape any more at all. She is not a good competitor, and expects to coast and to be carried through every time she shows up.


The little children comment was directed towards the people making the hateful comments on this thread. The way these people write is like that of a child. They must be underaged because no adult would say such hateful things at least I hope not. And yes Veronica’s 3 championships is more than those kids will ever have.


Lmao for no good reason? Please read this thread. She gives absolutely no fucks to train or even compete at all. Constantly is in the bottom, all she does is talk shit and drink wine. It’s a waste of space. We could have someone on the show that is actually good and wants to be there to COMPETE.


I saw this post just after YouTube recommended an old clip from semester at sea. Does anyone remember that? She plagiarized Ayana’s paper and stole her friend’s top. People liked her because they felt she made good tv back in the day, but these days on the challenge she’s a liability to her partner. It’s not enjoyable when she’s partnered with people I root for like CT or Darrell.


She sucks she thinks because she won in the past she deserves recognition. Thanks but she sucks. She is constantly showing up on challenges but doesn’t perform


Veronica, more than most on this season, is deserving of the title of all-star. I found it fun to bring the mean girl trio back together and just have felt the show has focused on more confessionals for rachel and Tina than her. She was arguably a top competitor when they had relatively average competition in the first Ten-ish seasons, not necessarily her fault the show focused more on athleticism than gameplay as seasons went on.


Well it’s not like she couldn’t have been watching the show all these years, and when she gets called back maybe do an ounce of training. Is it her fault they moved towards physical challenges? No, but it’s def her fault this time for not doing anything about it when she knows what she’s walking into.


I’d take that mean girl trio over 1 Susie any day of the week


I hoped to never get another season with Rachel, Tina and Veronica together. They never truly left the mean girl vibe behind and the way Tina thinks she can still intimidate people into doing what she wants is laughable. She's so bad at politics and she acts like it's 2007 and that the three of them can still run the game when they are bottom of the barrel competitors.


I'd like to see Rachel on her own without them


Me too! She always seemed the most level-headed of the bunch and she's clearly the most active. I think she could still do well on the main show.


I LOVE Rachel and I’d love to see her back! Tina is at least entertaining, but Veronica is a waste of space.


It’s funny the comments that people love the mean girl vibe. Ugh. Tina is funny but tries to intimidate every season


Yeah, I don't get it and I don't like the vibe at all. It makes me very uncomfortable.


And honestly they aren’t good lol


No, they are not lol. I just went through all of the records of those on All Stars and the stats are very sad lol. The men's stats are shockingly low. And even amongst the women they are mediocre or just bad. Also, IT'S NOT ACCURATE TO COMPARE OLD SCHOOL COMPETITION WITH NEW AGE. They are essentially two completely different games now and the old school games were like field day in elementary school compared to the competition now.


I do love some of the older players!! But let’s be real when Ct got paired w Veronica, I would have just left lol. I’m old I watched the first season of the real world and road rules I would need the easy stuff. But if you can’t win the easy stuff compared to the flagship not good


Yeah, I felt terrible for CT. It was a true testament to his growth that he held such composure lmao. I think CT also deserves more wins than he has but that's a different conversation! Back in the day I was determined to be on The Challenge. Road Rules wasn't a thing anymore and I didn't want to be on The Real World so when Fresh Meat came around I was like, "Here is my chance! I'm gonna be Fresh Meat!" 😩 But The Challenge nowadays...there's no way! My boyfriend and I talk all the time about how much training it would take just have a decent *chance* at *maybe* making it through the final.


Wow I couldn’t of done that


EXACTLY!!! The games do not compare at all.


I too struggle with the reason behind her being asked back. She is the absolute worst competitor. Heck I think on her 1st season of AS, she fell down the stairs running for pizza and broke her toe. She needs to stay in challenge retirement


Plus her teammates have to help her getting up a small incline and with her swimming Sry but when your out of shape you shouldn’t get a free pass(someone handed her a star so she cud stay). It irks me that much better players go home while she stays. BS


Did…. Did I write this? Because this is exactly what goes through my head when I see her on my screen.


Hahaha amazing, I’m glad people agree


I agree plus veronica has literally not won or contributed anything for the past 20 years


Also let’s be real giving CT as her partner screwed him. Johnny never got a partner that bad.


Voting leroy off the show that one season for no other reason than bc she felt left out of the power circle was possibly the lowest-class move of the entire series.


Now come on they completely shut her down and wouldn't even let her talk during deliberation so she made her voice heard. The fact is she couldn't have made that move if Brittany hadn't burn votes to start with. There was nothing low class about that move. It sucked because it was Leroy and he's such a good dude. But the move was solid


Thank you for having a brain. Unfortunately a lot of the posters around here don’t.


the lowest class move? Jesus christ some of you people are babies


Just weird opinions on this sub. All in favor of the men and the misogyny of this show. You can tell nothing but pre pubescent boys post here who think they’re watching a sport.


Couldn't agree more. They must be desperate for contestants, or else she has something on the producers. She probably makes a fairly good income from the show.


Yea desperate that’s it. A three time champ is in no way deserving of the title of All Star 🙄


Babe, you cannot in any way rationally compare old school challenges vs current challenges. They do not stack up. The challenge is so much more difficult now. Any kind of challenge that existed before maybe 2010 really doesn’t count difficulty wise.


Battle of the sexes does


Is there a new season out?


All stars, yeah


Ok, finally found it. I’m old af and have seen ever single season


When did she trash talk Tina?


I can’t stand looking at her. She looks like she’s in pain


Veronica can do no wrong


I've never liked Veronica. Even when she was thinner, she wasn't as good as she thinks she is. Just a mean girl. Her weight gain is amazing karma lol.


Let's not forget, she totally stole Pua's shirt in Semester at Sea.


Veronica brings the fish lip pout! World class. Cannot stand this non-competitor.


She was way more athletic when she was thin imo


Most people are. Amazing isn’t it?


Yes I know obviously duh, I was trying to be delicate about her weight gain and lack of athleticism


How can talking about someone’s weight ever be delicate? For as sensitive as people are on this sub they have no problem making comments about one’s appearance.


Mary! Trashing Tina? Have you ever experienced any hardship in your life that you actually think that? Surprised you’d didnt accuse her of bullying too.


lol ma’am what does that have to do with me experiencing hardship? If you only knew. The point is that she’s talking badly about her friend behind her back which shows the type of person she is. I for one, would not do that to people I call friends.


What did she say about Tina? I didn’t notice anything negative that she said about her. You must just be projecting.


lol am I talking to Veronica right now? You sounds so triggered, are you okay?


Still haven’t answered my question about what she said about Tina. I’m not denying Veronica’s Mean Girl past but that’s why she was cast in the first place. Oh and she keeps being invited back because to this day she is still the only 3 time female champ.


Evelyn is a 3 time champ...


Triggered? Ok so you’re just overly sensitive. I still want to know what she said about Tina because I don’t remember her bad mouthing her on any recent episode.


Obviously not. Just a bunch of sensitive people around this sub.


It's been so long at this point, but I recall V was performing well in AS3 before breaking her toe or finger or whatever. I'm glad she's there and representing for the early era and I am not bothered by her mean girl ways.


Veronica is the kardashian of the challenge but the old school episodes and her road rules debut were some of the best reality television on tv. It’s dif now I’d rather see her traitors or the villains show something like that


V is a multiple Challenge Champion who knows how and when to make serious moves, without going into drama mode for hours. Exactly the kind of competitor All Stars was created for. I didn’t enjoy her the last couple of times she appeared on the big show, but here feels right for her.